Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sunday Surgery: Bang a Gong

 WAIT... are those supposed to be BANGS ??? 

Well, Friday's show was MY kinda soap!! I loved it. Loved Britt being back and the hospital in total shock!! It was just glorious. Believable in real life? Hell no...but fun for a soap? Damn straight! 

I'm so happy I'm going to eat cake!! 


Dad... I got us a cut out for the Yankees game! Just you and me sitting in the stands. 

MORE GOODBYES OF THE WEEK:  Yes, this 'goodbye' is taking a long time. In a way I'm glad because that's how it is in real life. I'm not sure a soap has shown the real lingering death of someone. Not an older person that is trapped in their own mind? 


"WHAT IF" OF THE WEEK:  Loved it. It was a bit awkward but I liked seeing Max Gail act like a grandpa again and for Josslyn to say he's been her Papa all these years. Yes, it could have been Kristina but I don't know what or where Lexi is right now. I liked seeing Eden in this part. Sue me.  Fun Fact (Eden posted this)-- the wedding dress she wore was the dress Laura Wright wore on Eden's first day on the set!! How cute is that!? 


COMFORT OF THE WEEK: I love Stella. That is all. 


IT MIGHT BE INTERESTING OF THE WEEK:  So, DEV is back. :eyeroll: I was hoping he'd left but no, there he is. Cameron did say something intriguing tho: "You're asexual"!  This could be a good story line as asexuality IS a thing. It might give Dev something interesting to play out. I said MAYBE. He could also be secretly in love with Cam.


THE GOOD AND BAD OF THE WEEK: Cyrus is just... puzzling to me. One minute I'm bored by him, the next I'm thinking it's what GH needs for a little chaos. I mean, he did fire Bobbie and Monica which is going to lead to delightful things at the hospital. He's also making Jordan do all sorts of dumb stuff so I'm hopeful she'll be killed off soon (yes, I said it). Jury is still out on him. 


I'M CONFUSED AS HELL OF THE WEEK:  Was someone taking photos of both Franco and Ava and Nik and Liz? Looked that way, but who was IN the Gallery?? Weird. And this whole thing is weird. It's probably a set up between Liz and Franco but it's just playing out so clunky. I was baffled in most places. Do they want Ava to fall for Nikolas? Do they want Ava to lose the money? Was Liz feeling something for Nik? Is Nik in lust with Liz or...?? Ugh Too much to figure out for so little payoff. 


VOICE OF THE WEEK: HOLLY! Yeah!! It should lead Robert on a good adventure!! We know Ethan will be back too. I think Olivia will be with him as well. Could be fun. 


CHARACTER I WANT GONE OF THE WEEK: I'm just done with you, Sam. Your whispery, sad-sac approach to life. BYE. Plus if you die a nasty death then that gives Jason a story and maybe a new chick by his side. He needs some shakin' up. 


I'VE WAITED FOR THIS OF THE WEEK:  She's baaaaack and NO One is happy at GH. Cyrus made her Chief Of Staff!! Unexpected and just plain awesome. Monica has to take care of the kids anyway, right? May as well have a snarky character in charge. Not only that, Epiphany was given admin work and Liz is only on shift work 2x a week! Who's the new head nurse going to be? Too bad Brad isn't an RN! 


SCENE OF THE YEAR:  Oh boy.. LLC and Dom were KILLIN' it. This could have been cheesy or over the top but it wasn't. Olivia was just as hysterical as any mom would have been in that situation. She talked about loving him no matter what and she'd always be there. To get better, not to worry. SNIFF. Her pleading was heartbreaking. Dante's reaction was magnificent. The heartbreak and him going to reach for the door handle and stopping himself. :SOBBING: Great, great stuff. I'm so glad LLC is on more because I really love her as an actress. 

FAVE MOMENT OF THE WEEK: It may surprise you, given all to choose from that I picked this little snippet. Ava, going to Sonny when Mike is dying was so perfect. I love Ava. Her character is developed so well. Maura sells it of course, and she played this perfectly.  I also like she and Maurice together acting wise so it was a win-win for me. 

FOR SPOILERS GO TO: Diagnosis Daytime  I think next week might be the week Mike actually dies? 

PROP OF THE WEEK:  Neil's syringe, manhandled by Jules 



The Foursome are all going to Homecoming together as "Friends"... 
Portia apologized a bit to Ava and to Jordan
Trina is back working the Gallery
Nik kissed Elizabeth, Ava kissed Franco. We think there are photos
Mike is being visited by people as he starts his passing
Stella is back in town
Sam figures out it's probably her fault the hospital is going to hell 
Britt is back and Chief Of Staff thanks to Cyrus!
Olivia couldn't see Dante because he wouldn't open the door
Robert heard Holly's voice on the phone
Jordan thinks Cyrus killed Neil but Cyrus wonders where he got the drugs
Julian finds a needle under Alexis' bed
Martin Gray was in town to let us know he had the letter from Nelle 

That's about it!! Like I said, I had a fun end of the week. I love when they do things with the hospial. I loved when Dr. O was in there. I really wish she'd get sprung by Cyrus too! Why not? You know she'll make some drugs if it means her freedom! Looking forward to Ethan coming and whomever Kim Delaney is playing. New head nurse maybe? Finn's step mama? Hmmmm. Hope your Sunday is a Funday.  Thanks for reading! 

photos  thx to: @theWSB @SoapJenn 


  1. This hospital shake up sets off new storyline, which is so needed. Liz and Franco will be money because it's been an issue prior. Very real life. If they don't throw in something, couples get stagnant.

    I hope Sonya Eddy gets a lot more airtime fighting for the hospital or we learn her secrets. She is an under utilized gem.

    New head nurse? We shall see. Dr. O and Brad revival. Britt and Julian...heard rumors of pregnancy, so that could be interesting.

    I cant wait for Ethan's return. He was my crush way back when. I know it won't be long, but it'll be good with Robert and Holly.

    Lisa Lo is amazing. They are tapping back into characters they haven't in a while which can be a breath of fresh air.

    I wondering if older actors have decided to work much less due to their risk of COVID.

    1. "30 Something Gal says, This hospital shake up sets off new storyline, which is so needed. Liz and Franco will be money because it's been an issue prior. Very real life."

      Now that she is going to work less hours and part time, now I buy it.. Before when she was working full time and she is a nurse, and they were having money problems, I didn't buy it at all.

      "If they don't throw in something, couples get stagnant."

      Yeah I agree. Couples aren't happy all the time. They argue, they have problems, they disagree on things, and if they are happy all the time, it's not realistic and it gets boring. Like with Olivia and Ned they are realistic because they argue!

  2. I agree. Overall, it was a fun week.

    Ava is my favorite character and Maura West is a treasure, so any time she gets screen time, I am happy.

    I am hoping Dev has a crush on Cameron. At least it would make that character *mildly* interesting. If not, ship him off to boarding school.

    Britt's return could be a lot of fun. I am looking forward to what trouble she can stir up.

    Kelly Monaco drags the entire show down. The producers either need to recast or kill off Sam.

    We finally got to see Kevin and Bobbie recently, so I am hoping Laura isn't far behind.

    Robert and Olivia are pure gold. I would love to see a Robert/Olivia/Ned triangle. Gets the veterans more involved.

  3. Mike couldn't swallow. He can live a few days without food, but not so long without water. I know I keep saying this, but how could he revive himself and go to the track in his condition?

    1. Exactly AntJoan. I like this story line, but this part at the end with going to the track and standing, walking and talking is not realistic

  4. I think Elizabeth and Franco ARE setting up Nik and Ava - it was too well planned - I HOPE they explain BRITT being chief-of-staff as in HOW does Cyrus know her? I thought she was in JAIL? explain someone?
    WHERE is Lucas?
    Characters to go away - DEV - we finally got Nelle outta there temporarily....
    and KM is horrible - just horrible - not even trying.
    Characters we need more - Martin/Tad and Ephinany and Spinelli...and WHERE IS TAGGART again?

    1. Taggs is still dead so really he can't be around...and as for Martin Gray I could do without him, sorry AMC fans. I just don't care for the character.
      As for KeMo I don't know wth they keep her around???
      Franco and Liz are most definitely setting Ava and Nik up, now as for what Karen was saying...I think Ava could be falling for Nik, but Nik might be wanting Liz...again. I hope Franco doesn't let that happen!

    2. *I should rephrase, most everyone thinks Taggs is dead, so he needs to stay away. He keeps showing up and uh...more people, the wrong people are going to find out. 😉🤫

    3. "mufasa says, I think Elizabeth and Franco ARE setting up Nik and Ava -"

      Oh they are for sure, but I want to see them talking about it! Let us in on it!!! :)

    4. "Michelle L says, as for Martin Gray I could do without him, sorry AMC fans. I just don't care for the character."

      :( Well, I forgive you! :)

      "As for KeMo I don't know wth they keep her around???"


  5. Every scene with Ava in it is a good one. Loved her converse with Portia. They should be friends.
    I'm glad Britt is back even though her character is clearly different. As is her weird hairdo. I too wish Cyrus busted Brad out of jail, or Dr. O, but I don't think so.
    Seems to me that KM might be in pain. I'll give her a pass, but still want her away from Jason. He is so much better w/o her.
    The shake up at GH is hard to take but we do all know/hope that it is a set up for a big rescue in the future. Hopefully not too far in the future. The whole situation parallels real life a bit too much for me.
    The scenes with Joss and Mike were lovely to watch and I am so sad that he must go.
    Thanks for the great SS!

  6. "Dad... I got us a cut out for the Yankees game! Just you and me sitting in the stands."


    "Cyrus is just... puzzling to me. One minute I'm bored by him, the next I'm thinking it's what GH needs for a little chaos."

    I know!!!! I feel the same way! One minute he is so boring that I just want it to stop, and then the next minute, he says or does something that perks my ears up or I think is so sexy! :) I just love how when someone is upset with him, all he does is smile hahahaha.

    "Was someone taking photos of both Franco and Ava and Nik and Liz? Looked that way, but who was IN the Gallery?? Weird. And this whole thing is weird. It's probably a set up between Liz and Franco but it's just playing out so clunky. I was baffled in most places. Do they want Ava to fall for Nikolas? Do they want Ava to lose the money? Was Liz feeling something for Nik? Is Nik in lust with Liz or...?? Ugh Too much to figure out for so little payoff."

    I don't know!!! Friz hasn't let us in on what their plan is!!

    "VOICE OF THE WEEK: HOLLY! Yeah!! It should lead Robert on a good adventure!! We know Ethan will be back too. I think Olivia will be with him as well. Could be fun."

    GAH! I can't wait!!!!!

    "CHARACTER I WANT GONE OF THE WEEK: I'm just done with you, Sam. Your whispery, sad-sac approach to life. BYE. Plus if you die a nasty death then that gives Jason a story and maybe a new chick by his side. He needs some shakin' up."

    Yeah I'm done with her too. Sam can leave Port Chuckles or die, and I would be fine with it.

    "She's baaaaack and NO One is happy at GH. Cyrus made her Chief Of Staff!! Unexpected and just plain awesome. Monica has to take care of the kids anyway, right? May as well have a snarky character in charge. Not only that, Epiphany was given admin work and Liz is only on shift work 2x a week! Who's the new head nurse going to be? Too bad Brad isn't an RN!"

    IT WAS FANTASTIC! :) I enjoyed it so much! :) I can't wait to see who the head nurse is! :) Brad needs to get out of jail and work at the hospital again! Please Cyrus please get Brad out! :)

    "Oh boy.. LLC and Dom were KILLIN' it. This could have been cheesy or over the top but it wasn't. Olivia was just as hysterical as any mom would have been in that situation. She talked about loving him no matter what and she'd always be there. To get better, not to worry. SNIFF. Her pleading was heartbreaking."

    YES!!!! It was so good!!!! LLC needs to win an emmy for this scene alone! Bravo!!!! :)

    "FAVE MOMENT OF THE WEEK: It may surprise you, given all to choose from that I picked this little snippet. Ava, going to Sonny when Mike is dying was so perfect. I love Ava. Her character is developed so well. Maura sells it of course, and she played this perfectly. I also like she and Maurice together acting wise so it was a win-win for me."

    Yeah I love the Sonny and Ava scenes! When he is not so rude to her. This scene was perfect.

  7. Someone here referred to Avery as Sonny's youngest child. However, he and Carly have a baby--Donna--whatever happened to her?

  8. Of all of the things on soaps that are unrealistic, having new mothers NEVER be with their babies is one of the most unrealistic things of all . . .

    1. IRL some kids are always with the Nanny. But, Liz and Franco wouldn't be able to afford a Nanny. Some of the others could.

  9. I think Franco and liz set up it. If they both cheat, wouldn't that negate the post-nup since they both failed.

    1. True.....hmmm maybe that's the reason for the cameras? So 2 people would have to be in on it?? Right??? Or does kissing not count?

  10. I would rather Jason be gone. KEMO has been phoning it in since he's been back. She was much better with Billy around. Bring back Drew!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great Sunday Surgery, thank you!
    Britt's bangs......oh my lord, they were so weird! Are we going to have a mystery head nurse or actually see/meet them? Curious minds need to know. I really need Monica on and to hire a lawyer and sue the pants off of Cyrus/the board/ and whomever else. Sheesh!

    LiLo and TR have been absolutely fabulous and made the entire week for me. Now bring on Ethan!

    I love Liz, I love Ava and I love Nik, (don't care if Franco comes or goes) but what the hell is going on? Color me confused with some of the rest of you.

    I need Laura on my screen. Now. Please and thank you!

    1. Julie, as everyone has pretty said or guessed, we think that Franco and Liz are playing Ava and Nik. They know that they don't love each other and why they married. Although from what it appeared like on Fridays show I think, Ava might look like she's having feeling for Nik, but what I saw with Nik at least, he seems to have feelings for Liz, and he needs to step off, he had his chance, she's a married woman now.
      I am wondering if Genie is staying away because of covid? Maybe that's why Bobbie and Monica were fired offscreen and we only got that morsel of a scene with Bobbie? Because of covid, they could be limiting their screen time with the older ones as much as they can...

    2. Thanks Michelle! I just need to see them have a conversation about Nik/Ava. And what was with the weird "snapshot" as both couples kissed? Was someone really taking their pictures, or was it "a director or editor's choice"? I just thought it was all weird. :)

    3. I think someone was taking their photo but who, and it had to be two people cause they can't be in 2 places at the same time taking photos. So who would they trust enough to let in on their plan??

  13. Even if Cyrus is Chair of the Board at GH, I don't think that gives him unlimited power to hire/fire people. Don't other board members get a vote? A board of directors is not a dictatorship.

    1. Agree. It's exactly what is bothering me about this story. It's parallel to real life.



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...