Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Very Difficult Show


Stella is explaining the end of life care including morphine. They must have consulted with an end of life care team for all of this. Well done.

Michael talks to Willow about being sad. More bonding time for the zzzzzzzzz yawners. Aw, she's part of the family now. 

Stella says that Mike's torn between staying and going. Gives a spiritual side and a scientific for what's happening. She thinks Mike wants Sonny to let him go. She shows him how to make him comfortable with soft light and jazz. How to make his lips moist. OMG, it's what we did for my Mimi. I'm just crying now. YEP.

Maurice Benard was spectacular. 

I liked the jigsaw puzzle on the table. They are usually in Comfort Houses. Good distraction.

Priest gives last rites. Realistic scene 
Great stuff today. GAH..cried badly. 

Wow, very difficult show to get through. Done so well..and I cried a lot. 


  1. Outside turning woods:

    Mildew: Man Michael and Willow are so boring! Awww Michael I don't blame you for wanting Mike to go and to not be in pain anymore!! It's okay! :(

    "Karen says, More bonding time for the zzzzzzzzz yawners. Aw, she's part of the family now."

    NO!!!!! :( I like Willow in Chase's family! I love how Willow and Finchy talked! I miss it and Chillow. :(

    Inside turning woods: I really don't think Joss should be there! I mean because of what she went through with Oscar. :( Brando is there for the love of his life awwwww. :) They are all waiting for Mike to pass on. :(

    Inside turning woods/Mike's room:

    This is heartbreaking!!! Sonny talking about the past to Mike, it made me cry! :( Stella I am on the religious side of it too. It's okay Mike! You got the last rights!! You can go now. :( What else do you want Mike!?!?! :(

    "Karen says, They must have consulted with an end of life care team for all of this. Well done."

    Yes I'm sure they have! They did a fantastic job!!!! BRAVO!!!

  2. damn GH writers just want me to cry all week.

    PSA: Do not put on Makeup before watching any of these eppies, you'll just have to redo it.. lol

  3. It was hard to watch today, because I had to endure three hospice situations like this with my parents and my husband. It was so authentic to real life. Kudos to the writing team! I cried all the way through (and cursed the commercial interruptions).

  4. Such good writing and acting. My heart went out to all of them. GH is really moving well right now ... then they will be preempted by baseball for three maybe four days. Big bummer!

    1. "Moma says, then they will be preempted by baseball for three maybe four days. Big bummer!"

      Yeah I read on soap central website and I quote, "Tuesday September 29, Wednesday September 30 and Thursday October 1 will all be reruns for baseball

      They will air Feb 3, 4 and 5 of 2015 (Prison Break story)"

      So I went to do research on where it says that, and on she knows website I stumbled upon a new storyline for Alexis. Oops!

    2. So they will preemp new episodes of Gh to show RERUNS of baseball games where fans will already know the outcome? Good grief! Talk about devaluing a show.

  5. Ugly cried from Father Reyes's scenes until the end. Outstanding show today.


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