Tuesday, September 22, 2020



Not sure how log I'm lasting... I have a haircut. Dante needs one LOL 
Dante is starting to remember I guess. 

Sam, Maxie and Brando at the garage. 

Cam at GH looking for Liz. He sees Franco. They talk about girls. 

Liz and Lulu eating together. Trina comes in and says hi. 

TJ and Molly eating together. He imitates Sonny she laughs. Then she flashes back to kissing Brando. 

Nina and Ava eating together. Ava talks to Nina about Nikolas at the cabin. 

Valentine and Alexis at her house. She's upset.  

I have to go.. see ya. 


  1. Cam is crushing on Trina? Thought he was very into Joss. I am confused.
    Yes...big haircut for Dante please.
    What the heck is Sam wearing?

    1. I'm confused too. Before the break he was crushing on Joss. I wish they'd stop with the yoyo storylines. I'm one who's liked him with Joss for years too. Trina is fantastic but I think she needs someone more mature than Cameron.

      And Sam is dressed so inappropriately for afternoon visiting in summertime. It's ridiculous.I guess they just want her to be the center of attention. (Or else distract our gaze from her face,) And I'm getting very tired of her nuclear reaction to everything. That scene with Valentine was way over the top. They were having tea, not wrestling on the coffee table. lol

      I assumed the doc was testing Dante. I really want to know who's calling the shots though.

    2. Cam has a crush on both Joss and Trina! :)

      "Di says, And Sam is dressed so inappropriately for afternoon visiting in summertime. It's ridiculous.I guess they just want her to be the center of attention. (Or else distract our gaze from her face,)"

      Ohhh I didn't think about that! Yes yes. Distract us from her very puffy lips.

      "And I'm getting very tired of her nuclear reaction to everything. That scene with Valentine was way over the top. They were having tea, not wrestling on the coffee table. lol"

      HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I would love to see V.C. and Alexis "wrestle" on the coffee table! ;)

    3. hahaha I'd like to see that too.

    4. Nuclear reaction is a perfect description of Mumbles, to just about everything! This character is all over the board and not in a good way. Yesterday I was cringing at her reactions, her clothing, and the acting choices. Sheesh!

  2. Cam and Trina all the way - WHY is Brando actin weird around Maxie? still hoping he's a Fed.
    I wonder what job Dante has - think it's about Cyrus????????
    and I have always wanted more Alexis and Valentin as friends - they are perfect!!!!

    1. "mufasa says, WHY is Brando actin weird around Maxie?"

      Maybe because Maxie was giving him the 3rd degree! ROFL!

    2. I like Val and Alexis, too! I was so happy that she booted crazy-whining Sam out of the house!

  3. Garage:

    Maxie and Brando: Hmmm chem testing? What is with Maxie giving him the third degree? Oh are you married? Do you have kids? Do you have a girlfriend? Oops Brando screwed up and said no when she asked if he has kids hahahahhaa.

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and V.C: V.C. can comfort her with zex since they are not siblings! ;)

    Alexis, V.C. and Sam: Okay WHOA! Sam is acting like a bull in a china shop!!!! Alexis kicked Sam out! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


    TJ and Molly: Molly wins the line of the day.

    Molly: She hung up on me!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Well Molly geez if you stop acting like her mother hahahaha! They are talking about the commitment ceremony.

    TJ pretending to be Sonny when he gets the invitation: What the hell is a commitment ceremony?

    Haha. Yeah. I want to know that myself. It makes no sense. To me, commitment ceremony is another way of saying wedding, and Molly is just too afraid to say wedding. Oh look Molly can't stop thinking about Brando!!! ;)

    Liz and Lulu: Oh yay!!!! They are in a scene together!!! Oh hi Trina! :)

    Nik and Lulu: Look like Nik got a haircut.

    Lulu: It looks like you are falling for your wife.

    So basically,

    Nik's text: I know what you did last summer!!!!!

    Cam, Joss, and Trina: Oh yes! Let's work on the dance!!! :) While Cam is yearning for Joss and Trina. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and Ava: Hahahahaha. Yes Nina, Ava had all the zex with Nik and also kissed BobTodd. :) I love that Ava admitted that she and Nik had hate sex hahahahaha.

    Nina, Ava, and BobTodd: BobTodd acting veeeeeeeeeeery strange with Nina! :) You are right Nina it's not about you. :)

    Nina: Are you falling for Nikolas?

    Nina gets a text: I know what you did last summer!!!!!

    General hospital:

    BobTodd and Cam: Poor Cam! So confused. Glad he is talking to BobTodd about it. :) Awwwww. :)


    BobTodd: I think you and I should talk.

    Liz: I agree. I think we need to clear the air.

    OH OH OH! Are you going to let us in on your plan?!!?!?! :)

    WSB headquarters:

    Doc Kirk and Dante: Doc Kirk tested Dante and Dante is a bull in a china shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!! Doc Kirk is alone! WHO IS HE TALKING TO!?!?!

    1. So I think Franco took pics of Nik/Liz smooching and sent them to Nik, and Liz took a pic of Franco and Ava and sent it to her. That's their plan, and now they are going to confront them! Hopefully we will find out today, lol!

      And I was hollering at the TV, who is Doc Kirk talking to???

      Seriously laughed out loud at TJ's impression of Sonny. Spot on with the rubbing of the face! HAHAHAHAH!

    2. "Julie H says, So I think Franco took pics of Nik/Liz smooching and sent them to Nik, and Liz took a pic of Franco and Ava and sent it to her. That's their plan, and now they are going to confront them! Hopefully we will find out today, lol!"

      Hahaha. Yes! Hopefully we will find out today! :)

      "Di says, ٩(^ᴗ^)۶"

      Hahaha. Adorable! :)

    3. Thanks. It's as close as I can get to a thumbs up and it's copyable. I like it for whn I agree with everything someone said.

  4. Brando had the most life today talking to Maxie. Maybe the character can be integrated properly and not so boring

    1. Yes. I think they're writing him much better now.

  5. It seems like they are "chemistry testing" Brando with various women right now. He and Maxie kinda clicked, I thought.

    Loooooved TJ's impression of Sonny! We need more moments like these.

    1. lol Yes. Loved that too.

      And as long as they keep Brando away from Sam I'll be happy.

  6. Liked Brando and Maxie together....
    I have a new theory - maybe Frank is making Sam unbearable so KM will finally leave the show. Her wardrobe is horrible and she is painful to watch - poor acting and she has become a whiny baby.

    1. I love that theory. I hope it's true.

    2. I liked Maxie and Brando interacting - more chemistry than she has with the whispering, one expression Peter. Val and Alexis were great until Sam showed up. I mentioned before that she looks like she is dressed for New Year's Eve. TJ was great.



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