Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Surgery: 'Liv and Let Die


If you get the reference above, bravo, I love you. If you don't,  I understand because you're probably younger and not into Bond the way I am!!   The title fits this week so well I need to pat myself on the back. 

Ok, so given the world today, let's just have a martini! Shaken not stirred...

PHEW!! What a week!! It's GH the way I like it... stuff happening at the hospital, adventures that are taking me back, characters getting together that are not normally seen. Given the circumstances of filming I think they are doing a fine job. That's a lot coming from a crabby-face.  

DEATH OF THE YEAR:  Oh goodbye Mike. Yes, it took awhile but so does the real ravages of that disease. The end-stage care was just brilliant. At first, I didn't like the daydreams but I started thinking about it and they were really poignant. What would a loved one look like had they not been taken by this? What would the future be? It also gave characters some insight to their feelings on life.  Max Gail was brilliant. Make-up department, outstanding. Maurice, Laura, Eden--all of them just got everything so right. Loved Stella coming back to help and guide Sonny. I could write all day about the last week's scenes but I suggest you watch them on You Tube or Hulu. Yep, that good. 

ANGEL OF THE WEEK: Courtney! And, Alicia does not at all. Wow. I loved this cameo. 

SAVIOR OF THE WEEK: Olivia for the win! I was so happy when she grabbed the gun and saved  the boys!! WHOOT!! Unexpected trio.. including Ethan who popped up to help find his mama.  Now, there were a bunch of people in that room with a bunch of accents...none of them French which was a little hilarious given where they were. Long story short, the gang was told the WSB found Holly's "grave" and gave Robert her wedding ring. Good ol' flashback followed.

UNEXPECTED OF THE WEEK: First I get an Alexis and Diane bonding at Kelly's moment then I get my Gatekeepers! Ned and Alexis were so good together. Him helping her with this diagnosis was brilliant. With Olivia gone, he could swoop right in. NOT That I'm pushing them as a couple... I like Ned and Olivia--but I love this friendship too.  I did sneak in a little daydream what if of my own though: What if Ned and Olivia had stayed together all these years? 

WUBSY PICK OF THE WEEK: Oh FINALLY NAva have ZEX!! YES!! I'm so happy! Maura was great in these scenes. I love the two of them and I hope it continues. She was just glowing afterwards, no? Ava being a "real Cassadine" and ruling Wyndemere. Yes, please. 

FIND OF THE WEEK: Oh Avery! That's why you're at the cabin!! At first I thought she was going to be taken in yet another "kidnapped" GH story but no! She was just being a kid in the woods!!! Nelle's necklace is safe in her backpack now. Squee. 

FLIRT OF THE WEEK: Oh, we all saw it. Molly got a bit flirty with Brando when TJ was off making a phone call. See, TJ thinks it would be swell to get Brando (his new bff) hooked up with one of Molly's friends. Little does he know he has to keep an eye on his own backyard! 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: I'm giving it up to Laura and Maurice. There were many to choose from but this just felt real to my core. 

FACES OF THE WEEK: I'm loving the hospital shake up. Love the characters are coming together!! Finn, Kevin, Franco..Liz, Epiphany, Portia, Felix... all want Bobbie and Monica back. Here's hoping they unite to figure out what Cyrus is up to!  PS. Britt being back is pretty glorious as well!! 


ENDING OF THE YEAR:  It's HOLLY and She's alive people!! I jumped up and down! I thought they were going to use a dupe for her but Emma must have ZOOMED that because look!!! And she had COVID and was ill a lot of the time. The screen shot worked perfectly here. 


Mike dies and is ushered to heaven by his daughter, Courtney

Sonny receives a bike Mike ordered him from ages ago 

Brook Lynn is moving in with Chase "until she finds a better place" 

Ned is with Alexis when she tells him she may have osteoporosis 

Brook Lynn deletes Olivia's message to Ned

Ethan shows up at the Casino to find out who killed his mother

After a fight, the bad guys are captured and Robert is given Holly's ring as "proof" she's dead

Nikolas and Ava give in to temptation, are they really married-married now?

Avery finds Nelle's necklace, the other half to Nina's

Kevin figures out just how far Cyrus is going to go to divide the hospital 

TJ, Brando and Molly make plans for a group date with Molly's friend. 

SPOILERS:  Friz has financial troubles, Chase has questions for Carly and will Dante get home? Check them out at Daytime Diagnosis! 

OK! That's all I'm going to write! LOL I'm sure more happened I left out but this week was just too full of everything.  GH did exactly what I needed it to do; took me away to another place. I so appreciate the soap bringing it in these times, especially when it's difficult to shoot. Every actor and crew member on set deserve a giant raise, imo. Hope you enjoyed it as well. Have a happy Sunday. See you next week and as always, thank you for reading! 


  1. I thought it was all great too. I am not a Britt fan, but it seemed to have worked. I liked Olivia in the scene rescuing the "boys". "A little help here". She didn't seem like she needed any help to me. LiLo seems to have great chemistry with Tristan Rogers. I don't want them as a couple, but wouldn't mind if it makes Ned AND Anna jealous. I always thought Robert and Anna should be end game but don't think that will be the case. Very nice job so far with them trying to find Holly. Stupid if they just give up on finding Holly though. She has come back from the dead and so has Robert and Anna and Robin (and many others). Maybe Holly is "dead" until they find another clue; while Emma Samms recovers from COVID.

    1. I am just wondering what will happen when Peter's bad deeds are discovered. You know he's not ever leaving the show so they will "redeem" him somehow.

  2. Thanks for a great SS Karen. I am not a James Bond fan, but that pic is very James Bond. I am also not a fan of Ethan, but I did like him in these scenes. Wonder if he will turn out to be Robert's son. Probably not.

    1. Do you ever remember Ethan having a british accent? I don't but I don't remember much about his backstory either.

    2. The actor is Australian so he does have a bit of an accent. Great SS for a great week! Where in the world is Laura? Hope Genie is ok. Loved the surprises especially Courtney, who I never liked but made the end perfect. Finally LILO is getting some meaty stuff and she and TR were great on this adventure. Avery is so big now!

    3. "lindie says,. Wonder if he will turn out to be Robert's son. Probably not."

      It better be!!! :)

  3. Thank you, Karen, for a fantastic Sunday Surgery! Everything you said, spot-on. Greatly needed during these times we're living in, a great escape indeed!

  4. it WAS a great week -
    BUT BUT BUT WHERE is KRISTINA???????ANYONE? at least MENTION where she is....
    I hope Frank and the writers don't revise history and have Cyrus mad at Luke and Laura for something years ago with Frank Smith, etc. OR mad a Laura cause of a Cassadine thing.....he came to Port Charles to deal with JORDAN (who sadly cannot act or be a police commissioner, but still....)
    and this isn't a criticism, but NLG said on her podcast with Tony Geary that they were NOT really allowed to pitch ideas, but I feel she must have pitched Osteo prognosis to Frank since she has it.
    REMEMBER Bobbie and diabetes???????? They dropped that storyline.....

    1. More likely than a pitch for the osteo story is the fact that GH is sponsored in part by a company that makes meds for the disease, Amgen. She talked about it on The View.

  5. It was really strange no mention of Kristina. Wouldn't she have been around for her mother at this time. I agree, at least let us know where she is. Sometimes they just drop characters with no explanation. Brad is in jail but since Wiley was discovered to be Michael's son, Lucas has never been seen. Hope Genie Francis is ok. Miss seeing her on GH.

  6. Thanks for the fab SS!
    Wonderful week on GH. Mike/Sonny/Carly were outstanding as were the writers. It was just all so good. Except for the loss of Max Gail.
    Brando is coming to life.
    Ava and Nik should become THE couple! He is looking really fine; Ava always looks fine but the softness of caring always makes her glow.
    Can anyone tell me who Nelle's mother was? Was it Phyllis Caulfield?
    The hands at the end....I wish they were a woman's hands. Helena should rise.
    Have a fantastic Sunday. Very fall like here in New England.

    1. Virginia Benson was Nell's mother. Phyllis Caulfield was the nurse that delivered Nina's baby. (ies) She was hired by Madeleine Reeves, Nina's mother.

    2. oh right, Virginia Benson. Thanks

  7. This was the best week for "GH" in years. I actually looked forward to watching every day. And it was all capped off by the scene with Holly. Excellent.

  8. "If you get the reference above, bravo, I love you."

    Hahahaha. I get the reference. :)

    "ANGEL OF THE WEEK: Courtney! And, Alicia does not at all. Wow. I loved this cameo."

    You are right she does not age! :) I was glad that Courtney was the one who took Mike. I mean it makes sense. She is his daughter. Too bad Adel wasn't there. The only other time I was glad to see her, was when she was with Spencer.

    "SAVIOR OF THE WEEK: Olivia for the win! I was so happy when she grabbed the gun and saved the boys!! WHOOT!! Unexpected trio.. including Ethan who popped up to help find his mama."

    YES!! Loved it loved it loved it! :)

    "First I get an Alexis and Diane bonding at Kelly's moment then I get my Gatekeepers! Ned and Alexis were so good together. Him helping her with this diagnosis was brilliant. With Olivia gone, he could swoop right in. NOT That I'm pushing them as a couple... I like Ned and Olivia--but I love this friendship too."

    I love my gatekeepers! :) I'm glad they are friends, and that he is there for her. Awwwww. :)

    "WUBSY PICK OF THE WEEK: Oh FINALLY NAva have ZEX!! YES!! I'm so happy!"

    Me too!! :) I'm glad they finally gave in! :)


    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the ring!! :)



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...