Monday, September 28, 2020

Drink it UP

 HELLO! GH is only on Monday and Friday today!! Because... BASEBALL!! Because ... BASEBALL. UGH  So, I'm not a baseball fan. I was a stats girl in HS but.. come on, it's boring. 

SO, apparently A LOT happened off camera over the weekend!

Tad Martin Gray was mugged, goes into GH . He said he was attacked from behind and his briefcase was stolen (Had Nelle's letter in it about Julian). Didn't see anything but tells Chase that Julian was just asking about Nelle's stuff then he got attacked. 

Julian is shown with the envelope from Nelle and Cyrus comes up. He wants to Buy the bar. Jules says no thanks.  Chase comes in to task him about Martins' mugging. You know anything? The, Cyrus gives Julian an alibi saying he was at the bar at the time of the mugging. Oooo!!!! 

Joss is getting ready for Homecoming at Jax with he and Nina. CarSon comes over. They tell Jax and Nina Nelle's body was found ON THE PENNSYLVANIA SIDE OF THE RIVER ahahahaha. OMG. Nina goes to help Joss with her hair.  Jax is like, ok, Sonny are you going to lay into me about the secret? NO! Sonny thanks him! 

Dante is given 'new orders' when he goes back to Port Charles. YES! It's to get Peter August! He's triggered by a clicking pen, btw. The doctor did it and Dante said "complete the mission". 

Olivia is busy setting up a room for Robert at the Metro to go home right away (same dress on)


Val and Ned fight, Chase breaks it up. Val leaves with Chase to see Martin at GH and Ned goes to the bar.  Ned and Alexis talk about their woes. Alexis "I went to bed with Mr. Right, woke up with Mr. Dead" LOL  She wonders what happened to them "We weren't smoldering and tormented like SOnny and Brenda or Fabulous like Jax and Brenda but we were smart and whitty and the people  loved us" !! OMG Ned "we were the gatekeepers, a power COUPLE" OMG You have no idea how this makes me feel. I LOVED Them. So they are going to take a car home. Ned doesn't see Alexis drinking her vodka because it's on the rocks in a water glass. She chugs it. He says "hey, let's go somewhere else"! 

Lulu talks to Peter. She hasn't found a reporter yet.  Lulu talks to Olivia. She tells her she went to Switzerland to see Dante. Lulu asks how he was.. she says she didn't see him. She begged yada yada but he wouldn't let her in. 


Dante leaves Switzerland... the doctor goes in to talk to someone IT'S DR. OBRECT! SHE'S SENDING DANTE OUT TO GET PETER! WHAT?? OMG! !ahhahahahaha!!! YES!!! 

AND..Nelle didn't leave the envelope with said "I knew you'd do this Julian..I gave it to someone else" and she sent it to RYAN CHAMBERLAIN!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. OMG the end! I cheered out loud. Really good show today! Sadly the ABC schedule I saw said that Friday's show is preempted as well. Hope it was wrong.
    The only stupid thing is Olivia's dress.

  2. lol I guess the doc reprogrammed Dante and he now has a new mission. Loved the clicking of the pen and I laughed at the end. GO Dr. O!

    I love the way sports dominates everything even in the daytime. I guess all the men are staying home from work to watch the games...all week...and the little women will just be keeping them in snack food and beer because no house has more than 1 tv. I don't understand why ABC didn't reschedule GH for a earlier or later timeslot when they are repeating another show. Oh! I forgot. No one has a PVR either. geeessh!

  3. I cannot wait to watch now!! But I AM confused with the spoilers that say Ava gets a disturbing call from Ryan - will he blackmail her to do what? divorce Nik and save Jules? LOVE this twist -
    the other confusing thing is the CLICK on the pen that triggers - do you know how many times we all click the pen?????LOVE Dr. O!!!!

  4. and can I say again
    WHERE is Kristina??????????

  5. great show but, now we have to wait because of baseball...ugh

    great twist with Dr. O

  6. So I'm confused...(forgive me I'm a blonde it doesn't take much), is his dr a bad guy then? Programming him and all??? I missed the previews and I watched live lmao!!! I can't believe Nelle did that...but yeh, yeh I can!
    I did know it was going to be Peter for his assignment haha!! Called it! Haha!

    1. "Michelle L says, So I'm confused...(forgive me I'm a blonde it doesn't take much),"

      ROFL! Oh stop that. :)

      "is his dr a bad guy then? Programming him and all???"

      I've been thinking that someone is making him do that!! Then they show Dr. O, and I'm thinking she is the one who is making him do it! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! WHAT A GREAT SHOW TODAY!!! Dan O'Connor is the best!!!!! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Olivia and Robert: WHY IS OLIVIA STILL IN HER DRESS?!?!!?!? Why didn't she change?!?!?!!

    Olivia and Lulu: Great scene!!!! The talk about Dante is so sad. :( And she doesn't want to go home she is skeered awwww. :( Don't give up hope Olivia!!!! With anything!!! :(

    Robert and Hiney: Hehehehe. Go Robert! :) You can't beat Robert, Hiney!!!!!! GO TO HELL!

    Hiney and Lulu: Lulu has got an idea!!!!! :) Lulu are you thinking about Jackie Templeton?

    Jax's home:

    Joss, Carson, and Nax: JAX SHIRTLESS! :) Oh Joss, your make up is next to the tribbles's cousins! :) I thought at first Joss was going to go in her robe that looks like a robe. Oh wait it IS a robe! :) She is going to change into a dress. :) I say her hair should be down.

    Carson and Jax: Ohhhhh Sonny says thank you!!!! :0 Oh wait he meant it in a different way! ROFL! The Jax vs Sonny feud is alive and well. :)

    The floating rib:

    V.C. Chase, and Ned: Whoa! The camera work is so moveable! Poor Ned is all drunk and sad. :(

    The gatekeepers: Awww they are drunk. I love the gatekeepers! Always have and always will!!! Love how they talked about the past!!! :) Alexis wins the line off the day.

    Alexis: I went to bed with Mr. Right, and woke up with Mr. Dead.


    Alexis: How long did it take you to forgive me when I dumped you at the alter?

    Ned: Who says I ever did?

    :( It took me along time to forgive Alexis. I don't remember how long, but it was awhile. Part of me wanted the gatekeepers to kiss, and was disappointed when they didn't. Are they going to have sex? I wouldn't be mad! :) But I also don't want mom and dad (Ned and Olivia) to divorce! :(

    The hospital:

    Portia and Curtis: Shhhh don't talk about Cyrus!!! Portia doesn't want anything bad to happen to you Curtis! She still wuvs you. :)

    Marty's private room:

    Marty, V.C., and Chase: Ummmmmm.

    "Karen says, SO, apparently A LOT happened off camera over the weekend"

    Yeah. I was thinking did I miss a scene? What happened?!!?

    Charlie's pub and restaurant: Ohhhhhh! Jules mugged Marty! *Snicker snicker*

    Cyrus and Jules: Cyrus wants Charlies?!?!!?!?!?!?! :0 Very very interesting!

    Cyrus, Jules, and Chase: WHOA! Cyrus gave Jules an alibi?!!??! VERY interesting. Awww Jules and Cyrus have bonded. New bromance people!!! :)

    WSB headquarters:

    Captain Kirk and Dante: Oh my!!!! Captain Kirk brainwashed Dante!!! :) I was thinking someone is making him do this! Oh my Dante is going to kill Hiney?!!?!!? REALLY?!!?!?! How delicious.. Bye bye Hiney! :) Wait Anna too?!!?! Hmmmm maybe he will think it's Anna, but it's really Alex he kills.. BYE BYE ALEX! :)

    Mailroom: WHOA! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Dr. O and Captain Kirk: HOLY FREAKIN CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DR. O!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WONDERFUL TWIST!!!!! Get that revenge Dr. O! :) I am loving this!!!!! :) WELCOME BACK DR. O!!!!! :) WOOT WOOT! WOOT WOOT!!!! :)

    1. I think Sonny was sincere in his thank you to Jax, at least for telling Carley to not tell the police about being with Nelle on the cliff. he wasn't impressed that he tole her to still not tell Sonny about it.

    2. I think Sonny was sincere too, but then he ruined it with his usual snark.

    3. "Di says, I think Sonny was sincere in his thank you to Jax, at least for telling Carley to not tell the police about being with Nelle on the cliff. he wasn't impressed that he tole her to still not tell Sonny about it."

      I guess, but then he got all snarky like Julie H said. :) Jax didn't even think he was sincere. ROFL!

  9. Fabulous show!! So happy it was Doctor O! PLP has got to get caught and pay, and really if Anna gets burned in the process I really won't care because she's been so stupid. And I love Anna!

    I absolutely loved Robert's smack down of Lulu the intrepid reporter! Luke Spencer's daughter seeing what she wants to see...taking the blinders off....fantastic! HAHAHAHA!

    Not liking the Jules/Cyrus connection, blech. The Gate Keepers comment was wonderful, I loved them too, back in the day. Lastly, I hope Dante goes to a barber before he gets to Port Chuck, or he's going to scare folks!

  10. Great show yesterday and so glad to see Dr. O is back! Really enjoyed Ned and Alexis going down memory lane. Looks like trouble though for Olivia.




  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...