Friday, September 18, 2020

Holly Jolly


Oh Diane and Alexis. "you haven't eaten all day"..that's a friend. 

Mike is going to go...The daydreams serve the purpose of showing the raves of this disease. Mike being "Mike" as opposed to having Alzheimers.  

Avery's all growed up!

ETHAN! :Fainting: 

Brook/Chase Chemical testing? 

NED and Akexis! OH! her wrist was Osteoporosis!!  NLG was on The View to talk about it. 

Brook moves in with Chase?!! WTF. Okay.. can't she live over Kelly's? 


Joss is sad. Sonny talks about Mike's passing.  Mike is just laying there. Must be hard to do. Joss calls her Dad. Brook and Chase come in. Willow finds out Brook is going to live with Chase. 

Mike ordered a bike for Sonny some time back and the staff give it to him. 

Molly sees TJ and Brando laughing it up. Then TJ tells Molly to set Brando up with one of her friends LOL Poor Molly. OMG Molly and Brando talk a bit and .. Molly totally is flirting with him! 

Alexis and Ned are at GH To check out her wrist. Portia talks to her and she needs an XRay. It's a fracture and it's more common in menopause.  She needs bone density testing. She's very upset and nervous. 

Ethan and Robert with the goons. Robert says: I KNEW Holly was alive!  OLIVIA saves them!! Oh good old timey GH scenes! WHOOT! and a ton of accents in that room! WSB guy comes in and takes the goones away. They say they found a shallow grave with a woman's body, burned. They give Robert a ring that matches Holly's wedding ring. Flashback of HOLLY and ROBERT!! GAH!! 
They will do a DNA TEST. They'd better!!

They show someone calling a guy that has Holly in a room watching her on a monitor. Which could have been filmed on ZOOM because of COVID. Nice touch. I wonder if it's Peter that has her? 

Carly calls Ava and they are civil to each other. OMG Avery is GONE? WTF. Come on. Oh she's just wandering being a kid. She found Nelle's necklace!! 


  1. Who has Holly? Didn't look like Peter's hand. Emma Samms looks really great. Wow. She must be feeling better after her COVID.

  2. My husband had a crush on Emma Samms. lol

    1. "lindie My husband had a crush on Emma Samms. lol"

      Had?! You mean not anymore? Awwwww! :( ROFL!

    2. sonya, he hasn't seen her in awhile? lol

    3. I mean that my husband hasn't seen her on tv in awhile.

  3. Hotel room:

    Nax: Ahhh. The woman she says that is familiar, was her nurse way back when!!!!! Nina needs to see her!!! When Joss called her daddy, it made me cry. :(

    Turning woods:

    Mike's room:

    Carson: It looks like Mike is sleeping. :( Why couldn't they just cover his face? :(

    Outside turning woods:

    Nurse and Carson: Dammit!! That bicycle made me cry!!! :( Awww Mike!!!!! :(

    The hospital:

    X ray room:

    Alexis and Portia: Everytime Alexis hurt because Portia was touching her wrist, I cringed.. Ow ow ow! :( Osteoporosis!!!! Yup that's what I read!!

    Nexis: Oh I just love Nexis! Always have. :) I'm glad they are friends! :) Stop arguing with him Alexis ROFL! Ned wins the line of the day.

    Ned: Just once, stop arguing and say thank you.



    TJ and Brando: They are besties!!!! They are having a great time! :) I like their friendship. :) Oh here comes Molly the nervous nilly! Molly is getting on my nerves! She is so annoying! She is such a wet blanket!

    Molly and Brando: Oh Molly just stop talking about it!!!! GEEZ! Oh my wait a second. She LIKES him! HA! :)

    Molly, TJ, and Brando:

    "Karen says, Molly totally is flirting with him!"

    YUP! She even looked jelly when TJ was talking about setting Brando up with one of Molly's friends!!! Hahahahaha.

    Cabin: Oh boy! When Avery went out, it made me nervous! Glad she was just exploring. :)

    *Avery picks up the half heart necklace*

    Avery: Ohhhh. Pretty.

    Half heart necklace: Thank you.

    Hey!! Why did Nik have to go!?!?! He could have stayed!!!!

    Monaco: Robert and Holly flashabck! YAY! Awww Holly still had the ring that Robert gave her!!! So sweet!!! Wait a minute just because her ring was in a shallow grave, and the woman's burnt body was the exact same height and size as Holly, doesn't mean Holly is dead!!!!!

    Private room:

    YOU SEE?!!?!?!?!?! IT'S HOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! :) She looks great!!!!! Oh she has covid hair. :) Now who is that hand!?!? It looks like an old man hand. Who are you Mr. Hand?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to see more of Holly and Robert*
    This is when they get married!

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Part 3:

    *Jumps into time machine to watch Robert give Holly that wedding ring that they showed today in the flashback*

    My love for Robert and Holly is back!!!!! :)

  4. So is Avery going to show Carly who shows Jax who then hides the truth from Nina? Who then breaks up with Jax and reunites with Valentin.

  5. How old is Alexis supposed to be? NLG is 64. She is way past menopause age.

  6. I wonder when Mike ordered the bike. Must be earlier in his disease


  8. Watching Olivia rescue Robert was like watching an old Three Stooges skit.So unbelievable it was laugh out funny.The writers made it look like Alexis was going to have a serious condition like cancer.Mike is gone but they dragged it out far too long.I wish we had the old Nik and we need Brad with Britt or at least her Mom.



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