Friday, September 25, 2020



SASHA orderin' them drugs!! Chase comes up to her..Hey. Tells her about Nelle. She gets all frantic (drug like) and almost passes out. Says 'it's all over' . Then  Chase thinks they should tell them but Sasha thinks they are falling in love. 

Brook Lynn and Ned kinda make up. She tells him not to worry about Olivia. 

Neil's Memorial: Valentin goes with her. Neil's brother is there. They talk and then he tells Alexis that he wished Neil had never met him and she ruined his life. She's the reason he OD'd. He throws her out of the funeral. Val takes her to The Rib. Then Ned shows up!! Drinks. I think he might hit on Alexis. 

Cam and Joss out for coffee. But they have water and iced tea. Nope they should have some fancy coffee drinks. It's 2020. Cam's getting a part time job to help out at home. Joss finds out Nelle is dead and found: ON THE PENNSYLVANIA SIDE OF THE RIVER! ahahha wah? Why do they KEEP saying this?? 

Plane: Ethan, Robert and Olivia coming home. Ethan's like, um.... what's the deal with you and she? Robert is like: we are friends, she's married. Ethan: Has that ever stopped you?? LOL THey talk about Holly and her legacy. 

Franco, Liz and Scotty. Franco says how did it go with the 25,000? Scotty's " I asked for 125K--each"!! Liz freaks out..Franco's like: DUDE! YES! Liz is still horrified. Scott says they have 24 hours to pay up. 

END:  Valentin and Ned fight outside..Alexis orders a double vodka inside 

Cat's out of the bag: Kim Delaney is playing Jackie Templeton. Remember her??! 


  1. So did she kidnap Holly for revenge?

    1. I thought Peter had Holly kidnapped. Remember before the COVID break.

  2. Jackie Templeton??? WHY would they bring back that character? Demi Moore played her....but that's not even a blast from the past we ever wanted back! Or at least I never did.

    1. I liked Jackie Templeton, but don't want a recast. That is Demi Moore's character.

  3. Chase's home:

    BLQ sandwich and Ned: Wow!!! They changed personalities! Now Ned is a 13 year old insecure girl, and BLQ sandwich is an adult. I'm in the twilight zone!!!

    The hospital:

    Chase and Sasha: They are rehashing the same script!!!! ACK! Make it stop!!! *Covers ears*

    Sasha and BLQ sandwich: Oh oh I have a feeling that BLQ sandwich CAN sing, but she is going to be too afraid to sing.

    Friz and Scotty: Hahahaha I love it! :) Love the looks that Friz are giving each other, I love how Liz hates this, but what Nava are doing is wrong! I love how BobTodd is so excited that his dad got more money for them! Hahahaha. He is like a kid in a candy store. :) BobTodd wins the line of the day.

    BobTodd: That is a remarkable composition. I don't know what to say. I don't really like the idea of looking at a picture of you kissing another man.


    The plane: Uh why didn't Olivia change clothes? That is strange. She is going to keep walking around in that dress for how long? A week? Is she going to go home to see Ned in that dress?

    Robert and Ethan: Hmmmm Ethan feels all the guilt feels because he lied about being Robert's son back then? Hmmmm foreshadowing? :) They are both drinking the same time and their movements are the same? Foreshadowing? :) Okay probably not. :( Oh no! Ethan is leaving?!!?! No no no! Stay!!!!

    Neil's funeral: Those words on the door, I was confused and wonder where V.C. and Alexis were! :)

    V.C. and Alexis:

    V.C. I'm going to stick with you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) V.C. is being so sweet and caring! :)

    V.C., Alexis, and Neil's brother: HOLY CRAP!!!!! Neil's brother!!! He looks just like that actor who played Kyle Sloan!!! Not the 1st one! The recast!!! Wow!!! He has a doppleganger! :) Awwww he is so mean to Alexis. :( I get it. He is grieving. :(

    The floating rib:

    Alexis and V.C.: Wow! He knows why Neil's brother was mean and is understanding.. V.C. I LOVE YOU! :)

    Chase and Ned: Ned is really not paying any attention to Chase. When Ned tells V.C. he wants to talk to him outside, I was thinking oh oh he is going to hit him!!!


    Ned and V.C.: I was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH NO!!!! NED!!!!! :0

    Inside central perk:

    Cam and Joss: No no no Cam!!! You will not work to pay for the finances!!!! You should just be a boy! Stop acting like a man!!! Go out have fun, and get a job for you!!!

    "Karen says, Cat's out of the bag: Kim Delaney is playing Jackie Templeton. Remember her??!"

    I saw this on twitter. Oh yes I remember Jackie Templeton. I hated her. She was so annoying and whiny. Also I hated her with Luke! They had no chemistry. I am curious how Kim Delaney is going to play her. I hope for the better.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to March 1995* Brenda & Sonny confront Mike.

    1. When Cam was talking about trying on all the clothes I was thinking that he should do some modeling for Crimson.....good money.

    2. "Di says, When Cam was talking about trying on all the clothes I was thinking that he should do some modeling for Crimson.....good money."

      YEAH!!!! Great idea!!!!!! :)

  4. Kirsten Storms has lots of piercings. Never noticed that. I like her with Brando. Weird combo, but not bad

  5. there is no honest to goodness storyline that makes sense where this show brings back Jackie Templeton

    unless something happened to her sister Laura and she came to Robert to get help in finding her

  6. i think jackie templeton is the national reporter that lulu was talking about so she will be involved in the cyrus storyline she will research cyrus an pen a scathing article on him and also be involved in the hospital storyline imo

  7. Karen...I was thinking the same thing...why do they keep saying about Nelle "she was found on the Pennsylvania side of the river". And whoever says it seems to say it a bit louder than the rest of the sentence.
    That tuft of hair in Ethan's eye drove me mad. I wanted to reach out, grab it and cut it off.
    Liz involved is something illegal. What can go wrong? Haha.

    1. Hopefully it just means that they won't be looking to blame Carly since she was on her side of the river.



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