Thursday, September 17, 2020



Just needed a day and I know it's probably a good one but..that's the way it is... :) 


  1. I can only imagine. It's been really rough and I've never experienced it personally like you have. Take a breath. Thanks for hanging in to fill us in. Have a blessed day Karen.

  2. Please watch when ready. Excellent show today. The conversation between Mike and Sonny and the way the writers transitioned it was outstanding. My eyes hurt. Wish I could hug my parents. :(

  3. just amazingly well-done...… writers, don't screw it up and have Sonny back to mob things------unless he kills Cyrus.....LOVING Liv and Robert and I don't think Ethan and Robert had ever met...……….did you read that Ned and Sasha sleep together while Liv is away?????? a rumor anyway.

    1. Say what???? Wow! She's making her way around, if Ned is gonna sleep around, I hope it's with Alexis, they both need each other and it'd make more sense!

  4. "Just needed a day"

    Oh! I thought you were working! Cus you do work Thursdays right?

    "and I know it's probably a good one but..that's the way it is... :)"

    Hahaha. Yup it was a very good one!! :)

    Monte Carlo:

    Ethan and Olivia: ETHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Ethan and Robert: Awwww! Ethan and Robert together. :) Father and son. :) Oh oh! Ethan punches Robert and is mad at him because of Robert looking for Holly!!! Oh oh Rudge grabbed them!!!

    Rudge and Olivia:

    Rudge: I'm sure Liam won't be much longer.

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh excuse me?!!?!?!?!?!

    Private room:

    Ethan and Robert: Ohhhhhh. Ethan faked this whole anger bit and the punch was all just a ploy! :) Ethan is on Robert's side! YAY! :)

    Robert: That would be a classic Spencer move.

    NO! That would be a classic Scorpio move!!!

    Robert: As a prodigy of Spencer, you should be able to do this in less than 30 seconds.

    Noooo dammit!!! As a prodigy of Scorpio! I really want our new writer Dan O'Connor to give us the truth about who Ethan's father REALLY is!!! Oh oh Rudge shows up pointing a gun at them! Rudge knows Robert is Robert!!!!

    Inside central Perk:

    BLQ sandwich and Chase: BLQ sandwich is whining so much!!! Chase invited her to stay with him at his apartment because she has nowhere to live. Awwww Chase is such a sweetheart! :) Michael calls BLQ sandwich to tell her about Mike's passing..


    Diane and Alexis: Diane was with Alexis all day and Alexis didn't eat all day. Diane is worried about her. HI NED! :) Ned shows up and touches Alexis's wrist and it hurts BADLY!

    Alexis and Ned: Ned wants to take her to the park and have a nice walk. He goes outside to call Olivia AGAIN, and Alexis picks up her drink to drink it, and she lost her grip! Ned is taking her to the hospital!!!! I know why she is in pain, cus I accidentally stumbled upon it yesterday. Ah well.

    The cabin:

    The bedroom: Nik is asleep and just woke up! YESSSSSSSSSSS THEY HAD CARONA SEX. :)


    Avery and Ava: Avery and Ava are catching fireflies. Uhhhh the little girl should not be there!!! The little boy who plays Wiley hasn't been there, so I don't see why Avery should be. Avery wants Nik to play with her and wants to show him her bedroom. Ava gets a phone call from Carly about Mike's passing.

    Turning woods: Holy cow this was rough! Joss wants to know what Brando means when he talks about butterflies after someone dies. She asked this the 2nd time and didn't get an answer because whenever she asks, someone interrupts.

    Mike's room:

    Mike and Sonny: Oh man! Sonny had some fake flashbacks and they were breaking my heart! Sonny realized Mike won't go, because he doesn't want to die while Sonny is there! :( Sonny leaves, and Mike dies. :( I was crying so much!!!!! Courtney shows up and is there to bring Mike home. I really wanted Courtney and Adel to show up together. Sonny and Carly show up to see Mike. Mike's spirit talks to Sonny, but Sonny can't hear him, and then Courtney and Mike leave.. While Carly and Sonny were there, a butterfly flies around! :(

    Throwback Thursday: So much talk about Robert and Holly, and then the flashback that we saw last week, well, *Jumps into my time machine to go to Robert and Holly's scene where they just got married* This scene is when they kiss for the first time. This is after everyone thinks Luke is dead, and she is pregnant with Luke's baby, and Robert marries Holly so that the baby has a last name.

  5. Luke is Ethan's father not Robert...

    1. "Michelle L says, Luke is Ethan's father not Robert..."

      Hahahaha. No no no that's a big mistake. :) Our new writer Dan O'Connor has to fix it. :)

    2. But it is true, Luke is his father.

    3. "Michelle L says, But it is true, Luke is his father."

      ROFL! It doesn't have to be true. That can be fixed easily.. Oh and Luke is his father reminds me of star wars hahaha. Luke! I'm your father! :)

  6. The Mike scenes were great by I would have much rather had Kristina and Spencer over Jason and Brando.

  7. I admit, I didn't cry at all this whole time, until today...and now I'm just a puddle. 😭😭😭
    I'm going to miss Max Gail. 😥
    Wish all of the family could have been there, especially Kristina. Wish they would have at least addressed her absence.
    Oh and hats off to Carly for being so nice to Ava for a change and not snarky.
    As for Alexis, at least now they are giving an explanation to her wrist, but wth hasn't she gone to the dr???

  8. Wow, what an amazing surprise to see Courtney and no on leaked it. Really heartbreaking and well done.

  9. I know they really stretched the Mike story out, but it had a very fitting ending - not only with the Mike/Sonny conversation, but with Courtney arriving to leave with Mike. I can't picture any other way this should have ended. Got me thinking about old GH with Courtney and Ron Hale's Mike. Now that part of Sonny's family story is over.

  10. Another excellent show. Mike, Ethan, Courtney -- all well done.

  11. Finally some good action for Robert. Keep it up. He is another actor that is under used. I was never, ever an Ethan fan, but his first scene is going well I must say. And, as I would like to see Anna in those scenes, I think at this time Olivia is working better since the writers took Anna's brains away.

    1. P.S. That Rudge guy looks familiar. Where is he from? I feel like he is someone who has played that same bad guy role before.

    2. Lindie - he played the middle-aged Charles Widmore on LOST

  12. That's where I've seen him. We watched Lost recently



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...