Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Selfish NEDLY


Sasha and Chase. He wants to tell Willow the truth. She doesn't think that's a good idea.  He says the Nelle thing is over. Sasha says it's not going to make a difference and to leave them alone. Chase says he can't. Leaves. 

Willow and Michael..take Wiley and THE NANNY to the park. Because the park is hard. LMAO Michael wants Willow to adopt Wiley.  She's like, hmmm, I don't know. Then she says YES of course!! 

Lulu and Dustin visit Brook Lynn. She hates them. Lulu says "Hey I was stabbed once too"! We got that in common. 

Sonny and Carly take Mike to the horse stalls to see horses. Felix is there too. Sonny feels like this is near the end.  Carly's proud of him. Mike hugs the horse. Says Thank you to Sonny and kisses him.  Sonny asks how much he should bet. Mike says "Shoot the Moon, son"... aww they cry. 


Ned doesn't want Olivia to leave.  He wants her to stay and help with Brook Lynn. Olivia's ike I have to go see Dante. Ned is like NO. You have to stay here, help me, me me!! I think he's jelly of Robert! 

Anna is talking to Paxie about a dinner party celebrating the baby. They say sure! Thanks! Robert tells her he's leaving with Olivia to see Dante. They fight about Peter. She thinks maybe she missed some signs but Maxie's pregnant now so...Robert should back off. 

Later: Sasha goes to see Brook Lynn. She gives her Deception's new moisturizer and says Chase isn't a dirt bag. It's a VERY strange scene.  Then Chase comes in and says thank you for helping with Wiley. 
IT's so weird. I guess they are setting up Brook and Chase? 

Chase hear Michael and Willow talk about their kiss. Neither regrets it. 

My net went down right at the end of GH Today -___- 

ALEX IS BACK!! OMG... just saw that on Twitter!!! 


  1. kd said "ALEX IS BACK!! OMG.."

    ***Let's hope they finally straighten out the Peter mess now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Metrocourt lobby: Robert on the phone with Spinny! Yes Robert you have to get proof that Hiney is a rotten no good slimy snake before the baby pops out!

    Anna, Maxie, and Hiney: UGH! That is all I am saying. UGH!

    Anna and Robert: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Anna is saying everything that we all are thinking haha.

    Anna on the phone with Alex: UGH!

    Q home:

    Nedlia: Olivia looking for hand sanitizer for the plane! HAHAHAHHA. :) Love that. :) Oh no. Mom and dad arguing again.. Oh Ned! Is this REALLY about your daughter? Or is this about Robert and you are jelly?

    Nedlia and Robert: Yup! The look on Ned's face! He is jelly!!!

    Inside central Perk:

    Sasha and Chase:

    Chase: Willow loves me.

    Sasha: Yes she does, but she loves Wiley more.

    What the hell are you saying Sasha? Everything she is saying makes no sense! I think Sasha is high right now.

    Chase: I am in love with Willow. I can't. I won't give her up.

    YAY!!!! :) How the heck am I going to let go of Chillow, when he says something like that? My Chillow! :) I was thinking though that Chase might overhear something between Mildew that makes him not say anything. :( Soap 101!

    Maxie, Dusty, Hiney, and Lulu: UGH! What is this, a double date? UGH! Are they all besties? UGH!

    The park:

    Mildew: Talking about the Kiss kiss kiss. And of course Chase comes by! Aaaaaaaaaand he is not saying anything and left. I knew it!!! *Sigh* Chillow!!!! :( Willow wins the line of the day.

    Willow: I was picturing a high school running track. I was like that's an odd place to bring your grandfather.

    ROFL! She is adorable! :)

    The hospital:

    BLQ's room: BLQ is pushing everyone away!

    Sasha and BLQ: Uhhhh. Sasha is blabbering away like an idiot. She must be really high.

    Chase and BLQ: I always have loved their scenes. Especially when she punches him in the face and he arrests her hahahahaha. I wouldn't mind if they are a couple, while Mildew are together. Then eventually Chillow gets back together! :) Chase should nurse BLQ back to health. :)

    The elevators:

    Sasha and Chase: No Chase!!!! She is not right!!!!! She is high as a kite!!!

    Race track: Oh wait they must be at the stables.

    Carson, and Mike: Oh I thought what Carly is wearing is a robe!!! It's a dress!!!!! Oy! Awww horsey!!!! :) I still can't believe Sonny didn't invite his new love Brando with them to see the horsey! Hi FELIX! :)

    1. Honest to God Sonya, I thought Carly was wearing a robe, too! She had that on 2 episodes ago when she was at home drinking coffee. Next thing I know she's visiting Mike and the race track in the same black/white get-up. I was appalled! LOL!!!

      Really liked Mildew yesterday, too! :)

    2. "Julie H says Honest to God Sonya, I thought Carly was wearing a robe, too! She had that on 2 episodes ago when she was at home drinking coffee. Next thing I know she's visiting Mike and the race track in the same black/white get-up. I was appalled! LOL!!!"

      Hahahahahahaha. All she has to do is untie and wardrobe malfunction!!! ROFL!

  4. I love the new Brooklyn. keep her

    1. The new Brook Lynn is an amazing actress, but the other one is also great, I hope she comes back.

    2. I couldn't help but notice that people were complaiming about the new Brook Lynn's lack of an accent and they took away her voice. lol

  5. So I couldn't remember who Alex was until I read Sonya's recap. It's hell getting old, lol!

    Can they make Anna any dumber? End the PLP problem NOW!!

  6. "Julie H says, So I couldn't remember who Alex was until I read Sonya's recap. It's hell getting old, lol!"

    All I said was, was UGH! ROFL!



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