Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 Breaking News cut into GH today. Not sure there's a show. I'm sure they'll talk about this for a long time. 

Oh 1/2 the show is on.

Molly, TJ and Stella. TJ takes a phone call. Stella realizes that Molly probably lost faith in TJ when he was kidnapped. 

Ava and Nina and Jax.  Ava's going to the pier. She runs into Nik. He wants to talk about what happened the other night. Bow chicka BOW BOW 

Jason knows Carly is lying to Sonny. She wonders if she should tell him. Jason's like YEP. Carly goes to tell them and Jason's phone rings. 

Lulu and Sonny talking about Mike's gambling addiction. 

Ned and Brook Lynn.. it seems so weird because she's so..old LOL . 

Bobbie and Scotty. "You're a lousy boyfriend" she says. 


PCPD found Nelle's body 


  1. as in DING DONG the witch is dead/dead????????????

    1. lol I gave a huge Hallelulah!

      And the one thing I couldn't take in today's ep was Brook Lynn yelling and snarling with her neck tendons bouncing and her bandage jumping up and down the whole time. As someone who's had their throat cut across in a surgery I can tell you she would still be talking softly and getting hoarse. She didn't even need a sip of water between the exaggerated enunciations and it was making my throat hurt just looking at her. The writers need to make more of an effort to keep it at least minimally realistic after a surgery.

      And I really hope this is the end of the Nelle mess and they don't go after Carly for her death. That storyline has been done to death.

  2. I think that Scott is the one who took the pictures and is blackmailing Ava and Nikolas.

    1. That is a GREAT idea! Just don't think it's Spencer...….Maybe it's Kristina since we have NO clue where she is!!!!!!!

    2. Love this idea Tracy!

      Mufasa - I do believe that Kristina must be with Laura in DC! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Kelly's:

    TJ, Molly, and Stella: Such a great scene! :) So glad Stella is back. :) Probably temporarily, but that's okay.

    TJ and Stella: Awww great scene!! TJ is really struggling! Great acting! :) Oh oh Molly overheard! What is she going to do now?

    Molly and Stella: I really thought Molly was going to tell Stella about sleeping with Brando. I mean I'm surprised Stella hasn't heard it from someone already!

    Carson home:


    Carly: I know what you are thinking, and that is not what happened. I didn't sleep with Jax.

    Jason: That's not what I was thinking.

    ROFL! Really? Why not? In the past she would have! :) Everyone in the whole town would think she slept with Jax! ROFL!

    Carly and Lulu: Whoa! Memory talk!!!! Lulu talking about when she was a brooding teenager when she was with Mike!!! HA! :) Awwwww! :)

    Avery and Sonny: Adorable!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Sonny and Lulu: Great scene!!! Wow a picture of Ruby and Mike? I want to see the picture!!!! Thank you for bringing the pictures Laura! You have anymore? :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and Ava: Are they besties yet? :) Great scene!

    Nina and Jax:

    Nina: Just a reminder how glad I am to have a relationship with you with no games and no secrets.

    Oh oh.

    Ned and Julian: I'm surprised Julian didn't call him Ted! :) Awwww Leo wants to see his daddy! :)

    The floating rib:

    Bobbie and Scotty: What is with Scotty? He is so distracted! And making a lot of noises especially when he had a text on his phone hahahaha.

    Bobbie: I had some interest from Mercy.

    There ya go Bobbie!!! :) No Scotty? Ohhhh telemedicine!!! YES!!!! :) Awwww! Bobbie breaking up with Scotty. :( Poor Scotty! :( Hmmmm. He doesn't really seem happy with Bobbie anyway. I want Lotty (Scotty and Lucy) back together!!! Scotty wins the lines of the day.

    *Bobbie pushes the empty nut shells on the floor.

    Scotty: Oh boy!


    Scotty: I don't always cheat.

    *Spits out drink.*

    Scotty: The tip is bigger than the tab!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love Scotty! :)

    Chase's home:

    BLQ sandwich and Chase:

    BLQ sandwich: Whine whine whine whine.

    Chase: Maybe you should find somewhere else to live.

    BLQ sandwich: Whine whine whine whine.

    BLQ sandwich and Ned:

    Ned: Please come home with me.

    13 year old BLQ sandwich: NO! NO NO NO NO NO! And you can't make me!!!

    Ned: Please..

    13 year old BLQ sandwich: Whine whine whine whine whine whine.

    The pier:

    Nik and ?????: Hmmmm Julian?

    Ava and ????: As Tracy L. says it could be Scotty!!! If it's Scotty, delicious! :) Oh look Ava has a gun! As she should! Queen Ava should ALWAYS carry a gun with her! :)

  5. Well I really like the theory that it's Scotty doing the blackmail. I was hoping for Liz and Franco, but this idea is better! :)

    BLQ is a definitely a whinny brat and I'm done with her acting like a 10 year old. Avery is more mature than her.

    1. At first I got it, but now, damn girl....get over it. Daddy has apologized over and over!

    2. it's not her fault, but her face always looks like she eats prunes, so that makes it worse...….whiny, etc



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