Thursday, September 24, 2020

Weird Day IN Port Charles

HELLO! It's nice here today and although fall is in the air, it's warm. Bugs are out LOL 

So, Genie decided to stay home from the set while COVID is going on. Not the writers fault!! 

Liz is mad at Franco, not sure why. He has a plan to get money, she says NOPE. Maybe it's the Scotty scam? 

Scotty and Ava. He's blackmailing her for the photos! $135K! HE said he's mad she didn't call him back. She says he won't publish the photo because it will hurt Franco. Scotty says I don't think it would be that bad. 

Nikolas and Martin Gray...Nikolas is going over the prenup with him. The prenup could be in jeopardy if Nik was found "Emotionally attached" to someone else and someone had proof (like a photo) 

Ned and Brook Lynn. Ned gets a phone call. A hotel in Monaco asks about his credit card and says he's "on his honeymoon" LOL!!  Ned is going to call the credit card company. Brook tells him to wait a minute. She tells him she deleted Olivia's message. 

They "Found" Nelle's "Body" says Jason. Sonny's happy.."May she rot in hell"  Jason said she was found on the PA side of the river.. 

Carly tells Jason and Sonny what happened with Nelle. While she cries, Chase rings the doorbeell and wants to talk to them.

Julian finds out that Nelle is dead though Martin Gray. 

Hey if Nelle is dead do Michael and Willow need to stay married? 

Nikolas got blackmailed by Scotty on the docks too. 

OMG SO, Franco and Liz were PRETENDING TO FIGHT THE WHOLE TIME!! They go to see Scotty in the art room, they set it up to get money from Ava AND Nikolas!! ahahahaa!! 


  1. WHY would Nicholas use Martin Gray?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Were the soaps preempted today? I couldn't find DAYS on NBC or GH on Hulu...thanks in advance.
    (I guess it could be possible they are late getting them up) but both??

  4. How do,I watch on HULU? I have LIVE, but I can’t find the daily episodes, I can only find week old ones. I’m so frustrated!!

    1. On Hulu, the "GH" episode becomes available after 8 p.m. each day. "Days" is probably similar. I would do a search for the show, then click and add it to "My Stuff."

    2. The good thing is if you watch on Hulu (like I do) there are A LOT LESS commercials.

  5. That blackmail scheme was brilliant! After all, Ava and Nik were using Liz and Franco, and had no regard for their marriage. Nik reminds me of a vampire. Scott’s jacket was a riot!

    1. Scott's jacket was ridiculous. Obviously the actor has gained some weight but the show should be able to afford a jacket that actually fit him properly. That one just emphasized the fact that he's put on a few pounds, and if the director was playing it for laughs I didn't think it was funny.

      I loved the fact that Liz and Franco are behind the scheme.

    2. I think the jacket was deliberate, to make him look smarmy, although he has gained a bit. Just love Scotty!

    3. This scheme is *very* Scotty. I love it. (And I like that we got to see Bobbie give him a tongue lashing. Will he now try to get back with Lucy?)

    4. "Di says, Obviously the actor has gained some weight"

      Yeah he really has, but he took a selfie of himself at the gym and put it on twitter.. So YAY! :) Glad he is trying to be healthy and exercise. :)

  6. "HELLO! t's nice here today and although fall is in the air, it's warm. Bugs are out LOL"

    Hell yeah it was warm! I was at the dentist today for a cleaning and x-rays and when I was done and went outside, I saw a bug flying! ICK!

    "So, Genie decided to stay home from the set while COVID is going on. Not the writers fault!!"

    Really? Well good! :) Where did you hear that?

    The pier:

    Scotty and Ava: SCOTTY!!! BLACKMAILING AVA!!! YAY! :) Oh Ava! I can't believe you would be shocked that Scotty is blackmailing you. You are messing with his son!!! He is a papa bear! If this was the other way around, you would do the exact same thing. :) Oh my! That whole scene with the exact moment of death of a friendship, was really really good. Great scene! Sad because their friendship is over, :( but a really really great scene. Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Well, that's one way to look at it. Spying on you. Or you could look at it like, um yeah I'm spying on you.


    Ava and Nik: Love that Scotty is blackmailing both of them hahaha.

    Chase's home:

    BLQ and Ned: I'm glad BLQ told Ned about those messages from Olivia that she erased! Good girl! Good 13 year old girl!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Marty and Nik: Is Nik desperate? I think he is hahahahahha.

    Marty and Jules: Is it to early for Jules to have a party now that his wife has "died"? :)

    Carson home:

    Carsason: Well well well.... Carly tells Sonny and Jason the truth, and Sonny didn't call her a faithless whore?!?!! Awwwww! So disappointing. Yes Carly I thought Nelle was faking too! Then when Carly grabbed her to help her up, I thought Nelle was going to pull her down with her to fall.

    Carsason and Chase: Oopsy. Carly's story changed a little. Will she get in trouble because of that? Will the Tribbles be so upset that they shrink?

    The hospital:

    Michael and Willow: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    "Karen says, Hey if Nelle is dead do Michael and Willow need to stay married?"

    Great question!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope not!!!

    Michael, Willow, and Chase: When Willow touches Michael's arm, Chase was looking and I could hear his heart breaking! And then he saw them hug! :'( Poor Chase!!! Dammit I want my Chillow back!!!!

    Willow and Sasha: Is Sasha high?

    Liz and Sasha: Sasha desperate for drugs!!! Are the drugs desperate for her? I doubt it.

    Friz and Scotty: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! They are all working together!!!! LOVE IT! :) Oh happy day oh happy day! :)

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumped into my time machine to go to January 4th 1995.* Mike Corbin's first scene on GH. The first time he joined the show was January 4, 1995.

    1. Thanks a lot Sonya, spewed my coffee at your "Good girl! Good 13 year old girl!" Lol!

      I've missed the Tribbles, have they been away getting a trim?

      So happy that Liz/Franco/Scotty are in cahoots! Serves Nik & Ava right!

      The more Martin Gray is on, the more I like him and his cheesy accent. I mean really, who goes around saying my "dance card is suddenly filling up?" I love that and his quirky turn of phrase!

      I could seriously care less about Sasha

    2. "Good girl! Good 13 year old girl!" -- ROFL!

    3. I hate to say it, Sonya, but if someone else ODs I hope it's Sasha. That would have a few repercussions and show that there is a problem.( And opioid-involved overdose deaths are a big problem right now in RL too.) It would also get rid of a redundant character while creating a few more storylines.

    4. "Julie H says, Thanks a lot Sonya, spewed my coffee at your "Good girl! Good 13 year old girl!" Lol!"

      Hahaha. Well, she has been acting like it! :)

      "I've missed the Tribbles, have they been away getting a trim?"

      Oh maybe!!!! :) I miss them too!

      "So happy that Liz/Franco/Scotty are in cahoots!"

      Me too! YAY!

      "Serves Nik & Ava right!"

      HA! :)

      "I could seriously care less about Sasha"

      Yeah she is just meh.

      Kevin says, "Good girl! Good 13 year old girl!" -- ROFL!


      "Di says, I hate to say it, Sonya, but if someone else ODs I hope it's Sasha."

      Yeah. I'm not that invested in her, so if she dies, I won't really miss her. I did like her with Griffin. I don't really want her back with Michael. There is nobody on the show I want her with.

  7. And Julie H, I think Martin and Lucy would make quite the pair. lol



  The new show "Beyond the Gates" topped GH during it's debut week. It runs 2-3pm/est in major markets against the ABC soap. N...