Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Today is The First Day....

 Of my back to work! I did not pass out entirely and can make it to blog today lol. The kids were fun. 

NEWS! Kim Delaney who played one of Wub's fave characters on AMC is coming to GH! As who you ask? Hmmm, not sure but I'm guessing Finn's step mama! I loved her as Jenny--which is why I chose that photo for her. 



WSB FACILITY !! The guard asks Olivia and Robert to check in. She's like 'DON'T YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS"?? Robert says the guy is too young to know him lol .. Dr. Kirk comes out and says they can't see Dante. Then he says they can but only if Dante says ok. Dante says no. Olivia cries and beats on the door. Calls him by his first, middle and last name. Yells. Then cries. Then pleads but he still won't open the door. 

Kevin is on! Lulu brings him lunch because Laura is worried he is working too hard. Kevin wonders when she's going to be coming home from DC. Cyrus slides up and says he wonders too. Lulu finds out he fired Bobbie and Monica. She's not happy. 

JaSam are still talking to Brando. Yada yada, Cyrus...yada. Sam goes back later and apologizes to him for thinking he sabotaged the bike. 

Jordan tells Alexis that Opioids were found in Neil's blood. Alexis is like NOPE The medical examiner was wrong. Then the examiner comes out and said that Neil was injected. But.. there was no needle found at Alexis house, right? Stupid Jordan should have known that. 

Someone on twitter said that Laura asked Neil to do some opioid clinic through the hospital and help addicts .Maybe that's why Cyrus killed him? 

Julian sits with Valentin. Wants to find Martin Gray to get a divorce from Nelle. Peter looks on because 'NELLE' was mentioned.  Then Jules leaves and Peter comes over. Peter tells him that Nelle could "Ruin him". Asks Valentin to help him. Valentin says yes. 

At the Penthouse, Spin tells Jason he has proof against Peter. Shows him the computer vid. 


Olivia and Robert are stopping at Holly's memorial on the way home. 

Alexis and Julian cleaning up the bedroom at her house. He finds the needle under the bed. Says "I'm sorry" to Alexis.

Jordan shows up at Cyrus and says "Why did you murder Neil Burns"?? She knew!! Bloop! 


  1. I loved Jenny too. Get rid of some of the others for her. Yes, see if she has chemistry with Finn.

  2. Knew it! No way did Neil kill himself! I hate you Ponytail!!! 🤮😭😭😭
    I miss Neil, poor Alexis!
    So good to see Kevin! Why is Laura's fam so important to Ponytail???
    Damn I really really wanted Dante to see his mama!! She traveled all that way for nothing! 😭😭
    Today was sad!

  3. The hospital:

    Doc and Lulu: DOC!!!!! THERE YOU ARE! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!!?! Awww Lulu made dinner for him. :) SWEET!! :)

    Lulu, Doc, and King Cyrus:


    King Cyrus: :)

    Lulu: You fired Monica and Bobbie?!?! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    King Cyrus: :)

    Doc's thoughts: I need a shower.

    Doc and Lulu: Doc wins the line of the day.

    Doc: The more that I am exposed to Cyrus Renault, the more I feel like I need to take a shower.


    Brando's room:

    Brando and Sam:

    Sam: What makes you think you know the kind of life I lead.

    Brando: Suppose you tell me.

    Awwww they are getting to know each other and bonding! :) Next thing you know, they will be all warm and cuddly and kissing. :)

    20 hours later.

    *Brando gets out of the bed*

    Sam: Oh no no no! You get back in bed!!

    Sam's thoughts: Wow he has nice legs. Well, I met his legs, so he should meet my cupcakes soon..

    Jordan and Alexis: OPIOIDS!! OPIOIDS!! Cyrus did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Alexis and Julian: Awwww he is there for her. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Julian and V.C.: You can feel a lot of love with them! :)

    Hiney and V.C.: You can feel a lot of love with them too! :) Oh oh Hiney is skeered!!! Awwww V.C. is going to help him. How lovely! :)

    WSB headquarters:

    Olivia and Robert: Awwww! Robert is all don't listen to Ned!! Love how he is there for her. When Robert talked about Robin when she was little turning him into a mush puddle, he would have won the joke of the day, cus that is adorable and funny! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Captain Kirk, Olivia, and Robert: Now when Olivia said that Dante would never hurt me, I wanted Dante to see Olivia, and strangle her, just to show her that yes he would hurt her! Cus she keeps saying that he wouldn't!!! Then if he did, then what Olivia?!?!?! Now what?!?!!

    Olivia and Dante's door: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Olivia made me cry!!! Great scene!! Stop it Olivia just stop it!!! :'( She is breaking my heart!!!!

    Captain Kirk and Dante: YES! Dante is going to do the work before seeing his loved ones!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :) Then captain Kirk can come to Port Chuckles too and meet more of Port Chuckles's residents! :) Including Alexis. :)

    Olivia and Robert part 2: A pact is a pact!!!! :) So glad they are there for each other!!! :)

    Jasam home:

    Jason and Spinny: Get him Spinny! Get Hiney!!!! Crush him!!!! :)

    Jasam: Sam just can't stop talking about good ol Brando! :)

    Sam's thoughts: Mmmmm Brando's legs.

    Alexis's home:

    Julian and Alexis: NEEDLE!!!!! King Cyrus had one of his henchman to put a needle in Neil's arm while Alexis and Neil were sleeping I bet!!! :)

    King Cyrus's home:

    Jordan and King Cyrus:

    Jordan: Why did you murder Neil Burns?

    King Cyrus: :)

    GO JORDAN! Mic drop!!! :)

    1. Stop trying to push poor Brando at Sam. When she was leaving the room I definitely heard him saying..."Definitely no fish for dinner Sonya. I've suffered enough." (¬‿¬)

    2. "Di says, Stop trying to push poor Brando at Sam."

      Hahaha. I'm not!!! :) She is the one who kept going in his room!!! She even told him to get back in bed! :) Then she wouldn't stop talking to Jason about him! :) It's like she doesn't hate him anymore! :)

      "When she was leaving the room I definitely heard him saying..."Definitely no fish for dinner Sonya. I've suffered enough." (¬‿¬)"

      Is that sexual innuendo? Ewwwwwwwwwww! ROFL!

    3. I was just thinking salmon....lol No Sam..on for me...lol

      Go away fishie... ><((((`>

    4. "Di says, I was just thinking salmon....lol No Sam..on for me...lol"

      Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hahahahaha.

      "Go away fishie... ><((((`>"


  4. "NEWS! Kim Delaney who played one of Wub's fave characters on AMC is coming to GH!"

    Yup! YAY! :)

    "As who you ask? Hmmm, not sure but I'm guessing Finn's step mama!"

    Oh that would be perfect! :)

    "I loved her as Jenny--which is why I chose that photo for her."

    I loved her too as Jenny! Beautiful picture. :)

  5. I was watching an old CSI:Miami and there was Hiney. Long hair in a ponytail.

    1. He was actually in quite a few episodes that season.

  6. I might be in the minority but I think the guy who plays Cyrus is a terrible actor. Sorry. I probably shouldn't say this. He is one dimensional and monotone. Not a good bad guy at all.

  7. Jenny! Love Kim D!
    LL (Olivia) was amazing. Really liking the Olivia/Robert friendship.
    Still wish we had seen Monica and Bobbie getting fired. Any day with LC and JZ is a good day.
    I miss Laura!!!

    1. "Paul773 says, Still wish we had seen Monica and Bobbie getting fired."

      Yeah me too! In fact, where the hell are they?! Why haven't they shown them? They should be somewhere commiserating!!!

  8. Have Jaclyn Zeman and Leslie Charleson left the show? Is that why they were fired? Utterly ridiculous like so much else

    1. If they had left the show it would be in the magazines or we would have heard about it from Karen. So no...they haven't left.

  9. I thought that Bobbie should have been there during the Wiley kidnapping, he is her grandson. But I did see that she is back taping the show, and Monica has been on also. BUT WHERE IS LAURA?

    Olivia was breaking my heart also, Lisa C is such a GREAT actress, glad she has been on the show so much more.

    If Jordan thinks that Cyrus killed Neil, HOW can she let him stay free? He has done SOOO much damage in SUCH a short time. He is head of GH, has fired Monica and Bobbie, can ruin so many lives. If Jordan insists on letting him run free, then Sonny and Jason should do him in like they were supposed to . . .

    1. That's the big question for me too. Where's Laura?!!

    2. "AntJoan says, But I did see that she is back taping the show, and Monica has been on also."

      They have?!?!!?! Where did you see that??! :)

    3. Jackie said on this site that she is taping again: https://soaps.sheknows.com/general-hospital/news/

      And Monica was on when Wiley was kidnapped, as well as other times.

  10. Little Mr. Complete the Mission should be ashamed of the way he treated his mama, making her cry. For shame! Excellent scenes and I have to say Robert and Olivia have been absolutely charming. As much as I like Nedly, R&O have been a very pleasant surprise! Fingers crossed we actually get to see them at Holly's memorial.

    I'm very excited about Kim Delaney. I'm guessing Chase's mom too, though some have said on various social media sites, maybe Lois. But I hope not!

    1. "Julie H says, Little Mr. Complete the Mission should be ashamed of the way he treated his mama, making her cry. For shame!"

      Nobody should be making their mother cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Unless it's a happy cry!

  11. I think Lois since they keep saying she is coming to see Brook Lynn...
    Cyrus CANNOT act - it's painful and he serves no purpose.....and for the first time, I Totally agree with everyone about Kelly M.....wow - her lips look weird and she is not EVEN TRYING to act anymore......could she be more bored?

    1. I was trying to go a whole week without mentioning Mumbles (lol!), but I absolutely agree, she was the pits yesterday!!

    2. I wish they'd bring back the other actress, I liked her so much better as Sam! Especially with NLG. Why must we suffer thru KeMo...

  12. AND again WHY won't Sonny just kill Cyrus and WHEN is Taggart back?

    1. Probably not for awhile since he's supposed to be playing dead...



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