Friday, December 1, 2017

WILL the Real Jason Morgan.....

So, Diane questions Andre to avoid having to haul him into court. Everyone agrees. Maddox 

says that he was doing research for Alzheimers for WSB and they shut him down. Then, he got a mysterious backer who paid from off shore accounts.  The subjects came unconscious and sedated and he experimented on them. "Jason Morgan lost nothing.....his memories were copied like a Xerox machine".  "Drew lost his memories and past life, he thinks he Jason Morgan".  Then, Miller attacks Maddox for doing this to his family.
Diane says 'TELL these men who is who"@@@!!! (Commercial) 

THE REAL JASON is.... Burton.  Miller is Andrew. He flips out an accuses Sonny of paying Maddox off to say he's not Jason. Sonny's like: Yeah, NO I gots nothin' to do with this. Then Spinelli says HE has proof that Miller is Andrew. He shows a photo of Andrew Kane (looking like Jason) in Navy uniform. Andrew went AWOL in 2012 and no one knew why. Spinelli tells Jordan to look up the Navy fingerprints and Jason's from prior to whenever they weren't messed with.  At first, Miller doesn't believe it but then Curtis basically says: Well... you are Drew and that's ok, man. Killy goes into the interrogation room to look at the photo and talk. 
Diane, CarSon and Spin go out for a drink. Jason has to stay there to do paperwork for the not-trial he's having.  

Looks like Drew is accepting he's not Jason a bit.  He's scared the media company will be taken away. Sam says not to worry, he goes out and tells Jason "I don't care what the DNA says, you are not my brother". Jason is like: Meh, whatever, have a good life.  He leaves. 

Other Junk happening today:  Ava HAS ON THE WORSE DRESS EVER ugh. Julian is home.  Griffin comes in and gives flowers to Ava. Julian is all "You still a priest? you sleeping with my sister"?? Then Ava says Griffin saved her life. Griffin is pissed that Julian is out of prison . TOTALLY Forgot he killed Duke and Duke is Griffin's father LOL!!  Well, he ordered Carlos to kill him I mean. 

Alexis and Dr. Bensch --she tells him the entire Julian Story. OMG FILLER I DON'T CARE!! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!! Get to the Jasons!


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hated Ava's dress. It did absolutely nothing for her.

    I'm glad they're giving drew a good background. He was an honorable man. not a mob hit man. I'm sure Monica will proudly display his picture on her mantle. He is still a Q heir and this can lead to many other stories. ( And he's soon going to get a surprise son I think too.

    I'm actually hoping that Jason lets him and Sam keep the media company. It could be one way of helping to build a bridge between the brothers.

  2. shocking everyone guessed steve burton is jason.

  3. THANK YOU for mentioning Ava's dress. I was laughing so hard!!! I don't know who MW pissed off in the wardrobe department.

    The mayhem - right in the middle of the PCPD also made me laugh. I thought this two Jasons thing was going to take 9 months to resolve.? Maybe it's just figuring out who backed Andre. (Faison, anyone?)

    Does Griffin know that Ava is also a murderer?

  4. Now that Jason is Jason and notJason is Drew, anyone else waiting for the line, "I'll do whatever it takes to keep Franco away Elizabeth and my son" to come out of Jason's mouth.

  5. OK, did not finish watching yet, but agree with others about Ava's fugly dress, and also how ridiculous it was to question Andre in the middle of the police department. Why would he come back and agree to be questioned like that, without a lawyer? I know he feels guilty, but he didn't seem too guilty while he was in Cuba.

    Re Ava, she is sooo beautiful, but that ponytail and fugly dress - - - she is NOT sweet 16!

    Also, I heard that Prince Harry's fiance was on GH, anyone know what part she played? They said it was a small part . . .

    1. I looked online and all I could find was that she played Jill for 1 day in 2002

  6. That dress was so ugly! Someone should be fired for that debacle. I can’t believe how much I am enjoying this show now. I also don’t think Griffin knows Ava killed Connie. He would probably be horrified.

  7. I am ticked. The way Drew is being treated by Sonny and company sucks! Sonny is an ass. I felt so bad for Drew, he looked like he lost his last friend. At least he has Curtis....and Sam, for now. Wonder how that will play out.

  8. Anne, thanks for the info. Who is Jill?

    I think that Griffin does know that Ava killed Connie, but I could be wrong.

    I can't believe they resolved the 2 Jasons issue so quickly! Most of us thought they would drag it out forever, including first identifying the wrong guy, etc. I am hoping this really means there is a sea change at GH, and that they are moving things along more quickly.

  9. Jill was played by the new duchess to be. I don’t feel all that bad for Drew since he has been stubborn and hostile to the whole concept. Jason was kept in captivity for 5 years and has lost everything. Drew doesn’t know where he was all that time except for Cassadine island. If he was at least receptive to the idea of a twin maybe everyone would have been more simpatico towards him.

  10. Sonny's clan were real asses toward Drew. I think Sam is going back to Jason. She's part of that clan. It should be interesting in the coming weeks how Quartermaine clan treats Drew. I think Drew will make peace with Franco.

  11. monica will except drew. sam fell in love with 2 normal men after jason, silas clay and patrick. i think she loves drew and will give him a chance. she does have a baby with drew.

    1. Witch I think you're right, I hope she stays with Drew.

  12. I apparently didn't hit "publish" last night, after typing this up. :( Sorry about that!

    Michelle Latta said...

    I am ticked. The way Drew is being treated by Sonny and company sucks! Sonny is an ass. I felt so bad for Drew, he looked like he lost his last friend. At least he has Curtis....and Sam, for now. Wonder how that will play out.

    ** I've made my feelings about Sonny clear before. So I'm pretty much ALWAYS ticked at him for one reason or another. But yeah, the way he and Carly have handled the situation is just totally deplorable IMO. But, there were a few things bugging me with the big "reveal" today, though. The first of course being that of Patrick's CT scan on BM. The other being that not one thing said/shown today was a completely indisputable solid evidence that proved who was who.


  13. AntJoan said...

    I can't believe they resolved the 2 Jasons issue so quickly! Most of us thought they would drag it out forever, including first identifying the wrong guy, etc. I am hoping this really means there is a sea change at GH, and that they are moving things along more quickly.

    ** I'm not quite so sure they have. (maybe it's just me trying to read too deeply into stuff) But, nothing said on Friday was really anything "solid" or something that irrefutiably proved who was who. (I do apologize if I've been sounding like a broken record lately, when it comes to this storyline)


  14. witch said...

    monica will except drew. sam fell in love with 2 normal men after jason, silas clay and patrick. i think she loves drew and will give him a chance. she does have a baby with drew.

    Michelle Latta said...

    Witch I think you're right, I hope she stays with Drew.

    ** Even though, I've never been a Sam fan, so do I. Since they've been together, she's actually "matured" mentally and emotionally, I think. IMO, she's grown much more with him. Where as before, she never did. He's definitely been good for her. As far as "where do things go from here, I really do hope we get to see more of his relationship with Monica. That's definitely been my favorite part out of the storyline. When he and Sam were in the interrogation room of the PCPD pn Fri, when he said that the name/life of Andrew Cain really meant nothing at all to him. I'd LOVE for him to change his last name to Q, and whatever he wants to do for the first name, and essentially "start fresh" as much as he possibly can, and embracinimg the Qs. I've really always thought, he is definitely more connected to them than SB ever was after the accident.


  15. I'd like to see that name change too. It would make up for the slap in the face when Michael went back to Sonny. And it would give Monica a bigger role too besides unseen baby sitter.

  16. Di said...

    I'd like to see that name change too. It would make up for the slap in the face when Michael went back to Sonny. And it would give Monica a bigger role too besides unseen baby sitter.

    ** Absolutely!! Michael going back to Sonny like that was so wrong for so many reasons, it really just disgusted me when they did that. Although, his last name still is legally Q. (He didn't change it back. The nameplate on his office door at ELQ (On the VERY rare times we actually get to see ELQ at all anymore) it still says Q on it also. At least these days after she was made COS at GH again, we've seen her far more often, than the several years leading up to it. With Leslie coming back for Laura and Kevin's wedding, I would LOVE it if they would expand on the friendship she and Monica were starting to slowly forge, the last time Leslie was back on.


  17. Police station: Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maddox told the truth! Didn't see that coming!! So basically,

    Maddox: Whine whine whine. I'm not the bad guy! Whine whine whine.


    Carly: You are my friend Drew! You are just not Jason! Jason is my everything!!!!

    Sonny: Jason is my everything too.

    Spinny: Jason is the coolest!!!

    The hospital:

    Benchy and Alexis: Listen to him Alexis!! There is nothing to feel embarrassed about!!! :)

    Benchy and Julian: Julian wins the line of the day!

    Julian: Are you going to do Alexis?

    BAHHAHAAHHAHAHA! I can't believe he asked that! And Benchy's comment hahahaha.

    Ava's home:

    Ava and Julian: Oh the inappropriate chemistry is back! :)

    GrAva: Awww great scene!!!! He can't forgive, Ava wants to compromise. I think Griffy is right. It's going to be complicated.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...