I watched yesterday's show. Trying hard with Post-Tumor Franco no?? Just once I'd like to see a soap guy give a girl a crappy ring! Or at least TINY LOL
Maxie and Lulu outted Nellie!! YEAH!!
I guess Dr. Kim is working at GH as an OBGYN. Nice, jump right in. Good to get her mixed into the canvas. What IF she's in on the whole Jasons switch? She knew Drew, she's a doctor-- she came to PC. Hmmmmm. maybe??
SaSon goes to find the burner phone location and they go in an it's BRITTA!! She says Faison is gone, left a few hours ago. Jason tells her about Danny and tries to pull her heartstrings to give them information.
Idiot Oscar wants Joss to delete the DNA test from her phone. (they came in). He wants to give his mom "another chance to tell him herself" .
Drew is out--Jason convinced the Navy guy to let him go because of what happened. He's not happy Jason helped the situation. Later, they walk home and run into Friz (see below)
Carly is donating to Toys for Tots. She runs into Dr. Kim. They talk about Joss and Drew. And the Jasons. Joss comes in with Oscar to talk to his mom. Carly bitches her out because she's grounded and walking around all over.
Friz is going to take boys to see Santa. Franco wants to marry Liz on Christmas. Carly stops by to yell at Liz. Liz is like DUHHHHh weren't YOU going to marry him? "Just wait until Jason finds out" says Carly.
In the Park, ONLY JAKE shows up with Friz (of course) and Drew and Liz explain the whole mess to him. God, that kid can CRY!! wow...he was so good. He's upset, doesn't want "the other Jason" as his dad. Meanwhile, Franco and Sam are exchanging barbs about Jason
Franco "I bte you want him back"
Sam "I bet your're afraid he'll go to Liz" Something along those lines. lol
At the END:
Kim confirms Nell is PG-- they tell Carly "Congratulations Grandma" says Nellie LOL
AND..OMG Dr. Kim just goes to Killys and STRAIGHT UP TELLS him Oscar's his SON! geesh!!! No build up, no NOTHING!! ahahahaaa. WELP.
Yeh I said from the beginning I wouldn't be surprised if Dr Kim were in on it. Just too convient. Who knows though.
ReplyDeleteI hate Carly.
But don't you love watching the two Carly's in scenes together?! At least I do! Then again, my 6 year old daughter is named after Carly, so...
DeleteMichelle, I thought the same thing. I am more than willing to bet that Kim is in on Nelle's little scheme.
ReplyDeleteAre they setting Nelle up to be murdered? Virtually the entire cast hates her, except Cassandra, and she doesn't know her. LOL
Also, thinking that Drew is NOT Oscar's daddy. That piece of news come out just too quickly for me.
ReplyDeleteDislike Sam and Carly intently.
ReplyDeleteI've wondering if Cassandra isn't the big bad here. I think it's more likely to be her than Kim.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope they're setting Nelle up to be murdered.
Yes please to Nelle getting knocked TFO off of this show! She's no Carly-esque villan
DeleteWelp, it's not sweeps. Ergo, I call bologna on BabyDaddyDrew.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if its just me but I'm getting a Lisa Niles vibe with Kim when it comes to Drew.
ReplyDeleteCount me as another Carly hater. Everyone is supposed to forgive HER when she messes up, but she never forgives anyone. Total hypercritic. Can we keep Britt?
ReplyDeleteIt was worth keeping Nelle if only for the "Gramma" comment she threw at Carly. Carly is such a shrew. Maybe Dr. Creepy is still a suspect in the Jason case. When he talks to Kiki he gives me the "NO" feeling.I know it's a soap but why would Andre would come back from Cuba to face jail time? I like Britt. Josh loves Nelle. If Michael is a father Nelle would be set for life - as long as she lives, anyway.
ReplyDeleteOhhhh, Michael...did you not read your GH history?? You are the product of baby daddy drama! Michael Corinthos IV coming to a nursery soon. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteOf course Franco wants to get married on Christmas, who the hell gets married on Christmas? Will probably be a February sweeps non wedding event.
Grandma Carly getting in Liz's face about the engagement, LOL. Umm weren't you engaged to him too? Stones and glass houses Carly.
Since Jake's therapist turned out to be a quack, he needs a new one pronto!!! Your dad's your uncle, your sister is your cousin and your real dad's a Hitman that just came back from the dead. Did he ever get his last name changed to Morgan?
LOL at Carly Drew doesnt like Franco....Jason hates Franco. True, so very true.
Can't believe Carly didn't speed dial Jason with the Friz engagement news.
LOL Alicia! Yeh Danny and Scout are sibling/cousins in true soap fashion. You had me tripping with Grandma Carly!
DeletePoor Jake, he's gonna be screwed for Life! He and Andrew were breaking my heart.
I don't think for a second that Nelle is pregnant she got Kim to lie for her some how. This is what I think is going to happen, Nell will kidnap Maxie's baby and pass it off as her own and make Maxie think the kid is dead.
ReplyDeleteTotally! It was off screen so I believe you're right! Couldn't she see how so not excited Michael looked???
Deleteishouldreadmore said...
ReplyDeleteAlso, thinking that Drew is NOT Oscar's daddy. That piece of news come out just too quickly for me.
** Yeah, I was surprised how fast that reveal happend. That said, I'm still not completely convinced exactly that SB/Jason and BM/Drew is who we;ve been told in the last week
OMG, sooo much soapy intrigue! This is good, no?? So much happened yesterday on GH that my head was spinning. I know the Oscar daddy reveal came quickly, but I'm thinking that the show is just moving stories along quickly now . . . And it's about time! You know, I never liked Carly, of course she was horrible when she first came on, she seemed to have Borderline Personality Disorder, and no conscience at all! Then she mellowed into the shrew she is today. But I never heard from so many fellow Carly haters on this site until today!
ReplyDeleteWhen I met the actress at a GH event, she was sooo warm, lovely, personable and smart that I felt guilty for not liking the character.
I still find it disconcerting to see the 2 Carlys together. Now we have 2 Jasons, and 2 Carlys! The idea that Kim may be in on some or all of the nefarious plots going on is interesting, but I have no clue one way or the other if it's so. The Nelle baby switch with Maxie is an interesting thought, but I think that poor Maxie deserves one pregnancy that just goes right (though I know they never do at soaps). Since she once pretended to be PG, however, there would be some irony in this . . .
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, Britt, PLEASE stay!!
ReplyDeleteI’m no Carly fan but I was glad she spoke up to the newly engaged but in all likelihood disastrous couple. Nelle looks rather evil with that red lipstick and obviously delusional to bat. Little Jake was wonderful-great acting! BM was really mumbling again. Glad to see Britt! Too bad her buddy doesn’t seem to be working at GH anymore. Don’t doctors carry tablets around now, not ring binders? I’ve been to doctors who had offices in hospitals but not in regular hospital rooms.
To me it seemed obvious that Kim noticed Michael's reactions, both before, when she spoke to him alone, and after, when Nelle insisted she speak to them together. However, she had to be upbeat and congratulatory, that is part of her job, she couldn't start to speak to Michael about his feelings.
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said..When I met the actress at a GH event, she was sooo warm, lovely, personable and smart that I felt guilty for not liking the character.
ReplyDeleteShows what a great actress Laura is. I loved her on Guiding Light, her character there was the polar opposite of Carly.
Has anyone heard rumors of a Nik return? I have, but I'm not sure how valid to take them.
One major flaw in the Jason/Drew story... Why does no one yet realize that Sam is still legally married to Jason? When Billy's "Jason" came to town and they realized who he was, he and Sam got a "divorce" so they start fresh. Then, she married him again later. However, the divorce from Jason Morgan is no longer legal since Jason didn't sign the papers, ergo the marriage to Drew is not legitimate. Like, why has this not come up? Seems really obvious...
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm pretty sure Victor and Obrecht are involved in the story, as well as Cassandra. Also wouldn't be surprised to see Jerry, Alcazar, or the Zacchara's involved.
I wondered about the whole marriage thing but figured they aren't going to address it?
DeleteKim seems awfully interested in everybody's business, especially Elizabeth for some reason...really hope that there is some sinister plot brewing otherwise her character is going to be a snooze fest. I think Tamara Braun is a great actress, but I hated her version of Carly with a passion.(Sarah Brown will always be Carly to me) Would be awesome if she was behind the whole twin switch and just wants to screw with everyone for fun. Maybe she's actually Sarah Webber with a face change and decided to get revenge on Elizabeth for forgetting she existed for the last 15 or so years.
ReplyDeleteAnd please Lord someone give the kid who plays Oscar some acting lessons or speech therapy. I cannot understand what he's saying, I have to put the CC on my TV to figure it out.
LOL Alicia! I think you're right about Kim, she seems to have an agenda. Never cared for Tamara as Carly but I loved Sarah and of course Laura. I have trouble understanding him as well.
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteWhen I met the actress at a GH event, she was sooo warm, lovely, personable and smart that I felt guilty for not liking the character.
** A LOMG time ago I pretty much came to the conclusion that when it comes to entertainers (actors/actresses/musicians, etc...) to completely separate their personal life/personality from their performances/output. Since a lot of times one can be completely at odds with the other.
AntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteI still find it disconcerting to see the 2 Carlys together. Now we have 2 Jasons, and 2 Carlys! The idea that Kim may be in on some or all of the nefarious plots going on is interesting, but I have no clue one way or the other if it's so.
** The "2 Carlys" issue is the one that is probably the worst for me. So far at least, the best way I've found (for me at least) is to try to get myself instead of thinking of Tamara as Carly, to try to and associate her as either of the characters she played on Days, or the one she did on AMC. (I recommend going the Days route) While not a PERFECT solution, it has helped me a bit. Especially when they're in a scene together.
Gary Johnson said...
ReplyDeleteHas anyone heard rumors of a Nik return? I have, but I'm not sure how valid to take them.
** Unless it's a recast (Which if they went with Nick Stable again, could work, I think), since Tyler is apparently pretty happy at Days, I think the chances are about the same as getting Jane Elliot to return.
Michelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteI wondered about the whole marriage thing but figured they aren't going to address it?
** I've noticed that with a few things. I just really hope like with a few others, that they're not just hoping that if they don't say anything, then the audience will forget about it.
K, yes, ITA, the marriage thing is bothering me also. At least they explained why Drew was not eager to look into his past. Andre addressed this while they were in opposite jail cells, that Drew wants to hold onto his current life, the only one he remembers, and delving into the past might take him away from it.
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteK, yes, ITA, the marriage thing is bothering me also. At least they explained why Drew was not eager to look into his past. Andre addressed this while they were in opposite jail cells, that Drew wants to hold onto his current life, the only one he remembers, and delving into the past might take him away from it.
** That line of reasoning makes total sense to me, at least. He has absolutely no memory or frame of reference from that time, beyond what others have told him. With those being the circumstances around the entire situation. Were I in the same place he's in, I'd probably do the same thing.
Britch's apartment:
ReplyDeleteBritch and Sason: BRITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Great scene!
Police station:
Paint and Wall: Oh good Drew is freeeeeeeeeeeee! Time to focus now on Paint and Wall media.. Or not.
Carson's home:
JossCar: Wow!~ They can get test results over the phone?!!??!! That is awesome. I remember when you had to wait for results in the mail.
The hospital:
CarlyKim and Carly: It's like the twilight zone.
Carly and Friz: Oh Carly! Leave them alone and stop harassing them!
Carly, Janey, and Michael: Janey wins the line of the day.
Janey: Congratulations Grandma.
Carly and JossCar: I thought Joss was going to tell her mother about what is going on?!?!!??!! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD TELL HER GAH! You already got permission from Oscar!
Christmas in the park:
Janey and Michael: Love Michael's assertiveness and that he isn't backing down! GO MICHAEL GO! :)
Drew, Jakey, and Liz: Broke my heart!!! Poor Jakey!!!!!!!!! :(
Sam and BobTodd: Great scene! :)
Sam: You may not be legally responsible for what you did to me,
Oh good. I was beginning to think that the writers forgot that BobTodd didn't rape Sam.
Paint and Wall's home:
Drew and baby Trim: Awwwwwwww I love the way Drew is holding baby Trim! :) That baby looks like boy. :)
Drew and CarlyKim:
CarlyKim: I got pregnant. Oscar is your son.
DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Wow she was all jittery before and didn't want to tell Oscar the truth, and now she is all calm when she tells Drew! She must be drinking too much coffee.
"AntJoan said...Then she mellowed into the shrew she is today."
ReplyDeleteROFL! Yes she did. :)
"Alicia said.. And please Lord someone give the kid who plays Oscar some acting lessons or speech therapy. I cannot understand what he's saying, I have to put the CC on my TV to figure it out."
I think he has braces on his teeth or something. I could have sworn I saw something on his teeth.