Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Hair Story

It's back!! I'm back..after driving into the Lake Effect Tundra yesterday. Oy, it was NOT fun but we made it there and back again.

Sonny's Gym:  Anna Say's it's 'BOXING DAY" and they went "boxing" get it? She needs to teach him self defense. He says "I can take care of myself pretty well"--Anna flips him over in like  2 seconds lol.  They almost kiss-- he touches her neck. She faints. LOL he put pressure on her artery.  Finn goes "See I CAN take care of myself"!! Cassie calls him to meet tomorrow about the drug trial. 

That Aurora manager (something August) asks Sam who "really' owns the company. She said Jason gave it to she and Drew. August says: You 3 should do a joint interview, great for PR. She's like NO way. 

Sonny goes to see Drew-- wants to fix the rift between the families. Drew is like: yeah...I don't think so. Then they talk about Drew trying to save Morgan. Wow--Billy Miller was so GOOD IN THAT SCENE~! wow..where have you been?? Covered in the Jason robot character??  Anyway, they kinda make up but Drew says their lives are moving in opposite directions now. Sounds like the brush-off.  

Charlotte is back with Nina and Val, Lulu dropped her at Kelly's. Valentine tells Lulu if she investigates the Mayoral race it's coming down on Nikolas.  She leaves and goes to the PCPD. The board has reviewed the ballots and they are real. The election was rigged.  Lulu then goes to see the Aurora August manager and wants a job.

Back at Kelly's, Cassie brings a present for Chalotte and Nina grabs her by the hair and tells her to leave Char alone LOL. She was VICIOUS!!  Maxie leaves and swats Val's head and grabs HAIR for a DNA test???? HUH?? Is she thinking it's Valentine who's Nate's Dad? I mean? Isn't he too young for that?!! Maybe she was teaching/schooling him in his spy days and they hooked up!??

Dr. Kim and  Naxie talk about if the medical records are real from his mother or not. Kim thinks they are real ...not sure about the name, but they are real.  They shouldn't worry about the pregnancy. 

Sam goes to see Dr. Kim at her office to ask her about Drew. They met a bar in San Diego and he told her upfront he'd be gone in about 3 months time.  She tells her Drew went to HS in upstate NY. But wow-- I think she's lying thru her teeth. 

END: Kim comes to Killy's and gives then the Mixed CD. I think she wants Drew to remember her. 


  1. Valentin would be Nathans first cousin if Victor was his father. She is probably checking for a familial match.

  2. i say faison is nathan's father

  3. Why doesn't Nate just use Ancestry.com?

  4. okay so I thought we didn't know WHERE Lucky was?????? Did GH forget that??????
    and Liz didn't mention him and HOW FUNNY are the promos for GH that JAKE is the only child with Liz?

    it's gotta be Faison for sure - okay so we never saw Charlotte at Christmas with anyone? I feel this year GH just skipped Christmas/no hospital/no children/no reading the Christmas story.....once again WHERE is Brad and Lucas, but especially Brad - he's changed so many tests, I hope they don't pop him back for that.....he should have gone to see Britt....STILL don't get WHY Britt is in jail.....because Spencer is fine

    1. Barbara if I'm not mistaken Charlotte was with Lante. I can forgive the writers for that. Maybe next yr there will be a Christmas story. GH is so great right now I can overlook that.

  5. I was also thinking that she was checking for a familial match.If he's a Cassadine that would
    mean that he and Val would be related.

    Is anyone else hoping Laura runs if there's a new mayoral race? Given that speech she made at the council meeting she'd be a great one.

  6. I laughed so hard when Nina tried ripping out Cassandra's hair and then Maxie turns around and ripped out Valentine's right after that. I guess Kelly's is the place for hair abuse.
    You can do family DNA studies which will show if Nathan is a Cassadine or not. Would be more interesting if he ended being Faison or Duke's son.

  7. Alicia...I'd rather he was Duke's son than Faison's. If he was Duke's I can see why Dr. O wouldn't want Faison to know.

  8. Di said...

    Alicia...I'd rather he was Duke's son than Faison's. If he was Duke's I can see why Dr. O wouldn't want Faison to know.

    ** Neither of them makes sense, though. As it was very heavily implied that Duke hadn't known Liesl for a long time. Not to mention, were Faison his father, she would be thrilled with that. While she won't do ANYTHING for Faison in heartbeat if he asked her, thinking that he might love her the way she always felt towards him in the past, but she still does care for him deeply. Remember, for the longest time she wanted to give Faison a son, VERY heavily. It was because Britt was a daughter, was really where her disappointment with her came from in the first place. So, if Nathan was Faison's son, I can't see her keeping that from Faison in the first place. Even though Nathan is a cop. She's always been much more of an "old world" type of thinker. I.E. A son is ALWAYS more important than a daughter, regardless. Plus, whoever Nathan's father REALLY is, it's someone that actually terrifies her. That just doesn't fit Faison. Not to mention, originally, Victor wasn't really an evil person. Hell, he was the one that originally helped Luke to shut down the weather machine. This is the problem when dealing with several different writers' visions over the years, things get swapped around and changed around, makes it very challenging to sort it all out. I won't even begin to go into detail about just how much the Cassadines' themselves have
    changed since originally.


  9. Di said...

    Is anyone else hoping Laura runs if there's a new mayoral race? Given that speech she made at the council meeting she'd be a great one.

    **I really liked Laura's speech as well. I wish she would have also mentioned that Luke used to be mayor of PC.

    Why not have Grant Putnam be Nathan's real father? He was pretty dangerous. Then perhaps we could also figure out whatever happened to Celia and Grant Andrews since they appear to have fallen off the face of the history of GH. BTW, Britt sure does look a lot like Celia.

  10. LiamAZ said...

    **I really liked Laura's speech as well. I wish she would have also mentioned that Luke used to be mayor of PC.

    ** I was hoping she might say something about Luke having been the mayor (even if it wasn't for very long). But, I do kind of get why that wasn't brought up. (I think so, at least). Really, the Luke from back then almost an entirely different person, in comparison to the one that left to go "find himself" a couple of years ago. Personality wise, for certain. Not to mention just his reputation in general decreased greatly (And not just due to the whole "Fluke" mess) over time. After the mess Lomax has made of everything, I can see why not saying something about Luke might be a reasonable thing to do on her part.

    Why not have Grant Putnam be Nathan's real father? He was pretty dangerous. Then perhaps we could also figure out whatever happened to Celia and Grant Andrews since they appear to have fallen off the face of the history of GH.

    ** Actually, I would LOVE it if that's who Nathan's real father turned out to be. I've actually been thinking about it for awhile now. With all the talk about Faison, and the DVX being brought up more and more as of late, I've been hoping that him being Nathan's father was where things were heading. He fits everything Liesl has said about who it is. And I could definitely see her actually being afraid of him. I'm glad I'm not the only one here then that's been thinking this way!

    BTW, Britt sure does look a lot like Celia.

    ** You know, I hadn't thought about that at all, so I went back and looked at stuff again, and you're right, she does!



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...