Monday, December 18, 2017

Disco Mania

ABC Christmas Promo

Jordan and Anna commiserate about Andre being such a good liar. They are in the park... and no sign of park bench! 

Jason wants to meet Anna at the Metro. He and Sonny talk at the bar. Sam takes Carly into the hall and says she wants to settle her bill up but she really wants to tell her Drew asked her to marry him. They have a long long talk about Jason/Drew. Carly thinks Sam is only worried about Drew's hurt feelings and Sam says "Jason can take care of himself".  Carly says you can love two people but pick the one that 'gets you--down to your toes'. She also says that whatever Sam decides she's there for her because she's "team Sam". 

Franco explains that he was a coward not to tell Liz the truth but he was scared of losing her. Liz is mad, but they talk it out.  He stops when she asks if he has anything else to tell her. He imagines telling her he 'tried to kill Drew by knocking him down the stairs" but thinks she's freak out so he stays silent. 

Oscar and Jason. Oh, Oscar is trying too hard to have a chip in his shoulder and he's just too wonder-bread to emote that.  Oscar wants to know how Drew was as a kid, what he liked and yada yada. Drew says he doesn't remember. I wonder if this will be the reason Drew wants to get his memory back? Oscar says Drew made a mixed tape for Kim and she has it. Drew is like: hmmmmm, I should hear it.  Oscar leaves.
Sam comes back and says she'll marry him...she loves their life. Drew is now like: Um..well, not so fast, probably isn't a good idea to get hitched again right now.  He thinks he needs to find himself and his memories first 'wait for me".... they hug. 

Jason talking to Sonny about finding the Russian connection. Anna comes in-- and Jason asks Anna about the flash drive in the disco ball ornament. She says she'll get it for him. Leaves.  Jason says to Sonny he thinks Drew can remember on his own.  Anna can't find the ornament at the park, she wants Jason to come there and help her find it.  When he comes she says "it's gone"!! Jason tells her what was on it.  She's all "OMG"!! Then we see the empty ball on someone's desk--BUT WHO'S DESK??!!  Jordan's? (that would be too cool if she was the boss!!) or is it Kim's?? OR Dr. O's?? Hmmmmm

Maxie and Lulu talk about the Feed America drive. Bobbie says they can have it  at Kelly's.  Sort of a weird segway about hunger but must be a PSA thing they are doing this month. Maxie had on DRAMA RED lipstick geesh! 


  1. I don't think it would be Jordan because then she would have known that Andre was married, and that he was doing the mapping to begin with for his wife. And he would know that she knew. Right?

  2. It's gotta be someone that was there just looking and wanted to buy something to help out the needy - so I don't think he/she knows what it is...
    maybe Nina?
    - I would LOVE it to be Carly or Lucy or Scott -

  3. sorry - scratch that - you said EMPTY ball - so that would be Dr. O or Dr. BENSCH?

  4. Peter August desk, he has the ornament

  5. I like Oscar. He seems like a real person. Why isn't Drew more interested in his past? He now has a name and military records. They must of drone a background check on him if he was a Navy seal.

    1. I liked Oscar more today.
      I think Drew is still in shock maybe.

  6. Michelle Latta said...

    I think Drew is still in shock maybe.

    ** I think that's part of it. But remember, the ONLY mental/emotional connections he does have about "Andrew Csin' are what he's learned through other people. He's been living his life as if he was Jason. That's ALL he knows.


    1. Exactly. He's been living Jason w uhh his memories and now he's just found out none of that is true and he's someone else and doesn't remember who he is and now he's got a son. It's a lot to take in.

  7. They REALLY need to get rid of whichever writer is in charge of working the PSA stuff into the scripts. It's about as subtle as a sledgehammer. They just sound so awkward.


  8. Metrocourt restaurant:


    Carly: It's always been you.

    Yeah that's true. :)

    Sonny: It's always been you.

    Uh no.. It used to be it has always been Brenda!!! Be honest Sonny!!! :)

    Sam and Carly: Carly wins the line of the day.

    Sam: YOU are too selfish.

    Carly: I am!

    ROFL! Glad you can admit that Carly! :) Listen to her Sam! She is SO right about what she is saying to you!!!

    Paint and Wall media:

    Paint and Wall:

    Wall: I want to marry you.. Marry me! Oh wait no I change my mind. We have to wait. Which could take weeks, months, maybe even years!

    Oscar and Drew: Aww great scene!! You got great questions there Oscar. Too bad he doesn't remember. :(

    The hospital:

    Friz: Great scene!!! Wow I can't believe he told her the truth!!! See BobTodd! Trust her love. :) Okay so he didn't tell her about shoving his little brother down the stairs, but that shouldn't be a reason to break up. When she freaked out when he told her about pushing his brother down the stairs, I had a feeling he was daydreaming that.

    Jason, Anna, and Sonny: Great scene! Yes get that flash drive!!! :)

    The park:

    Anna and Jordan:

    Anna: Oh shoot! I can't find the disco ball! Not only that, I just peed myself.

    Jordan: You are just so stressed! We will find the disco ball don't worry. Oh and you should really think about buying adult diapers.

    Anna: Yes I will buy the adult diapers as soon as we find the disco ball!


    Lulu and Maxie:

    "Karen says Maxie had on DRAMA RED lipstick geesh!"

    ROFL! Yeah she did! :)

    Disco ball: MUAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA! Nobody will find me!!!

    Hmmmm I wonder who has the disco ball and the flash drive.

  9. I thought Maxie looked great! I have to admit I am getting a bit bored with Sam and Drew. And did Sam really have to ignore Jason at the Metrocourt? Liz now has four kids - Franco is the 4th. He still always look unhinged and acts like a child. She can do much better.

  10. LSV422 said...
    Liz now has four kids - Franco is the 4th. He still always look unhinged and acts like a child. She can do much better.

    *** That's exactly how I feel about that relationship. Some of Liz's kids act more mature than Franco. She needs a grown up partner. For heaven's sakes writers end this sham already.

  11. Sonya, you are correct, it is Sonny and BRENDA. And as for Liz saying she loves Franco more than she ever has loved anyone else, I think maybe that honor goes to Lucky.

  12. Maybe since "Nashville" has been cancelled Lucky will return like everyone else.

  13. "AntJoan said...Sonya, you are correct, it is Sonny and BRENDA."

    YUP! :)

    "And as for Liz saying she loves Franco more than she ever has loved anyone else,"

    Oh I forgot to mention that!!! Yes she has said that to another guy before!!! I think even a lot of guys she has been with!

    "I think maybe that honor goes to Lucky."

    Yes it does! :)

  14. Michelle Latta said...

    Exactly. He's been living Jason w uhh his memories and now he's just found out none of that is true and he's someone else and doesn't remember who he is and now he's got a son. It's a lot to take in.

    ** I think he's doing a hell of a lot better job at taking it all in and processing it than I would have, were it me in his situation.


  15. screamingeagle said...

    Maybe since "Nashville" has been cancelled Lucky will return like everyone else.

    ** As much as I would LOVE for that to happen, I think it would be a HUGE long shot. With JJ pretty firmly settled there, his music career being a BIG factor. I could MAYBE see a few episodes of GH every once in awhile. But, definitely not any long-term fixed stays.



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