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HERE'S TO 2018 |
I'm having some liberties with today's blog details. Enjoy.

Seriously?? Seriously...that's a CD MIX, Drew. Like, who's that even for?

Yeah, me...that's right. ME. it's for ME. And it's brilliant

So...what are we doing tonight?
I don't know about you guys, but I'm here for the champagne
Wait, are we the filler?
Hell, Nathan, I'm always the filler.
I see Lulu's got a new story Dante, so I'm sure you'll be in on that...
Yeah, pal, right.

Oh MY GOD... seriously? I mean, really? Jason..come on.. I mean..
Carly what are you even talking about?
Well... I think..um.. yeah, SONNY really needs you on the Haunted Star!! Like NOW!
On the Haunted Star, why would he be there??
Oh...you know-- just um... checking on a Faison tip. Faison loves boats.
Ok, I'll go
OK!! YOU GO!! Go right over there on the harbor!! Don't knock, just go right in!!

Uh... well, you're not Drew.


Hmmm, wonder what Sam's up to right now..

I'm SO SAD I'm stuck on this boat..
Yeah..ahaaahahaa..me too!! :clapping:

Hey, can I have some more champange, Maxie?
No....it's gone. Ask that hog of a sister of yours where it all went...

So... I'm getting beaten up because you found a bug in my phone and Anna had your factory raided before having you arrested, right?

That....and it's a holiday and we haven't had anyone suffer too much yet. I also have to show how bad-ass I am.
So, the Mayor's race was declared null and void thanks to Lulu finding those slips of paper but strangely, Felicia was only in the very last scene--rather oddly placed saying "well, I don't want to be mayor now any hoo". So, Laura may run which is actually a good thing. Remember when Luke was mayor? Plus, she's Laura Fking Webber, how perfect is if she was mayor?

The drug story is so disappointing. Dante should have been out there on the mean streets busting people, or maybe stopping Amy's brother from buying again. OR someone was using. I would have loved to have seen Cam newly SORA'd out scoring. It would have fit--he could have a giant chip on his shoulder yada yada. But nope, it's boiled down to a slow-moving story about finding some woman in Monico, talking a lot about it, trying to get Val on board, trying to get Finn off-board and now...it seems kidnapping. *sigh*
The JaSam "reunion" alone on the boat was also not my cup of tea. Yes, Carly throwing them together is soap 101 but--really? I found it pretty standard hum-drum which hasn't been the case for most of the story. Yes, Kelly and Steve still have the chem (but I knew that)--and yes, looks like Tams and Billy do too. I still say the story should be Drew remembering who he really 'is" (and was) ...go from there.

ANYWAY--HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I am so looking forward to this year being OVER-- (much like I was last year but had no idea what was really coming)... Things to celebrate: The show is getting a lot better, we saw Leslie for a day, Laura may be the Mayor, GH is still on the air and we are all still around! Please read the 2017 WUB AWARDS if you haven't already. Oh, that last pic is one of my faves--Maxie was all side-eye when Nina got yet MORE champers. LOL!!
Thanks for a great Sunday surgery, Karen, and Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great Sunday Surgery, Karen. Happy New Year to everybody.
ReplyDeleteI can definitely see Cameron having a chip on his shoulder. He's been off looking after his 90 year old granny for the past few years, with a little brother in tow.He'd definitely be looking for something to dull that pain.
Happy New Year everyone!
ReplyDeleteI agree Di, Can should have a chip on his shoulder because Jake is getting all of Mom's - and everyone else's - attention. If not putting him in the drug story, that could be a good plot for Liz and Franco.
I love the idea of Laura running for Mayor. I also liked that she decided that to drop the Spencer in favor of Kevin's last name of Collins. A symbolic cutting ties with her Luke and her old life.
Can someone PLEASE put a muzzle on Carly. She is getting on my last nerve with this "gotta get Jason and Sam back together"
Well said Gary.
DeleteGary Johnson said...
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year everyone!
I love the idea of Laura running for Mayor. I also liked that she decided that to drop the Spencer in favor of Kevin's last name of Collins. A symbolic cutting ties with her Luke and her old life.
** I noticed during the full credits at the end of Friday's episode it was updated to now say Collins. Which, were it not the last show of the year more than likely wouldn't have been done so. It was nice to see, though.
Can someone PLEASE put a muzzle on Carly. She is getting on my last nerve with this "gotta get Jason and Sam back together"
** If only! All it is, is annoying. And it gets more and more so, every time she does it. I'm guessing that Jason must've lost quite a few brain cells after being frozen and thawed out (like it did each time it did for Stavros) to fall for Carly's (VERY WEAK) ruse that Sonny wanted him to meet him on the HS. Even for Carly, that was just sadly pathetic.
When Carly said that she got a text from Sonny saying he wanted to meet Jason at the Haunted Star, why didn't Jason ask "Why didn't Sonny text me?".... If Sonny wanted to meet Jason there is no reason why he'd use a go-between is there? Sometimes these people are so stupid... lol
ReplyDeletePat..... Sun..... said...
ReplyDeleteWhen Carly said that she got a text from Sonny saying he wanted to meet Jason at the Haunted Star, why didn't Jason ask "Why didn't Sonny text me?".... If Sonny wanted to meet Jason there is no reason why he'd use a go-between is there? Sometimes these people are so stupid... lol
** Yeah, short of a giant flashing neon sign above Carly's head pointing at her saying "It's a set up, duh!" Otherwise, as I said a couple posts up, the cryogenic process must've given his brain "freezer burn" Then after he was thawed out, it apparently must've been whatever ability to grasp even the most basic common sense situ2-ations he had left. Having lost most of them after the accident years ago.