Friday, December 15, 2017

I bought a BAR!!

Julian at the PCPD... yelling about being 'brought in"... Scotty is there too.  He's all mouthy but-- HE'S FREE! FREE AS A BIRD! YEP. The DA is not going to retry the case! So like everyone else in PC, he got off.  Scotty's bill is HUGE tho.  

Alexis and Drew. Alexis says "I'm not only here as your attorney, I"m  here as a Mom. I need to know you're going to do right by my daughter". Huh?  :EYEBLINK:  Drew just wants help on the whole company thing and says Diane won't do it because she's Jason's lawyer. Alexis says she'll help but only if he does something for her. Then, they talk about his will and stuff-- (Not sure what I missed) and Drew asks questions. Alexis says Sam needs to be here, it's her life too. 

Sam and Jason. She realizes she has Lila's right. "We aren't  married anymore"  She tries to give Lila's ring back to Jason.  Jason rails about Faison and "the Traitor" -- and is mad the last 5 years was stolen from him.  He tells Sam that reversing the procedure might give Drew back his memories. She says it won't matter anyway, they are still married. They still have a family. She gives the ring back.  Then Jason says he can't take it. "Give it to Scout" but Sam says that's mean to Drew--then he says "well, give it to Danny, he can give it to a woman he loves someday"

Sam goes to see Drew. She tells him all about seeing Jason and what they discussed. She tells him she should give Lila's ring to Danny. Then he says, we'll give him mine too...I mean Jason's because it was Alan's. Oh, and we aren't really married legally. Then he proposes. 

Finn and Anna....make out. Then Robin and Emma called. Everyone's flustered. Then Finn eats a giant gingerbread man. She's like THOSE are expensive.  Then they wrap pressies.  She can't wrap --he can so they are just being adorable together.  She's getting things ready for the community tree and Toys for Tots. 

Liz and Franco.  They talk about nothing really...Kiki walks up and Liz leaves. She and Franco talk. She says TELL HER.  
Liz goes to the PCPD to talk to Andre. She's mad that he hurt Jake-- and we all think that he's going to tell her that Franco knew about the whole thing but he doesn't.. She leaves and goes back to Franco. Monday's preview shows that Franco WILL tell her. 

Alexis goes to meet David Bensch at the Charles' Pub...that's the place she got loaded at a lot when she was drinking. And...guess what? JULIAN BOUGHT IT!! 

END:  Jason stops Andre before he goes off to jail. Asks him about the mind-reversal. Andre says that he destroyed his computer but he gave a copy in an oranament to the only other person he trusts in town. OH!! It's in the DISCO BALL he GAVE ANNA!! Remember that?? She's going to GIVE IT TO THE COMMUNITY TREE!! 


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  2. lol I did say I thought that ornament contained something when he gave it to Anna. I'm glad I was right. I hope Drew can get some of his memories back because I really like him since he found out he's Drew.

    Anna and Fin are terrific together. Boy can they act with their eyes.

    Why would a recovering addict like Alexis keep going to a bar to drink and meet people? And does this mean that we won't even see Mac in his bar anymore because Julian's will be the place to hang out? :(

    I'm still loving the pace of the show now. It makes me really anxious for the next episode. I haven't felt this way in years.

  3. I am loving GH again, but there is one part of todays show that bugs me. I know every state is different but I LIVED this story in a way. It was over 30 years ago, but my ex married me under his brother's name. I was 19. My life story isn't the issue. It's what both my attorneys told me. It didn't matter whose name was on the document. I was married to the man that I took my vows with. So, I divorced him.. obviously. But at the time I wasn't sure who I was married to, legally. I was assured it was the man whose baby I carried, not whose name was on the certificate. So this story is just kind of making me livid right now. lol I just had to say something. Again, I know states are different and it was a long time ago. But, I did LIVE it. lol

  4. Pier:

    Jasam: Oh just take the damn ring Jason!!! You can see the pain in Jason's face. :(

    Paint and Wall media:

    Paint and Wall:

    Wall: Mumble mumble we are not married.. Mumble mumble will you marry me?

    Paint: O O

    Police station: It's comedy central!!! Julian is the comedian today hahahahahahhahaha. Oh hi Scotty! You are here for the show? Cool! :)

    Maddox and Jason: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Jason Get that ornament from Anna!!!!

    The hospital:

    Friz: Wow BobTodd are you really going to tell Liz the truth?!?!!?!? :0

    BobTodd and Kiwi: Great scene!!!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Finna: HOT KISS!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised Robin didn't ask her mother why she is out of breath! ROFL!

    Anna: That is so childish!

    Huh?! He just ate the cookie! What the hell is so childish about that? Shut up Anna! Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: Don't be in a rush to grow up, because I mean some people never do.

    ROFL! Oh boy! The Mistletoe!! Yowzer he didn't take the opportunity to kiss her, and the look of pain on her face! What is the matta Finchy? Skeered?

    Charle's pub:

    Alexis and Julian:

    Julian: Alexis I'm not leaving. I own the place. I just bought it.

    DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Wow what a great twist. I did not see that coming! :)

  5. "Wanda said...It was over 30 years ago, but my ex married me under his brother's name."

    So he lied to you about his name? Why did he do that?

  6. Sonya
    So he lied to you about his name? Why did he do that?

    Because he could?? lol He did about anything he thought he could get away with including bigamy. Which is one of the many reasons I left. At least I found out before I got in way too deep.

  7. "Wanda said... Because he could?? lol"


    "He did about anything he thought he could get away with including bigamy. Which is one of the many reasons I left. At least I found out before I got in way too deep."

    Wow that is awful! :( I'm so sorry. Before you got too deep, do you mean you two didn't have kids? How long were you married?

  8. Sonya
    "Wow that is awful! :( I'm so sorry. Before you got too deep, do you mean you two didn't have kids? How long were you married? "

    Thank you for caring. It was a long time ago and I am mostly over it. I have a wonderful husband now, 17 years.
    I was married to my ex, legally, two years. Or illegally. With another wife four hours from me.. Not sure lol I was told, again by my attorneys, that if he divorced her then our marriage was completely valid.
    I was 7 months pregnant when I left him, so I raised our son alone. He's a wonderful young man of whom I very proud. Not that I'm biased. lol. My ex is not enough in the picture to even think about. So I don't.
    The show today just kind of got in my face lol

  9. That kiss...wowza!! I hoped they'd do it again.
    Sam pissed me off, Danny is Jason's son and she needs to realize that. I get Drew practically helped raise him but it's not Jason's fault.

  10. Wanda said...


    So he lied to you about his name? Why did he do that?

    Because he could?? lol He did about anything he thought he could get away with including bigamy. Which is one of the many reasons I left. At least I found out before I got in way too deep.

    ** Something tells me that had you stayed with him, he would have had a lot more "surprises" for years to come.


  11. I don’t care for the way KM is playing Sam. She just seems cold as ice with Jason, even when there are tears. Never a smile and a “so glad you are alive”. Maybe she is afraid of falling apart but it is rather odd. Finn and Anna are really cute together!

    1. She might be afraid of letting her guar down. If she does her true feelings may come out? Can she love 2 men?

  12. Does anybody think Friz will live on with Franco telling the truth about what he knew?

    1. The issue I have with friz isn't the whole sam/Michael rape scenario (which is still skeevy) but that he kidnapped Aiden. How do you fall in love with someone who stole your baby?? Even if he does tell her the truth I still can't see the wedding going through.

  13. Michelle, I agree, she is afraid of letting her guard down. Also, she may not want to lead him on, as she does plan to stay with Drew. I think she does/can love them both. She thought she loved only one man, but he kind of "split in two."

  14. K said "** Something tells me that had you stayed with him, he would have had a lot more "surprises" for years to come."

    Oh, he did and I wasn't even there lol.

  15. I’m so irritated by KM reaction to Jason being alive. She has shown no interest in that. Totally unreal. I wonder if KM relationship in real life with BM is bleeding into their “acting” one and if they have influence over writers. Who knows. Sam was way too interested in Faison and the “traitor” to want to be out of that life.

  16. Oh and I wonder where the story is going with Julian owning a bar. Except to keep Alexis out of it.

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  18. LSV422 said...

    I don’t care for the way KM is playing Sam. She just seems cold as ice with Jason, even when there are tears. Never a smile and a “so glad you are alive”. Maybe she is afraid of falling apart but it is rather odd. Finn and Anna are really cute together!

    ** I've never liked Sam, to begin with. But, I do think that Drew is MUCH better for her, than Jason was/is. At least over the last few years when she's been with Drew, she's matured quite q bit and is starting to act like a responsible adult/parent. Then, whenever she's been around Jason since his return, she starts to `revert back' with how she speaks and acts. I still don't "like her" really. But, she became much more "tolerable" though, until Jason came back, that is.

    ** I'm not entirely sure yet, what to think of Anna and Finn. There may be something there. There have only been 3 people over the years that I think that have been able to really "get her" (understand). The obvious ones being Robert and Duke, of course. The other one being David Hayward from her time in Pine Valley. They really were great together. I'd LOVE if they did get Vincent Irizarry. (David IS a doctor, after all!) But for the time being I'm going to reserve judgement on Anna and Finn, and see where things go with them for a bit first.



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