Lulu wants the ballots from the mayorial race. Nina is like NOPE...Lulu says "Why you afraid that Valentin is involved? Nina reminds her that NIKOLAS was in Wyndemere in 2014, not Val. Lulu's like: Oh Damn.

Anna and Finn. Cute Cute banter--- and they KISS at the end. (I don't even know where ROXY IS!!) BTW, I'm team Finna now --if we can't get Tristin or Duke sign me up.
Laura and Kevin try to find a wedding date. They can't in all of 2018 Kevin says: Christmas?? They decide on getting married this year, Christmas.
Jason talks about the night he was shot. HE's mad Bernie died for nothing. Sam is like A LOT MORE than Bernie was lost that night. "I put on my wetsuit to look for you, I questioned Faison. I knew things were't adding up. I'd come down here at night and wait for you to come home. Then, you did come home. I thought your brother was you and even tho he wasn't, I'll never regret loving him" GAH!! Such a good scene. Jason goes to touch her, can't --I think because he knows they'll spontaneously combust into SEX FLAMES lol . Sam realizes she gave Drew Jason's wedding ring!! Awkward. !!!
Drew and Oscar. Drew's trying really hard, Oscar's upset. Drew wants the chance to find out what he's like. Oscar's kind of upset. OMG THAT KID IS SUCH A DRIP. Anyway, Kim comes home and is like "What are you doing here""???? Drew leaves. Oscar's all pouty.
love finna.sam forgot to tell jason she was also in love with silas and patrick.with drew she is a person. with jason I couldn't stand her she was like a puppy so in awe of him.
ReplyDeleteThat's the way carly is with him to she becomes so needy and desperate.
DeleteMy God I love this show right now!
ReplyDeleteI loved the nod to 'All My Children'. Cassie wears Enchantment perfume ;-)
ReplyDeleteI couldn't understand Oscar's attitude today. What did Drew say that upset him?
ReplyDeleteI loved Anna and Silas. lol I'm looking forward to seeing more of them.
I hope they're actually going to investigate theb voter fraud. I want Flea to get her job back.
I actually LIKE Oscar's personality - it is refreshing to see a shy teenager and not a brat - so for ME this works very a former teacher, there are teenagers who have no self-confidence and they behave exactly that way.
ReplyDeletethe voter fraud HAS to have something to do with Faison - or bringing back a new Nicholas.
Like I have said, Finola and Michael Easton had great chemistry when he was McBain and I was genuinely pissed when they had to remove the character from GH. Even though I am a Scorpiofanboy, I think that keeping Anna and Finn onscreen together is good thing and gives her someone worthwhile to interact with. So, yeah...let's see what happens with them!
ReplyDeleteAlso, keep Kelly M. with Billy Miller instead of falling back in with Burton. Maybe team him up with West's Ava or Tamura Braun's new character (the mother of Drew's child, yes? That pairing could provide some interesting storylines)
Loved today! Finna, that kiss....yes!!
ReplyDeleteOscar...wanna slap him, he and Joss worked so hard to find out who his dad was and now what he's got another kid. Drip is right. So glad they are revisiting the ballot storyline.
Love Anna and Finn! How really clever to bring back the unresolved fixed mayoral election. I’m impressed! I think the kid who plays Oscar is too blah. I can understand his reluctance with Drew, although it isn’t Drew’s fault they never met, but on the whole underwhelmed with his performance. Of course, I always think of the teenage Jonathan Jackson, who was so talented, as was Amber T as young Emily. Great Jason/Sam scenes, but why did Jason ask Sam how Drew was doing when he just left him? Oscar’s home looks like Lulu and Dante’s old apt.
Paul773 said...
ReplyDeleteI loved the nod to 'All My Children'. Cassie wears Enchantment perfume ;-)
** That was a nice touch. :)
(Days had a great OLTL nod today also, btw!)
Michelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteOscar...wanna slap him, he and Joss worked so hard to find out who his dad was and now what he's got another kid. Drip is right.
** I can't stand him. To be fair though, that's usually what I think about ALL kids on soaps, unless it's very obvious that they have something about them that sets them apart from all the other kids.
So glad they are revisiting the ballot storyline.
** So am I! It seems they're actually trying to address stuff that SHOULD have been done years ago, instead of just being forgotten about.
I don't normally mind kids on soaps but his mopey feel sorry for me or whatever it is is crap. He did the research, found his dad and should be happy. Oh but gee he's got another kid so he doesn't want another.
DeletePAUL!!! YES!! I heard that too--I thought it was Laura and Lucy's perfume brand??
ReplyDeleteDi, ITA w/everything you said!
ReplyDeleteMetrocourt restaurant:
ReplyDeleteV.C. and Cassie: Cassie wants you in her bed V.C.!!!! :) If she could, she would have a threesome with you and DocFin!!!
Laura and Doc: Awwwww Christmas!!! :) Oh hi Lulu! Geez Laura what time did you two want to get married? 5:00 in the morning on Christmas day? That is what she is acting like.. Just get married at 5:00 pm.
Lulu and Nina: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS LULU!!! You finally discovered the truth!!!!!! :) Anna knows the truth too!!!! Come on Nina get more excited! No Lulu, V.C. wasn't the one who did it.. IT WAS NIK!!!!!
ValeNina: Great scene!!! V.C. smells like Cassie hahahahahahahaha!
Q home:
CarlyKim and Monica: Great scene! Love that Monica is acting like a Q! :) Glad Monica apologized and glad CarlyKim did the same..
CarlyKim: You don't have to worry about protecting your fortune. Oscar and I will have none of it. And none of you.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh she is sounding like Carly!!! She is morphing into Carly! :) DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN!
The pier:
Jasam: Great scene!!! Yes poor Bernie. :'( Oh they are having eye sex again!
"Karen says Jason goes to touch her, can't --I think because he knows they'll spontaneously combust into SEX FLAMES lol"
Chandler Mansion:
DocFin and Anna: DocFin wins the line of the day.
DocFin: I know the rumors. A poltergeist will be a step up from where I am now. Please I'm begging you!
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh you want a place near the elevators? How about near the bathrooms? :) OH A KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! WOOT WOOT!! I love the other day when he tried to open his hotel room, and he almost hit his face on the door. :) Love that Anna was holding her keys. :) Great stuff. You could have been free DocFin when you were talking to Cassie on the phone! But noooooooooooooo you wanted to stay with Anna. :) I hope Finola Hughes knew before hand the type of kisser Michael Easton is! :) I mean I hope she heard about it. :)
CarlyKim's home:
Drew and Oscar: Geez Oscar. Are you pmsing? It's not Drew's fault he wasn't around when you were growing up! Relax!!
"K says (Days had a great OLTL nod today also, btw!)"
ReplyDeleteOh yeah? What did they say or do? :)
"Michelle Latta said...Oh but gee he's got another kid so he doesn't want another."
ReplyDeleteROFL! I know! What a stupid line.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletekdmask said...
ReplyDeletePAUL!!! YES!! I heard that too--I thought it was Laura and Lucy's perfume brand??-
** Nope Karen, that was Deception. But, since most perfume names do tend to be pretty similar (thematically at least) it'a not hard at all to get things confused
sonya said...
ReplyDelete"K says (Days had a great OLTL nod today also, btw!)"
Oh yeah? What did they say or do? :)
** I don't want to say anything else, until afterwards. :)
It's at 9 min in. But you'll know it when you see it. :)