CarSon and Michael such a good scene-- Liked it even tho they talked about Morgan. Then Jason came by and everyone was happy. OMG. then Michael asks to hear his baby story--his whole history!! AHAHAA Carly will have to tell all the dirty details!! Geesh, it's all set to soft piano music and Sonny makes himself sound so noble lol. NO meat hook mention! Then Nelle comes at the door --fake faints-- and says she slid off the road and has no where to go. They give her tea. Sonny's like ..ugh. Carly gives her dirty looks.
Later, in the hallway, Carly's sitting down and says to Jason "Isn't she doing what I did to you so long ago? Show up pregnant?" Jason says "yes, but you weren't manipulating me, we were friends and you told me the truth." Carly mentions the key chain he gave her then with "Caroline" on it. She got him a key chain that looks like it with a key to the house on it: "This will always be your home".
Aunt, Molly, TJ-- Curtis and Jordan --awww.. Alexis is there too. The heat and electricity go off and they decide to go to the Charles' Pub.
Ava and Griffin stopped by Jules' bar. Jules isn't happy that Griff is there. Ava and he leave to go to Mass. Julian is all alone.
All of a sudden, Julian finds the entire crew from TJ and Molly's and then Ava and Griffin too. Alexis is not happy being there.
Julian fights with Griffin...Alexis fights with Julian. Stella and Jordan fight. Molly and TJ decide to sneak out the backdoor. Everyone still fights. Then, the kids come back and say the homeless shelter is full and need stuff. Julian invites them all to the Pub! Aww, everyone working together.
LESLIE is at the wedding!! Naxie...Dante... Happy Couple... Bobbie --Lulu. Leslie flew in on a private jet-- and rented an ATV to get to the church. She brought her significant other MARCHELLO who's ITALIAN and SEXY As ALL HELLO! Nice. He's going to marry Laura and Kevin since the minister can't make it. RUBY MENTION--Bobbie gives Laura Ruby's hankie for the wedding. Laura has on a beautiful royal blue gown-- Maxie has on ..um..not sure. They are married. All the roads are closed so they have to stay at the church.
FUN FACT: Charles' Pub has Lobster Mac and Cheese.
REASON TO WATCH: Wedding (Leslie--and hot Italian guy) and The whole Carly/Nelle parallel thing. I couldn't type it all up.
Carson home:
ReplyDeleteCarson, Michael, and Janelle: So basically,
Janelle: It was so cold outside! A tree almost hit me Michael! I almost died.
Michael: How is the baby?
CarSason: Awww great scene. :)
CarSason and Michael: WOW! Love the walk down memory lane!!! Carly wins the line of the day.
Carly: I was a messed up young woman.
ROFL! That is an understatement. :)
Molly and TJ's home: Man! So cold and no lights! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Charlie's pub:
Jordan and Stella: DAMN JORDAN SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!! She misses Thomas!!! Leave her be!! She can talk about him as much as she wants to!!!
GrAva: Ava went to church! ROFL!
Griffy: Tonight is the night of peace of harmony, of forgiveness.
Oh? Does that mean you will forgive Julian? :)
The wedding:
"Karen says She brought her significant other MARCHELLO who's ITALIAN and SEXY As ALL HELLO!"
HELL YEAH HE IS SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! So glad that Leslie found someone! YAY!!!!
"Karen says Maxie has on ..um..not sure."
ROFL! A school marm outfit! :) Burn that dress!!! They didn't want Leslie to perform the ceremony, which I get. It's fine, but then the hot Italian guy did the ceremony and didn't know a lick of English, so Leslie had to do it along side him. That was so stupid! Made no sense!
Sidenote: I won't be giving my comments next week, because My mom, brother and I will be in Orlando Florida. :) We will leave tomorrow, and stay for 6 days. We will be back Friday. Everyone have a wonderful and safe Christmas!!!! :)
Italian Christmas time.
I love that they have been telling so much history in conversation this last week, but wonder what the purpose is? Could it be that they know they are getting some younger viewers who don't know all these old stories? I think it is a good thing to refresh our memories and so far the stories all seem to be true to what actually happened at the time. At least according to my memory that is.
ReplyDeleteHope everyone who reads or posts in this blog has wonderful holidays regardless of how you spend them.
Sonya, have a wonderful trip! We will miss you!
ReplyDeleteAs someone else said here, Sonny left out the "meat hook" AJ incident, he said instead that he blackmailed AJ because "he had broken some laws," or something like that. Is this Sonny's rewrite of history or the writers'?
CarSason and Michael: WOW! Love the walk down memory lane!!! Carly wins the line of the day.
ReplyDeleteCarly: I was a messed up young woman.
ROFL! That is an understatement. :)
** Yet not once during their explanation did I ever hear the words "meat hook" spoken at all.
Carly also left out when she drugged aj and poured vodka over him to make him think he was drinking again.
Delete"AntJoan said... Sonya, have a wonderful trip! We will miss you!"
ReplyDeleteAww thanks! I will miss you guys too!!
"K says Yet not once during their explanation did I ever hear the words "meat hook" spoken at all."
Carly did mention the fact that she made it appear that AJ was drinking again. She just didn't go into detail. Same thing for Sonny when he omitted the meat-hook part of the story. Both she and Sonny sort of white-washed some of the stuff they did, as I guess any parent would.
ReplyDeleteSonya... safe travels to you!
Have a great time, Sonya.
ReplyDeleteAnd they also left out the newspaper they showed AJ with the heading that read he was dead, and then they said sign or it's true.
"Di said..Have a great time, Sonya."
ReplyDeleteThank you! :)
"And they also left out the newspaper they showed AJ with the heading that read he was dead, and then they said sign or it's true."
I forgot all about that one!!!
Have a great time Sonya! And AJ didn’t push Carly down the stairs as she said-it was an accident.
Two days of happy tears...thanks, GH, You're on a roll! Loved all the stuff going on at the Q's! Ned bonding over guitar, lots of bonding...lots of love. Thank you. About time. Loving the fact that the Quartermaines are finally getting replenished with all this new blood. Merry Christmas Everyone!
ReplyDeleteAntJoan said...
ReplyDeleteAs someone else said here, Sonny left out the "meat hook" AJ incident, he said instead that he blackmailed AJ because "he had broken some laws," or something like that. Is this Sonny's rewrite of history or the writers'
** I've done so in the past. For myself at least, I can say that was the point in time, I can clearly say, was where any respect/sympathy etc.. I might have had for Sonny, Carly, and Jason, was gone for good. It sickened me so much.
sonya said...
** Have fun and enjoy the trip!!! Be safe!
Pat..... Sun..... said...
ReplyDeleteCarly did mention the fact that she made it appear that AJ was drinking again. She just didn't go into detail. Same thing for Sonny when he omitted the meat-hook part of the story. Both she and Sonny sort of white-washed some of the stuff they did, as I guess any parent would.
That's much more than white-washing. They committed several felonies.
The Rise of the Q's is the best thing that's happened in years. So many happy moments this Christmas and I'm looking forward to lots more of the family.
ReplyDeleteK said...That's much more than white-washing. They committed several felonies.
*** That's in keeping with the "Sonny is a good mobster. He does everything for the right reasons." attitude. I gag everytime he says that someone's "gotta pay." That's something he's never done.
And I have to comment on Maxie's dress. I gasped.It reminded me of my grandmother's old guilt. And it didn't fit even her properly.