Thursday, December 28, 2017

New Year's Peeve

Not sure if you want a spoiler today about Friday? But--eh, I'm gonna do it. I guess JaSam kiss during that show. 

OK, so it's New Year's Eve. Carly wants to plan something to get JaSam trapped together. Sonny is like: Luuucyyyy don't be planning nothin'...Oh LUUUCYY. Then  Carly runs out and up to Aurora Offices (which are in the Metro???) and finds out Killy rented out the Haunted Star for the night (alone) to watch the fireworks. So, for now. Plan foiled. (like her dress--which is totally foil! LOL) 

Michael's at the hospital with Nelle while she's in with Monica. Drew stops by to see Monica before midnight. He asks why Michael's so glum.  Monica is seeing Nelle because Dr. Nero is unavailable. She's been having dizzy spells. Nelle is frustrated about everything. She says Monica doesn't know about being judged. Monica is like: Um, I didn't know who AJ's Daddy was!! 

Sonny thinks Jason should stay in town.  They blabber on.  "She picked Drew but she belongs with you" . OMG TOO MUCH. Ok?  We get it. Why they are pushing them together is beyond me. Let it happen organically--no "Trapping together" .   Later, stupid Carly comes into the Metro and tells Jason, Oh, Sonny is texting. He wants to know if you're still here. He says meet him at the Haunted Star. LAME 

Finn and Anna 'I wouldn't cheat on you in a fake relationship" and they are being cute again.  Finn is in awe when Anna starts doing Spy stuff on the phone with Robert.  They raided Cassie's factory-- and then she finds the bug in her phone and takes Valentin by gunpoint. Why wouldn't they have arrested Cassie before raiding the factory?? OR like at the same time? 
Cassie tells Val to kill Sonny. HHAHAA like that is going to happen. :eyeroll: This would have been a great story if they had come to it from the damn personal angle NOT the scientific mob crap. 
Anyway..Cassie gets wise to the Valentin deception and beats him in a room tomorrow. Really?? 

WOW, boring show today --which I haven't seen in awhile.  They totally ruined the JaSam meeting for me by HAVING THEM STUPIDLY 'TRAPPED' BY Carly. UGH. 


  1. I have never liked jasam. love sam and drew. between carson and jasam they ruin the show.

    1. I have never been a Sam fan but loved Jason (SB) so I tolerated her. I loved my liason. Well now there is Drew and Sam and Jason had his turn and Carly needs to just stop already.

  2. Sam is a shameless hussy. She pulled the same crap with Patrick and Drew, yes?

  3. I have a friend just like Carly. Always insisting that everything be done his way and that I am not allowed to think on my own or make any decisions for myself. He has to tell me what kind of phone to buy, what kind of car to own, what city to live in, and most importantly who to vote for.

    I am sure that everyone has a Carly in their life controlling them. Or at least trying to.

  4. Someone please smack Carly thru the tv!!

  5. witch said...

    I have never liked jasam. love sam and drew. between carson and jasam they ruin the show.

    ** That's pretty much how my feelings are too. Except, I still don't actually LIKE Sam. But, since she's been with Drew, she's become much more tolerable. Since she's been with him, it feels like she's actually grown up and matured some. Yet whenever she gets around Jason again, it's as if that all went out the window, and is her old self again.


  6. Michelle Latta said...

    Someone please smack Carly thru the tv!!

    ** I've been wanting to do that for 20 years, and still haven't found a way to! :(

    I have never been a Sam fan but loved Jason (SB) so I tolerated her. I loved my liason. Well now there is Drew and Sam and Jason had his turn and Carly needs to just stop already

    ** When Jason Q became Jason M, is pretty much when my opinion changed, and just kept going down from that point. Carly really needs to just stand back, and let things play out with them as they do. Her meddling all the time just makes things so much worse. Sonny's enabling of her, doesn't help at all. Carly REALLY needs to learn that "What Carly Wants, Carly Does NOT ALWAYS Get."'


  7. I saw that spoiler video too.. of Jason and Sam kissing and was soooo disappointed. I want Sam to choose Drew. Not because I like her so much (I don't) but because Drew has lost so much already and even if it would be for his own good, the heartbreak would be unbearable... especially after all those speeches she gave about loving only him. I am hoping that by that kiss she realizes that her love for Jason isn't what it was and chooses to stay with Drew.

  8. I actually thought Carly was cute and love her scheming. I loved the fact that Sonny knew what she was doing "the kitchen is that way" and her big eyes when she was pretending she didn't know what he was talking about.

    Just want someone to shoot Cassandra. Seriously - wouldn't that solve all of the problems?

    Don't they have enough with Finn and Valentin's testimony?

  9. As soon as Anna learned that Cassie was on her way out of Wyndemere she said she would call it in, but she didn't. What is she waiting for?

  10. Pat..... Sun..... said...
    I saw that spoiler video too.. of Jason and Sam kissing and was soooo disappointed. I want Sam to choose Drew. Not because I like her so much (I don't) but because Drew has lost so much already and even if it would be for his own good, the heartbreak would be unbearable... especially after all those speeches she gave about loving only him. I am hoping that by that kiss she realizes that her love for Jason isn't what it was and chooses to stay with Drew.

    witch said...

    pat...sun.. I hope ur right

    ** I hope things really do go in that direction. Unfortunately though, I think it's a BIG long shot. If for no other reasons than past history points to Sam and Jason getting together over and over again. I'm not certain, but hasn't either Jason and Sam, or one of the two been on at least every day, since his return?


  11. AntJoan said...

    As soon as Anna learned that Cassie was on her way out of Wyndemere she said she would call it in, but she didn't. What is she waiting for?

    ** This whole operation has been handled very slapdash by her, from the start. Even if she's starting to realize that she has feelings for Finn, she's far too much of a professional to let that effect the outcome of it.



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