Thursday, December 21, 2017


I's just been one heck of a week--tomorrow is the end of the month and I have a ton of paper work due. Cocktail hour to go to and just all around holiday joy. So--sorry but I am not watching today until later.

Hope you are having a great one. Happy WINTER SOLSTICE!! 


  1. Well, I missed part of yesterday's show thanks to news interruption about the tax bill. Can't seem to find a watchable version.

    Did anyone catch the reference to Mayor Lomax's having shut down the bridge to get back at another politician. I don't think this really happened on GH, they are referring to NJ Mayor Chris Christie's having shut down the George Washington bridge for that same reason, there was a trial, he never was implicated, but some underlings were. Does anyone here except the NYC-area/NJ folks know about this?

  2. I've noticed several references to real-life political drama on the show in the last couple of weeks. I just hope they don't take their barbs any deeper. I CAN'T STAND political drama in my escapism and it seems like, especially since the last election, there is no place to get away from the sludge (even in the comic/erotica Indie books I read!!!!!) :<

  3. AntJoan, that was national news. I believe everyone was convicted except CC.

  4. AntJoan, we heard about it here in Southern Maryland

  5. AntJoan,
    The whole country heard about it, whether they wanted to or not.

  6. THANK you so much Cheryl - Me too - I hate political things when I am trying to relax and enjoy my soaps.....GH PLEASE don't go there.....

    I do like that they are revisiting what Nicholas did because that was the start of his 'downfall' character....

  7. Kelly's:

    Nelle and Michael:

    Nelle: Whine whine whine. I need money. Whine whine whine.

    Michael: I have an idea. Why don't you look for a job?

    Hahahaha GO MICHAEL! :)

    Lulu and August: Lulu why are you telling Mr. August September October what you uncovered? You should write the story, and THEN tell him!!! You can be so dumb sometimes.

    Dr. O and Nathan: Come on Dr. O who is Nathan's REAL fadder?

    Ava's art gallery:

    Julian and Griffy: I don't see how Grava can last!!!! Unless Griffy forgives Julian!

    Charlie's pub: GREAT SCENES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRAVO! :) Is Mayor Lomax wearing a wig? A terrible wig. Doc wins the line of the day.

    Doc: You mean scowling while shooting hate rays from your eyes at the mayor? No barely noticed.


    Naxie's home:

    Maxie and Flea: Awwww great scene!!!! When Flea brought up Georgie, I was thinking the Georgie we lost. Flea's daughter. :(

  8. dear aunt joan, (and everyone else for that matter)

    I only watch GH online since I work during the day and am too cheap to subscribe to DVR.

    Every day I do a search for "General Hospital 12-21-17" (insert the date you want there. use dashes)

    A series of entries comes up. A lot are hoooey and garbage. BEWARE! But there is always one that I stand by. It is usually one of the first ones that comes up in the search. today was:

    look for the hd.blogspot one. when you go to that page, the first box will ALWAYS say "Content not available". so, DONT click on that one. scroll down. the MIDDLE box is the one you want.

    Hope this helps.

  9. David, Thanks so much, I appreciate the information.

  10. AntJoan said...

    Well, I missed part of yesterday's show thanks to news interruption about the tax bill. Can't seem to find a watchable version.

    ** I use Hulu as my primary backup source for GH. If that doesn't work for some reason, then I check via ABC's stuff. I should note though, I have one of those Roku streaming sticks that I watch from. But, you can still watch from a website still, of course. About the ONLY times I've had trouble finding a day's episode are when for some reason they haven't gotten posted on time, yet. Which is very rare. But, those are the way I do, at least.

    Did anyone catch the reference to Mayor Lomax's having shut down the bridge to get back at another politician. I don't think this really happened on GH, they are referring to NJ Mayor -Chris Christie's having shut down the George Washington bridge for that same reason, there was a trial, he never was implicated, but some underlings were. Does anyone here except the NYC-area/NJ folks know about this?

    ** While that did occur in NJ, it was also the biggest issue during the mayoral race. I remember it coming up several times. So you're not imagining it. It DID happen on GH. It was all via conversations and what not. There wasn't anything at all visually shown, so I can see it being forgotten about easily. Like I said, it was brought up several times during the race itself, which I'm certain of.


  11. K, thanks for all the info, I appreciate it.

  12. Cheryl said...

    I've noticed several references to real-life political drama on the show in the last couple of weeks. I just hope they don't take their barbs any deeper. I CAN'T STAND political drama in my escapism and it seems like, especially since the last election, there is no place to get away from the sludge (even in the comic/erotica Indie books I read!!!!!)

    ** Yeah, the way things are right now, it's just about, if not already impossible to get away from the stuff completely. Unfortunately, I think it'll get even worse, before it gets better.


  13. Happy Solstice to you Karen!!! :)

    Friz's home:

    Friz: That game is so cool!!! :) Great scene! That face gear is way too big on teeny tiny Liz! ROFL!

    Jake, Jason, and Liz: Great scene. Poor Jake. :( He is so confused. :(


    Jason and Joss: Awwwww. :) Joss you are just like your mother. :)

    JossCar: A Jimmy Lee Holt book! YAY!

    Jason: His box of pain. :(

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: So basically,

    Wall: Marry me.

    Paint: Get up! Hurry! Put the ring on my finger! Get up! Hurry! Before I change my mind and want to be with Jason!

    JaSam: More eye sex!!!! :)

    Q home: Wait every year the Q's have a holiday song? No they don't!! :) Edward insisted on singing on all the holidays? No he didn't!! :) But go for it! :) I like this rewrite. :)

    Nedlia: Olivia! Ned is just being a Q!!!! Get used to it!!!

    Uncle Leo and Monica: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Oscar, Baby Trim and Sam: Oscar meet your baby sister Trim!! :) Poor Oscar is so overwhelmed.. Really Sam? She is smiling? You must be seeing things..

    The church wedding: Maxie is right!!!! Bad luck to see the bridge before the wedding!!! Oh look bad things are happening already! ROFL! Lucky was supposed to be there?!!?! :0

  14. Haha, Sonya, you are too funny! That baby was frowning the whole time, LOL. Poor Jason, he is truly heartbreaking to watch. Sam, at least give him a smile. Love the flashback!

  15. AntJoan said...

    K, thanks for all the info, I appreciate it

    ** I'm glad to have. I hope it helps.


  16. sonya said...

    JossCar: A Jimmy Lee Holt book! YAY!

    ** That definitely made me grin and laugh! Though it also got to thinking a bit. Mentioning him or referencing him every so often when talking about the Qs as a famiily as a whole, is completely obvious why. And occasionally there's a mention of the Wards connection. Yet, I can't even remember the last time Cellia (last name actually Q) was ever even mentioned. I'll stop there. I've alwready rambled on more than enough for tonight.


  17. "LSV422 said..Haha, Sonya, you are too funny!"

    Hahaha thanks. :)

    "That baby was frowning the whole time, LOL."

    ROFL! She was!!!! :)

    "K says Mentioning him or referencing him every so often when talking about the Qs as a famiily as a whole, is completely obvious why"

    I guess it's not obvious to me ROFL! Why do they keep referencing him?

  18. sonya said...

    I guess it's not obvious to me ROFL! Why do they keep referencing him?

    ** The writers I think know that the the viewers who DO know and remember him, know he was essentially a "hillbilly from the sticks" and generally considered an embarrassment. (Especially by Edward). He's generally used to get a laugh, or as a joke, whenever his name is brought up, anymore.



Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...