Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Fun Show

Laura and Lulu are just gossiping away about Nelle, not knowing she's PG. Laura looks great. Laura is against the Charles St. renovations. Lulu is like: UM, shouldn't you be planning your wedding?  Laura says she is, but is taking her time.  Laura asks Dante later if he heard anythinf from Michael on the ELQ deal and the Charles Street thing. 

Anna and Sonny meet at the Metro. HE tells her Faison was in town. She looks scared and opens the 1/2 burned book. "It's starting all over again".... She says she can't do the legwork on Faison -- and Sonny says that's ok, Spinelli will. 

Michael tells Dante Nelle is PG.  Dante says well, Sonny loves Avery, hates Ava so it could work.

Finn is with Cassie in her room. They talk about is drug experiments. He hedges on her offer. Trying to be Smooth?? HE leaves and says he'll think about it.  

Carly and Bobbie. LOL. Carly wants Bobbie to switch the paternity tests after they are done. LMAO. LOL Bobbie is all "Carrrrrly". Carly's like "I know but I have to do something"!!!  She says she raised Michael to be too generous lol "Is Karma biting me in the ass"????? Yes, Yes it is Carly!

Britt sees Nathan. They talk about life and her charges. I think she fake-kidnapped Spencer. Nate tells her he's going to have a baby with Maxie.  He wants to know more about his medical history. Hmmmmmm. 

Nina sees Nell in the Metro. Is mad about her selling out her brother. Nell tells her she's pregnant. Nina's all "Poor Michael" Nelle says" Well, you and Valentin wouldn't know because you can't GET Pregnant RIGHT"?? wooooooooo

Finn meets Anna in the Metro...they banter. She's gonna let him do the job.  They are so Moonlighting and adorable today.
OMG GET THIS!! Finn goes to his room and his key doesn't work!! Then, he goes to the lobby then to Carly. She says 'Yeah you checked out so we moved your stuff, don't worry, Roxy is ok"! He's all: ROXY? Wait?? I didn't check out. She's all YES YOU DID. Then he looks over at Anna who's dangling keys at him!! ahahahaa She says he has to move in with her so she can "keep him safe" !! WOOT!! 

Nelle says (in the Metro) PUT THAT ON MR. CONINTHOS' BILL so Sonny will hear it. Sonny is like NO I AIN'T PAYIN FOR THAT She says 'Michael will".  Then she says he should call Monica so they can sit down as a family. LOL.. then she says she's pregnant. Carly steps out of the elevator at that moment and her mouth hangs open!!  They are going to leave and Nelle says "Wait, don't you want to talk about your GRANDCHILD"?? then Michael walks in.

Nina sees Lulu in the park and tells her that Nelle is PG. WOW-- Lulu and she are totally fun and like friends with this. 


  1. love finn and anna.so much chemistry.

  2. Laura was gorgeous today. I hope we see a lot more of her and Kevin.

    And I laughed out loud when I saw Anna dangling those keys. Those two are going to be so much fun living together.

    I want to have Michael tell Nelle he doesn't want anything else to do with her and when the baby's born he'll make arrangement with her for shared custody that doesn't involve her being in his life. (I hope he doesn't pay her lunch bill too. He needs to grow a pair. lol)

  3. What Charles St renovations? Is Carly that much better than Nelle?

  4. they talked about the St. Charles project and then just dropped it but that is why I think Dr. Bensch is behind something and no good - WHY would he want to purchase property there unless it's something we don't know????? Gold somewhere underneath or dead bodies....
    I will say this - IF Elizabeth and Franco DO have a wedding - AUDREY better be there because SHE is raising Cam and Aiden!

  5. Barbara said...

    I will say this - IF Elizabeth and Franco DO have a wedding - AUDREY better be there because SHE is raising Cam and Aiden!

    *** Poor Audrey is in her eighties. Cam and Aiden must be looking after her by now. lol ( The actress is 88)

  6. Is it just me or is Nelle just asking for someone to kill her? she is pissing people off left and right. I almost choked on my Coke when I heard Carly ask her mother to switch the DNA test....really? With GH's track record of botched DNA testing who wants a test done there anyway? Besides what a crappy thing to ask your mother to do, jeopardize her career because you don't want to be a grandma? And yes Carly, karma most definitely is biting you in the ass...as is should.
    Cute scene with Anna and Finn, hope this story moves along quicker though.
    And you all are right, WTF is Elizabeth going to do when Audrey dies? Not that I want her to but let's face it, she's pushing 90 or so. Take care of her own kids? Maybe one of the Jasons will get her a nanny
    Sorry for the snark, I'm just snarky alot

    1. I hope Sonny kills her. She grates my nerves. Her reaction today when only the baby is being taken care of financially, puhleeze...

  7. I would think that they are going to kill off Nelle, but I don't think they will kill someone who is PG.

    I thought it was funny when they showed the scene, I think it was with Anna and Finn, and Nelle was continuing to stuff her face with French toast in the background. Usually the actors NEVER actually eat anything, but others were eating today as well, I think Laura and Lulu. . . They are famous for the empty coffee cups, and people leaving the table after they ordered food and never actually eating it . . .

    I didn't finish watching yet, but I saw Charlotte has a ballot that says "Eerie County." They have spelled it that way before, I wonder if they are doing that on purpose? . . .

    1. There is Erie county in NY state, which is where Buffalo is located

  8. kinda off topic, and yet not because he once was on GH....

    I saw the Disaster Artist last night. James Franco was beyond brilliant. Simply amazing. The movie itself was just ok. I wasnt a fan even though the critics are giving it good reviews. But James was just unbelievable.

  9. I really liked today’s show, especially Anna and Finn-so cute together! Genie did look gorgeous and it was nice to see Britt and her bro. Yeah, Nelle was stuffing her face. This show is so much better!

  10. I always liked McBain and Anna's on-screen chemistry, so I suppose her and Finn could be pretty good too. Laura and Bobbie having scenes is good. Carly having to deal with karma also good. Britt being back is good - I thought she was a good villainess before. Sonny giving intel to Anna on Faison??? eh NOT so good...Anna is capable of going after Faison or better yet CALLING IN ROBERT SCORPIO to do the legwork. Whatver though! Yeah there are some signs the show is on the upswing now - let's up this is a good trend.

  11. AntJoan said...

    I would think that they are going to kill off Nelle, but I don't think they will kill someone who is PG.

    ** Here's to hoping then that Nelle spends a LOT of time around stairs in the next few months!


  12. It was surprising, nut I actually liked Lulu and Nina being "friends" today. Lulu definitely could use a wider social circle than essentially just family, and Maxie and Nathan. It's just so nice to see people interacting with more than the same 3 or 4 people over and over again.


  13. Alicia, yes, I lived in Buffalo, I just wondered why they are spelling it "Eerie," if they are trying to be funny, or just a typo. This is the second time they did this.

    1. Haha, I live 2 hours south of Buffalo and Rochester on the PA line, probably a play on words to make it seem "realistic", yes writers we know PC is in NY LOL

  14. Carson home:

    Bobbie and Carly:

    Bobbie: Carolyn Lee Corinthos!

    Hahaha love that Bobbie called her by her full name! :) Carly wins the line of the day!

    Carly: When Michael finally finally sees the horrible, selfish, manipulative little wench she is, and tells her to get lost, poof theirs a baby! WHO DOES THAT?!

    BAHAHAHAHAHHA! Uh well let's see, uh YOU!!!!! :)

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Cassie's room:

    Cassie and Finchy: Oh look more fake bonding. Awwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nelle, Charlie, and Nina: Nelle and her mouthful of food as she is talking! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Great scene with Evil Nelle and Nina.

    Nelle and Nina: So basically,

    Nelle: I got the preggers. I got the preggers!!

    Nina: :0

    Sonny and Anna: Oh great scene. Love the talk about the past. :)

    Finchy and Anna:

    Anna: What I remember about the guy.

    Huh?!!?!? What you remember about the guy?! You act like you don't know him very well! What a stupid line. While watching them though, you can see Nelle in the background eating! ROFL ROFL! She was distracting.


    Laura and Lulu: Yeah Laura! When ARE you and Doc going to get married? What is taking so long?

    The police station:

    Michael and Dante:

    Michael: Think of it as a training for those 2 am feedings.

    I love when Dante laughs a little and then has that look on his face! Hahahahha!

    Nathan and Britch: Love the scene! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

    The park:

    Nina and Lulu: Hmmm I like that Lulu and Nina are getting along. :)

    Nina: Nelle is pregnant!!

    Lulu: :0

    Nina, Lulu, and Charlie: A ballot stub? Huh?!

  15. "Di says Poor Audrey is in her eighties. Cam and Aiden must be looking after her by now. lol"


    "AntJoan said...I thought it was funny when they showed the scene, I think it was with Anna and Finn, and Nelle was continuing to stuff her face with French toast in the background."

    Hahahaha. I wonder if the actress was really enjoying the french toast. :) Yum!!

  16. sonya said...Nina, Lulu, and Charlie: A ballot stub? Huh?!

    I wonder if they're finally going to finish the fixed election storyline and Flea will get to be mayor after all. Then we can have more of her in the show.

  17. I wondered about the ballot thing too and have been having a beetch of a time posting so am finally catching up. I hope it's about the election storyline too.
    I also loved the friendship thing happening with Lulu and Nina.

  18. "Di said...I wonder if they're finally going to finish the fixed election storyline and Flea will get to be mayor after all. Then we can have more of her in the show."

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I didn't even think about that!!!! Maybe they are!!!

  19. Michelle Latta said...

    I wondered about the ballot thing too and have been having a beetch of a time posting so am finally catching up. I hope it's about the election storyline too.

    ** That's what came to mind for me, also. Except for the revolving door that the D.A.'s office seems to have become, I can't think of anything else has even been mentioned at all, to do with elections or politics since that one, at all. I do think though, with the way things have been turned around and improved so much in the last few months, especially when it comes to picking up storylines that have been pretty much forgotten about.

    I also loved the friendship thing happening with Lulu and Nina.

    ** It could open up some fun possibilities if they do go further with it.



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