Sunday, April 30, 2017

Congratulations to the General Hospital Emmy Winners

Lexi Ainsworth for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Daytime Show.. 

Bryan Craig  Outstanding Younger Actor 

GH won for Best Direction and Best Drama

And I am NOT kidding you but Lexi wore the exact same Dress Brenda got married in! LOL!

Ex-GHer Burton won for Supporting Actor on YR

Just a little eye candy!

and some more!! 

Watch The Daytime Emmys

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The only place to watch is either Facebook on this link:  DAYTIME EMMY STREAM 
OR on Periscope by following the Daytime Emmy account. 

That's it! I am hearing they aren't going to stream red carpet. (My favorite part). I won't be watching but will summarize the winners tomorrow.

Sunday Surgery: So Long To Tracy

This blog will be dedicated to the irreplaceable Jane Elliot who is departing her role of Tracy Quartermaine May 4th. Jane started the character in 1978 and although she's taken some breaks, Tracy's has been a staple in Port Charles for decades.
Jane has one Daytime Emmy, in 1980. 

David and I have found some choice clips for you to watch.  Tracy was a force of nature that was unstoppable. Jane's portrayal has been a joy to watch and she never phoned in a performance.  So as the Quartermaine house dwindles down to almost nothing, let's celebrate her legacy: 

A great place to start is with this interview by Kim McCollough (Robin) in 2008:

Lila and Tracy in a great moment after Dillon was born and still in the neonatal unit. (1992)

Tracy says Goodbye powerful and shows Jane's amazing range (1993)

Tracy tells Lulu she had an abortion (2006)

Perfect mix of Quartermaine fun and Tracy and Luke hijinks!Reading of Alan's will  (2007)

I couldn't find a stand-alone clip of her most famous scene,and I'm wondering if You Tube took it down. It was the one they showed Friday, with Edward on the floor begging Tracy for his pills. She refuses to give them to him and believes he dies. Now, why they didn't show the best part is beyond me! Edward pops up and isn't dead! It was glorious. Jane was stellar in that scene (as she is always).

Oh, you'll be missed great lady. Too bad you didn't have many stories these last few years. They wasted so much time by not showcasing you!  Enjoy retirement.
Jane's last airdate is May 4th .

Friday, April 28, 2017

Why General Hospital Doesn't Deserve Us

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Holy hell...but I'm on a tear. Seems that Jean Passanante , one of the head writers at GH decided to answer some fan questions on twitter about the idiotic Jason Cassadine Island story. Ok, they weren't all nice about it, but have to admit we've been yanked around lately, especially with the impossible kidney story. They didn't care about what happened or how, just as long as they could shove something on screen that delivered 'moments'. Never mind it didn't fit with anything we'd seen on screen. 

Nope.  Why should they care about that?
That brings us to the Cassadine Island Story. You know--the one where Jason is now dreaming he choked Jake. We all know the story:  Jason was taken to Crichton-Clark Clinic by Victor after they fished him out of the water. He was kept frozen until Robin could figure out how to wake him up.  

Seems that these writers decided that Jason was there 'before' the clinic--I guess running around the island doing crap for Helena and terrorizing Jake. 
When they are called out on that...the answer is "well, that's OUR story". 
HELL NO...WE (that would be the collective we, the viewers) ALL WATCH THE SAME DAMN STORY!!   Why else do I watch soaps? Because you chop up scenes and drag stuff out for years?  NO...I watch it because of the history and the story that builds up over time. To see characters grow and change. If you aren't going to take the damn time to even BOTHER trying to make a story that's believable and interesting without screwing up the past, then BYE. 

Oh, and look..I know other writers have messed with history. Guza brought in the whole Cassadine family on the premise of Laura having a baby when she was on the Island.  Every writer messes with things a little bit. THIS IS EVERY DAMN STORY---even if it just happened a YEAR ago! 
Here's a hint: YOU AREN'T WRITING COMPELLING STORIES!  The dialog writers need a damn raise along with every actor that sells this.
The stories may have a middle but no beginning and no ending.

Or...the stories may have a beginning and a bit of a middle then nothing. 
Or...they are so boring and written to fit whatever is going on at that moment (Hospital Serial Killer) no one cares!! 
And yes, I've read fan fiction that's way better. 

Case in point: This portrait stuff with Tracy? So--the story is started about a month before she leaves (even though you knew for about a year she was retiring), is crammed full of things that happened off camera (Turkey/ Edward, Monks) with people we don't care about (Turkey girl) and we're supposed to be ok with this?  Really? 
No thanks. 

If budget messes with the storytelling so much, pair down the damn cast so that you can tell some powerful things without having block taping and choppy little scenes. Hire some new writing blood. Do something. 
Oh, and don't act like we owe you something. Sometimes it pays to listen to criticism when it fits.  This is OUR show. Some of us have been here as long as it's been on. Period.  You want younger viewers? Well, you're not going to do it by making up things and hanging you hopes on whatever it is this is trying to achieve. They are probably more viewing savvy than the rest of us because they've grown up in the age of arc TV.   

I don't even know how to end this blog right now because I'm just so frustrated. Here I am arguing about a guy that was frozen and brought back to life. All for a soap that I loved. Get back to real stories about people, life and feelings. Leave all the "grand moments' behind for awhile, will ya?  Thanks. 

Farewell Tracy


It's not her last day but GH touts this as her 'exit finale' with flashbacks and clips and such. Tracy is shown leaving for  "Fun and Sun" and taking luggage and the painting. She stops by the crypt to put flowers on Lila's plaque. OMG HOW MANY QS ARE IN THERE?  looks like a dozen. SIGH.  AJ's plaque falls on her head. She passes out. 

Tracy goes to court "Tracy vs Life" -- Diane is there, Scotty's there and Nate is the bailiff. Scott's job is to present the good, Diane's is to present the bad.  If there's more bad, she has to go back and do better. Scott tells her he was good with Alkazar "Lorenzo Alkazar was supposed to be a poodle but I got him bumped up to Leo Falconeri" LOL 
SONNY is the damn judge. ugh 

Scotty says "Well, she's not Cassadine bad, or Heather Webber" :) 

They show a bunch of clips of Tracy being a bitch to people trough the years.

They show clips of Luke and Tracy ...the one where he says he loves her.  Then a clip of her being nasty to him. Really nasty. 

Tracy pregnant with Jenny Eckart during the storm! 

Ned and Tracy-- Tracy and Edward-- 

MY FAVE scene ever on a soap---with Edward's meds. BUT they don't show the ending!! WOW..really? Especially since many people haven't seen it. 

Tracy does a monologue and says she wants to go back the earth as herself so she can do better. "Don't send me back as Skye Chandler's baby or a flatworm". 

She wakes up and the plaque is back up on the wall. She walks into the main house to give the portrait to Samila. She wants to do good.  


This was a C show at best. Very hollow. But..ok clips. Just wish it was done differently. Or at least some of the cast sitting in the courtroom behind her or something. 

SO... THIS Happened

Listen, I watch gruesome shows, you know that. But this? Just stupid. Not only did they drop the whole Jake is weird last year, the kid wasn't on for months. Now Jason is dreaming he's headlocking the kid? 
No thanks. 
Go find some writers that can craft a story and weave it into something I want to watch. These "Shock and Awe" moments are just crap. 

Read Jamey Giddons on Daytime Confidential, he has a good take as well.

I WILL watch today in honor of Jane Elliot. It's Tracy's flashback episode, so see you at 2. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Alien Day

It really IS Alien Day-- so let's celebrate GH's own Alien--Casey! Did you know this story came out after the movie "Starman" was a hit?? So, it was totally riffted off that!! 

Val and Alex/Anna...she's talking about when he carried her to the hospital. She is glad he got his operations to make his "outside match his inside" ..tall, straight and strong. VERY Bizarrre.  THEN She goes "Stay for champagne..." He says why?
"Because I can't live without it...there's always a time for champagne said Churchill" 

What a crappy story. Sorry, Love JPS and FH but this is just--bad.  

Carly and Michael are eating take out in the Q living room. Wearing black. ALL Black. She tells him about Jax being deported and to stay away from Nelle. 

Nina wants Nelle to spy on Val and Nelle says Nope.  She wants to take Nelle out drinking since Charlotte's gone. 

Bobbie tries to convince Sonny to go back to Carly--and make it work. Because, you know, he's such a good son in law. He tells Bobbie he has a lot of questions about Morgan's death (STILL UGHHHHHHH) and pulls out the pill bottle. They are talking and Lucy sees it. Goes "OH"!  But she covers herself and says to Sonny "I wasn't sure if you'd want to come to the Ball this year because of Morgan"...
BUT THEN says: I have to tell you something.  She doesn't though and Sonny goes to show the pills to Dr. Maddox. 

Ok, I had to leave at 2:44.  So..:) 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

From Bad to Boring

WELL...let's see. 

Laura is arguing with Tracy about letting Simara take the painting. I would think the Qs could just buy it. Oh well.  Simara faints (see below) 

Anna/Alex is on again. Listening at her computer. zzzzzzz. Nina picks up the watch, wonders about it. Val comes in with riding boots and says he bought Nina a horse. They run out, leaving the watch behind.  They are back in 2 min--- and start to have sex. Alex/Anna is still listening until Griffin interrupts. He wants to know why she hasn't had her blood treatment. She looks cagey..scared..then says she's having it done "privately" ... 

Hamilton Finn's pee came back positive. That could be a new musical: LOOK AT ME!! My PEE is.......POSITIVE NOT NEGATIVE..... Hayden's all pissed (ha ha get it?!! ) . He's like I AM NOT on drugs. Yada yada. 
They bring Samira in and Tracy wants Finn to treat her but he can't because he's suspended due to the pee.  They are afraid she's going to be deported if the staff finds out her visa is expired. 

Michael, Dante, Lulu and Nelle are all at the Floating Rib-- OMG... Lante are celebrating (and I'm totally serious here) "How LONG my first visit with Charlotte was" ...:eyeroll: 

END of the show: Valentin goes to visit Anna/Alex...she's all dressed up sexy like.. he wants to return the watch but she's all cute--don't go...yada yada 

The show was 2 and 2 people talking for the most part, scenes all under 2 min or so. I was so boring.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Jax wants Carly to move to Oz with her-- Get the Foster's Beer! BYE Carly! See ya, I need a break from you!  LOL...Jax says he still loves her and since he's being kicked out of the country (Sonny called INS on him) he wants them all to live together. Carly says she loves him too but just can't go.  Morgan Memories are here in PC. 

Diane and Alexis  at the PCPD ...Alexis is going to make a statement. Jordan asks if she was kidnapped by Julian. Alexis says: NOPE.
-__- So, Alexis is jeopardizing her law license to protect Jules.

Jake is scared of Old-Face Jason.  Liz says :You've seen pictures of your Old-Face Dad before, why are you scared now? Jake said, "because of the witch" ... Jake leaves. Liz asks Jason why he showed Jake that photo. He said because that was his face when he worked for Helena.  
History says that Jason was frozen all that time, which was why Robin was held hostage, to unfreeze him! When Ava ran Old Face over Jake had been out like a week....ergo, he couldn't have worked for Helena for any amount of time on the Island.
BUT GH... you know, Screw history 

Ned with with Samira at the Q's. She tells him about her daughter. 
Tracy is waiting for the DNA test and she tells Laura that Edward might be Samira's father. Laura bought a dress for Samira-- awwww..
Then Laura and Tracy go to the Q's where Samira is singing to Ned "Gather Together" which Edward obviously taught her.  Oh god, that was painful. 

Julian in Jail...visited by Olivia. She wants custody of Leo to go to Ned. Jules says NOPE.  He wants Jail visitation. 
**WAIT...I thought Ned's name was on the birth certificate?? Wasn't it? 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Short Cuts

Eating: Shortbread, Short ribs .... Shortcake... 

ENJOY the SHORT CUTS today!!

So, exactly why are you here, mysterious stranger? 
Oh...please kind lady. I am here to find. I look I need to have help because my daughter she is in danger. I needs that painting of the blonde lady to make her free. You see, it's so dangerous. 
Ok, can we help you? 
I have two days to get that painting, smuggle it on a flying bird, sell it, then go give the people the money for my daughter.  But first, I must tell the kind lady of the painting my entire life story though a shoe box, a letter and a ring of my father. 
Oh, don't even tell me...Edward?? Really?? Again??  

Hello?'s Sonny Corinthos.  NO! I'm not gonna go on hold! It's my birthday!!  Ok, well, send me the usual.  Naw..wait..2 cases this time. I'm mad at Jax, Nelle and Julian and I gotta throw a lotta bar ware. Ava's comin' next week and I'm gonna tell her she's dead to me!  Yeah. Yup. Put it on the tab.  Now where did I put Avery...hmmmm...

This is a copier. I don't know what you want me to do, Tracy. 

Well..I want you to copy some DNA and tell me if my Father had an affair in Turkey!
Turkey? long was I passed out for, anyway? 

Look, Kiki...if I don't get a SNACK, I will possibly pass out and not be able to untangle this super-interesting really exciting scarecrow drawing Jake did.  So, hand over the bills and let me get to work! 

All I know is, one of you better get me a cup of coffee or I swear to GOD, I will fall asleep. Right now...right in the middle this scene. So...get goin...zzzzzzzzz :snort: zzzzzzz

Well, Alexis...I guess we just did that....huh?
Yep..yep we did... but my regret will be expressed by the size of this blanket I pull around my body. 
So....what now? 
I think you're going to get arrested. Because, you know--you're kind of a scumbag. 
Ok..!  Well, I guess my being "dead" didn't really count for much. 
Nope...although, you did get a mini-vacation out of it...
Yeah...there's that. 

Oh, honey... I had no idea that you had all this inside for over a year...
Well, I told Cam about it. 
Franco! You know Cam...he's the tallest one. 

Yeah, Mom...I told him and Grammy and... you a couple of times. 
Oh, honey, I've been busy. The house blew up and I found a sister and..well..Franco and I have spent a lot of
Yeah..Jake...we were...painting, that's it.... Listen to your mother. 

Wait a minute....what is this? 
What? I can't see you...
What? I can't hear you... 


Your Weekly Cheat Sheet: 
After Julexis had sex, Jules got arrested. 
Nelle got Jax released from jail but Carly still hates her. 
It was Sonny's birthday but he's hella mad at both Juilan and Jax. 
That chick from Turkey came to the Q's..wants the painting to get her daughter out of a kidnapping situation. 
Tracy thinks she (the Turkish girl)  may be Edward's daughter (eyeroll..really?) 
Looks like Jake thinks Old-Face Jason was the "Scarecrow" on Cassadine Island. 
Finn's trying to get clean. Has to pee in a cup but Brad might sabotage. (I call it: "Brad Plays with Pee"). 
Oh, one last thing.  Dante and Ava and blah blah...MORGAN'S they are still floating around. Still. Forever. Then Sonny can be all mad at Ava, Julian and Jax...and Nelle.

And.......that's all I got this week! Hope you had a great weekend.  It was a bad week for me sickness wise but I'm on the mend, just in time to go to work tomorrow! Yeah me! 
GH was so boring this week and such a mess of a let down, I half-watched.   Not to harp on the point, but Anna/Alexis wasn't even shown at all-- which is not the way to get a story going.  They are messing up the entire Tracy-exit with this Turkey foolishness.  I'm trying hard to engage my brain from 2-3pm most days but....eesh. 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tracey Q's Exit Story on GH

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Oh people are having a FIELD day on Twitter about this one! Seems SOD is leaking that Tracy has to "defend her life" in front of a judge.  Now, I personally think that defending your life stuff has had it's moment (Seinfeld) but--whatever.  Who's the judge? Monica? Maybe Dead Alan? Nope-- it's SONNY CORINTHOS!! 

Seriously. I just typed it and still can't believe it.  Read about it here: Tracy Defends Her Life 

Friday, April 21, 2017


Adorable Scarlet showed off her Unicorn Frappacino on Twitter yesterday-- and I had to snag it! All I could think of was this is TOTALLY Cassadine and Nina would so buy her one! 

No, I didn't watch the show today yet--I went to lunch with Wub Hub--first time I've been out in awhile due to my cold.  (I am finally on the mend, just in time to go back to work from Spring Break!!)

Have YOU had a UniFrapp? Not my thing-- I really like the Berry Refreshers at Starbucks and that's about it lately. That thing looks sugar-shocking! 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Happy Bday, Sonny !!

Some immigration guy is looking for Nadime Nazarr (ahaha I'm being John Travolta). She's all @@...Monica tells him to get a warrant. He says if she's harboring an illegal, it's a federal offense. 

JAKE!! OH JAKE!! Hey, a YEAR after all the crap went down with the boy, they are doing something about it!! exciting!!  Jason and Liz have a civil moment at the elevator. Later, Jason goes to Sonny's with some booze as a present (??) and Michael and Sonny fill him in on the kidney situation. Jason literally stands there with THE most BLAND look on his face. AHAHAHA. NO one cares!! 
He brought Sonny scotch for his birthday. And he tells Sonny Juilan is still alive. 

Franco tells KIKI about Jake? UH...why?  So we can hear it over and over again? He's afraid of "His Father"!  He explains the whole thing to her--I guess so if you missed it, you can catch up.

Tracy wants Finn to do a DNA test on Turkey-Girl. He doesn't want to or he'll get in trouble. 

Carly and Nelle, Don't care. Carly and Nelle have no connection so..?? Unlike Carly and Bobbie I don't care if she ever forgives her.  Jax is released. 

I lasted 21 min. Boring as all hell 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

That Turkish Woman

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Why? WHY? WHYYYYYYY? Human trafficking? New Edward dalliances? WHY? With all the stories in all the world to send Tracy out--WHY??   That Samira's eyes are fascinating in a freezer sort of way. 

Ok, so Julexis is what it is. I hope it's over now. They were great together but the writer's screwed them. I don't want to see someone with her tormentor. They had one last great sexcapade. Let it go.

Today's show. Brad's still mad. Tracy's going through Edward's stuff.. Carly's talking to Jax and Michael tells Sonny to get out of town because Carly's so angry.

Griffin is Finn's supervisor while he's on out-patient rehab.  He has to pee in a cup. Hayden's not talking to him until he's done with rehab. 

Curtis and Jordan are talking about a bowling ball in her apartment.  Isolation. oh! hell NO! TJ comes in!!  

Ok, so I have to leave early but sorry!  

I see they've gapped again with the "Anna" story-- making me care even less. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Brief Monica Memories!

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I'm still not feeling great-- so I thought I'd do a little retrospective of Monica Quartermaine. So many people on Twitter didn't know that Monica actually slept with Ned back in the day, I thought I'd enlighten everyone!  Monica met Ned (who called himself Ward) at a spa where he was a tennis pro. The role was played by Kurt McKinney at that time. (Pictured above). Monica later finds out he's really Tracy's son. See the You Tube clip: 

No one knows she and Ned had an affair UNTIL THE WEDDING of Ned and Dawn (Monica's son) lol...Dawn finds out and calls it off. Whoops. 

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Triangle of Lust-- Alan, Monica and Rick 

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(Patsy Rhan) 

Leslie Charleson came on in 1977 after the role was played by Patsy Rhan for a brief time in 1976. This is the time I started watching GH after school.
There's a bunch of stuff going on--Monica was an orphan and Gail Baldwin fostered her. She came to GH with Jeff Webber, Rick Webber's brother. They were married after Rick was presumed dead when he went to Africa. 

You know what happened: Rick was stuff alive and Monica really loved him and not Jeff. They had an affair and Jeff found out (he was cheating with Heather at this time) and then they divorced. 

Oh Soaps were SO 'AFFAIR' driven back in the day!! 

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I remember Monica as Laura's confidant back when Laura first came on the scene. She'd carry her notebook into the cafeteria of GH (we didn't have backpacks then!!) and they'd sit and talk at a table together while Leslie got all jelly. 
Of course, Leslie was with Rick, who Monica still loved. Rick and she couldn't resist each other and basically had sex all over town under Alan and Leslie's noses. 
Alan tried to kill Monica and Rick once-- and it was great, they collapsed a whole roof for it.!!
There was a HUGE uproar over who AJ's dad really was, btw-- Monica wanted him to be Rick's. His bloodtype didn't match though (NO DNA back then!!). 

Anyway..the Monica I remember was epitome of the 70's woman: strong, career driven yet also very sexually free. This was  big deal back in the day. Hey, we were still a all a twitter about a show like "Three's Company" where a guy lived with 2 girls! (the horror!!)  

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Of course the whole Susan Moore thing came up then --when ALAN had an affair with her! (EVERYONE was screwing everyone back in the day) and Monica ended up raising Jason, Alan and Susan's son. 

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During all of this, Bobbie and Monica were either BFFs or enemies-- Bobbie slept with Alan. That's a whole OTHER story!! 
I do wish that in later years, they had kept the Monica and Laura connection. Monica helped Laura through the time of the rape because she herself was raped when she was in foster care. They got to be very close.  Would have been nice to continue that! 

The affairs on soaps used to be deep and rich. It was usually two conflicted people who were in love with each other (or deep lust) but also had loyalty and love for their significant others. Not a lot of One Night Stands or drugs used back then. 

Anyway, there's a brief glimpse into Monica's history!! 

Monday, April 17, 2017


Celebration at the Q house-- I think there will be more than 3 people in a scene.  Olivia brought back bruschetta and Tracy said the cook will hate it. All of a sudden the smoke alarm goes off. I wonder if Ashton is going to steal the painting?
Stupid JASAM come in to talk to Dilly about the photos he took. They take up way too much time from the party.
When everyone comes back in, Larry was out walking the grounds (told ya). Monica and Tracy fight..Tracy drops that Monica and Ned slept together a long time ago LMAO. AHAHAHA. 

Monica says Tracy has to move into the laundry room! 
Yes, Larry stole the painting--he put a velvet clown in it's place!! 

Carly had great dialog today to yell at Sonny. It was great. He was trying to blame Jax and she basically said: NOPE it's on you, bub! 

Sonny: "My mantra my WHOLE LIFE" is you pay for what you do"  --AHAHHA Sonny said that!! See, Jax was going to tell Dante about the kidney himself and Sonny recorded it! So he turned over the recording to Dante. Dante has to arrest Jax. Josslyn comes in just as the handcuffs are going on. 

Sonny tells Michael. Michael's mad and thinks Jax will do time. Sonny thinks he's going to get off with a fine and community service. Hmmm. Not sure, it's a felony. Michael reads Sonny-and it was really GOOD. Chad did a great job there. 

Sam's trying to talk 'Alexis out of still wanting Julian.  Julian is on the docks, looking sad... has wedding fashbacks.
Later, Alexis is on the docks, having wedding flashbacks...

End of the show: Sam and Jason on the docks. Sam finds Alexis' scarf, and Julexis is no where--hmmmmmm but we see them making out on tomorrow's previews 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Scrambled Eggs


If you read the blog, you know what I watched this week. On and off--here and there. Not that it mattered much. I'm so frustrated with the pacing and timing of scenes lately I could scream more than I usually do.  I think I told you I had timed scenes at one point. This Friday was another example of scenes lasting 2-4 min and then...cutting to something else. Not cool. Sorry, but the writing isn't good enough to play this flash and dash BS.  I realize you hired a billion people to be on the show but for godsakes, at least try to give us something to root for. 

Today is Easter Sunday for some of us--and you know that means Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs!! That's what we eat here !!

If you haven't yet....take a gander at my Saturday Night Pre-Op WUB... a more fun take on this week. 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Saturday Night Pre-Op: Alterna-Wub

Just because I felt like fooling around -- you can catch the serious blog tomorrow. GH is giving me a right headache ..(that's British!! lol).  Enjoy this step into last week's show--with trivia and quizzes to help keep you occupied! 

Friday, April 14, 2017

In the Bushes

EGG hunt in the park. JaSam and Alexis are eating a picnic lunch.  OMG.. lol they have that "creeper" Shot from the "WHO could be watching them"??  Jason is looking at photos on his phone and sees some LURKING!! oh horror! 

Sonny and Michael. Talk about Carrrlyyyy again. On the docks this time, I guess I can hope one or both jump in??  Michael tells Sonny about Jax buying the kidney from Frank Benson. Sonny's mad because Jax brought Nelle into their lives.  Sonny storms off to go back to Carly's house to BITCH at Jax more. 

Jax and Carly...then Nelle shows up. Apologizes.. Carly says she'll make her "pay". I think she should donate Nelle's OTHER kidney. Heh.  Jax offers to pay her to leave PC. Nelle says no and Carly thinks it's because of Michael. 

Dilly and Kiki are doing a "photo shoot" ...he's taking her photo. UGH That is SO 90's. Speaking of...Dante was walking around looking like a grunger today. Flannel shirt and all.  He was questioning Lucy and Ava about the pills.
Later, Ava and Lucy discuss the pills AGAIN and Ava threatens Lucy with violence if she tells Dante a thing.  Lucy is trying to figure out why Ava was so interested in those pills. 

Lulu said goodbye to Charlotte. She had a good visit.  Zzzzzz

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

A Watch Bug

Alex is talking to Laura, Laura thinks it's Anna. Laura's not happy Anna has patched things up with Val. Laura says "memory can be manipulated " and thinks she's being strange. She leaves. 

Tracy wants to hang the painting and Monica says No..
Tracy says she's happy for Ned about getting married. They talk about Edward and he says Edward shouldn't have written her a letter, he should have told her.  They chopped up these scenes so BADLY it was terrible. They would have been so good if they were longer and more indepth. But NOPE
Ned says he's proud of his mother "I love you Tracy Quartermaine" 

Finn is passed out with blood all over his mouth and blood is all over. LOOKS So like Caleb. He gets into GH and Griffin gives him a neuro test. He says he "Can't feel his face" LOL..Later, Griffin tells Hayden about Finn being in GH. She goes to see him. He's trying to leave.  He finally admits he's an addict and wants to tell Monica.
Looks like Brad is going to tell her first. 

OMG...OMG..ok, so Curtis and Hayden 'run into" each other AGAIN at the Cafe thing. Geesh, lazy. lazy. Jordan finds them. She's jelly. Hayden lets it slip they kissed but Curtis says it wasn't anything.  THEN..guess what? MADDOX runs into Jordan and Curtis kissing... at the same cafe!! 

Brad apparently bought a condo with Lucas off camera. He's talking on the phone about it, then tells Maddox. Monica talks to him about his annual review. Sounds like it's not good news about the $$. Monica says Hayden controls the purse strings at GH. He gets a sly look on his face.  He decides to tell her about Finn. 

Nina and Valentine are talking about Anna-- blah blah blah. She then goes to "Anna's" house and tells "Anna" Alex "I thought I told you to stay away from my husband" then she punches her in the face.  BUT NOPE...actually next scene is Nina on the table in an arm lock. Nina leaves. We see Anna put a bug in Val's watch and she's listening to him on her computer. "Alex/Anna" is spying on Valentin. Why? Who the hell knows. 

I guess the Turkey Trott is over! They were both home today! 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rejoice, I'm Here!

I have a head cold and have to give a presentation at 5 so I need to stay awake, I know GH isn't the best choice but I'm gonna try! 

Hayden's acting like a damaged snowflake. This isn't her--or is it? Who knows.  Finn calls her and wants her to come over. She says call a rehab.. he calls Tracy. She doesn't pick up. 
OH! Now Curtis and Hayden are going to drunk dance together and who's going to see them? GUESS WHO!? 
Hayden kissed Curtis. He's like NOPE.  Finn saw .  He went out and bought some drugs on the docks. 

Sonny tells Carly Nelle confessed to lying to him. Carly was mad at Sonny for lying not for sleeping with Nelle, right? Isn't that what I heard for weeks? Hhmmm...Oh Sonny finds out she slept with Jax and calls her a whore..and said "you spread you legs"...yada yada. Tell you what, look up and Brenda/Jax/ Sonny fight and you'll get the idea. About 45x the idea. GOD can't they write ANYTHING NEW????? Sonny yells "This is DONE" and leaves. Slams the door. *sigh*

Alexis thinks someone is in her house. She almost clocks Krissy walking in the door.  They argue about Jules. 

Lulu is crabbing about Charlotte again. I think I saw Rocco for about 2 seconds.  He made cookies. They tasted bad according to Dante!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Half-Pint

One last hurrah for a bit.. I'm going to give you the "highlights" of some of this week because I basically stopped watching half-way through. When I think of all the possibilities -- when I think of all the beats missed and history just messed with so badly--I could scream. You know I'll probably watch at some point. Right this minute I just can't deal.

Hi! Remember me, Dillon? Yeah, we went to HIGH SCHOOL together!! OMG...didn't you see me at ALL last year at the Nurses Ball? No? Well...whatever...its' THIS YEAR'S Nurses Ball so I guess I get a story!! HOW COOL IS THAT!? OMG and guess what!!!? Like Kristina is my best friend or something. I'm not sure. I do talk to her on the phone all the time. No. we've not actually had a scene together but whatever. OMG I loved you so much in high school. WHAT? YOU Love Game of Thrones?? ME TOO!! SO MUCH! Wait, you have a GIRL FRIEND?  Oh that sucks and I'm so mad now. I mean.. weren't you waiting for me since we graduated??? 

I Am a MONK! you can tell by the MONK CLOTHES and my beard!! Long ago, in another time a man came here and gave us this painting to give to his daughter upon his death. But being NOT NICE MONKS we shall sell it for millions! The man gave us a letter to deliver to the woman in the painting. We had no idea she'd ever show up. But! Here she is in the nick of time. How convenient !! 

OMG.......who am I hugging?  I have no clue because I haven't been on a soap in eons! Last time I was in Pine Valley. Now my sister summons me to this god for saken place to convince Valentin that he did mean something to me all those years ago. Why she has pity for him no one knows. It's funny because I literally haven't heard a word from her in..oh... decades. Has the audience even heard of me? Hmmm.I wonder. I wonder if all those new viewers will get a clue to what's happening. Or if the older viewers will even care I'm back. I was on another soap after all. Oh well.. it sure is fun playing a twin. 

Oh for F*k sake. This good looking man with an accent is telling me I did everything against Carly and it wasn't even HER FAULT? What the hell? I mean, I kept this poker chip with me all these years to remind me what a lying scum my father was, how was I supposed to know he'd lie about that!!? Crap. NOW I have to go apologize to Sonny and come clean and tell him I didn't sleep with him. Because....
Carly's going to sleep with Jax ..
She will find out about my lying and feel guilty... 
Sonny will want her back! Hey just like the time...
Sonny thought Carly slept with Jax 
But she didn't
But he got mad and slept with me!
But he didn't ! 
Carly found out and got mad because she thought he did! 
What a GREAT STORY!! Get it? It's just like a wheel that keeps spinning and spinning and....

I think I left Charlotte in my purse. She should be here! Griffin...did I tell you how much I miss Charlotte?? Did I? She's my DAUGHTER.  Did you know that??  She is!! MINE I TELL YOU! 
What? What's that? Rocco? Oh I have no idea, I think my mother has him. Doesn't matter, I have a daughter now!! 

Um...want some mustard? No? Well, I have some here--Curtis brought it. See he's the new town delivery boy and... what? WHAT DID I DO? I was really mean to you when I was detoxing? Gee, who would have thought I would be mouthy and nasty when I'm trying to get a major chemical mix out of my blood system? Now you're mad? I guess begging to stay here with me while I went through that didn't work out so well, right? 

Kid, I know you like me and get get along pretty well. I got you to draw that funky "scarecrow" and everything but you see, I'm a bad character that used to practically eat little kids for breakfast so... we gotta cool it. Sorry, man. Catch ya on the flip side. I have to go paint my lady now. Titanic Style. 

I am a mysterious crying woman that lives with the MONKS--don't call me Snow White though. I have a feeling I'm here to suddenly find out Port Charles is my destiny. 

PILL UPDATE: Yeah, there still floating around. Ava tried to steal them, Scotty tried and then Dante got them. Snore. 

And.......there you have it.  I'm not even going into everything that was wrong or the history that was trashed--nope! Not gonna do it. You've seen my rants long enough. I just wish soaps in the USA would buy a clue from England. Just take a look at Hollyoaks for 2 minutes. They are doing the dementia show GH should have done years ago.  Single camera work too. Character focused. 

PROP OF THE WEEK: this scary looking scarecrow that Dr. Maddox had in his magic box.  Why do they make scenes so damn short? Perfect example of a glimpse not a development of a story. *sigh*

I guess I'll see you when I see you!! 

A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...