Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Weigh in: How Will Tracy Q Go?

Since we don't know for sure, how do you think Tracy will leave the show? If you don't see your answer here, post in the comments!! 

Tracy will likely: 

A. Will be whisked off by Luke 
B.  Walk up the stairs at the Q mansion and just never have any scenes again
C.  Michael makes her VP in charge of Europe 
D. She dies
E. After visiting Turkey, she decides to put her money into global problems and heads a refugee clinic
F. Moves back to NYC to head a new crime division 

Thanks to Dave for the inspiration for this... 


  1. Way to go DAVE!!!!

    Ok, so I would LOVE to see her go to NYC as a nod to her The City stint. But I have a feeling the show got Jane's input and will honor her as such.

    I expect an hour long episode dedicated to Jane/Tracy. I think that ELQ will branch out to Europe and Michael will give her the position of heading up ELQ-EU. There will be a lot of clips of Jane and her career on GH and she will have a very tearful and heartfelt goodbye to Monica. The final scene will be her talking to a photo of her parents on the mantle. Alice walks in and says "Ms. Q, your ride is ready" and Jane walks out the front door, turns and looks at the camera and gives one final line to the viewers.

  2. "I expect an hour long episode dedicated to Jane/Tracy. I think that ELQ will branch out to Europe and Michael will give her the position of heading up ELQ-EU. There will be a lot of clips of Jane and her career on GH and she will have a very tearful and heartfelt goodbye to Monica. The final scene will be her talking to a photo of her parents on the mantle. Alice walks in and says "Ms. Q, your ride is ready" and Jane walks out the front door, turns and looks at the camera and gives one final line to the viewers."

    THIS would be perfect. Why does my gut tell me it's not going to happen this way....?

    Really. I don't know how y'all would be at writing dialogue, but y'all could totally "save" GH.

    1. Because it's Jelly....I wish Gloria Monty were alive to write this episode.:(

  3. I actually want her to go off with Luke since she was so crazy about him and so hurt. I think she deserves some personal happiness even with a scoundrel like him. I don't think that at this point in her life she is interested in any career goals. But the scenario from Dave was great although I never watched the City. Was that a short lived soap?

  4. This is a very short synopsis. I didnt watch all of it. but there was a half hour soap decades ago called Loving (note: ryan cranston from breaking bad was in it, so was laura wright, our carly and also rena sofer, our original lois. along with a host of others. it is worth seeing the famous stars that were in that show. geraldine page, luke perry, lloyd bridges. too many) Anyway, the soap was nearing its final days and they decided to kill off most of the characters and move it from corinth, PA to NYC and call the show "THE CITY" (this is where "Corinth" comes from when you hear it on GH now and then.

    On The City, Tracy crossed over and she married a mobster and then became the QUEEN of one of the mob families (I am so paraphrasing this. I dont remember everything. someone will tell you). One of the BEST episodes every on the City is when Tracy was going to get married and she hired actors to play the parts of her family. The actress who played Lila was a total drunk. the actor who played Edward was flamboyantly gay and kept hitting on the actor who played Ned, his son. In fact, Rnadolph Mantooth called her out on it and said "Why is your father hitting on your son???" It was, hands down, one of the funniest episodes I have ever seen on daytiime. It is on you tube and SO worth watching!

    I am pretty sure Karen watched these too, so she can also chime in. you tube is a wonderful thing. worth doing some searching over.

    1. I never knew Luke Perry was on that, cool...I first knew of him from BH 90210.

  5. LMAO @B!! Knowing Jelly I wouldn't put it past them. I doubt she'll die. So...C makes the most sense.

  6. My guess she leaves with luke. also think he's the one who bought her portrait.

  7. Thanks delcodave for the info - didn't know she played the same character on both shows. I wish Gloria Monty could write this, too!

  8. A. Will be whisked off by Luke


  9. Tracy comes back to Port Charles with Luke and tries to convince Jason to run ELQ. But she also asked Jason to change his name back to Quartermaine and stop working with Sonny. Jason tells Tracy that he has to ask Sam first.Jason talks about it with Sam and she starts BITCHING about Tracy is a control freak and that Jason is better off working for Sonny. He tells Tracy and he can't do it and she shoots him and then the real Jason (Steve Burton) says he'll take the job and helps Tracy get away.

  10. Jane Elliot is all class and she deserves to go out with some happiness for Tracy Q. What a great character and she has contributed to daytime TV mightily over the years. One of the first scenes as a kid I can remember watching on GH was her withholding Edward's pills as he faked a heart attack...that was riveting TV and she always brings her A game and elevates the rest of the actors in the scene. She will be missed! ALL HAIL QUEEN JANE!

  11. Would Luke have $20 million dollars?

  12. LSV422 said...

    I actually want her to go off with Luke since she was so crazy about him and so hurt. I think she deserves some personal happiness even with a scoundrel like him. I don't think that at this point in her life she is interested in any career goals. But the scenario from Dave was great although I never watched the City. Was that a short lived soap?

    ** Yeah, that's what I'd like to see too, it really surprised me when they first got together, just how much chem they had together and were so good together. Up until then I felt VERY strongly that there were only 2 people that ever worked/felt right with Luke: Laura and Holly. So to see how well he and Tracy gelled together was a pleasant surprise. I'd really love to see them go off together, to "do their own thing," so to speak. Plus as a side benefit, we could also get a better sense of "closure" for Luke and Laura. At least more than just him taking off in the blue, and leaving her a letter with her name on it, which has never been mentioned again. That way it could also maybe also aid in Laura and Kevin moving forward together. (Which I also NEVER saw coming, but I've LOVED them together.

    ** After "Loving" ended, "The City" was created as a spin-off. Several characters from Loving (It's been so long since then, that I'm blanking on exactly who), left Corinth, PA to move to "The City." (Which was for all intents and purposes NYC) A few years after she was last in PC, she lived in "The City" for a couple of years. It was during this time that she married the mobster Gino Soleito, which has been mentioned fairly often on GH, as that was really the most significant event for her then, (And without a doubt the most well-known) as far as in relation/effect to GH.


  13. Julia Sanders said...

    My biggest problem with the kidney story is the timing of everything when it happened. If there has been a few days from when Joss was taken to the hospital till when Jake came in instead of minutes or hours they could make it work. Jax would have had time to reach out to everyone he could think of like Frank and Jerry. He did say he reached out to more then just Frank today but didn't say who. That said with the timing being so close there is just no way for this story to work on any level including Helena taking Jake because how would she have known everything that was going to happen.

    ** While I wasn't real pleased with Jake being alive in the first place, I do think though that when RC had brought Jake back, he had some idea as to how he was going to explain that. But, was fired after a couple of months, before he was able to address that, thus leaving it up to Jelly to do this. Seeing as they do not plan things out, when writing, except for essentially the broad ideas, and just make up the details and what not as they go along (not to mention waiting another couple years before even getting back to it.) All of this being no different at all from what they did in their previous gig as Y&R's head writers. Not to mention having demonstrated in the past, that their knowledge of GH history is pretty spotty, at best. While I had some complaints (primarily around the end of his run) about how RC did some things, I NEVER questioned once that he didn't absolutely love GH and it's history, being a long time fan of the show, even by just small little references or "nods" to smaller "lesser known" events and storylines, that only would come from someone that has been a long time viewer, who REALLY know the show's history. With Jelly, it's painfully obvious they no VERY little about thr show's history. (Which was the same way when they were on Y&R.


  14. Wyndemere:

    Anna/Alex and V.C.: This was a great scene, and so was yesterday, but I'm still thinking this is Alex!!! Anna is acting strange here. And then when Lulu showed up, she was acting strange with Lulu too!!!


    Anna/Alex: and Griffy: Anna is acting strange with Griffy too!!!! Did you see the look on her face when she was hugging him!!?!!?!?!!?!?! I am telling you it's Alex!!!

    ** I'm not sure now if she is Alex, or not. As her scenes with VC to me felt more like Anna, having just finally knowing exactly what happened between them, and feeling very remorseful and shaken up about it.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


  16. Also, as to the issue of Anna's ring, that Julia asked about Wed's episode, having rewatched Anna/Valentin scenes; I really don't think that it had any underlying meaning, to me it just looked like the close up with her hand touching his, was just her being VERY remorseful for what had she did to him, and that she cared for him, in the past, and present.
    Just NOT romantically



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