Sunday, April 30, 2017

Congratulations to the General Hospital Emmy Winners

Lexi Ainsworth for Outstanding Younger Actress in a Daytime Show.. 

Bryan Craig  Outstanding Younger Actor 

GH won for Best Direction and Best Drama

And I am NOT kidding you but Lexi wore the exact same Dress Brenda got married in! LOL!

Ex-GHer Burton won for Supporting Actor on YR

Just a little eye candy!

and some more!! 


  1. I'm thrilled for our hard working fans but Nancy was robbed. Also how can GH win??? (Last award of the night), best drama series I believe? Jelly is gonna keep writing sheeze. Of course Frank had to thank "Mo", ass kisser. His Bread and butter. It got up to 25k in viewers but by the end it was down to 19K I believe.

    1. Oh and might I add I didn't hear a whole lot of these actors and such thanking fans, just wrong....ok, off my soap box.

    2. I believe GH won due to the great actors! It can't be because of the storylines!

    3. Oh I totally agree! It's the actors cause it sure as heck isn't for the writing.

  2. Am I the only one that thinks that dress was wearing Lexi and not the other way around? She is a very pretty girl, but that dress was not for her.

  3. I loved Lexis dressm but Kellys was awful.

  4. Thanks for the results Karen!

    Unfortunately, the power went out for a few hours this evening, so I ended up unable to watch the ceremony.


  5. Also congrats to Scott Clifton, ex-GH who is the first tri-fecta winner as he now has an Emmy for Younger Actor, Supporting Actor and Lead Actor. Well deserved. He is incredible.

    How can a show that is so consistently awful continue to win year after year?

  6. I watched the awards thanks to Facebook. I was holding my breath that GH wouldn't win for best writing and they didn't, but best show? I watch B&B but the others must be even worse. That Sheryl from the Talk was so embarrassing - can't stand her anyway. And someone should have told Mary Hart she didn't win an Academy award and to shut up. Other than that, the show was a bit long but at least we got to see it. Was disappointed that Nancy and Finola didn't win. Susan Lucci looked fabulous - no aging in sight. I like Scott Clifton a lot but he isn't that remarkable an actor to win so much. Although maybe compared to the other nominees he was the best. Sure glad Mo wasn't nominated.

    1. Yes, thankful to be able to view on fb. I hate to sound rude but I honestly didn't want GH to win best show. As for Fin and Nancy thru were robbed. Susan was beautiful and loved her tribute, if Agnes were alive I'd have loved if she wrote for GH, SHE knew how to write and could've shown Jelly a thing or two! Hated that Frankie thanked MO, I mean really???? Which reminds me, I don't remember a lot of the actors thanking us, the fans. I had a problem with that. Oh and Mary Hart, good grief. Love her, but she went on way tooooo long.

    2. Damn auto correct *thought they were robbed.
      *Hated that Frank thanked Mo

  7. Frank can thank Mo for letting the ratings drop to 1.83, among other things.

  8. What a joke! I can't believe GH won best Drama. I also watch B&B and it so much better that GH. Actors are so talented too. Sonny needs to go! The storylines are terrible and they keep recycling thevsame old stories - writing team is no good! I guess we are in for another crappy year of storylines and now with Jane Elliott gone ... not much to hang on too. I really love Finola Hughes & James Patrick Stuart scenes. Those two can really bring it on!!!

  9. Paint and Wall's home: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Hmmm Chimira?

    Liz's home:

    Friz and Jake: Huh?! Jake can't go on vacation?! Jake is acting so strange. Hmmmm Chimira?!!?!

    Friz: Oh Friz sex time! :)


    Valenina: Oh boy! She is giving him the cold shoulder!!!!!

    Nina and Nelle:

    Nina: Spy on my husband!!!! NOW!!!

    Nelle: No no no no no!

    Nina: If you don't! I will FIRE you again!!! Oh hi J!!!

    Nathan and Nina:

    Nina: I think my husband has the hots for Anna!

    Nathan's thoughts: I told you so!

    Nina: I heard that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The pier:

    Nathan and Anna: Huh!? She doesn't recognize him?!!?!?! And when he hugs her she looks revolted!!! Come on writers!!! Let us in on who this is!!!!!! Is it Anna or Alex!!

    Anna and V.C.: Oh man! Here we go again... With her trying to seduce him in her own way! Hmmmm Chemeria necklace?

    Crimson part 2:

    Nelle: No Nina. Your husband was at the pier all alone!!!!


    Q home: WOW!!!!!! Squinty girl is NOT a Q!!! YAY!!!! THE WHOLE THING IS A CON!!! Damn Larry!!!!! When Ned was talking about that it is someone who is behind all this, I thought it was Luke! Even if Squinty girl was a Q, it doesn't mean she has to stay in Port chuckles and at Monica's home that Alan bought her! But nothing to worry about! I love that Ned kicked Squinty girl out! Hahahahaha! She is all like i didn't mean to hurt anybody. OH SHUT UP AND GET OUT! Tracy wins the line of the day!

    Tracy: If you EVER darken your footsteps again, rest assured the Quartermaines are fully capable of COVERING UP A MURDER!

    BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Ain't that the truth. :) And the way Larry ran out of there! BAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! She scared the crap out of him! :)

    Sidenote: Where is Pilly? :'( I miss Pilly!!!!

  10. LSV422 said...

    I watched the awards thanks to Facebook. I was holding my breath that GH wouldn't win for best writing and they didn't, but best show? I watch B&B but the others must be even worse.

    ** It looks/sounds like I really didn't miss much of anything last night then, due the power outtage. I dunno if I'm the only one around here that still watches all 4 shows or not. But, like I've said several times, Days is an utter mess, which is a pretty universally held opinion, especially so for longtime viewers. I'm not sure what to think about RC coming in and taking over headwriting duties. (his material won't show up on screen for a few months yet) Apparently he isn't very familiar with Days, as he was with GH and OLTL. So, for now it's a wait and just try to make it through any decent bits until then. As for Y&R, it's only been since early Dec, when Sally Sussman and Kay Alden's writing started showing up on screen, putting an end to what I like to call Y&R's "lost weekend" from 2006-2016. Since they've been able to take up writing duties (and after JFP FINALLY got fired from the EP spot, and has been replaced by Mal Young from the UK, then shortly after that Chuck Pratt was canned also, and Susan and Kay were brought back in) Since then it's actually felt like the show I've been watching since the early 80s again. (and apparently the energy behind the scenes there has been VERY high since the switch over.) As far as my take on B&B goes, there is definitely some good stuff going on there. (The return of the Spectra clan especially!) I really think what would benefit it the most, is if there was someone who could keep Brad Bell "in check" so to speak. To get him to "dial it back" at times, when he can have the tendency to go overboard, and when that happens, B&B generally goes into "eye-rolling" territory.


  11. sonya said...

    Paint and Wall's home: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Hmmm Chimira?

    Liz's home:

    Friz and Jake: Huh?! Jake can't go on vacation?! Jake is acting so strange. Hmmmm Chimira?!!?!

    ** Since the main characteristic of the Chimera is usually that it's a hybrid creature, I'm not sure exactly where this is going.

    The pier:

    Nathan and Anna: Huh!? She doesn't recognize him?!!?!?! And when he hugs her she looks revolted!!! Come on writers!!! Let us in on who this is!!!!!! Is it Anna or Alex!!

    ** Today was the first time that I actually thought, that either that is Alex (though the demeanor still isn't like Alex was, at all!) A really messed up Anna, or someone else entirely. (though I can't think of WHO that could be).

    Anna and V.C.: Oh man! Here we go again... With her trying to seduce him in her own way! Hmmmm Chemeria necklace?

    ** I dunno exactly where Jelly is going with the whole Chimera symbolism, everywhere. Or even WHY the hell (whoever it is) is trying to seduce V.C. Unless maybe this is some DVX agent who changed her appearance to that of Anna's, and is trying to get some bit of information (or item) VC still has from his WSB days, that's VERY well hidden. Though, I'm probably just reaching with that theory.

    Q home: WOW!!!!!! Squinty girl is NOT a Q!!! YAY!!!! THE WHOLE THING IS A CON!!! Damn Larry!!!!! When Ned was talking about that it is someone who is behind all this, I thought it was Luke! Even if Squinty girl was a Q, it doesn't mean she has to stay in Port chuckles and at Monica's home that Alan bought her! But nothing to worry about! I love that Ned kicked Squinty girl out! Hahahahaha! She is all like i didn't mean to hurt anybody. OH SHUT UP AND GET OUT! Tracy wins the line of the day!

    ** I knew the whole thing was VERY fishy to start with. As soon as Ned gave Samira the envelope an kicked her out, I knew that Fake Larry HAD to be behind it. Since he was the one that came to Tracy about it in the first place. (And tried to steal it from her, later. Though, I think Samira was his "backup plan", since he was unable to get the painting off the grounds of the Q estate, he went with the backup and sent her in. Had he gotten away with it, instead of getting caught, she wouldn't have even needed to try and get it the other way. I couldn't see Luke being behind trying to steal it from Tracy. Especially with the way things went down between them when he left.


    Tracy: If you EVER darken your footsteps again, rest assured the Quartermaines are fully capable of COVERING UP A MURDER!

    1. I didn't watch all of last wk but was off Monday with a heating pad and gave it a chance. I too agree, seeing Anna not recognize Val makes me think maybe she is Alex. As for that necklace thing (I forget who was wearing it) and Jake's drawing and Jason remembering it, I am not sure where it's going, but a smidge curious.

  12. I thought the idea of Larry doing the "long con," and Ned explaining the whole thing, was rather clever. In retrospect, everything he said fell into place, including Larry "pretending" to try to steal the painting and being intercepted by Squinty-eyes. I thought that THAT was good writing!

    I also think that the Chimera thing has some potential, seems interesting, and seems to tie a lot of the characters together into this story.

    When Anna didn't recognize Nathan, then I thought she HAS to be Alex, although others here are saying she could be SOMEONE ELSE entirely . . .

    1. Maybe the mask is making another appearance

  13. I always had thought that it was CRAZY that any of the Qs believed Squinty-eyes' story, can't they smell a con a mile away? And why WOULD they even CONSIDER giving her the painting without checking into everything? At least Ned (the Gatekeeper) had the sense to look into everything, but I'm really surprised at the rest of them for falling for this.

    I hope this means that Ned is sticking around, he and Olivia can beef up the Q household after Tracey leaves :(

  14. Thank goodness Ned wasn't fooled and thank goodness she is gone!! Nice but predictable twist. I don't know about anyone else but I find "Anna" listening in to VC is really icky. I don't care for Nelle's new blond hair. I guess they are trying to get her plain look away so she will eventually end up with Michael.

  15. "K says Since the main characteristic of the Chimera is usually that it's a hybrid creature, I'm not sure exactly where this is going."

    Yeah I'm not sure where this is going either!

    "Today was the first time that I actually thought, that either that is Alex"

    YAY! Finally! ROFL!

    "(though the demeanor still isn't like Alex was, at all!)"

    People change. :)

    "or someone else entirely. (though I can't think of WHO that could be)."

    I have no idea who could it be if it's not Anna or Alex!

  16. AntJoan said...

    When Anna didn't recognize Nathan, then I thought she HAS to be Alex, although others here are saying she could be SOMEONE ELSE entirely . . .

    ** I'm not sure WHAT the hell is going on now. The more and more I think about it, the more frustrating it seems to get. Like I said yesterday, that encounter with Nathan started to get me to question if maybe it is Alex (or a possible DVX agent with a mask or such) The way she was pushing VC to tell her what he did with the Chimera mission "plans" when he didn't give them to her, (But, that was over 30 years ago, so why would whoever this is wait this long.) she was sounding very desperate, if not pissed off. The way she came off as, was like neither Anna or Alex. Then there's the whole thing with Anna's blood cancer, and after forgetting to have a treatment, and rushing to set one up as fast as possible. Neither Alex or someone else would require have a treatment, and it was VERY clear that she needed to have one. The one other factor with this for me has to do with the way Jelly was talking about what's going on. There was absolutely no inkling of her being anyone but Anna. The way they phrased everything, it sounded VERY clear that this really is Anna. So right now, I really don't know what the hell to think.

    I always had thought that it was CRAZY that any of the Qs believed Squinty-eyes' story, can't they smell a con a mile away? And why WOULD they even CONSIDER giving her the painting without checking into everything? At least Ned (the Gatekeeper) had the sense to look into everything, but I'm really surprised at the rest of them for falling for this.

    ** Yeah, NOTHING about the whole thing sounded/smelled/felt right, from the start. It was all VERY convenient for her to just show up there out of the blue, especially that quickly.

    I hope this means that Ned is sticking around, he and Olivia can beef up the Q household after Tracey leaves :(

    ** Yep! Unless something unforseen comes up Wally said since he's on recurring with both Days and GH, and not locked into a contract with either, he's more than happy to do both shows, as long as TPTB for both of them want him. So it looks like we will have Ned around for the forseeable future! :)


  17. sonya said...

    "Today was the first time that I actually thought, that either that is Alex"

    YAY! Finally! ROFL!

    ** After today, I'm not too sure. (I'll point you up to my long reply to Joan one post back, so I don't just say everything again, filling stuff up with more spammy text, than I really have to, since I know I tend to be pretty long-winded at times.


  18. I loved that dress at the time but seeing pictures of it now I'm like hmmm

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Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...