Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Brief Monica Memories!

Image result for monica and ned on gh

I'm still not feeling great-- so I thought I'd do a little retrospective of Monica Quartermaine. So many people on Twitter didn't know that Monica actually slept with Ned back in the day, I thought I'd enlighten everyone!  Monica met Ned (who called himself Ward) at a spa where he was a tennis pro. The role was played by Kurt McKinney at that time. (Pictured above). Monica later finds out he's really Tracy's son. See the You Tube clip: 

No one knows she and Ned had an affair UNTIL THE WEDDING of Ned and Dawn (Monica's son) lol...Dawn finds out and calls it off. Whoops. 

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Triangle of Lust-- Alan, Monica and Rick 

Image result for monica quartermaine on gh 1977

(Patsy Rhan) 

Leslie Charleson came on in 1977 after the role was played by Patsy Rhan for a brief time in 1976. This is the time I started watching GH after school.
There's a bunch of stuff going on--Monica was an orphan and Gail Baldwin fostered her. She came to GH with Jeff Webber, Rick Webber's brother. They were married after Rick was presumed dead when he went to Africa. 

You know what happened: Rick was stuff alive and Monica really loved him and not Jeff. They had an affair and Jeff found out (he was cheating with Heather at this time) and then they divorced. 

Oh Soaps were SO 'AFFAIR' driven back in the day!! 

Image result for monica quartermaine on gh

I remember Monica as Laura's confidant back when Laura first came on the scene. She'd carry her notebook into the cafeteria of GH (we didn't have backpacks then!!) and they'd sit and talk at a table together while Leslie got all jelly. 
Of course, Leslie was with Rick, who Monica still loved. Rick and she couldn't resist each other and basically had sex all over town under Alan and Leslie's noses. 
Alan tried to kill Monica and Rick once-- and it was great, they collapsed a whole roof for it.!!
There was a HUGE uproar over who AJ's dad really was, btw-- Monica wanted him to be Rick's. His bloodtype didn't match though (NO DNA back then!!). 

Anyway..the Monica I remember was epitome of the 70's woman: strong, career driven yet also very sexually free. This was  big deal back in the day. Hey, we were still a all a twitter about a show like "Three's Company" where a guy lived with 2 girls! (the horror!!)  

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Of course the whole Susan Moore thing came up then --when ALAN had an affair with her! (EVERYONE was screwing everyone back in the day) and Monica ended up raising Jason, Alan and Susan's son. 

Image result for monica and laura on gh 1978

During all of this, Bobbie and Monica were either BFFs or enemies-- Bobbie slept with Alan. That's a whole OTHER story!! 
I do wish that in later years, they had kept the Monica and Laura connection. Monica helped Laura through the time of the rape because she herself was raped when she was in foster care. They got to be very close.  Would have been nice to continue that! 

The affairs on soaps used to be deep and rich. It was usually two conflicted people who were in love with each other (or deep lust) but also had loyalty and love for their significant others. Not a lot of One Night Stands or drugs used back then. 

Anyway, there's a brief glimpse into Monica's history!! 


  1. Thanks for those great memories Karen. I don't know if anyone mentioned that Peter Hansen (Lee Baldwin - Scottie's dad) died last week. Hope you feel better!

  2. Oh yes!!!! I remember! Great memories!!! The good ol days! Monica and Alan always cheated on each other and he always tried to kill her! ROFL! Did she try to kill him? I don't remember. Monica and Ned were so hot together when they slept together!

  3. Those really were the good all days on GH, could never miss a moment, not like today snoring through Jason and Sam

  4. Pier:

    Tattoo guy, and Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Hmmm Tattoo guy looks a little like Ethan Lovett.

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh goodie. A friend app. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    The hotel:

    Julexis: Okay what in the hell?!!?!?! At first I thought it was a dream! But it wasn't a dream!!! They really had sex!!!! Where did that come from?!!?! Last we saw was yesterday they saw each other at the pier! Then what? Did they have a conversation, and then Julian says let's go to my hotel room!?!?!!? There was nothing to lead up to that. Did we miss a scene?! That was a great little speech Alexis! But couldn't you have said all that INSTEAD OF having sex?

    The hospital/lobby:

    BobTodd and Jake: Can you hear my heart breaking? :( Poor Jake!! :(

    Friz: SO glad BobTodd showed Liz the picture!!!

    Q home:

    Fake Ashton and painting: Huh?!!?!?! He kisses the painting?!!! I am so confused. What is with this painting?! Does it have money in it? Gold in the painting?

    Samera Adeen (sp?) Huh!?!?!! Who the hell is this girl?! She has a daughter and she was married and her husband died years ago?! This girl looks 16!!!!! HUH?!!?!?! Her daughter was taken for the painting? HUH?!!?!?! And why does she keep squinting? Light to bright?! I hope we don't keep her! She annoys me with her squinting! Oh oh! This girl has Edwards stuff and Tracy mentions that girl's blue eyes!!!! OH CRAP! Is she Edward's daughter?!!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh crap! So we have to keep her?! Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Let me think. For 20 million dollars, mmmm it's an distinct possibility.

    ROFL! Ain't that the truth! Man this storyline sucks! I don't get it. I am so confused and I'm bored.

    1. I shouldn't have expected this great send off so I'm not too disappointed. Hopefully blue eyes isn't staying since Tracy is leaving soon.

  5. Was really good and soapy back then. Wasn't it Who Killed Diana? They thought it was Ann or Heather. Great mystery

    1. GH was so good jack then. All those times Alam tried to kill Monica, so funny. I don't she tried to do the same to him. Loved when Monica accepted Jason as a "son". I miss those days. Do many.....

  6. YES! GH was the best back then - the Quartermaine bickering was great and the actors looked like they were having fun with the crazy storylines. I watched it as an elementary kid after school and between the sheets flying and the spy storylines, it sure as hell beat doing math homework.

    1. Yes! I used to watch after school and don't know who got me hooked as my mom "hated" soaps. When Luke died my phone was ringing and it was her on the other line and of course I was crying and she thought it was stupid. Haha! But she loved Dark Shadows, so whatever.

  7. sonya said...

    Oh yes!!!! I remember! Great memories!!! The good ol days! Monica and Alan always cheated on each other and he always tried to kill her! ROFL! Did she try to kill him? I don't remember. Monica and Ned were so hot together when they slept together!

    ** AFAICR, I don't think she did. Alan did try to kill her a few times. Most memorably Alan rigging it so the roof was supposed to fall in on her and Rick. He did also have a gun and tried to shoot her at least once or twice. There was also when he was going to go after her and Sean Donnely, in Sean's appartment, which he had setup for for Felicia and Frisco after they got married. Those are the ones that I can think of, atm. The roof being the most memorable. I can't remember her trying to kill Alan, offhand.


  8. sonya said...

    Q home:

    Fake Ashton and painting: Huh?!!?!?! He kisses the painting?!!! I am so confused. What is with this painting?! Does it have money in it? Gold in the painting?

    ** Because it's the work of a Renaissance master painter, and is VERY rare, it's just valued at 20 million, is all. There's nothing hidden or what not. That having been said, I wonder why they couldn't get Hugo Napier for this stint. I hope it isn't a health/medical issue, and he is alright. I just absolutely cannot stand Oliver Muirhead. He is HORRIBLY miscast.

    Samera Adeen (sp?) Huh!?!?!! Who the hell is this girl?! She has a daughter and she was married and her husband died years ago?! This girl looks 16!!!!! HUH?!!?!?! Her daughter was taken for the painting? HUH?!!?!?! And why does she keep squinting? Light to bright?! I hope we don't keep her! She annoys me with her squinting! Oh oh! This girl has Edwards stuff and Tracy mentions that girl's blue eyes!!!! OH CRAP! Is she Edward's daughter?!!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh crap! So we have to keep her?!

    ** Unfortunately, it looks that way. :( When she gave Tracy Edward's journal and ring, that pretty much confirmed it for me. :(

    Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Let me think. For 20 million dollars, mmmm it's an distinct possibility.

    ROFL! Ain't that the truth! Man this storyline sucks! I don't get it. I am so confused and I'm bored.

    ** Frustrated would fit better It's just so all over the place

    Blogger Michelle Latta said...

    Yes! I used to watch after school and don't know who got me hooked as my mom "hated" soaps. When Luke died my phone was ringing and it was her on the other line and of course I was crying and she thought it was stupid. Haha! But she loved Dark Shadows, so whatever.

    ** For me it was my grandmother, it was "our thing",


    1. I think it was my gram but she watched DAYD, and it was much later when I watched that.

  9. Ok, now I understand the value of the painting, but must they try to desecrate Edward's history again? That strange looking woman and her strange story, and they look like they are going to just go along with it. Poor JE-what a crappy send off storyline. Jasam the great detectives that they are, couldn't have found Julian and Alexis themselves? They had to have the cops arrest Julian. I don' have a problem understanding them mumbling-they just don't ever have anything interesting to say.

  10. sonya said...! I hope we don't keep her! She annoys me with her squinting!

    *** me too. She's hard to look at.

    And I don't understand why we have to ruin Edward's memory with this storyline.

    Also I don't understand why she has a picture of old grey haired Edward if all this happened years ago when he was using the JLH alias. Sounds like a major scam to me.

    And another child in peril story has no interest for me at all. Finish up Jake's story first. Take them to Greece. Why do we need all this middle eastern crap when other storylines have been dragging on for ever. Surely one of their team can come up with a suitable ending and get on with it before we all retire.

  11. I hope they have a storyline for the death of Scott's dad, loved Lee Baldwin.

  12. "K says Most memorably Alan rigging it so the roof was supposed to fall in on her and Rick. He did also have a gun and tried to shoot her at least once or twice. There was also when he was going to go after her and Sean Donnely, in Sean's appartment, which he had setup for for Felicia and Frisco after they got married. Those are the ones that I can think of, atm. The roof being the most memorable. I can't remember her trying to kill Alan, offhand."

    Hahaha yeah! Great memories.:) Monica and Alan always went back and forth. Hate each other, want a divorce, start making out, then divorce off! ROFL! But then when they finally got divorced I was in shock! And then Alan and Lucy got married! Lucy in that red dress! HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHA!

    "Because it's the work of a Renaissance master painter, and is VERY rare, it's just valued at 20 million, is all. There's nothing hidden or what not. That having been said, I wonder why they couldn't get Hugo Napier for this stint. I hope it isn't a health/medical issue, and he is alright. I just absolutely cannot stand Oliver Muirhead. He is HORRIBLY miscast."

    Meh boring! And yes Oliver Muirhead is VERY miscast!

    "Unfortunately, it looks that way. :( When she gave Tracy Edward's journal and ring, that pretty much confirmed it for me. :("

    Yeah.. Crap!

    "Di says me too. She's hard to look at."

    Oh good! Glad I'm not the only one noticing her squinting!

  13. Alan attempted to kill Rick and Monica on the docks in the early 80s. And, it was a location shoot on a REAL dockfront. Monica and Rick rented an upstairs room on the docks to have a sexual tryst. Alan followed them and stalked them with a gun. As he was climbing up the stairs outside, some construction worker threw a lit cigarette near an open gas-pipe and it blew up the stairs that Alan was on. Alan was severely injured and Monica and Rick never found out that Alan was going to kill them. His second attempt was to kill them with the collapsing roof.

    Dynamic story-telling through character and not just plot.

  14. Di said...

    Also I don't understand why she has a picture of old grey haired Edward if all this happened years ago when he was using the JLH alias. Sounds like a major scam to me.

    ** Nah, it'z just really bad writing by Jelly, unfortunately.


  15. I remember Leslie delivering AJ and Monica blurting out that he was Rick's son. GH was must watch TV back then. I was working my way through college working at the same factory as my parents. We got off work just as GH was coming home and rushed home to see what was happening. Even my father. Those were the days


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...