Stupid JASAM come in to talk to Dilly about the photos he took. They take up way too much time from the party.
When everyone comes back in, Larry was out walking the grounds (told ya). Monica and Tracy fight..Tracy drops that Monica and Ned slept together a long time ago LMAO. AHAHAHA.
Monica says Tracy has to move into the laundry room!
Yes, Larry stole the painting--he put a velvet clown in it's place!!
Carly had great dialog today to yell at Sonny. It was great. He was trying to blame Jax and she basically said: NOPE it's on you, bub!
Sonny: "My mantra my WHOLE LIFE" is you pay for what you do" --AHAHHA Sonny said that!! See, Jax was going to tell Dante about the kidney himself and Sonny recorded it! So he turned over the recording to Dante. Dante has to arrest Jax. Josslyn comes in just as the handcuffs are going on.
Sonny tells Michael. Michael's mad and thinks Jax will do time. Sonny thinks he's going to get off with a fine and community service. Hmmm. Not sure, it's a felony. Michael reads Sonny-and it was really GOOD. Chad did a great job there.

Sam's trying to talk 'Alexis out of still wanting Julian. Julian is on the docks, looking sad... has wedding fashbacks.
Later, Alexis is on the docks, having wedding flashbacks...
End of the show: Sam and Jason on the docks. Sam finds Alexis' scarf, and Julexis is no where--hmmmmmm but we see them making out on tomorrow's previews
Why didn't Dante ask Jax if he had any knowledge of Jake"s whereabouts?
ReplyDeleteDillon must have an amazing camera that can take a picture where you can blow up the background and get crystal clear details. The cops need to start using that camera to help them catch the bad guys.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Alice? She should be a part of Tracy's going away story!
ReplyDeleteJake and Franco have a drawing of a timeline. The writers are changing the timeline.
ReplyDeletelike most people, i am not watching the show. I am living vicariously through Karen and this blog. Anyway, just from reading what Karen wrote today, I immediately thought that maybe there was more to the painting than meets the eye. Perhaps there is something BEHIND the painting? either between the painting and the backing or maybe if you scratched the paint off, something would emerge?
ReplyDeletebecause, after all, this plot device is NEVER used on soaps, right?
I am thinking that Edward left something for Tracy behind the painting. Maybe the original, REAL recipe for pickle-lila? I dont know. Just grasping. I might strema today's episode. I like the Qs.
Oh that would be interesting!! I loved the pickle Lila storyline.
DeleteJulia Sanders said...
ReplyDeleteDillon must have an amazing camera that can take a picture where you can blow up the background and get crystal clear details. The cops need to start using that camera to help them catch the bad guys.
** He is a professional photographer, So it was probably taken at a pretty high resolution. When he originally pulled up the photo on the phone, because it's such a tiny screen it would have been scaled down heavily to display on it. But, when he pulled the photo up on his laptop, he would have been able to do so then, at it's native resolution. So it would have been MUCH larger. This was actually one of those VERY rare times, when soaps show something tech involved, it wasn't TOO off base. Compared to other stuff, I can easily let this slide.
Zak said...
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Alice? She should be a part of Tracy's going away story!
** I was thinking about that myself, while watching today's episode. She seems to have disappeared after she got the quickie heart transplant a few years ago, and hasn't been seen, since, IIRC.
david said...
ReplyDeletelike most people, i am not watching the show. I am living vicariously through Karen and this blog. Anyway, just from reading what Karen wrote today, I immediately thought that maybe there was more to the painting than meets the eye. Perhaps there is something BEHIND the painting? either between the painting and the backing or maybe if you scratched the paint off, something would emerge?
** I've been kind of see-sawing back and forth about something like that. But, more and more I doubt that is going to be the case, really. Jelly just aren't capable of writing something like that. The way Larry was acting today (before we knew he switched the painting, and having confirmation in the preview, I was starting to wonder if he was trying some elaborate con on Tracy, to get his "finder's fee", for something that actually had zero connection to Edward originally. Something that maybe Larry came across in his travels, and was definitely struck by how much it looks like Tracy. So, he got a forger to write the "letter" and went from there. But, I'm not sure now. Definitely leaning towards no, though.
I can't believe no one mentions Jake and his kidney, like why it wasn't used and how was he pronounced dead and lived. They just make up and change whatever they want and think we are too stupid to notice or question. That painting of Tracy is nothing special at all and couldn't be worth much to anyone except her. Sonny is such an unbelievable little jerk. Ingo is really doing a great job.
The park:
ReplyDeletePaint and Wall with Alexis: Alexis is looking at a picture of Julian's floating head. So glad Alexis is in the scenes with the boring couple! Poor Alexis is so conflicted!!! Should she take back floating head Julian or not?!!?!? What is the girl to do!?!?!!
Carly's home: Oh shut up Sonny!!! You are such a hypocrite!!!!! Go away!!!! Don't listen to him Jax!!!!!
Jax and Dante: No Dante!!!! Don't arrest him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
Jax and Joss: Joss made me cry. :( Great scene!!!
Sonny's home:
Michael and Sonny:
Yeah Michael!!! You tell him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The pier:
Hoodie man: Hoodie man is.................................. JULIAN JEROME!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!
Alexis and Hoodie man: RA RO!
Q home:
Killon: Ahhhh the afterglow of sex! ROFL!
Tracy: Man I am going to miss her rudeness when she leaves. :(
Tracy and Monica: I am going to miss their scenes when she leaves!!!!
Monica and Laura: Are they still BFF's?! :)
The gang wins the line of the day after Monica says in my house.
The gang: Alan gave it to her.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Cracked me up!!!!! Always love that!!! :) Oh oh fire alarm! I was thinking Ashton pulled the alarm to steal the painting.. YUP HAHAHHHAAHHAHA! Hmmm Paint and Wall weren't invited! ROFL!
Police station:
Dante and Jax: Let him go Dante!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
The Ned and Monica past was the best part of yesterday!
ReplyDeleteStupid Sonny and Julian....
Michelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteOh that would be interesting!! I loved the pickle Lila storyline.
** So did I! The 2nd one, not so much. I applaud RC for what he was trying to do with it, he just kept it going for MUCH too long, had he cut a couple months worth of airtime off of it, I think that would've made all the difference in the world!