Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Keep Drinking

Alexis kept drinking. I needed to as well--but not booze-- Coffee and Energy drinks to stay awake this week! Holy crow-- talk about snooze fest. You really can just skip this entire week. I will give you the things you need to know. 

Yesterday was General Hospital's 54th Birthday so let's have some Cake!! 

Here's the List: 

Number One:  Tracy and Laura are Traveling to Turkey.  Tracy needs to find her painting and we'll no doubt be treated to "Turkey" sets that will make me giggle. HOWEVER, I love Jane and Genie-- so I'll give it a go. Rumor has it (and I think just about confirmed now) that Tony Geary will show up too. You know, as a Monk that really bought the painting. 

Number Two: Olivia finally accepted Ned's pleas and reversed proposed to him. It took a painful, juvenile robbery to force it out, but there it was. If I thought they were going to be on much at all I'd care. They'll be the NuBrucas. Get married, never see them.

Number Three:  Those freaking PILLS that Ava switched are still floating around well after their expiration date. First we get treated to a redux of Scotty trying to get them back from Lucy, then Lucy finally giving them to Ava only to have to idiots come in and put them in a backpack while robbing the bar. Great. Now JORDAN has them in evidence. Cripes. Where can this lead? Sonny finding out and "killing" Ava? We have to go through that again!? 
BY THE WAY.... Scotty SWITCHED THE PILLS back to Morgan's original MEDS so?? When they look at them, they'll just be HIS REAL medication, right? So?? How will that do anything? I guess the fact that Ava had them?  ugh. 
There seems to be some confusion about whether or not he fake-switched them or really switched them.
This is why you do things in a TIMELY matter, especially stuff like this!  So we can follow the clues.   

Minor things: Maxie is moved to Portland for work and to be close to Georgie (I guess)? Nate's going to visit her on the weekends.  Curtis and Jordan appear to be all-in for dating. He turned down the PCPD job to work with Jason.  Who's a PI now I guess? 

That's it...everything else is just....nothingness.  Here are my questions for the writers: 

~Why give Anna a blood disorder/cancer only to basically have this now be about finding her twin who is supposedly tied to Valentin in this mess? Oh it was good in the beginning, now it's just going to be stupid. I can tell. I asked people on Twitter and 70% either never watched AMC during that time and the others didn't watch it much at all. 
~Why didn't Robin say goodbye to anyone? 
~Having Nora on was fun but...??? Why? 
~Sonny now has to find out that Morgan's pills weren't his pills and that Nelle didn't really sleep with him. Great. Can't wait. When will the Nelle thing happen? 
~Is Hammy Finn off that stupid Zen-Zen yet and will Tracy even check on him before she leaves? Dillion? 
~Revising the Jake thing--why did you wait for a YEAR to go back to this? Are you implying that Valentine and Charlotte were both on Cassa-Island when Jake was? Because Helena was there too and Helena hated Valentin and feared him. He was supposed to be the 'worst of the worst'. Instead that that tho-- they go back to when he was in the WSB and tangled up with Anna? 
~How the hell is Nina still not called out on her kidnapping escapades and being in the mental ward? Dante must be the dullest rock ever. 
~Speaking of dull...Michael and Nelle. Geesh. Put a fork in them. 

Jake says this is a scarecrow, I still say it's Abe Lincoln. 

There are way too many stories/people on this show. Period. (Sean Spicer voice).  Dead Julian is giving me hives. We ALL KNOW he's alive. Trying to go back and make us forget him wanting to murder Alexis isn't working. I'm sure some hard core Juliexis fans love it but damn. He and Ghost Carlos wanted her DEAD. You screwed up making him so vile and nasty--so own that. And next time, think ahead before you write characters into corners. GH is famous for that. Put someone in a corner then either overlook all the circumstances OR try to change history. 

SO! That's where I am with this show. It's just such a let down every day for me. Sorry but it is. Plus, I'm binge obsessed with Bates Motel right now. When I binge I always see how soaps fall short. And they shouldn't. Yes, budgets are different but if the writing was there? Wouldn't matter.  

Have a great Sunday and week! I'll probably be here, blogging away! GH is just that thing I love to hate right now!! 


  1. Oh, I am first, it is late, are you all sleeping late? Thanks for the SS, ITA with what you say.

    Turkey is not a fun place to visit right now, not all Turkish coffee and halva, just sayin' . . .

  2. BTW, my husband and I just started watching 13, or whatever that show is called, anyone else here watching? We saw one ep, is it worth it to continue?

  3. "Jake says this is a scarecrow, I still say it's Abe Lincoln."

    Abe Lincoln!!!! ROFL! I have a question! Liz said the paper was empty until the scarecrow.. What?!!?!?! Before the scarecrow, Jake drew a door!!!! What the hell happened to the door!!?!?! Why aren't Liz and BobTodd talking about the door?!!?!?! GAH!

  4. *sigh* <---That's what this show makes me do a lot of.

    When history is just flat out disregarded, this is what happens.

    Anyone who wants Alexis to stay in a relationship with her abuser, is certifiable.

    It seems the storylines are just all over the place. Not pieced together very well.

  5. Halva?IS MY FAVE!! OMG no one ever knows what it is. Marble is my fave--- God I could eat that forever.

  6. Karen, I love the marble halvah and the chocolate covered. Been eating it since I was a kid. On to a less appetizing subject, I agree with the SS. Turkey is dangerous right now but no one seems to research anything. I really don't know how Julian can blame holding a knife to Alexis' throat as Liv's fault. I think ER is the main problem with Lulu. She just always seems like a caricature-too much makeup and no warmth or depth. She should watch her "mom's" acting to learn. I still cringe when I see Liz and Franco. Thank goodness for fast forward! As much as I hate to see JE leave, I would like to see Tracy and Laura find Luke.

  7. Turkey ???? That is what they came up with ? I work solely in corporate travel. Nearly every big multi national company has banned travel to or through turkey, even to change planes.. they must have found some old rugs In a closet from 30 years ago.
    Also Val never lived on cassadine island, at least not since he was a child, so jake and charlotte could never have met.

  8. Karen, I am Jewish, all Jews eat halva, I don't think there are a lot of Jews in your neck of the woods . ..

    YES, marble and chocolate-covered, DELISH!!

    You know, I watch Once, the show has been on for years, and they go back and forth, to many different realms, back to Storybrooke, back and forth in time. I always am amazed how well they follow all of the stories and stitch them together. They keep adding backstories, but they do it so well!! I know that prime time shows are only a few eppies per year compared to soaps, which are on every day, but I still think that the current GH writers could learn from them . . .

    I have no problem with Lulu, but with her PG, and Maxie gone (for now), I guess their stories will be MIA for a while, I can't see them recasting BOTH actresses, I miss them already . . . Also, doesn't Nina need SOME assistant? She works at a magazine ALONE . . .?

  9. I swear this show is all about beating a dead horse. All that bugging Curtis did to Jordan about joining the police force with for nothing. I miss Valerie a lot. I do think this show is awful as can be.

  10. It seems like the producers invest the best into the last week of each of the four Sweeps Months, and then the show fizzles for another 2-1/2 months or so.

    Yes, this past week was one you could have missed entirely without losing anything substantive -- maybe with the exception of the PCPD now having Morgan's pills (Lithium?). Karen, you're 100% spot on about whether Scotty truly did pull off the switcheroo. If he did, it was done off camera or it happened when I dozed off while watching (as I did a few times this past week). Last I recall, Scott was shown shmoozing Lucy, but she was on to his ulterior motive (snatching the pills) and he left, frustrated because he couldn't get his hands on them.

    I have been so ticked off at the show ever since the ridiculous Custody Hearing! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? and WTH was up with some people testifying from the counsel table while others were sworn and put in the box? Of all people, the Court would require the two parties (Lulu and Valentin) to be sworn! Who's the show's legal consultant? They get a big fat F. And Karen, you touched on this ... what a perfect opportunity this would've been for Diane to verbally slice and dice Nina to shreds for her past transgressions & psychotic "need" for a baby. Instead, the writers, in their revisionist ways, are practically canonizing Nina. Wouldn't it have been something if Diane had cross-examined Nina and then called Ava to the stand to emphasize all the gory details?! Now THAT is something I would not have napped through!

    Regarding Tracy & Laura's trek to Turkey. It has been well documented that Luke had an affinity for Istanbul. I suppose it wouldn't suck if Tracy & Laura find Luke and the writers somehow write Jane's departure into this storyline. For as much as I hate to see Jane leave the show :'( it could be a huge coup for the writers if they bring Tony back to shepherd Jane into retirement. The proceeds from the painting would be a belated bequest from Edward to Tracy & more than enough to finance their escapades.

  11. Ant Joan,
    I don't know about Rochester but Buffalo and its suburbs have a substantial Jewish population.. There are two community centers which for a smalli metro area is unusual, multiple synagogies etc

  12. I love Once Upon a Time, too! Been watching since day one. I think the soaps audience has grown smarter over the years, while the writing hasn't quite kept up, at least on GH.

  13. sonya said...
    "Jake says this is a scarecrow, I still say it's Abe Lincoln."

    Abe Lincoln!!!! ROFL! I have a question! Liz said the paper was empty until the scarecrow.. What?!!?!?! Before the scarecrow, Jake drew a door!!!! What the hell happened to the door!!?!?! Why aren't Liz and BobTodd talking about the door?!!?!?! GAH!

    ** The blank spot they were talking about was after the door. After it, the big space that Jake left blank, was supposed to represent his time with Helena. I.E. he doesn't remember a thing, and pretty much just blanked it out.


  14. Blogger LSV422 said...

    I think ER is the main problem with Lulu. She just always seems like a caricature-too much makeup and no warmth or depth

    ** Did you see her when she was on Y&R? She can act. She's not fantastic, but she is definitely capable of better than the crap that's been going on. Unless she was told that after she was rescued from Cassadine Island, she lost a couple dozen IQ points from being frozen, then it's just Jelly's awful writing.


  15. "K says The blank spot they were talking about was after the door. After it, the big space that Jake left blank, was supposed to represent his time with Helena. I.E. he doesn't remember a thing, and pretty much just blanked it out."

    Oh! Well, they still aren't talking about the door. :)

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Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...