Wednesday, April 12, 2017

A Watch Bug

Alex is talking to Laura, Laura thinks it's Anna. Laura's not happy Anna has patched things up with Val. Laura says "memory can be manipulated " and thinks she's being strange. She leaves. 

Tracy wants to hang the painting and Monica says No..
Tracy says she's happy for Ned about getting married. They talk about Edward and he says Edward shouldn't have written her a letter, he should have told her.  They chopped up these scenes so BADLY it was terrible. They would have been so good if they were longer and more indepth. But NOPE
Ned says he's proud of his mother "I love you Tracy Quartermaine" 

Finn is passed out with blood all over his mouth and blood is all over. LOOKS So like Caleb. He gets into GH and Griffin gives him a neuro test. He says he "Can't feel his face" LOL..Later, Griffin tells Hayden about Finn being in GH. She goes to see him. He's trying to leave.  He finally admits he's an addict and wants to tell Monica.
Looks like Brad is going to tell her first. 

OMG...OMG..ok, so Curtis and Hayden 'run into" each other AGAIN at the Cafe thing. Geesh, lazy. lazy. Jordan finds them. She's jelly. Hayden lets it slip they kissed but Curtis says it wasn't anything.  THEN..guess what? MADDOX runs into Jordan and Curtis kissing... at the same cafe!! 

Brad apparently bought a condo with Lucas off camera. He's talking on the phone about it, then tells Maddox. Monica talks to him about his annual review. Sounds like it's not good news about the $$. Monica says Hayden controls the purse strings at GH. He gets a sly look on his face.  He decides to tell her about Finn. 

Nina and Valentine are talking about Anna-- blah blah blah. She then goes to "Anna's" house and tells "Anna" Alex "I thought I told you to stay away from my husband" then she punches her in the face.  BUT NOPE...actually next scene is Nina on the table in an arm lock. Nina leaves. We see Anna put a bug in Val's watch and she's listening to him on her computer. "Alex/Anna" is spying on Valentin. Why? Who the hell knows. 

I guess the Turkey Trott is over! They were both home today! 


  1. Karen, sooo glad you are back again today!! Hope this means you are staying for a while (forever) :)

    I meant to say the other day that I thought the kid playing Rocco was GREAT casting, in that he really looks like Lulu, and also like Dante. I hope they keep him.

  2. Some folks here mentioned Kirsten S, I really hope she is feeling better and will back at GH soon!

  3. So Valentine had that watch checked by experts and they couldn't tell the strap had been resewn by hand?

    I liked the new Rocco too, AntJoan.

  4. Karen hope you are feeling better. Hadyen/Finn story going nowhere. It would be a hell of a lot more interesting if ME was really Caleb. Story hitting a brick wall.

    1. I'd love that as I was a Caleb lover 💜💜💜💜💜💜

  5. I think that's the Rocco they had awhile ago..?? They never show him so I forget. I remember around Halloween there was one at the PCPD then 2 days later there was another one!

    1. I think you're right but yeh it's hard to tell since they never show him.

  6. I'm so over the Finn drug storyline as well as the Alexis alcohol storyline. They need to move on.

  7. Q home:

    Monica and Tracy: Hahahahaha this is great! :) I want more scenes with them before Jane Elliot leaves!

    Ned and Tracy: Great scene!!! And at the end there, Ned made me cry!!! :( 1 question that I have been meaning to ask.. Why does Ned have Tracy on his phone instead of saying mom? :) This scene was more like a goodbye. Like this was her last day. :(


    Griffy and Hammy: HAMMY OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    V.C. and Laura: Great scene!!! Laura zeroed in on V.C.'s insecurities!!!! He almost stuttered.

    V.C. and a guy: Hmmm so this guy didn't see anything strange with the watch?! Odd.

    Chandler Mansion: I'm not sure if Anna is Anna or Alex. If it's Anna something must have happened to her. Brainwashed or something? But if not, and it's Anna, and she got all her memories back, it was all off camera and that sucks! Very anticlimactic. No it must be Alex. When she heard someone at the door she made sure her hair was okay. HUH?! Anna would never do that! And Anna would never ignore Maddox's phone call! They are friends!

    "Anna" and Nina: Nina tried to deck "Anna" BAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA! Nina you are no match for Anna or Alex!


    Valenina: I don't get why Anna/Alex bugged V.C.! What is the point?!

    Central Perk:

    Curtis and RayRay: Awww glad Curtis understands and that she feels bad.

    Curtis and Jordan: Curtis wins the line of the day.

    Curtis: A few minutes. It's probably going to take a lot longer than that.


    Jordan and Maddox: Oh very classy Maddox! Even though you are hurting inside.

    The hospital:

    Hammy's room:

    Griffy and Hammy: Yes Hammy!!!! GET HELP! Now where is GuGu? Is she in the waiting area waiting for daddy to get out of the hospital?!

    RayFinn: You changed your mind about the drugs Finny? Are you telling the truth?! Are you really going to get help this time?!


    Brad and Maddox: Actually Karen, Brucas haven't gotten the condo yet.. But YAY they want to move into a condo!!!! :)

    Brad and Monica: Oh crap! Poor Brad!!! I really wanted Brucus to get a condo!!! Oh oh Brad you are going to spill the secret beans to Monica?!!!? :0

  8. I'm lost, how do we know for a fact they are going with the Anna/Alex route?

  9. AntJoan said...

    I meant to say the other day that I thought the kid playing Rocco was GREAT casting, in that he really looks like Lulu, and also like Dante. I hope they keep him.

    ** He is a cute kid, but if the future is anything whatsoever at all like the past, he'll show up on screen once more, maybe twice, and be recast again. He's got to be one of the most recast characters on GH, that has had the least amount of lines, in relation to how often he appears on screen.


  10. sonya said...

    Q home:

    Ned and Tracy: Great scene!!! And at the end there, Ned made me cry!!! :( 1 question that I have been meaning to ask.. Why does Ned have Tracy on his phone instead of saying mom? :) This scene was more like a goodbye. Like this was her last day. :(

    ** It was a touching scene. What really frustrated me though had to do with Ned's response to Tracy asking him what he thought of the contents of the letter. He told her it was basically a bunch of crap, and then it cut to commercial. When I saw that I was REALLY hoping that when they returned, Ned was going to start telling her, that none of this business with the painting and letter, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever at all. I thought maybe he was going to say something to the fact about it being VERY coincidental of her even discovering the painting even existed at all. Let alone Edward (David Lewis' Edward specifically) leaves this painting that is spot on IDENTICAL to late 70s Tracy, when she and the other Qs were pretty new to the show, and a heartfelt note written to her in the care of an order of Turkish monks, for if Tracy ever came for the painting, which Edward never mentioned one word about the existence of any of it to Tracy, or any of the other Qs or their lawyers, or anyone else for that matter. Not speaking up about it, and just "going with it" for Tracy's sake, is just nuts. As far as it looking like Jane's final air date, According to SiD, today's show "kicked off" her final storyline that leads to her actual last air date of May 4

    Chandler Mansion: I'm not sure if Anna is Anna or Alex. If it's Anna something must have happened to her. Brainwashed or something? But if not, and it's Anna, and she got all her memories back, it was all off camera and that sucks! Very anticlimactic. No it must be Alex. When she heard someone at the door she made sure her hair was okay. HUH?! Anna would never do that! And Anna would never ignore Maddox's phone call! They are friends!

    ** Actually to me, it doesn't look like it's Alex. To me, it just looks like a VERY stressed out Anna, and since she aplways had kept showing that she always had control over just about everything, and is good, most viewers (in particularly new ones, this is strange to see her in this way; And those of us longtime watchers have seen similar stuff in the past.


  11. If it is Alex, how will she fake the cancer treatment? It requires lots of blood tests.

  12. I don't know if it's the real Anna, but she is acting very strange. Maybe she just faked the memories to get close to Val to give him the watch. Loved Laura with Val, and Tracy and Ned. Too bad the dialogue was so dull, to me anyway. Genie and Finola both looked gorgeous yesterday.

  13. I thought the scenes with Laura and Valentin made the show yesterday

  14. "K says It was a touching scene. What really frustrated me though had to do with Ned's response to Tracy asking him what he thought of the contents of the letter. He told her it was basically a bunch of crap, and then it cut to commercial. When I saw that I was REALLY hoping that when they returned, Ned was going to start telling her, that none of this business with the painting and letter, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever at all. I thought maybe he was going to say something to the fact about it being VERY coincidental of her even discovering the painting even existed at all."

    Yeah that would have been a great scene!

    "Actually to me, it doesn't look like it's Alex. To me, it just looks like a VERY stressed out Anna, and since she aplways had kept showing that she always had control over just about everything, and is good, most viewers (in particularly new ones, this is strange to see her in this way; And those of us longtime watchers have seen similar stuff in the past."

    I am just so confused!!!!! :)

  15. Today. I 😞😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😍😍MONICA.

  16. LSV422 said...

    I don't know if it's the real Anna, but she is acting very strange. Maybe she just faked the memories to get close to Val to give him the watch

    ** I'm still leaning toward it being Anna, her scenes with VC and Griffin, really did look to me like someone who has just learned that she did something awful in the past, and having completely blocked it out, flooding her with thoughts and emotions, and was just trying to sort things out. Then with the watch thing yesterday, I dunno. I still don't think it's Alex, though. She definitely had a different personality.


  17. sonya said...

    Yeah that would have been a great scene!

    ** It would have! Not only that, it also would have at least made sense coming from Ned. Sure, he's always wanted Tracy to be happy, but this whole painting story just makes her look gullible, which is one thing that Tracy should NEVER look. Especially after he and Michael ousted her from ELQ, during the whole Fluke fiasco. Just seeing him basically pacifying her, was VERY out of character for him to do, and not at the absolute least actually not try to get to the bottom of the whole thing.

    I am just so confused!!!!! :

    ** As I said in the post I did before this one; I do still think it's Anna. But yeah, the whole thing with the watch yesterday, added another layer of WTF onto the whole thing.


  18. Oh, for anybody who was unaware of it happening on Wed night; CBS ran 2 new episodes of "Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders". The first one had Brandon Barash in it, in a large part. The second one had Matt Cohen, reprising his role of Gary Sinise's character's son, that he played in the first episode this season!

    I figured I should say something, since nobody here has, yet.


  19. Thanks, K. I saw both of them. Matt looked so different. I hope it's a long recurring role for him.

    And Brandon was as cute as ever. lol

  20. In addition to Matt and Brandon on primetime, Mulva was on Grey's Anatomy!! Charlotte is adorable. For the first time, Finn seemed likable and yay Monica!!

    1. Loved that Charlotte came around! Hopefully her father and stepmother won't screw it up.

    2. Oh hey I saw Greys, who did she play? And who's Mulva?

  21. The hospital:

    Monica's office:

    Brad and Monica: Oh Brad you dirty dog!!! :) Lucas is not going to be happy about this. Did you see that smug look on Brad's face when he he left Monica's office?!!?!?! ROFL!

    Hammy and Monica: Great scene!!! Monica made me cry! :( Of anybody who will understand Hammy's problem it's Monica!!!!! :)


    RayRay and Brad: Oh Brad!! You dirty dog!!!!!!!! :)

    RayFinn: Awwww. :( Finny sweetie! Focus on your recovery! :( I'm glad he finally figured out that he can't do this alone! :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Dante, Ned, and Olivia: Sounds like Lisa LoCicero has a cold. Great scene!!! :) Awww Dante just wants his mother happy! :)

    Lante home:

    Lante: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. Hey the baby bump is growing! :) So excited for her!

    Charlie and Lulu: Hey! Great scene!! It's working Lulu! Keep going! :)


    ValeNina: Awwww V.C. is so worried about Charlie!!!! :)

    Nina: Where did you get the watch?

    V.C.: I bought it.

    DOH! And oh oh Nina figures it out quickly with the watch!!! V.C. is going to be in the dog house!!!!!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Maddox and Anna/Alex? I am so confused. She all of a sudden figures out that V.C. is a bad man? Why didn't she tell Laura this?! I'm so lost, but yet intrigued.

  22. Mulva was Dante's partner for awhile until she disappeared. She played the mother with the little boy on the plane. Her name is Rebeka Montoya. I believe Karen gave her the name.

  23. "LSV422 said...In addition to Matt and Brandon on primetime, Mulva was on Grey's Anatomy!!"

    OH! No wonder she looked familiar!!!! :)

  24. Di said...

    Thanks, K. I saw both of them. Matt looked so different. I hope it's a long recurring role for him.

    ** I figured since noone had mentioned them yet, and thought there was probably a chance that someone around here was unaware of them completely. And since my sleep schedule/internal clock is so far off of what is generally considered to be "normal", I just record everything I have any desire to watch, and have for several years now. (Hence why I'm generally "behind" everyone else around here, as to when I watch anything)

    ** Matt REALLY did. It wasn't until I heard his voice, that I realized that it was him. (I am kinda curious though, just how long it took him to grow the beard, because it looked like it must have taken awhile.) Apparently, an article in this week's SiD (which I hadn't read until after watching it) made it sound like, he'll be in the season finale, at least. Since CBS doesn't order a "standard" full season worth of episodes (I.E. 22) like they do with the original Criminal Minds, it can be a bit harder to get a good "read" of what CBS' plans for it are.

    And Brandon was as cute as ever. lol

    ** I kinda always thought, that goes without saying! ;)


  25. sonya said...

    Monica's office:

    Hammy and Monica: Great scene!!! Monica made me cry! :( Of anybody who will understand Hammy's problem it's Monica!!!!! :)

    ** I thought that scene was written and done perfectly! VERY touching. I was kinda hoping she'd maybe mention Allan's addiction also, but by no means was it necessary!


    ValeNina: Awwww V.C. is so worried about Charlie!!!! :)

    ** That is one thing that I really like about VC (with all the character history/personality rewrites and what not) No matter what's said/done to/with him, the one thing that's very obvious and unquestionable about him; how much he loves and adores Charlotte, and would do ANYTHING for her, to make sure she's happy, loved, and safe.

    Chandler Mansion:

    Maddox and Anna/Alex? I am so confused. She all of a sudden figures out that V.C. is a bad man? Why didn't she tell Laura this?! I'm so lost, but yet intrigued.

    ** My theory? (And that's all it is, is a quasi informed theory). Since it appears she doesn't really trust VC, she's projecting the image with everyone in PC (minus Maddox, due too him being snoopy) that she wants to put her past with VC behind them, and try from here on out to have a new "fresh start", while trying to figure out what she thinks he's up to. The reason she said nothing to Laura about it, would be that it would be even more convincing that she doesn't want to "get in the middle" of the custody case for Charlotte. (I.E. plausible deniability. If Laura doesn't know that Anna is still looking into VC, and just thinks she has pulled back from the whole thing, and wanting to just start over with VC, he is less likely then to suspect there is anything else going on with Anna. And she is being sincere. Whether this is actually what's going on or not, I dunno. But, it's the most plausible explanation I can think of now. Since the whole thing with the watch was thrown in literally at the LAST minute on Thurs, it's the one theory that makes the most sense right now, at least until everything gets tossed up in the air, once again.


  26. I agree with your theory on Anna, K. Well put!

  27. Thanks Di!

    This whole storyline has been an absolute mess to watch, dissect, and analyze, to try and make any sense out of it at all. Trying to get my thoughts together in order and into something comprehensible when read. So your comment is VERY much appreciated!



She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...