Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday Surgery: Short Cuts

Eating: Shortbread, Short ribs .... Shortcake... 

ENJOY the SHORT CUTS today!!

So, exactly why are you here, mysterious stranger? 
Oh...please kind lady. I am here to find. I look I need to have help because my daughter she is in danger. I needs that painting of the blonde lady to make her free. You see, it's so dangerous. 
Ok, can we help you? 
I have two days to get that painting, smuggle it on a flying bird, sell it, then go give the people the money for my daughter.  But first, I must tell the kind lady of the painting my entire life story though a shoe box, a letter and a ring of my father. 
Oh, don't even tell me...Edward?? Really?? Again??  

Hello?'s Sonny Corinthos.  NO! I'm not gonna go on hold! It's my birthday!!  Ok, well, send me the usual.  Naw..wait..2 cases this time. I'm mad at Jax, Nelle and Julian and I gotta throw a lotta bar ware. Ava's comin' next week and I'm gonna tell her she's dead to me!  Yeah. Yup. Put it on the tab.  Now where did I put Avery...hmmmm...

This is a copier. I don't know what you want me to do, Tracy. 

Well..I want you to copy some DNA and tell me if my Father had an affair in Turkey!
Turkey? long was I passed out for, anyway? 

Look, Kiki...if I don't get a SNACK, I will possibly pass out and not be able to untangle this super-interesting really exciting scarecrow drawing Jake did.  So, hand over the bills and let me get to work! 

All I know is, one of you better get me a cup of coffee or I swear to GOD, I will fall asleep. Right now...right in the middle this scene. So...get goin...zzzzzzzzz :snort: zzzzzzz

Well, Alexis...I guess we just did that....huh?
Yep..yep we did... but my regret will be expressed by the size of this blanket I pull around my body. 
So....what now? 
I think you're going to get arrested. Because, you know--you're kind of a scumbag. 
Ok..!  Well, I guess my being "dead" didn't really count for much. 
Nope...although, you did get a mini-vacation out of it...
Yeah...there's that. 

Oh, honey... I had no idea that you had all this inside for over a year...
Well, I told Cam about it. 
Franco! You know Cam...he's the tallest one. 

Yeah, Mom...I told him and Grammy and... you a couple of times. 
Oh, honey, I've been busy. The house blew up and I found a sister and..well..Franco and I have spent a lot of
Yeah..Jake...we were...painting, that's it.... Listen to your mother. 

Wait a minute....what is this? 
What? I can't see you...
What? I can't hear you... 


Your Weekly Cheat Sheet: 
After Julexis had sex, Jules got arrested. 
Nelle got Jax released from jail but Carly still hates her. 
It was Sonny's birthday but he's hella mad at both Juilan and Jax. 
That chick from Turkey came to the Q's..wants the painting to get her daughter out of a kidnapping situation. 
Tracy thinks she (the Turkish girl)  may be Edward's daughter (eyeroll..really?) 
Looks like Jake thinks Old-Face Jason was the "Scarecrow" on Cassadine Island. 
Finn's trying to get clean. Has to pee in a cup but Brad might sabotage. (I call it: "Brad Plays with Pee"). 
Oh, one last thing.  Dante and Ava and blah blah...MORGAN'S they are still floating around. Still. Forever. Then Sonny can be all mad at Ava, Julian and Jax...and Nelle.

And.......that's all I got this week! Hope you had a great weekend.  It was a bad week for me sickness wise but I'm on the mend, just in time to go to work tomorrow! Yeah me! 
GH was so boring this week and such a mess of a let down, I half-watched.   Not to harp on the point, but Anna/Alexis wasn't even shown at all-- which is not the way to get a story going.  They are messing up the entire Tracy-exit with this Turkey foolishness.  I'm trying hard to engage my brain from 2-3pm most days but....eesh. 


  1. "Yep..yep we did... but my regret will be expressed by the size of this blanket I pull around my body."

    ROFL! I wonder why she didn't get dressed. :)

    "Wait a minute....what is this?
    What? I can't see you...
    What? I can't hear you...

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Appropriate for Paint and Wall. :)

    1. She was probably hoping for another roll...errr role in the hay.

  2. And the ratings keep getting worse. Congrats Frank, Varni, and Jelly! Nice job.

    Glad you're feeling better Wubsie!!


    1. Pssst not according to the awards etc they've been getting, but we know better.

  3. kd said....Franco! You know Cam...he's the tallest one.

    *** Isn't he the shortest one now? lol

    And they were debating who Jake's father was when he "left". Didn't he still think of Lucky as his father then?

  4. Love your take on the mumblers scene! GH should hire you.

  5. it hurts my eyes to look at that weird girl's eyes. yep that's what the Paint and Wall scene was like for me too

  6. I hope "old face" Jason means Steve Burton is returning!!

  7. Yes bring on the 2 Jason storyline. That would be great. Plenty of material out there for it. Make that part of curse put on Sam. Would be interesting. Quartermaine family need a shot in the arm with Tracy's departure.

  8. Jelly would find a way to muck it up

  9. Di said...

    kd said....Franco! You know Cam...he's the tallest one.

    *** Isn't he the shortest one now? lol

    And they were debating who Jake's father was when he "left". Didn't he still think of Lucky as his father then?

    ** Yeah, when he was found on CI, it kinda seemed as if he didn't remember anyone at all, from before the "accident". Which iasn't really that surprising when one thinks about it, considering his age. IIRC, he pretty much responded primarily to just Laura and Lucky, on the trip back to PC. And I'm pretty sure Lucky said something to Jake, about him being his father.


  10. gap723 21 said...

    I hope "old face" Jason means Steve Burton is returning

    ** Not gonna happen. One of the factors of his departure, was due to JFP no longer there. And why after he left he went to Y&R. When she got fired there, and he knew his contract was coming up for renewal in a few months, is why he then left Y&R, and is now just focusing on his family and what not in Nashville. When he left GH, that was his original plan, but after JFP talked him into coming over to Y&R, that got put on hold. Seeing as there is no chance at all she will ever be given another job with soaps. (Even as "incestuous" and insular as the production side of soaps are, she's made such a mess of her last few jobs, that she won't ever get another job in soaps again.) I just don't see SB coming back to GH at all. IMO it's just a LOT of wishful thinking. As far as my personal opinion goes, after Jason Q turned into Jason M, SB was just so...bleah. As much as I don't like the way BM's Jason suddenly turned into a hypocritical asshole, after starting to get the Jason M. memories back, BM has still brought more depth to the role, than I've seen in a LONG time.



Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...