Friday, April 28, 2017

Farewell Tracy


It's not her last day but GH touts this as her 'exit finale' with flashbacks and clips and such. Tracy is shown leaving for  "Fun and Sun" and taking luggage and the painting. She stops by the crypt to put flowers on Lila's plaque. OMG HOW MANY QS ARE IN THERE?  looks like a dozen. SIGH.  AJ's plaque falls on her head. She passes out. 

Tracy goes to court "Tracy vs Life" -- Diane is there, Scotty's there and Nate is the bailiff. Scott's job is to present the good, Diane's is to present the bad.  If there's more bad, she has to go back and do better. Scott tells her he was good with Alkazar "Lorenzo Alkazar was supposed to be a poodle but I got him bumped up to Leo Falconeri" LOL 
SONNY is the damn judge. ugh 

Scotty says "Well, she's not Cassadine bad, or Heather Webber" :) 

They show a bunch of clips of Tracy being a bitch to people trough the years.

They show clips of Luke and Tracy ...the one where he says he loves her.  Then a clip of her being nasty to him. Really nasty. 

Tracy pregnant with Jenny Eckart during the storm! 

Ned and Tracy-- Tracy and Edward-- 

MY FAVE scene ever on a soap---with Edward's meds. BUT they don't show the ending!! WOW..really? Especially since many people haven't seen it. 

Tracy does a monologue and says she wants to go back the earth as herself so she can do better. "Don't send me back as Skye Chandler's baby or a flatworm". 

She wakes up and the plaque is back up on the wall. She walks into the main house to give the portrait to Samila. She wants to do good.  


This was a C show at best. Very hollow. But..ok clips. Just wish it was done differently. Or at least some of the cast sitting in the courtroom behind her or something. 


  1. The hospital: Yeah Ned!!! Stick it to the ICE guy!!!! :) Go away ICE guy!!! You are a jerk for banning my Jax from going to the US!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    The Q crypt: Oh oh! AJ was angry at Tracy and he threw his plaque on her!

    Courthouse: These were great scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The video flashbacks were great!!! LILA! YOUNG NED! EDWARD! YOUNG SONNY!!! I was wondering why Sonny had to be the judge, but then they showed a video of young Sonny and Tracy and I get it. Luke telling Tracy he loves her. UGH! Was judge Sonny holding onto Pilly?!

    "Karen says MY FAVE scene ever on a soap---with Edward's meds. BUT they don't show the ending!! WOW..really? Especially since many people haven't seen it."

    Yeah the ending where they showed Edward faking the heart attack!!!! I remember!!!!! Oh and Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Lorenzo Alkazar was supposed to be a poodle but I got him bumped up to Leo Falconeri.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh the truth comes out!!! Baby uncle Leo is REALLY Lorenzo Alkazar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAOPMP!!!

    Q home: Poor Squinty girl can't get peoples attention.. Zzzzzzzzzzz. Oh Tracy comes back with the painting! Now what? Will Squinty girl get the painting and go back to Turkey?!

    "Karen says It's not her last day but GH touts this as her 'exit finale'"

    Yeah I was confused cus they show her on Monday! So when IS her final day? :(

    1. Her final day is may 4th it was confirmed that tony geary will be back for her last day

  2. I think that the clips were wonderful. However, it highlighted how BAD the writing is now. Character-driven drama is what always made this show so great. Even when it was preposterous (Mikkos weather machine, Casey the alien) it was still about the characters. The characters were just involved in ridiculous plots.

    Now, a bottle of pills has more character development than the entire cast. I will always love GH, but the current incarnation is just absurd.

  3. Sonya, I believe her final day is the 4th. A special guest will also be on that day.

  4. If they showcased all her stellar scenes, she wouldn't be able to retire for many a moon. And look how pretty she was as a young woman. It was a disappointment that they didn't show the end of the scene with her not giving Edward his meds.
    Bottom line: she will be missed so much that it boggles the mind.
    But after all is said and done, here is hoping her retirement is wonderful.

  5. I have been watching GH since 1963 when we would all go down to the "Smoker" in the basement of our dorm to watch with great excitement. Since this is my first comment I will disagree it was a "C" day. Jane was as always superb, the clips were great, Diane and Scott were phenomenal! Even Maurice was wonderful. A+ for me.

  6. I think Luke will come back...with the painting. He's probably the one trying to buy it. then they'll leave together.

  7. I' only 10 minutes in. Scotty's hair is awesome!. Can Tracy be reincarnated as La Lucci ?

  8. Was never a big Tracy fan so I FF'd most of it. Luke returns for a cameo next week so I'm sure it's to usher her off the show. So much for the Luke & Laura love story and history. Tony Geary hates it and it's disappointing.

  9. I enjoyed the clips; I only started watching in 2014, and I only watch now to see Tracy. I'd have liked them to balance the ep with a few fun scenes (Ned and tracy plotting together, over the years, perhaps) or heartfelt scenes with Tracy and sons, or Luke, Lila and Edward...because contrary to recent writing, Edward did say he loved her, a time or two, so these scenes do exist and are just as much part of who Tracy is.

    The scenes with Luke, when she told him she'd never take him back were just from 2015--and after that, they made up, more or less, before he left PC. Couldn't they mention that? Or show some other scenes from their history, from a bit further back.

    And we didn't need to cut away to scenes with the bunch talking with and about Samira, IMO. Why the hell won't this woman just go away? I don't care, and even if Q's don't get it, I see why Tracy wouldn't care about this woman's problem. The whole thing saddens me--that some of JE's remaining air time is spent on this boring storyline.

    I'd love to see Alan's ghost, one last time.

    I'll be overjoyed to see Luke, though, if he appears. I want that happy ending so, so much!

    So four more days of GH, for me. How sad, but I just can't muster any interest for anything I see happening. Thank goodness for the much better British soaps, to fill that space. Emmerdale is wonderful; so if anyone's looking for an alternative, try it. (DailyMotion posts it every day. Free.)

  10. ok so...

    I do enjoy clip shows. the problem I had with today is that as a long time viewer (1977) I know there are so much BETTER clips they could have shown.

    But not to be a negative nelly....

    I was so please they showed david lewis and anna lee. but NO JOHN INGLE? WTF??? How DARE you! For those of you who arent really long time viewers, David Lewis was absolutely brilliant as Edward. ANd so was John Ingle. Both of them brought their own take to the character and really gave the character distinct personality. I really enjoyed them both and they should have had a clip of both today.

    Gee Karen, I cant help but think that you could put together a BETTER clip poackage that is more fun and festive.

    and when I see a young Sonny, I ALWAYS sing "BA BA LOOOOOOO" at the TV screen. anyone? anyone?

  11. and another thing.

    there were times when tracy was very very compassionate. when edward was ill. when monica got cancer. where was the loving, compassionate scene when tracy broke down and cried on behalf of another character? IT DID HAPPEN!

    they brought up Gino Solice. Nice touch.

  12. sonya said...

    The hospital: Yeah Ned!!! Stick it to the ICE guy!!!! :) Go away ICE guy!!! You are a jerk for banning my Jax from going to the US!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    ** I could have sworn Jax had dual citizenship, though. Which is why him being deported makes no sense at all.

    The Q crypt: Oh oh! AJ was angry at Tracy and he threw his plaque on her!

    ** After she treated him so horribly always, it was about time AJ had been able to get back at her!

    Courthouse: These were great scenes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The video flashbacks were great!!! LILA! YOUNG NED! EDWARD! YOUNG SONNY!!! I was wondering why Sonny had to be the judge, but then they showed a video of young Sonny and Tracy and I get it. Luke telling Tracy he loves her. UGH! Was judge Sonny holding onto Pilly?!

    ** Hands down the flashbacks were the best part, no question!

    "Karen says MY FAVE scene ever on a soap---with Edward's meds. BUT they don't show the ending!! WOW..really? Especially since many people haven't seen it."

    Yeah the ending where they showed Edward faking the heart attack!!!! I remember!!!!!

    ** It was SO powerful when it originally aired! I was surprised also, they cut the ending off, as it was KEY to the scene itself. And especially with the context that it was used in today. I was surprised though that they completely ignored that it was David Lewis, though. Especially considering that a sizable chunk of the current audience has only ever seen John Ingle in the role (and even that, if they've only started watching in the last 5 years.)

    Oh and Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Lorenzo Alkazar was supposed to be a poodle but I got him bumped up to Leo Falconeri.

    ** I would have paid to see that!!

    "Karen says It's not her last day but GH touts this as her 'exit finale'"

    Yeah I was confused cus they show her on Monday! So when IS her final day? :(

    ** Next Thurs, May 4th


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Di said...

    I think Luke will come back...with the painting. He's probably the one trying to buy it. then they'll leave together.

    ** I'm hoping that's the case. Then it gives them closure, and would be able to also give a better sense of it for L&L, since the way that it was left when he took off, was lacking, and it would also let Laura move on fully with Kevin, with without anything hanging over their heads.


  15. Karen says... MY FAVE scene ever on a soap---with Edward's meds. BUT they don't show the ending!! WOW..really?

    ***That's because these writers didn't recognize it. They don't know what an ending is!!....Oops, he's down. Must be over. *rolls eyes*

  16. "Anne Long said..Her final day is may 4th it was confirmed"

    Oh okay thanks.

    "that tony geary will be back for her last day"


    "Gary Johnson said...Sonya, I believe her final day is the 4th."

    Thanks. :)

    "Di said... I think Luke will come back...with the painting. He's probably the one trying to buy it. then they'll leave together."

    Yeah I thought that's what was going to happen, but then I thought it was a rumor.. Damn I wish that was just a rumor.

    "David says and when I see a young Sonny, I ALWAYS sing "BA BA LOOOOOOO" at the TV screen. anyone? anyone?"

    Hahahahahaha. Yeah he looks like a young Ricky Ricardo. :) He even played Ricky Ricardo in a Ricky and Lucy movie! :)

    "K says I could have sworn Jax had dual citizenship, though. Which is why him being deported makes no sense at all."

    Yeah you made a comment about that and have been meaning to comment on that.. Yeah that dual citizenship sounds familiar.. Hmmmmm.

    "I would have paid to see that!!"

    Hahahah me too! :)

  17. I really enjoyed the flashbacks. There are two soap scenes I will never forget, Tracy and Edward with the meds and Karen Wolek on the witness stand on OLTL

  18. "nance24 said...I really enjoyed the flashbacks. There are two soap scenes I will never forget, Tracy and Edward with the meds and Karen Wolek on the witness stand on OLTL"

    OH! Karen Wolek on the witness stand was amazing!!!! :) How long has it been since you have seen it? Here is the scene again! :)

    I watch it again and it gives me goosebumps!!!! :)

  19. sonya said...

    Hahahahahaha. Yeah he looks like a young Ricky Ricardo. :) He even played Ricky Ricardo in a Ricky and Lucy movie! :)

    ** I've come across it several times over the years on either Lifetime, or most likely LMN, and watched it once. It wasn't too bad, I've never been a big Lucy fan, so once was enough for me. :)

    Yeah you made a comment about that and have been meaning to comment on that.. Yeah that dual citizenship sounds familiar.. Hmmmmm.

    ** Ahhh, considering as long and as much as he's done here in the states, I would think he would HAVE to have it, it just doesn't make sense, otherwise. But, then again not much DOES make sense on GH, these days.

    OH! Karen Wolek on the witness stand was amazing!!!! :) How long has it been since you have seen it? Here is the scene again! :)

    ** That was fantastic! One from OLTL that always stuck out in my mind also, when Mitch Lawrence "saved" Dorian and a few others (including Allison Perkins ((the warden's daughter)) from the prison riot at Statesville, that got him released early.


  20. K says I've never been a big Lucy fan, so once was enough for me. :)

    Oh yeah? Why not?

    "One from OLTL that always stuck out in my mind also, when Mitch Lawrence "saved" Dorian and a few others (including Allison Perkins ((the warden's daughter)) from the prison riot at Statesville, that got him released early."

    Oh I remember that storyline!!!! :)

  21. " nance24 said...thanks Sonya.....memories :)"

    You're welcome!!! Yes so many memories! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...