Monday, April 3, 2017

I Come From a Land Down Under

We are in Turkey People! At the Monk's place. They stare at Tracy. I bet the painting looks like her. Just a hunch.
Laura tells Tracy that Edward really admired her and thought she could run ELQ perfectly. Laura was his assistant about 30 years ago.  The monks told them not to leave the room--which they do. They hear a woman's crying echoing in the hallways. They go to investigate. 

And SURE ENOUGH the painting looks like a young Tracy. I TOLD YOU SO!
I can write them all. 

Joss bitches to Carly about Sonny--'Divorce him already"! Joss looks 16 to me. She's only 13 IRL! Geesh, that's what height gives you. I looked 14 until I was about 21 lol. 
Carly has to have been divorced at least 6x right? AJ...Sonny 4x...and Jax? Maybe Jax 2x? She married Alcazar too! Lol

Jax is home--hugs Alexis. They talk about Julian...her drinking and being on the wagon, yada yada. Wonder if they are FB friends? 
Later, Sam goes to talk to Alexis. Alexis can't "shake" Julian, she feels him all the time and she thinks she got phone calls from him. Sam pulls up footage from a payphone Jules used -- and it looks like him. Later, she finds out he used his credit card. AND then A HOODIE guy follows ALEXIS ahahha.  I swear they write these shows for 10 year olds. 

Jax goes to see Josslyn and tells her Lady Jane died.  They cried. Then he gave her a letter Lady Jane wrote. She's going to save it for later. They look at photos. 

Sonny visits JaSam. They want him to be Scout's Godfather and Carly the God Mama. Why not ask Michael and Kristina? Or Lucas an Krissy? 
Carly comes by later and she says YES!! She and Sonny can do it, they don't hate each other that much.  

Larry Ashton shows up at Michael's looking for Tracy but Ned stops him.   Michael finds out Olivia and Ned are going to get married.  Then Larry gives him a giant lecture about marriage and how bad Ned is at it. Olivia hears Ned talking about her. They all toast with champagne. Larry finds out Tracy went to Turkey. He spits out his drik. 


  1. Kellys: Oh oh who is watching Alexis? Is it you Julian?

    Jax and Alexis: JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! How are you baby? I was thinking how is your mom?!!?!?! Is she still sick?! Great scene with them!!! Was he the one who was watching her? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Sam and Alexis: Glad Sam is going to find out who has been calling Alexis! Yes you ARE family!!! Awwwww. :)

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Joss: Wow Joss! How did you become so wise?! :)

    Jax and Joss:

    Joss: Dad!

    *Jax and Joss hug.*

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :) Oh oh when Joss asked what he is doing there, I had a gut feeling that he was going to tell her about her grandmother! Oh look! The look on Jax's face! Oh no!!! Yup!!!! Lady Jane died!!! :'( Oh they made me cry! :'(

    Paint and Wall's home:

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. Oh look! It's hoodie man!!!!

    Jason and Sonny: Awwwww! Sonny said yes about being Godfather!!! Now bring that baby down so I can see Maurice hold baby Trim! :)

    Jason and Carly: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Carson: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


    Tracy: Are you there God? It's me Tracy!

    ROFL! Where is Margaret? She still waiting? ROFL! Great Laura and Tracy scene!!! Love that the past was brought up!

    Q offices:

    Fake Ashton and Ned: Awwwwwwwwwwww Ned. :(

    Fake Ashton and Olivia: Love how Olivia wouldn't let fake Ashton kiss her hand!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

    Fake Ashton: You shouldn't be surprised that Tracy went to Turkey!!!! I have seen that actor somewhere before.. Who is he?! I miss OUR Ashton!!

    Kelly's part 2: It's hoodie man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    1. Loved the scene between Jax and Joss, I knew he would bring up Lady Jane's passing. Made me cry. Also loved scene with Jax and Alexis. ❤

  2. I think Olivia has a cold.

    LOVED Jax and Joss. I cried, too. They are both amazing actors, and they are GREAT as daddy and daughter. I also enjoyed Laura and Tracy, and Olivia and Ned, et al. There are SO MANY great actors on this show who need more time to shine, I wish they would have more of an ensemble cast, there is such richness there . . .

  3. I still like Olivia with Sonny.

  4. Except for Carson I enjoyed today. Loved Jax being back albeit for a short visit.
    As for the actress playing Joss and her age, kids now a days look older than they are (not all of course) but my niece is 12 and looks older. But her older brother is 15 and looks younger haha!

  5. They should have Jax on more often. Great scene with Joss and glad they acknowledged Lady Jane's death as well as the actress. Loved everything today except for, of course, Carson.

  6. AntJoan said...

    LOVED Jax and Joss. I cried, too. They are both amazing actors, and they are GREAT as daddy and daughter. I also enjoyed Laura and Tracy, and Olivia and Ned, et al. There are SO MANY great actors on this show who need more time to shine, I wish they would have more of an ensemble cast, there is such richness there

    ** I couldn't have summed that up better, if I tried. The cast is so full of amazingly talented people, of ANY genre or format. And not only just soaps. This is obvious, when one watches day after day, if not for decades (which I know there are several of us here that have been watching that long), then it becomes all the more evident. It just comes down to the material, which has been all over the place. There are bits and pieces here and there that feel like they could be promising, but never seems to end up following through. Saldy, no matter how fantastic the cast is, if the material is crap, there's only so much they can do.


  7. I was so wishing for some flashbacks when Laura was talking about working for Edward. And absolutely I would look no further than Carly and Sonny for Godparents. Jax with Joss was precious

  8. Okay, those monks acted NOTHING like any of the monks I've ever had a pleasure of meeting. But then again, I guess GHTurkey looks nothing like RealTurkey.

  9. nance24 said...

    I was so wishing for some flashbacks when Laura was talking about working for Edward. And absolutely I would look no further than Carly and Sonny for Godparents. Jax with Joss was precious

    ** That would've been great, but there is no way it was ever gonna happen. Seeing as that was when David Lewis was originally in the role, before he retired. Since when John Ingle took over the role, and there was no story reason for the appearance change, flashbacks could be confusing for some.


  10. Kg said...

    Okay, those monks acted NOTHING like any of the monks I've ever had a pleasure of meeting. But then again, I guess GHTurkey looks nothing like RealTurkey.

    ** It looked like Cassadine Island. ;)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

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