Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tracey Q's Exit Story on GH

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Oh people are having a FIELD day on Twitter about this one! Seems SOD is leaking that Tracy has to "defend her life" in front of a judge.  Now, I personally think that defending your life stuff has had it's moment (Seinfeld) but--whatever.  Who's the judge? Monica? Maybe Dead Alan? Nope-- it's SONNY CORINTHOS!! 

Seriously. I just typed it and still can't believe it.  Read about it here: Tracy Defends Her Life 


  1. I saw the SOD commercial during GH hour, and I thought defending for her life meant that she is going to die.. So I'm confused. She has a nightmare and then wakes up and decides to leave Port Chuckles?!?!! Huh?!

  2. They can't even let her have an exit story without Sonny taking it over? That's disgusting. She was a character on the show for 15 years before we even heard of Sonny Bloody Corinthos.

  3. the judge should have been stuart damon.

    im all for a clip and restrospect show, but this is the best that emmy award winning writers can do?

    Karen and Dave to the rescue! Stat!

  4. Smacks head against wall! When will I ever learn and stop watching GH?!?! It's never going to get better with Jelly at the wheel! smh

  5. My idea was going to be that this all started MONTHS ago --if not a year ago. Tracy started exhibiting early signs of Parkinsons or ALS-- and that's why Finn was called in, not the stupid WORM story. They could have thought it was a parasite at first to get him on campus--but.
    Anyway, can you imagine TQ having to have a disease that made her 'less than'-- but still kept her mind going? Her struggle to be "Tracy" while this is going on?? Jane would have KILLED it. And, if they didn't want her to die, she could have gone to another country for treatment. Luke could have found a new experimental program. Monica would have been part of the diagnosis and helping her-- Ned wants her at his wedding but she's embarrassed because of her physical limitations. Even stupid LARRY could have been in the picture, bringing her some pot to help or some weird herbs. She could have visited Olivia's Chinese medicine shop! LOL I have a million ideas.
    But you know, something like this takes PLANNING and foresight. Something GH just does NOT do anymore.

  6. Absolutely nothing or no one is safe from a Sonny attack. So sick of it

  7. A great actress like Jane Elliott playing the iconic character Tracy Quartermaine can't even have her moment without the writers sticking Sonny/MB in the middle of it :-(. This is ONE story I would have hoped wouldn't have Sonny involved in it. Tracy never had much connection with Sonny, so what is the purpose of bringing Sonny into the episode dedicated to Tracy?

  8. Really bad idea. I think the show writers and producer over estimate popularity of the Sonny on this show. How often do Tracy and Sonny storylines even cross paths? These writers suck.

  9. Di said...

    They can't even let her have an exit story without Sonny taking it over? That's disgusting. She was a character on the show for 15 years before we even heard of Sonny Bloody Corinthos.

    ** I can't help being reminded of the "It's a Wonderful Life" homage that was around a decade or so, IIRC, which revolved entirely around Luke, with Sonny in the "angel" role.

  10. kdmask said...

    My idea was going to be that this all started MONTHS ago --if not a year ago. Tracy started exhibiting early signs of Parkinsons or ALS-- and that's why Finn was called in, not the stupid WORM story. They could have thought it was a parasite at first to get him on campus--but.
    Anyway, can you imagine TQ having to have a disease that made her 'less than'-- but still kept her mind going? Her struggle to be "Tracy" while this is going on?? Jane would have KILLED it. And, if they didn't want her to die, she could have gone to another country for treatment. Luke could have found a new experimental program. Monica would have been part of the diagnosis and helping her-- Ned wants her at his wedding but she's embarrassed because of her physical limitations. Even stupid LARRY could have been in the picture, bringing her some pot to help or some weird herbs. She could have visited Olivia's Chinese medicine shop! LOL I have a million ideas.
    But you know, something like this takes PLANNING and foresight. Something GH just does NOT do anymore

    ** There are so many good ideas there Karen. Sadly, after watching that promo, something like it is EXACTLY what I was expecting that we'd be getting out of Jelly. Without a doubt any of us here, could write something FAR better than this crap. :(

    ** This did get me thinking though. If the writers' guild DOES go on strike again, (which it looks like is going to be the case more and more as we get closer to the deadline) just how would it effect stuff this time? As I'm assuming most of us here (if not everyone) was watching last time one occurred, and can remember what happened. Not to mention, for some incredibly bizarre reason, Jelly has received awards already because of their writing on GH.


  11. I understand they can not have Monica as judge as some on social media have suggested as she will likely play a role in the actual "case", but Sonny is the absolute worse choice.

    Of current cast, why not have former sister in law Lucy, soon to be daughter in law Olivia, former neice in law Carly, or Big Alice? Unless they, like Monica already have roles in the case. Scotty, Jax, Lesley, Paul Hornsby, etc.

    So I understand why most current cast members with a connection to Tracy could not be the judge. I like the suggestion of bringing back Alan as the judge. Or AJ. Even Emily for that matter. Lois? Have NLG dress up a Dobson again and be judge.

    Tony Geary is supposedly coming back for this episode. Why not have him be judge?

    Have the judge be someone we have never met be be revealled to be Olivia and Neds future child.

    GH likes to bring in actors from other soaps, usually to my dismay. Personally I think this would have been an excellent opportunity to do some stunt casting. Imagine Susan Lucci as the judge. Or Jane Elliotts best friend Deidre Hall (Marlena on Days) as guest appearance for one episode as judge. Have Tracy look up to see Deidre Hall sitting there and ask "why is cook the judge" (weve never seen cook so they could have fun cast someone as recognizable as "Marlena" as cook the judge)

    Or Judge Judy!

    If ABC wanted to cross promote with someone from an existing show on their network they could have brought over Keifer Sutherland from Designated Survivor, or Shonda Rhymes from Scandal, or Viola Davis from How to Get Away With Murder. Former Lucky, Jonathan Jackson is till with ABC. Heck, bring over someone from The Chew.

    A hologram of Annabelle the dog. ANYONE would be better than Sonny.

  12. friscogh said...

    I understand they can not have Monica as judge as some on social media have suggested as she will likely play a role in the actual "case", but Sonny is the absolute worse choice.

    ** To me, it really looks like they're either gonna go one of the dream/coma/hallucination routes. The promo reminded me a LOT of the the standalone "It's a Wonderful Life" homage from several years ago focusing on Luke (with Sonny playing the role of the "Angel". showing Luke what "might have been." Which, even as much of a Luke (TG) as I am, it was still an hour-long trainwreck. If this doesn't end up being just as bad, if not worse, I'll be VERY surprised. More than likely it looks the the only redeeming parts are going to be the flashbacks, (Which I will give them credit for actually using stuff with David Lewis.) that will be of a much better video quality than the episodes/storylines they came from that were taken from old VHS tapes and uploaded to YT. (Which BTW, those here who have not seen them either originally or recently, SHOULD do so.)

    Former Lucky, Jonathan Jackson is till with ABC. Heck, bring over someone from The Chew.

    ** Actually CMT is who is now producing and running Nashville. (I tried to get into it when it started, because of JJ (of course) and the guy that handles/coordinates the music for it, Jim Lauderdale, is someone I've been a fan of for quite awhile. I just couldn't get into it, no matter how much I tried.



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