Friday, November 18, 2016


Jax made waffles from scratch. Another reason to have him around.  He's going to stay 'awhile' --at Carly's house. 
Later, Carly totally kiss HIM. SHE kisses HIM. 

Diane was on with Curtis. Talking about the bomb. 

Sonny's having nightmares. Jason tells Sonny he's not guilty. Sonny says he is guilty.

Charlotte says she wants to live with Daddy Cassadine.  Griffin punches Valentin and the judge sees it. WHOOPS
Val hinted he may have 'disposed of ' Charlotte.
Valentine gets sole custody of Charlotte.  Anna and Griffin are angry.  Val uses some Latin Voodoo on Anna. "Open your eyes" he says....

OMG Ok, so Oscar Jessups is brought up. He was around in the 90s or something but he's 'dead' but Julian 'talks to him" on the phone and says "I've done enough for months now". 


  1. Refresh me on Oscar Jessups cause I watched back then but that name escapes me.

  2. Custody hearing: I never heard Charlie call J.C. papa before! ROFL! Charlie wins the line of the day. The judge asks why she calls Griffy daddy.

    Charlie: Mommy told me to.

    ROFL! Oh I get it! She knows that J.C. is her papa and the only reason why she called Griffy and Nathan daddy, is cus her mommy told her to! :) She isn't confused at all! :) Oh oh Griffy! You shouldn't of hit J.C.!!!!! That wasn't smart baby!!!! Oh J.C. gets custody!!! YAY! :) Hmmm J.C. talked to Anna in Latin!!!! Open your eyes? Oh this is intriguing!!!!!! :)

    The hospital:

    Friz: Awwww Liz don't want to lose him!!!

    Sam and BobTodd: BobTodd was very genuine!!!! Come on Sam just forgive him! This animosity is getting very old and boring.


    Liz and Tom: Wow Tom is a wimp! ROFL! Go Liz go!!!! :) Tom is skeeeeered of BobTodd! BAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Paint and Wall: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Blah blah blah BobTodd. Blah blah blah Oscar Jessup died in 1990. Hmmm that name Oscar Jessup sounds familiar.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Julian and Curtis:

    Julian: You're fired.

    Well good! Curtis you don't need to work for him! You are free now!!! :) I want scenes with Curtis and Jason! :)

    Curtis and Diane: Oh yes!!!! I want more scenes with them!!!! :)

    Julian and Oscar Jessup: DOH!!!!! Julian is on the phone with them!!! This is intriguing too!!!!

    Sonny's jail cell: Oh come on Sonny! Don't you want to see pieces of your son in the urn? Oh it's a dream.. I thought so. :)

    Sonny and Diane: Yeah Sonny! Fight for your life!!! :)

    Carly's home:

    Joss and Jax: Awwwww sweet scene. :) Oh hi Carly! Time for breakfast. Did you eat before you left? Where did you go? Uh Joss, you forgot to take the waffle with you when you went upstairs!

    Joss, Jax, and Carly: Oh Joss!!! With your book report, you aren't being very subtle! Your parents know you want them back together, and I noticed that too!!! :)

    CarJax: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THEY ARE KISSING!!!! :) The magic of CarJax!!! They are so magical and sparkly!!! I want them back together! :) I have always loved them together.

  3. Michelle Latta said...

    Refresh me on Oscar Jessups cause I watched back then but that name escapes me.

    ** I was too, and kept wracking my brain trying to remember/place it. Turns out, there's a very good reason for our not remembering. This is the first time the name has ever come up. He never existed until he was first mentioned by Jason.

    sonya said...

    Custody hearing: I never heard Charlie call J.C. papa before! ROFL! Charlie wins the line of the day. The judge asks why she calls Griffy daddy.

    Charlie: Mommy told me to.

    ** Which makes total sense.

    ROFL! Oh I get it! She knows that J.C. is her papa and the only reason why she called Griffy and Nathan daddy, is cus her mommy told her to! :) She isn't confused at all! :) Oh oh Griffy! You shouldn't of hit J.C.!!!!! That wasn't smart baby!!!! Oh J.C. gets custody!!! YAY! :) Hmmm J.C. talked to Anna in Latin!!!! Open your eyes? Oh this is intriguing!!!!!! :)

    ** I haven't got a clue as to what's up with V.C and his connection to Anna. Which is probably the thing I'm most curious about with GH, atm.


  4. VC killed Nik! VC killed Nik! You know, in some ways, this is the last straw!! No, I will NOT give up GH, but I am VERY disturbed by this. There are SO MANY sociopathic killers who got away with EVEYTHING on this show, this is sending a TERRIBLE message to sociopaths, and they ARE out there!! Back in the day, there was a law that if someone committed murder in a movie, they would HAVE to end up dead or in jail. (There was also another, horrible, rule that if you were a Lesbian you would end up dead, but that is another story.) I don't know when they changed this law, or rule, but at some point they did, and this is the end result. I am horrified by all of the sociopaths running around, then the writers make them nuanced so we will care for them, it is horrible. I know this might have started with Sonny, the bad boy turned into the star of the show because he is so gorgeously handsome and such a wonderful, popular actor. Everyone knows how much I love Sonny, but this was the start of a VERY BAD trend.

  5. Actually, now that I think about it, Sonny was not the first. I guess there were others (maybe Lucy Coe?) who were brought on to be bad, became fan faves and were made into nuanced characters that we didn't hate. Some, like Helena, remained villains even though they were popular with the fans, and, like the sociopaths mentioned above, were able to get away with terrible, horrible crimes.

  6. "K says Which makes total sense."

    ROFL! I smell sarcasm. :) Well remember the old adage! Always listen to your mommy! :)

  7. I don't think Nik is dead. They will show that his death was faked when either TC's contract gets fixed or they find someone else for the role

  8. AntJoan said...

    VC killed Nik! VC killed Nik! You know, in some ways, this is the last straw!! No, I will NOT give up GH, but I am VERY disturbed by this. There are SO MANY sociopathic killers who got away with EVEYTHING on this show, this is sending a TERRIBLE message to sociopaths, and they ARE out there!! Back in the day, there was a law that if someone committed murder in a movie, they would HAVE to end up dead or in jail. (There was also another, horrible, rule that if you were a Lesbian you would end up dead, but that is another story.) I don't know when they changed this law, or rule, but at some point they did, and this is the end result. I am horrified by all of the sociopaths running around, then the writers make them nuanceds,,s. so we will care for them, it is horrible. I know this might have started with Sonny, the bad boy turned into the star of the show because he is so gorgeously handsome and such a wonderful, popular actor. Everyone knows how much I love Sonny, but this was the start of a VERY BAD trend

    ** This sort of thing has been going on in soaps, for MUCH longer than that. Here's a brief list of similar characters (besides just on GH, and in no particular order). I'll start with GH for obvious reasons, and point out that to an extent Faison definitely fits in the category. So does Helena to a degree. Though when the Cassadines were brought back in the 90s, their history/makeup had been completely rewritten. With OLTL you had Mitch Laurence, to some extent VictorLord (the original, not Todd's twin) could fit, and Marco Dane. Hell Asa did some pretty despicable crap at times, also. AMC had David Hayward, though I've always considered him more `grey' than `black' morality wise. ATWT had James Steinbeck. DAYS of course had Stefano DiMeira, And an excellent case could be made for Victor Kiriakis, also. Even though he's mellowed considerably as of late. While on the subject of Victors, I would be remiss, had I not mentioned Y&R's Victor Newman, who has done some pretty horrible stuff over the years, himself. I'll end with Sheila Carter from Y&R and B&B who is perfect for the list. I've made it pretty well known how much I despise what's happened with Sonny on GH, who pretty much has just turned into a rich thug. As far as V.C. goes, I put him more in the category of `love to hate.' He's charming and witty, and is enjoyable to watch. It's very obvious JPS is having a lot of fun with the role. And as far as Nik's death goes, I get the feeling there is more going on there, that we just don't know yet.

    sonya said...

    "K says Which makes total sense."

    ROFL! I smell sarcasm. :) Well remember the old adage! Always listen to your mommy! :)

    ** I must not have used enough Lysol then, I guess. ;)


  9. "K says also. AMC had David Hayward, though I've always considered him more `grey' than `black' morality wise"

    I just had a dream about Vincent Irizarry! :)

    "I must not have used enough Lysol then, I guess. ;)"


  10. sonya said...

    I just had a dream about Vincent Irizarry! :)

    ** Lucky you! :)

    "I must not have used enough Lysol then, I guess. ;)"


    ** I just couldn't resist that. :)


  11. "K says Lucky you! :)"

    Hehe yeah. :)

    "I just couldn't resist that. :)"

    I'm glad! :)

  12. Does anyone else think that Charlotte is going to end up being LuLu's daughter from the missing embryo? I now the timeline is off but soap children never are aged correctly.

  13. Who is Oscar Jessup? I can't even find him in the cast list.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...