Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Green Bean Casserole

Sam brought it to Alexis' house...she didn't bring Jason. He wanted to watch football. I don't care. BYE.
Alexis may be able to get her law license back IF SHE BEHAVES herself. LOL you know she won't. Everyone is drinking wine but her. That's not fair. They shouldn't drink either (for now) Then Maddox and Jordan come in and bring MORE booze.  Then TJ brings Curtis and Julian texts Alexis that he misses her.
She focus' on everyone drinking..and they are drinking A LOT.
She makes a run for it to get "whipped cream.

Julian is at the newest dive bar and meets some guy about turning the hospital into condos. They mention a "she" (Helena or Olivia Jerome?? Hmmmmmm?) Julian drinks. 

OF course it's the same bar Alexis goes into to have a vodka. 

Avery was on with Ava and Kiki ..OMG YOU HAVE TO WATCH just for that adorable girl! She's so good!! LOL She and Kiki were going to do the wishbone.

TJ is working at Kelly's?? HUH? WOW...ok then! He's doling out Pies. He invites Curtis to Turkey day even tho Maddox is going. 

Scotty and Lucy are together-- she thinks he was trying to break into her house. BUT She brought them with her. She locked them in the safe while they had sex. Whoops. Scotty says he got the pills not the bottle ? He put the REAL lithium pills in there so if they are tested, they will come back clean. 


  1. Totally off content. There is a Hallmark Christmas movie on the Hallmark Movies and Mystery Channel (which I didn't think I had, but which I found by going into the really high numbers on my cable, and found at 385; it could be that way on any other system -- high on the channels, that is. Don't think it is the same channel number). The movie is called "The Note," and stars Genie Francis. It is so good!! And it will be on again Dec. 1st at 7a.m. Strange time, I know, but maybe you can record it. Genie is so good in it!
    On topic. To me, Avery was the only reason to watch today. The rest was filler or the fall of Alexis, or Scott and Lucy playing hide the salami, oops I mean the pills.
    Blah blah blah.

    1. Haha I was thinking the same, Avery was the only good thing about GH today. She was so cute in her scenes with the actress who plays Kiki.

  2. I really enjoyed The Note too.

  3. The best part of today was Avery. That little girl is so stinkin adorable!!
    Does Scott really think he can put one over on Lucy? They've known each other 20+ yrs, come on LOL!
    Yeh Alexis is never gonna get her license back now. Haha! Sick of seeing her wallow....

  4. I am curious to find "The Note," what is it about?

  5. Kelly's:

    TJ, Maddox and Jordan: Great to see you TJ! Jordan and Curtis should be in the scene with TJ not Maddox. TJ is going to medical school!!! :) YAY! He will tell Shaun in his next visit? I hope they show the scene!

    TJ and Curtis: TJ you are so sweet to your uncle Curtis!!! :)

    Alexis's home: Family and friends Thanksgiving! :) So much alcohol! Alexis and the alcohol are having eye sex with each other! Maddox and Curtis are having jealous feels toward Jordan! And Jordan wants Curtis!!! :)

    Curtis: Perhaps he felt the rhythm between you and me that threatened his good safe thing he had with you. You think that could be it?

    Yes it's exactly it Curtis!!!! :) I'm feeling the rhythm between you two also!!! :)

    Alexis: I have to stay out of trouble. Can't do anything to jeopardize my standing. I will be an angel.

    Oh sure you mean it at the time! But then you will hit Julian with your car and your plan to not get into trouble will just fly out the window!!!! :) Did anybody see the promo I put up?


    Hysterical!!!!! It's better than breaking his legs! :) Oh oh Alexis has to go get whipped cream! Oh is this when she hits Julian? :) I can't wait! :) That is so funny that Alexis texts everyone telling them she went to console Diane because Diane and Max had a fight! Hahahahahha!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Avery and Kiwi: OH! How adorable!!!!! :) That little actress has grown!!! I'm surprised they have kept this actress who is playing Avery! I don't want them to sorass her! I want to watch her grow up! Avery is talking!!!!! :) I wonder if she is speaking her lines or if she is adlibbing. Well adorable scene!!! Wishbones! Awwwww! :) Make a wish!!! Awwwww! :)

    Ava and Kiwi: Oh Kiwi! Stop with the guilty feels!!!!! Yeah Ava you tell her!!!

    Metrocourt hotel/Scotty's room:

    Lotty is all sparkly!!! Lotty sex! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Felicia invited Lucy to Thanksgiving?! How interesting! :) Lucy should go to the Q's Thanksgiving. :) She could sing the traditional song! :)

    Lucy: Uh yeah. I can't risk you double crossing me.

    Scotty: Well I would never do that!

    Yes you would Scotty! HAHAHAHAHHA! I love you Scotty. You are so funny. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant continued:

    Ava and Scotty: Oh Scotty! You told Lucy you would stay away from Ava! ROFL! Oh you got the pills Scotty?!!?! Great job!!!!!!! You still impress me. :) Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: You see Lucy locked the pills in the safe while I was trying to do my monkey business on her.


    Gene's bar: Oh look. There is Alexis making love to the alcohol! And there is Julian watching her!

    Alexis: What are you doing here?

    Julian probably wants to make love to the alcohol too!!

    Crimson: Oh Dillo!!! What are you doing? You shouldn't be alone on Thanksgiving! And don't lie to your mother!!!!

    Killon: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Great scene!!! :) Wait what's that music that is playing? Is that the Thanksgiving traditional song that is sung at the Q's for Thanksgiving?

  6. "Michelle Latta said...Does Scott really think he can put one over on Lucy? They've known each other 20+ yrs, come on LOL!"

    Yeah that is what I was thinking! They have known each other for 20 or so years! BAHAHAHAHA! But I like it when he tries! :)

  7. AntJoan....http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1146321/

    sonya, I don't think a 2 year old would memorize lines. lol The little cutie is just interacting with the people she's with, like a normal kid. That's what I love about her. She doesn't just sit there like a zombie.She babbles like most kids when they're with people. And we learn to talk around them. I like that Scottie waved hi to her and didn't just ignore her. She's soooo adorable.

    1. I agree Di. They were so good with her, ad libbing to her cute babble. I just wanna pinch her cheeks she's so cute!

  8. So, what are you saying Karen. That next year the show will be retitled "General Condominiums"?

  9. "Di said...sonya, I don't think a 2 year old would memorize lines. lol "

    ROFL! No no no that's not what I meant! :) I mean that they are telling her what to say.. So she is repeating it. But I guess not. Love her adlibs!!!! :)

  10. ishouldreadmore said...

    Totally off content. There is a Hallmark Christmas movie on the Hallmark Movies and Mystery Channel (which I didn't think I had, but which I found by going into the really high numbers on my cable, and found at 385; it could be that way on any other system -- high on the channels, that is. Don't think it is the same channel number). The movie is called "The Note," and stars Genie Francis. It is so good!! And it will be on again Dec. 1st at 7a.m. Strange time, I know, but maybe you can record it. Genie is so good in it!

    ** Hallmark's standard channel is generally available to anyone with cable. Their movie channel is the same way, if you have digital cable though. A LOT of their in-house "made for TV" movies feature current and former soap stars. They also repeat stuff fairly regularly, so don't worry too much, if you miss something, odds are it'll be on again. Since I suspect you're on digital cable (or satelite) you might also check your video on demand section, as they do have VOD service. But that depends on if your provider carries it.

    On topic. To me, Avery was the only reason to watch today. The rest was filler or the fall of Alexis, or Scott and Lucy playing hide the salami, oops I mean the pills

    ** She really was totally adorable! :) For anyone who hasn't watched the episode yet: If you are going to be eating anything sweet while watching, do so at your own risk. Sugar consumption on top of her cuteness, could put even a non-diabetic into a diabetic coma. So you have been warned! :) I've ALWAYS loved Scotty, the same goes for Lucy, so I will take either one of them however I can. And if that ends up being together, even better!

    Michelle Latta said...

    The best part of today was Avery. That little girl is so stinkin adorable!!

    ** I think I summed it up perfectly a few lines up. :)

    Does Scott really think he can put one over on Lucy? They've known each other 20+ yrs, come on LOL!

    ** That's what I was wondering at first, myself. As they've definitely been going with more of a "goofball" type and much less of the "shrewd and sneaky" ever since he moved back to PC and settled in, this last time. But, then what he told Ava a bit later after Lucy went to Mac and Felicia's place. (Which the should have heen SHOWN) and now isn't entirely sure, of either way for sure!Gene's bar: Oh look. There is Alexis making love to the alcohol! And there is Julian watching her!

    sonya said...

    Alexis: What are you doing here?

    Julian probably wants to make love to the alcohol too!!

    ** Heehee!

    Oh, when I went back and re-watched the scene with Julian talking to the guy in the bar about the condo project. I thought I should point out to everyone the "she" that they were talking about was just Hayden, the new financial planner or whatever her title is, not some unknown fenaie associate of his, after the little glimpse of the person in red. After seeing Karen putting that in today's post, I knew I needed to go back and rewatch the scene, as that sounded wrong, when she brought it up, and thought she should point that out and clarify it.

    I apologize for the bad or screwy typing tonight, btw, Mt hands and fingers didn't want to do what I told them to.




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...