Morgan died October 7th. Let that sink in.
The guy Jason was talking to got shot. Sigh Police come.
Carly goes to show Sonny the journal. They talk about it, blah blah blah

Valentin tells Griffin I AM THE FATHER. Griffin's DNA test says HE's not the Daddy. Charlotte runs to Val when she sees him says "Here you are"!!
Friz talk about Art. She wants Franco to pose for her. She wants to just do his face.Not his body (damn)
OMG..Lucy called Ava!!????? COOL! This is the old-school Lucy. Lucy thinks Ava and Morgan 'took up again" not that Ava switched the meds. Lucy says she's not going to tell on Ava but is keeping the pills safe for later.

Lante go through the Halloween candy and talk about only having one kid. Yada yada. He gives her her old engagement ring back.
That's it.
Haha!Damn is right! I love Friz, they make me smile.
ReplyDeleteBack Alley: I LOVE that Lucy is part of this!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAva: I've heard stories about you.
Oh yeah? Did you hear the one about Lucy and your sister Olivia? Olivia was in her hospital bed, and Lucy went all gangsta!!! Lucy don't play! So don't mess with her!!! Oh did you also hear about Lucy and your father, and that he choked to death?! And Lucy was there!
Sonny's home: Dig deep Carly!!!! Dig deeeeeeep!!!! Remember that Ava kept going upstairs!!!!
Liz's home:
"Karen says Friz talk about Art. She wants Franco to pose for her. She wants to just do his face.Not his body (damn)"
I know right?!!?!!?!?! Come on Liz let BobTodd take his clothes off!!!!! :)
Police station/Interrogation room:
"Karen says Crap, we ALMOST got a Jordan Curtis kiss!! BUT! Maddox walks in ughhhhhhhh"
I know!!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!!
Maddox: What was that about?
Are you blind man?!!?!?! She wants Curtis! :)
Maddox: It looked like more than that.
Oh Maddox isn't blind afterall! :) Oh Curtis calls Jordan and Maddox goes off on Curtis! HA! Maddox knows you two want each other! :)
Parking garage: Poor Jason without a gun! ROFL! Oh! Team Curtson!!! (Curtis and Jason) Me likey! :)
Metrocourt hotel:
Maury: When it comes to 4 year old Charlotte, Griffin, you are NOT the father.
Charlie: When did you get here? I'm so happy to see you.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)
V.C.: Not as happy as I am to see you.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Sweet scene between V.C. and Charlie! :)
Lante home: Chocolate hands hahahaha. I am sure you can wash that shirt off. Oh geez why remarry? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. That scene is going to be so boring!
My heart dropped for Griffin when he read the DNA results, even more than it did for Nathan. The scene was cute between Charlie and VC though.
DeleteJust loved Friz. ❤❤❤❤
I like Curtson together.
Glad there was no Nelle but wish there would have been no Sonny.
ok, i'll say it and ruffle feathers.
ReplyDeletehow about Carly and Valentin as a couple?
Oh Sonny would love that LOL!
DeleteI can just hear him now, oh and hide the barware. LOL!
Michelle Latta said...
ReplyDeleteMy heart dropped for Griffin when he read the DNA results, even more than it did for Nathan. The scene was cute between Charlie and VC though.
** Yeah, Griffin really wears his heart on his sleeve. Which can be both a good and a bad thing, depending on the situation. This one is definitely the latter. He kinda gets what I like to call a `sad puppy dog' look on his face, with stuff like this. I do still think VC is Charlie's father. She's just too old to be from Lulu's embryo. I totally agree though, that she was adorable with him in the scene!
The best part of yesterday's show was Lucy and Ava - really cool twist. That's the Lucy we know and love. Had to ffwd. most of everything else except Metro Court. Sorry but Friz makes me nauseous - can't even watch. Would like Liz with Griffin.
I still can not get past Franco's past, nor his current jealous streak that shows his past tendencies were not all tumor related. I can't deny the chemistry I just REALLY REALLY REALLY wish they would kill off Franco and bring this actor back as some other character.
ReplyDeleteVery glad to have the real Lucy Coe back. Now, have her kick Nina to the curb. Then have her hook up with Valentin.
I am really liking the Valentin character. I hope they don't make him an unredeemable baddy. Give him some layers, and show him to have a soft side.
So Charlotte is a Cassadine. And we will soon find out she was the product of Lulu's embryo? I am getting my timelines mixed up. I Remember Helena with a copy of a mysterious birth certificate. Was this before or after the frozen embryo?
So Morgan has been dead for over a month? And we still have not seen step dad Jax or uncle Lucas? Has Olivia made a casserole?
Also, where is Mike...Sonny's father? He has been in gambling rehab now for 6 years. Do they not go visit him? Does he not get day passes? Heather gets out of prison for the criminally insane more frequently than Mike gets out of rehab
Really good episode. Friz is so hot.
ReplyDelete"LSV422 said..Would like Liz with Griffin."
ReplyDeleteNo!!!! Dr O has to be with Griffy!!! She wants to glaze his strudel!!!! ROFL!
Sonya, haha! Love that line and love Dr. O.!
friscogh said...
ReplyDeleteSo Charlotte is a Cassadine. And we will soon find out she was the product of Lulu's embryo? I am getting my timelines mixed up. I Remember Helena with a copy of a mysterious birth certificate. Was this before or after the frozen embryo?
** She's much too old to be Lulu's embryo, which only happened 2 years ago, to be precise. In Sept of 2014 was when the whole assault/destruction of Chricton Clark occured. It was the last time we saw Stavros, and when Helena made it out, with Lulu's frozen embryo. Charlotte has to be at least 6 or 7 years old, at the youngest, I would think. She is much too old to be the result of Lulu's embryo and Stavros' fertilization effort. Her being Valentin's daughter with Claudette is the only reasonable/logical option at this point. (Though, I will admit, that doesn't mean Jelly will be reasonable/logical.
The birth certificate you're thinking of is Aiden's. At the time, Helena switched the paternity test results, so they said Nicholas was Aiden's father, and not Lucky, thus the birth certificate. She wanted to take him, and raise him as the Cassadine heir, as another attempt at revenge for Mikos' death. Eventually it did come out that Lucky was his father.