Thursday, November 17, 2016

Best Photo Shoot Ever!

Adorable photo shoot...see the whole Gallery on Soaps In Depth 


  1. Love the picture!!!! :)

    Gene's bar:

    Bartender and Jax: Alexis got lucky?!!?!?!?!?! :)

    Hotel: Alexis got laid!!!! ROFL! With Tom! ROFL! Oh he is taking a shower. Oh too much water on the floor. I was thinking is Alexis gonna find Tom in the shower dead? Oh no she didn't. There is no guy in the shower.. So the whole time I'm thinking did she get laid or not? In the flashbacks, Tom left, which I thought was odd. Why did he leave? Oh wait is it because Alexis knows BobTodd and Tom is afraid of BobTodd? Hahahahahha! But who was it that Alexis left with? Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: You are going to tattle on me, with my children?

    ROFL! Oh Alexis! Don't blackmail Jax!!!!! :( Oh love Diane's text! But it hasn't been a year yet.


    Griffy, Anna, little Charlie, and V.C.: I love how V.C. puts little Charlie in the next table. Geez Anna and Griffy! You want Charlie to hear what you guys are saying?! V.C. is the only one being smart!

    Custody hearing: I love while Anna was giving the judge all the paperwork, V.C. was shaking his head! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He made me laugh. :) Come on judge! Give Charlie to her bio father!

    Judge: Do you know him? What do you call him?

    Little Charlie: Papa.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nelle and Bobbie: Nelle has sticky fingers!!! Love that Bobbie catches her in the act! Oh rats there was an excuse for Nelle to take the money!

    Bobbie and Carly:

    Bobbie: Monica wants me to come back to work at GH.


    Carly and Nelle: Carly wants Nelle to ignore Bobbie! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    *Nelle goes in the elevator and grins like a Cheshire cat*

    Nelle: That went well.


    The hospital:

    Friz: Geez Liz is full of what if's! Relax Liz. Your man was just trying to protect you! :)

    Kelly's part 2:

    Liz and Tom: EEP! :0

    1. Guess I'd better get to watching

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I can't believe Tom had the nerve to approach Liz! Jax and Alexis were cute but seriously an intervention needs to happen like yesterday.
      Loved all the photos from the photo shoot!

  2. sonya said...

    Hotel: Alexis got laid!!!! ROFL! With Tom! ROFL! Oh he is taking a shower. Oh too much water on the floor. I was thinking is Alexis gonna find Tom in the shower dead?

    ** That's exactly what I thought was gonna happen, too. I was expecting to see them cut to the bathroom with a shot of him dead in the bathtub, water running over for a long time, soaking the floor.

    Oh no she didn't. There is no guy in the shower.. So the whole time I'm thinking did she get laid or not? In the flashbacks, Tom left, which I thought was odd. Why did he leave? Oh wait is it because Alexis knows BobTodd and Tom is afraid of BobTodd? Hahahahahha! But who was it that Alexis left with?

    ** That's what I got out of, it too. After figuring out that she knew him, the guy couldn't get out of that room fast enough, leaving Alexis by herself, until the manager showed up, and then Jax. Not sure how/why the water was on. But, since it was essentially a "fake out", it doesn't really matter.

    Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: You are going to tattle on me, with my children?

    ROFL! Oh Alexis! Don't blackmail Jax!!!!! :( Oh love Diane's text! But it hasn't been a year yet.

    ** I thought her doing that to Jax was kinda weird, for her. As far as Dianne's text, that's the whole point, she's telling Alexis that she's talked the board into reviewing her suspension earlier than they said they would.


    Griffy, Anna, little Charlie, and V.C.: I love how V.C. puts little Charlie in the next table. Geez Anna and Griffy! You want Charlie to hear what you guys are saying?! V.C. is the only one being smart!

    ** Yeah, even since she rejoined the WSB, at least when dealing with VC and Charlie, Anna has still been off her game, so to speak. even with little things like that.

    Custody hearing: I love while Anna was giving the judge all the paperwork, V.C. was shaking his head! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He made me laugh. :) Come on judge! Give Charlie to her bio father!

    ** Even though he's nowhere near as evil and menacing, as Helena originally described him as (And at the time it WAS obvious that she did fear him, when she first told Luke about him), he's still a good looking rogue-ishly charming, smart ass, which is very much my "type"

    Judge: Do you know him? What do you call him?

    Little Charlie: Papa.

    ** After that, Anna and Griffin stand VERY little to zero chance of getting custody now!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Bobbie: Monica wants me to come back to work at GH.


    ** THIS made my day!!! :) I cheered very vocally. :) It sure took them long enough to do it, though.


  3. Alexis is acting like an alcoholic/addict-yes, blackmailing Jax is out of character for her, but, that's what happens to addicts, their moral center chisels away as they protect their addiction, which becomes the most important thing.

    Alexis in the morning, and in that photo shoot--she is BEAUTIFUL!! They showed her LEGS, which are GORGEOUS, and, after a supposed night of drinking and little make-up, she STILL is gorgeous!! And she is around 60!! I'll have what she's having . . .

    I wonder if they'll ever show Bobbie working at the hospital. It would be HEAVEN if Bobbie, Monica and Tracy can be featured there!

  4. And one more thing: Valentin SHOULD NOT become nuanced as a sexy guy or good father--HE MURDERED NIK!! And I LOVE Nik, I'm sure we all do, I look at VC and see a killer, that is all. You know, everyone speaks of how Alexis drinks due to the fiasco with Julian, BUT SHE ALSO LOST HER BELOVED NEPHEW! They were close, for decades, she would be heartbroken over it! Same as Michael losing Sabrina, but no one mentions it anymore, just that he lost Morgan (which, of course is beyond tragic, but so is the loss of Sabrina).

  5. Loved the photos of two of my favorite ladies! And very happy to see more of Bobbie and maybe even in action at GH. Aside from the absurdity of having a same day child custody hearing, it would be even more absurd to give Charlotte to a practically total stranger. Wouldn't they have to go through her grandparents on Claudette's side to make a huge decision like that? Yeah, looks like they are attempting to water down Valentin's evil side. Liz sure has her hands full with her 4th child, Franco.

  6. "K says That's exactly what I thought was gonna happen, too. I was expecting to see them cut to the bathroom with a shot of him dead in the bathtub, water running over for a long time, soaking the floor."

    I guess there was no guy? Or maybe there was? I'm so confused.

    "I thought her doing that to Jax was kinda weird, for her."

    Yeah it was!

    "As far as Dianne's text, that's the whole point, she's telling Alexis that she's talked the board into reviewing her suspension earlier than they said they would."

    Ohhhh okay. Well good glad Diane talked to the board. :)

    "he's still a good looking rogue-ishly charming, smart ass"

    Oh yes he is!!!! Yum! :)

    "After that, Anna and Griffin stand VERY little to zero chance of getting custody now!"

    Yeah that's for sure!

    "THIS made my day!!! :) I cheered very vocally. :) It sure took them long enough to do it, though."

    Hahah. Yeah it made my day too! :) I want to see Bobbie working at the hospital!

    "AntJoan said...Alexis is acting like an alcoholic/addict-yes, blackmailing Jax is out of character for her, but, that's what happens to addicts, their moral center chisels away as they protect their addiction, which becomes the most important thing."

    Yeah good point.

  7. AntJoan said...

    Alexis is acting like an alcoholic/addict-yes, blackmailing Jax is out of character for her, but, that's what happens to addicts, their moral center chisels away as they protect their addiction, which becomes the most important thing.

    ** I wasn't saying that wasn't the case. I've lost family and friends due to addictions. Like I've said before though, its the storyline itself, I've got issues with, and won't go into over and over again. I just wish they hadn't gone that route.

    And one more thing: Valentin SHOULD NOT become nuanced as a sexy guy or good father--HE MURDERED NIK!! And I LOVE Nik, I'm sure we all do, I look at VC and see a killer, that is all. You know, everyone speaks of how Alexis drinks due to the fiasco with Julian, BUT SHE ALSO LOST HER BELOVED NEPHEW! They were close, for decades, she would be heartbroken over it! Same as Michael losing Sabrina, but no one mentions it anymore, just that he lost Morgan (which, of course is beyond tragic, but so is the loss of Sabrina).

    ** Of those 3 characters, Nik is definitely the one that has the best chance at coming back. I love him too. But, really we don't know for CERTAIN that he is dead. We just saw VC shoot him, then fall over the balcony. The way VC has been acting, especially since returning to Port Charles, I have to wonder exactly what's going on. Then there was the call Ava got,that she said sounded like Nik. Nor am I minimizing the effect of Nik's `death' on her. Unfortunately, really the only times she has really brought him up though, are with helping Laura, and then with dealing with VC.


  8. OpenID 54680f9e-549a-11e6-b7af-97dd4d23ba7a said...Valentin SHOULD NOT become nuanced as a sexy guy or good father--HE MURDERED NIK!

    ***I can see why the writers think we'd accept that though. We've all been told a million times what a great father Sonny is, and he's portrayed as so irresitable that all his kids have different mothers. And Sonny has killed many people in cold blood, or stood by and ordered someone else to shoot them in cold blood. He even shot a cop in cold blood and had that cop forgive him and not charge him because he found out it was his son. And SONNY IS A GOOD FATHER!!!! ( gospel according to GH) So why can't evil Valentin be a good father too.

  9. OpenID 54680f9e-549a-11e6-b7af-97dd4d23ba7a said...Valentin SHOULD NOT become nuanced as a sexy guy or good father--HE MURDERED NIK!

    ***I can see why the writers think we'd accept that though. We've all been told a million times what a great father Sonny is, and he's portrayed as so irresitable that all his kids have different mothers. And Sonny has killed many people in cold blood, or stood by and ordered someone else to shoot them in cold blood. He even shot a cop in cold blood and had that cop forgive him and not charge him because he found out it was his son. And SONNY IS A GOOD FATHER!!!! ( gospel according to GH) So why can't evil Valentin be a good father too.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...