Wednesday, November 2, 2016

GH reopens!

I still haven't bothered with Monday and Tuesday's GH So if I act clueless, this is why!! 

Monica gives a speech...Franco thinks he's going to thank him but she thanks Tracy instead.
Steve Hardy's photo is back up. Tracy says some board members want to still sell it. So, "do your best work". 

Hayden is all snippy with Liz .."Franco is a nutjob". They are like the same height-- good sister material.  Hayden is GH's new financial manager. Because you know, all her experience with her crooked daddy. (I guess?) 

Curtis. AND.....(sad clown) VAL. She was pretty sweaty to be in the Metro.  She finds his photo of the PCPD file he took. 

Sam is in the hospital..Not sure why? Doctor said everything's fine. It's some kind of pain--can't hear them mumbling. I must be getting old because it was really noticeable today. 

Griffin is at Anna's? Well, guess that's good since I don't have a clue where he lives. 

Alexis is hung over. As usual. This is getting so old.  Valentin walks in. They banter. He wants to offer Alexis a job.  They are 1/2 siblings, btw.  He wants her to be a consultant to clear up the family estate. I heard Valentine got off on a "technical thing". OMG he and Julian both. Great. 
He called Helena a PIT-VIPER. Oh hell no. He tells her the two of them deserve to get everything in the Cassadine estate. 

Ok, I lasted until 2:26 
Baby Steps people


  1. Griffin is at Anna's because Valentin is in PC. Claudette is gone and he is worried for "his daughter."

    Sam had an emergency and was taken to MERCY Hospital. She had non-real labor pains (?) and must not overdo anything.

    Alexis drank nearly TWO bottles of wine that night and did not get Jason's calls about Sam.

  2. OMG, DR. O!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HER!! "I would love to get the chance to glaze his strudel!" LMAOPMSL!!!! And Franco's face, PRICELESS!! People, tell me, is this not worth all the crap we have to slog though on GH, to get moments like this? And then when Dr. O "skipped" after Monica walked away--OMG, she is hysterical!!

  3. Mercy hospital:

    Paint's room: What?! Round ligament pain? But she wasn't in pain with her leg!!!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis: What happened?

    What happened?! I will tell you what happened! You made love to your wine and then passed out!

    Alexis and V.C.: Great scene!!!!! Loved how he faked slitting his throat!! Making her very uncomfortable. I like that she is going to help him.

    Alexis, V.C., and Paint and wall: Oh look baby Trim grew!!! :)

    V.C.: Oh and regarding the case of wine, I'm sorry for having that delivered. I only meant it as a gift, I didn't realize you aren't drinking anymore.

    HUH?! Oh I get it. He is lying for Alexis to protect her so that people know she didn't buy it herself. Right?

    Chandler mansion:

    Griffy and Anna: Love. :)

    Dante and Anna: Oh Dante!!! :(

    The hospital: The hospital is open YAY! I can't believe you Monica!!! The thank yous should go to BobTodd NOT Tracy!!!

    Dr. O and BobTodd: I love when they whine to each other hahaha. It's so humorous and entertaining! :) And ROHO is eating! YAY! :) He is telling her he won't be jealous anymore! Dr. O wins the line of the day!

    Dr. O: I tell you, if I ever have the chance to glaze his strudel, oh my!

    ROFL! Oh I would love to see that! :)

    Friz and Griffy: No more jealousy anymore huh? Yeah right hahahahaha!

    Monica and Dr. O: OH! Monica! Does this mean Dr. O won't be in the records room anymore?! :)

    Tracy and Hammy: Tracy sees that RayFinn have feelings for each other! :)

    Liz and RayRay: Oh! RayRay is a financial lady now?! Interesting.. Liz vs RayRay = Gold! :) I bet eventually something will happen that will make them get closer together. :)

    RayFinn: RayRay doesn't want to be his lunch buddy!!! She has feelings for him! Come on Hammy! Admit you have feelings for her and want to be with her!!!! Even Tracy can see that! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Curtis and Val: Oh oh dump city! So what is going to happen now? Is Curtis going to go straight to Jordan and tell her off, and then they have HOT angry I want you sex? :) I'm waiting for that! :)

  4. "AntJoan said...OMG, DR. O!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HER!! "I would love to get the chance to glaze his strudel!" LMAOPMSL!!!! And Franco's face, PRICELESS!!"

    Hahahaha it was great! :)

    "People, tell me, is this not worth all the crap we have to slog though on GH, to get moments like this?"

    I am so glad we get moments like that!!!!

    "And then when Dr. O "skipped" after Monica walked away--OMG, she is hysterical!!"

    It was priceless!!!! Hahahaha!

  5. I can understand that Finn still is mourning his wife a year later. It has been nearly four years that my husband is gone and I morn his loss every day.

  6. AntJoan said...

    OMG, DR. O!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HER!! "I would love to get the chance to glaze his strudel!" LMAOPMSL!!!! And Franco's face, PRICELESS!! And then when Dr. O "skipped" after Monica walked away--OMG, she is hysterical!!

    ** The expression on her face, and her delivery, was PERFECT! Once again showing, why I adore Dr. O SO MUCH!!

    People, tell me, is this not worth all the crap we have to slog though on GH, to get moments like this?

    ** As far as my thinking on this goes, is that I've watched GH and a few other soaps for just about 40 years, now. Not to mention all of those over the years that have been canceled. It was my grandmother that got me into them. I was the only other person in the family on both sides that loved them, like her. So it was our `thing' so to say. And seeing it's one of the very few remaining things that I have that still connects me to her. Between that, and the fact that there are only 4 remaining shows left today (I'm not counting stuff like The Bay, and being able to go back and rewatch older stuff on YouTube again) it really makes me hesitant to stop watching one, even when it's harder to watch at times. This is far from being GH at it's worst. So stuff like this definitely helps. And there is also this little invention called the `fast forward button', for bits I just can't stand to watch. It's why I record EVERYTHING now.

    sonya said...

    V.C.: Oh and regarding the case of wine, I'm sorry for having that delivered. I only meant it as a gift, I didn't realize you aren't drinking anymore.

    HUH?! Oh I get it. He is lying for Alexis to protect her so that people know she didn't buy it herself. Right?

    ** Yeah, that's exactly what it was. Up until then, I didn't think she was gonna do anything for him. But after he threw that out, VERY unexpectedly, you could definitely see her reevaluating what she thought she knew about it, and changing her mind. I didn't see it coming at all, and was actually made him a bit more intriguing to me. It definitely added some more depth to him.

    Dr. O: I tell you, if I ever have the chance to glaze his strudel, oh my!

    ROFL! Oh I would love to see that! :)

    ** I'd pay to see it!


  7. "Glaze his strudel," PRICELESS, I still can't stop laughing!! And I see that others felt the same!! Sonya, I am calling this the best line of all time!! It is simultaneously literal and metaphorical, just brilliant! And, Dr. O, I would pay to watch you read the phone book!

    I think Alexis was planning to help VC even before he covered for her wine purchase, not because she wants to help him, but because he said he will leave PC if she can prove that he is not heir to the estate. THAT is her motivation. . .

  8. I sorta watched Mon, watched 10 minutes of Tues but Francos jealousy turned me off. The writers ruined Nico and now they are ruining Friz! I might watch the reopening of GH.....

  9. Sallie thank you!! many people messaged me on Twitter about the glazing thing with Dr. O!!!!!!!

  10. I was so glad to have a day without Sonny I hate to complain. But Paint and Wall really need to stop mumbling and form their words.

  11. I have a thought regarding Charlotte and her (possible) parentage....

    Everyone is saying "How could Charlotte be Lulu's kid if she's older than Rocco?"

    Well, how about this:

    Everyone just assumes that Lulu's eggs were taken and fertilized when she was frozen on Cassadine Island (hence the resulting child younger than Rocco). But, way before that, Lulu had her eggs harvested & embryos created with Dante's sperm. One of her eggs could have been taken at that time and fertilized with someone else's sperm.

    Also, IIRC, she and Dante had three viable embryos--one was implanted in Maxie, one in Brit and one "disappeared" (I think maybe the one they believe Helena had at the Creighton Clark Clinic).

    So.... Given the way these writers take liberty with "history" .... Charlotte could still be Lulu's child and be 5-ish years old.

    With all that being said--I don't trust these writers to not screw it totally up somehow.

    And, as a side note: it irritates the pee out of me that they're showing two blue-eyed people with a brown-eyed child. Did no one have to do those little charts in 9th-grade biology with the dominate and recessive genes? Blue eyes are recessive.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...