Sunday, November 13, 2016

Emergency Surgery: Requiem For a Soap

Meet GH. 

Image result for sabrina dies on gh

The soap that's had a serial killer story line that offed a popular character by showing her strangulation in pretty brutal fashion. 

Image result for julian tries to kill alexis

The soap that is teasing to have a formerly strong woman (who turned to drink in times of crisis) 'reunite' with the man that tried to slit her throat. 

Image result for ava switches morgans meds

The soap that had another woman change bipolar medication on a young character that was finally getting his life under control. Social message? Um, none. 

Image result for elizabeth is raped on general hospital

The soap that is having a rapist from a woman's past pop up again to drive a story about redemption of a serial killer/abuser because a great/popular actor was miscast into a role that was designed to be short term and jarring. 

Image result for sonny corinthos

The soap that glorifies a mobster to the point of having everything, even his child's death revolve and center around his internal pain/angst. Not that he ever tried to truly extract himself from the crime-ridden life. No, he and the writers celebrated it for years.  The story couldn't even be written if someone else (Ava) didn't mess around with Morgan's medication.  

What's left now? Oh, let me tell you what's left. 

Image result for sonny and robin on the bridge on gh

A man on a bridge. Threatens suicide. Is stopped by an old friend who implores him not to waste his life because of all the 'goodness' left in it. We listened to Sonny's pain/angst and wrestling with conscience for weeks on this. And yet.... and yet.......
They can't let it go. 

Image result for morgans funeral on general hospital

Hell, no. Why not have Sonny get all up in the funeral too? I wondered why they needed that giant-assed coffin with no body. It was so Sonny could parade around it and lean on it and grieve his bitter, bitter tears.  It's a wonder that since Morgan's death happened October 7th, he has anything left in his ducts to squeeze out. 

His daughter is distraught. They've had some touching discussions. He has another son who's lost 2 girlfriends tragically and now his brother. His wife is going through her own personal hell. He has a toddler he wrenched away from her mother for 'protection'. 

But..what does Sonny do? 
The writers have him PULL A GUN at the funeral and threaten suicide. 

Image result for morgans funeral on general hospital

Now, let's examine this. Does anyone really think Sonny will actually splatter his brains out all over his son's coffin?  I did hear they herded the kids out of the church but-- Come on. It's not going to happen. 

So what is? 

Image result for morgans funeral on general hospitalImage result for morgans funeral on general hospital

Oh Sonny...don't do it!! Jason! Will save the day!! Sonny you've got so much to live for! So much to give! I can hear it now. We can't even have a few weeks of Sonny manning up for any consequences before trying to take the easy way out and get the pity-party cranking. (Not to mention out right 'innocence' of the hit).  Sonny's done nothing to change, nothing to grow, the canvas never shifts because "he is what he is". 

EDITING **Note: Interesting thing came up on twitter. Friend Meghan suggests that perhaps Sonny will fake everyone out and open the coffin and put his gun in? DONE with the Lifffffe? Hmmm. What do you think? 
The only way I'd write this scene is if every person in that church stood up, turned their backs on him and walked OUT.  Have Carly and Alexis tell him they hope his insurance covers suicide. Someone else ask where he wants his ashes scattered.  No one cares if you called off the hit or not. NOPE...your business and your life caused this. Deal with it. Hopefully, the church ladies have a good cleaning service they use. 

Elephant (or empty coffin) in the room? No body. When Bryan Craig realizes he needs some money? I'm sure ol' Morgan will pop his ass back up again. Making yet another death on GH just plain worthless.


  1. I just popped back in to say BRAVO. Couldn't have said it better myself.

  2. You shouldn't need an anti-depressant after watching a show that is meant to be entertaining escapism. But that's what GH has been reduced to.

  3. first of all grief doesnt just end after a month- believe me so that was kinda nasty- then to make fun of suicide and bipolar disease is just wrong- you are so damn sarcastic- why watch it then if you all you are going to do is bash something you have no clue about

  4. THIS said it all for #GH. Thank you for such a succinct review of what has always been my favorite show. I just can't watch it anymore; as these current writers use the same old trick shatter/angst/redemption for the same old characters. I only hope TPTB are paying attention.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Requiem For a Soap! ROFL!

    "EDITING **Note: Interesting thing came up on twitter. Friend Meghan suggests that perhaps Sonny will fake everyone out and open the coffin and put his gun in? DONE with the Lifffffe? Hmmm. What do you think?"

    Oh! That is an interesting theory. I like that. :)

  7. You hit the nail on the head! Couldn't agree more.

  8. sonya said...

    Requiem For a Soap! ROFL!

    "EDITING **Note: Interesting thing came up on twitter. Friend Meghan suggests that perhaps Sonny will fake everyone out and open the coffin and put his gun in? DONE with the Lifffffe? Hmmm. What do you think?"

    Oh! That is an interesting theory. I like that. :)

    ** I have to admit, that would definitely be different. Though, I'd still rather go with what I wrote yesterday. (Which mirror's Karen's thoughts pretty closely) But, I could accept something like that. Sadly, I don't see it happening. Mainly because it's thinking deeper than the writers have been. Except for the mess with Paul (which still feels like it makes more sense as a fever dream, than any other reason.) For the most part, what's been on screen since they've taken over has been quite predictable. Especially after having watched them to almost exactly the same thing over on Y&R. So if Sonny actually put his gun in the casket, and then walked back out, I would be very impressed. They have done some good stuff since taking over, unfortunately, it doesn't happen near as much and often, as it should.

    Sorry for all the ranting I've been doing lately. I'll try to refrain from it.


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Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...