Friday, November 11, 2016

Sunday Surgery: The Blind Leading the Blind

NOTE In a week where I've drank and taken enough Xanax for 9 people, I PUBLISHED THIS I could either delete it, or leave it. 
Enjoy. BLOOP! 

After an awful week, I couldn't bring myself to jump back into GH. It was such a relief not to have to watch. I really didn't want to sit through sad Morgan funeral stuff. HOWEVER, I did look through Twitter and find some interesting screen shots I thought I'd try and caption for your pleasure. Hope you enjoy. 

I've been eating junk food all week's some Doritos and tootsie rolls. 

Now, Elizabeth, I don't need you up all in my face right now. I've just been on a damn 6 month honeymoon and all these things happened while I was gone... so save it. Ok? Back up. Just BACK-IT-UP. 

Now, remember... sing the ABC Song while you wash... Just sing it. Maybe twice.

I'm here Hayden, I' here..
Oh that's the oxygen mask. 
Where'd I get these gloves? Brad. 

Carly, that's a big coffin. I mean...
I wanted his cell phone to have a final resting place, ok?? OK!!??? 

Wait..have I been drunk for a long time? Did Molly totally cut her hair off? And is Sam looking like a Quaker? When did her baby bump get so big? Hmmm, is that wine still in my purse? 

Sweat. Sweat and Angst. I have no right to live on this earth. None.

See? I got a gun. Yep. I have it. In my sweaty hands. 

Nathan, you're telling me to read this to you?
Yeah.. can you just read the big words? 

So, um...Elizabeth, I have something to ask you...
Um..can you make some of those rice crispie treats again? 

So.. as you can see, it's my thrice yearly appearance to do some legal things.  Oh, and that outfit looks like you've slept in it. 

Well, bro...I think we're a team now..
Yeah..think so.. here, want some gum? 
Sure. Hey, love the jacket. 

Oh hi! Are you my Daddy? 
Well, now, you remember our secret right? 
Oh, you're not my Daddy yet...right??
Well, we'll see.. 

Hey, I had my hair done special for this. I went to Scotty's guy over on Monroe. Cool, right?

WELL, SHIT, I think I just published this early! LOL enjoy! 


  1. So...the funeral that took a month to plan.

    No Lucas. No mention of Lucas (that I heard). No Brad. No TJ...he was part of the storyline of Morgan stealing the car, has TJ been on since? No uncle Ric. No grandpa Mike (Heathers gets out of mental prison more frequently than Mike gets out of rehab). No Darby. No coffee shop co-workers. No Max. No Milo. No Diane. No Jerry Jax.

    Joss sang...with auto tune.

    And of course it had to be all about Sonny. I hope Carly jumps up and tells him to sit down, shut the f up, cause not everything has to be all about him. But no, instead Carly and Sonny will probably have grief sex in the hearse

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sonya said...

    Oh Karen hahahhahaha! So early! Bloop! :)

    Wyndemere: Werewolf RayRay is dying! She is dying!!!!! She stopped breathing!!! Get her to the hospital ASAP!!!!

    The hospital:

    BobTodd: OH! The guy who raped Liz is going to live with his brother! Get him BobTodd! Get him!

    RayRay's room: RayRay is having seizures!!! While she was having seizures, it looked like Rebecca Budig was trying not to laugh hahaha.


    Tracy, RayRay, Finny, and Liz: Oh I think that is a great idea!!! RayRay should stay at the Q home so that Finny can take care of her! :) Great scene! Liz are you going to be softer toward your sister? :)

    Outside the church: Oh Molly got a haircut! Cute! I like it. Does the actress want to look older? :) Killon! Awwww! :( Just get back together!

    The church: This is way too sad! :( What was the point of having the funeral now? I was waiting for Morgan to show up but he didn't. So I don't get it. Nice hug between Jax and Sonny! New Bromance? Nah. :) Alexis and Jax scene YAY! Damn this funeral is awful! :'( Sonny is gonna kill himself? I doubt it.. Jason and Carly scene. :(

    Sonny's home: So the guy who looks like Jaaaaaaaaaarlos didn't have his men put the bomb in the car. So who did?!!?! Love you Max!!!!

  4. "friscogh said...But no, instead Carly and Sonny will probably have grief sex in the hearse"

    ROFL! Yeah probably. :) Hearse sex!!! :)

  5. OpenID friscogh said...

    No Lucas. No mention of Lucas (that I heard). No Brad. No TJ...he was part of the storyline of Morgan stealing the car, has TJ been on since? No uncle Ric. No grandpa Mike (Heathers gets out of mental prison more frequently than Mike gets out of rehab). No Darby. No coffee shop co-workers. No Max. No Milo. No Diane. No Jerry Jax.

    ** There is a bit in this week's SiD, in which Ryan Carnes said he will DEFINITELY be back on screen at some point, he just doesn't have an exact date. He's also down in Mexico currently, launching a new business, and shooting a Spanish language film. Ron Hale has totally retired from acting. I think I read somewhere a while back, that they tried to get him to come back when Illene Kirsten did to play Deliah, as either Mike or Roger Coleridge, but he wouldn't. And Max WAS on today. He was helping Jason out with figuring out exactly what happened with the bomb.


  6. Let's call it your Friday Surgery. LOL! Great one, flying blind can be really great!

  7. It was really hard to feel anything watching the funeral for someone who was so unlikable from the first day BC started playing Morgan. We were not privy to all the "nice, brotherly" things that were mentioned. So sick of Sonny front and center that I wanted him to end it all and put us out of our misery. Great to have Jax back-they should put him on contract. RoHo's hair looks disgusting and the further attempts to humanize him are not working. Glad to see Laura interacting more with others and Molly's hair looks very pretty. ME was overacting so much in the scenes with Hayden that it was distracting. Sunday came early this week, LOL.

  8. SO SONNY PLANS TO BLOW HIS BRAINS OUT in front of his children? And this somehow will be healing? WHAT are the writers/Sonny thinking?

  9. "AntJoan said...SO SONNY PLANS TO BLOW HIS BRAINS OUT in front of his children? And this somehow will be healing? WHAT are the writers/Sonny thinking?"

    Actually his children left, along with Joss. They went home. But yeah it's crazy to blow his brains out in front of people!!! I don't know what the writers/Sonny are thinking!

  10. sonya said...

    Actually his children left, along with Joss. They went home. But yeah it's crazy to blow his brains out in front of people!!! I don't know what the writers/Sonny are thinking!

    ** Pretty much the usual, Sonny thinks of himself first, and foremost. At least he has since he came back in the late 90s. It's pretty obvious that Jelly love the character/MB, the way they focus on him so much again. There's also the fact that EVERYONE knows he won't go through with it. Especially after when Jason told Sam that he was working on something to "change everything." Jason will stop him in time, and then it looks like it will turn out that it wasn't Sonny's fault, actually. Which really shouldn't matter one damn bit. This is one time I've actually liked and respected Carly's response/actions to it. Just because we'll find out that Sonny had nothing to do with the bomb, doesn't mean a thing. It's Sonny's "business" itself, that's the root of the problem. Not just because Sonny ended up killing Morgan, when he thought he actually called off the hit. Even though I REALLY wish they would actually have kept it that way, and it actually was his fault. I just really do hope that even though he ends up not actually being directly responsible, they don't write it that Carly will forgive him then. Though, I know the chances of that, are about equal to having Tony Geary come back.




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...