Monday, November 14, 2016

Dearly Beloved

We are gathered together today to watch Sonny's Sob Story in Full Bloom. He takes full responsibility for Morgan's death. Cries. Says his life has had violence in it. Cries. He talks to all his loved ones.
He's sad..he's upset. He's the 'sole reason' Morgan died. He offered his hands for handcuffs. Jordan takes him in for questioning instead. He won't let Jason tell him what he found out. Zzzzz

Ava and Scotty in some 'secret' coffee place. She wants him to steal the drugs from Lucy. Crimson playing with Yentl...paperdolls. Valentin wanders in later. 

Valentin comes up behind Laura at Wyndemere because he has no key. He tells her she can live there if she wants..she's "Family".  Then Kevin says she can move in with him! She says it's too soon. 


  1. I was making jalapeƱo poppers wth did I miss?? Why is Charlotte with cray cray?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. They interrupted GH for a stupid Obama press conference. Sonya, need you to fill us in on the rest of what happened, if you saw it.

    1. Yeh they interrupted here 1/2 way into gh. Which led to a 2 1/2 hrs nap.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. because Valentin is saying he's her father

  5. The memorial service: See all of Sonny's kids were gone and Joss, and Sam. All except Dante and Michael. Michael is over 21 so he can handle what Sonny was doing.

    Sonny: Fantastic scenes with Maurice Bernard!!! Bravo!!!!!! :) Well he didn't put the gun in the casket and I thought he was going to put the gun to his head.

    Nelle: She was all boo hooing when Sonny was talking, and reading Carly's letter that Sonny gave her to give to Carly!!!! And then she closed the envelope with holy water! BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!

    Jax: Oh! Jax got suspicious eyes on Nelle!!!!

    Bobbie: So does Bobbie of course! :)

    Jax and Carly: Awwww! :( So glad Jax is there for her! I love when Jax has his hair that way! I don't like it when it's all flat like before.


    Charlie and Nina: Hmmm what is happening here? :) What is all this about?! Oh look V.C. shows up!! Awww they can be a family! :)Oh hi Griffy and Anna! Oh the results! Oh V.C. is the papa!!!


    V.C. and Laura: What?! V.C. doesn't have a key?! ROFL! When Laura walked away from him, V.C. had an evil look to him!!! Laura wins the line of the day!

    Laura: You know what you can do with that olive branch.


    Laura and Kevin: Oh sure you can live with Kevin! :) What? Too soon? Okay. :( Oh Levin kiss!!! :) Oh hi Lulu!

    Laura and Lulu: Okay sure you can live with Lante for now! :)

    Secret place: I have no idea where the hell they all are! It looks like the back of Kelly's!

    Scotty and Ava: Ohhhhh Scotty is going to play cat and mouse with Lucy!!! :) I always loved their cat and mouse games. :)

    Killon: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Kiss already!

  6. "AntJoan said...They interrupted GH for a stupid Obama press conference. Sonya, need you to fill us in on the rest of what happened, if you saw it."

    Where do you live again? Here in Rochester it was at 3:30.

  7. sonya said...

    The memorial service: See all of Sonny's kids were gone and Joss, and Sam. All except Dante and Michael. Michael is over 21 so he can handle what Sonny was doing.

    Sonny: Fantastic scenes with Maurice Bernard!!! Bravo!!!!!! :) Well he didn't put the gun in the casket and I thought he was going to put the gun to his head.

    ** I will admit, that did surprise me a bit. I was sure they were going down the faux suicide path, and have Jason run up to stop him. Since he just followed him down to the PCPD to tell him he wasn't responsible for the bomb and stop him from "confessing", it still came off as a big "cop out" to me, letting Sonny off the hook for everything, yet again. So I will give the writers partial credit, I just wish they had had the guts to go all the way, and still make Sonny responsible. Especially after he basically got away with killing A.J.

    Jax: Oh! Jax got suspicious eyes on Nelle!!!!

    Bobbie: So does Bobbie of course! :)

    ** Bobbie's assessment/suspicions of her has been the best part of the storyline.

    Secret place: I have no idea where the hell they all are! It looks like the back of Kelly's!

    ** I have no clue either. It doesn't look like the back of Kelly's (in any version of the set) It looked more upscale to me. At first I thought it was the Metrocourt, but when Scotty said they didn't serve alcohol there, it ruled that out, along with some addition to Jake's, or yet another different Haunted Star set. Maybe the inside of Perks? That and Sonny's restaurant that is never open, and I can't see Scotty and Ava going in there, are the only other options I can think of, at the moment.

    Scotty and Ava: Ohhhhh Scotty is going to play cat and mouse with Lucy!!! :) I always loved their cat and mouse games. :)

    ** I REALLY hope they're going to actually be on screen. Since I had to watch GH on Hulu due to the press conference, there was no preview of tomorrow's ep at the end. So I have no idea if they plan to or not.

    Soap related, but not quite GH related. I know there are others here besides me that watch Y&R, and this is something that longtime viewers of it, like me will be very pleased to read. That said, it's something I really think TPTB of GH could learn something from it. It's a fantastic interview with Sally Sussman, Y&R's "new" (but a VERY well known,and beloved, name to those of us longtime viewers of the show.) headwriter. Nearly everything she says, is spot on. I just wanted to share this, as it deals with some of the biggest issues with soaps, these days.


  8. Because of the brick I thought they used Liz old studio/Franco's apt for the coffee spot were Ava & Scotty met.

  9. I think that brick is also in Maxie's apt. and was in the nail salon where Laura and Lulu had their manicures. I always thought Perks was strictly outdoors. Love anything with Scotty and I am so happy to see more of Laura. Genie looks fabulous and always brings a smile to my face. Couldn't watch Sonny emoting. He is still guilty of originally setting up a hit - against the law I believe. As far as the interview with SS for Y&R, Jelly had a great interview when they first started and look how wonderful they have been, LOL.

  10. Off topic: OLTL Eddie Alderson, Kris little brother has been diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. He played Matthew on OLTL

  11. LSV422 said...

    As far as the interview with SS for Y&R, Jelly had a great interview when they first started and look how wonderful they have been, LOL.

    ** Yeah, but there's a BIG difference between Jelly and SS. I've never seen anything by SS on Y&R in the past that felt completely out of place, nor goes against well established history. She worked VERY closely with Bill Bell, and knows the show inside and out, not to mention actually cares for it. When it comes to Jelly, be it either the current GH run, their Y&R run that ended right before they joined GH, or any other work in the past, it's never never been quality output. Stuff is reused over and over again. In this week's SOD there is a little blurb with them saying how it's hard to work with stuff in the past that they didn't write themselves. Specifically this quote is in relation to bringing Liz's rapist back, and how she and Franco handle things.

    The exact quote is: "It's very hard to talk about stories that happened 18 years before we were involved in the show, or even 2 years before we were involved in the show. But it's important to deal with the reality of the characters as much as possible within certain guidelines we have set for ourselves, to help the story move forward [while also] making it romantic, and making it entertaining."

    I can't EVER see SS saying something like that. Especially with her proven track record, and knowledge of the show's history, and love of the show. Which is about as different as Jelly's with GH (or any other show they have worked on together) as possible. It's completely the opposite. Anything I've seen of their work in the past, has been identical to what's happening on GH right now. So the interview with SS there, isn't quite the same as what Jelly said starting out. Not to mention, the more time that goes on with this stint at GH, they come across even more clueless and like a fish out of water, with every interview/quote to the media, that I've read. I don't know how much history, if any at all, with Y&R you've got. As that is an important factor in understanding as to why there is such a difference, between the what each show's HW have said.


  12. K, too bad we couldn't get SS!!

  13. "K says Jason run up to stop him. Since he just followed him down to the PCPD to tell him he wasn't responsible for the bomb and stop him from "confessing", it still came off as a big "cop out" to me, letting Sonny off the hook for everything, yet again."

    Doesn't really matter! Cus once Morgan shows up alive, Sonny will get out of jail anyway! :)

    "Bobbie's assessment/suspicions of her has been the best part of the storyline."

    Hahaha yeah it is! :)

    "It's very hard to talk about stories that happened 18 years before we were involved in the show, or even 2 years before we were involved in the show"

    Huh? They are writers.. They can do it. They can handle it. Sounds like they are whining.

  14. LSV422 said...

    K, too bad we couldn't get SS!!

    ** While she would definitely be an improvement over Jelly, she wouldn't be able to do with GH, what she is with Y&R. She came out of retirement for it. She was a protege of Bill Bell, having worked very closely with him during the show's "golden years" (The same thing goes with Kay Alden, who is also coming out of retirement for this), learning and working with him, so they were able to carry on his vision and legacy for it, after he was gone. SS knows and LOVES Y&R's history, and what it can be, when done correctly. But, in 2006 things went utterly batshit crazy VERY fast, and have never really recovered. So she came out of retirement, feeling that this was something she HAD to do, for Bill Bell's, and his family's legacy. Things got so bad with when JFP took over (who was fired several months ago) and then she brought in Chuck Pratt as HW (who, I have ZERO doubt whatsoever, was also fired. Even though in the press it said he was leaving to do a primetime show), both names which really speak for themselves when it comes to their influence/effect on a soap, anymore. Before she brought Pratt in, Jelly were doing full HW duties there. And did exactly the same things there, that they have on GH. I really don't think SS would be able to do with GH, what she's doing for Y&R. She just doesn't have the connection with GH, that she has with Y&R.

    sonya said...

    "It's very hard to talk about stories that happened 18 years before we were involved in the show, or even 2 years before we were involved in the show"

    Huh? They are writers.. They can do it. They can handle it. Sounds like they are whining.

    ** That is what they're pretty much saying, yeah. I'm not so sure they CAN do it. They've been so incompetent with most everything else they've done, since joining the show, I don't know that they could handle it.



She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...