Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Cast Your Vote

I live in the city where Susan B. Anthony is buried! Thousands are coming today to put their stickers on her gravestone. This has been a tradition for years but this year is doubly important!! It's awesome!! I can't go because of work and I also have a meeting from 5-7. UGH. Someone is taking mine. Hey, my Mimi was 12 years old when women got the right to vote. 

Anyway, I'm on a GH break again. Sorry. I can't take it anymore. I just don't like it-- tired as hell of the Morgan junk and it's not until Friday that the funeral starts. This rape revisit with Liz? NOT here for it. If it's to 'redeem' Franco that's bullshit. Franco was Franco---brain tumor whatever. I just can't deal with the writing (and you know I love RoHo). SO...break time!

Ingo's coming--let me know if it's good to watch more towards Thanksgiving. 


Who would be your BFF if you lived in Port Charles? 

Who would you want as your sister in law? 

Who would you want as your friend with benefits? 


  1. BFF - Carly. Because she would run around town and let everyone know it. "Dave and I are best friends. Did you know Dave and I are best friends? We're best friends. Oh, that's Dave, we're best friends". Ad nauseum. Plus free hotel rooms for my extra curricular activities with my friend with benefit

    SIS IN LAW - Lucy Coe because she throws one hell of a party.

    FRIENDS W/ BENE - Jax. Because... well... damn. It's the accent. Yeah, that's it. The accent.

    ps. Honorable Mention would be Jimmy Lee Holt because I would already know what I was getting, if those of you who are old enough catch my drift. wink wink.

  2. Karen, you are leaving us til Thanksgiving? PLEASE say it isn't so! Can we entice you to come back sooner? :)

    BFF: Alexis, because she is an intelligent career woman (well, she was . . .). And I am a psychotherapist, and could help her to get back to herself . . .

    Sister-in-law: Diane, because she would encourage me to drink more, and have more fun!

    Friend W/Bennies: Sonny, OF COURSE, Sonny!!!!

  3. That's so cool Karen! I put mine on my phone.
    GH was better yesterday. Stupid Hayden stepped in that stuff Finn dropped. Ugh....I do love the Friz stuff, revisiting the rape or not. Glad he stayed.
    No Sonny today and no Nelle yesterday was nice.
    I have to say, as much as I love the Finn character and Michael....I'm sick to death of this storyline. I want him with Hayden but wish they'd drop the dying storyline.

    BFF:Liz, I've always loved her character.
    Sister in Law:Maxie
    FWB:Silas for sure....and I'm gonna say it, BobTodd

    1. Sheeze....I mean FINN! LMAO! But since I brought up his other character I might as well add John McBain or even better Caleb Morley....yes, very good. Haha!

  4. I enjoyed today's show. Yes, it could have been as there were no Corrintho's.
    I like that the drama seems to be shifting to the hospital. While I find it odd that Tracey now seems to be running the hospital, and the whole ELQ storyline has been dropped, I am glad for any storyline that has Tracey and/or hospital.
    I like the rape storyline being revisited through the lense of the rapists coming up for parole. Very realistic and nice use of history. I just wish it was Lucky, Nicholas, Gram, Laura, Robin, Lulu, Monica, Epiphany, Griffin, anyone other than Franco there with Liz helping her prep for this. Why not have had Hayden be there. This could have been the sister bonding these two need.
    Ive seen rumours Alexis drives drunk. I thought she was going to today so was pleased when she called the taxi. Can they just drop this drinking storyline for her please.
    So they reveal Julian is the one trying to buy the hospital. Why?

    1. Of course as a Franco and Liz fan, I like that he's there for her. I wish too that Hayden were as well. Maybe it will bring them closer.
      I hate this drinking storyline, glad she didn't drive drunk, yet. I was hit by a drunk driver over 20 yrs ago and have never gotten over it.
      This whole Jules buying the hospital for condos, ugh!

  5. The hospital:

    RayRay, Tracy, and man on the board: The man on the board wins the line of the day.

    Man: Says the daughter of the biggest swindler on wall street.

    ROFL! Who is this guy?! Cheer up dude! And love that Tracy is defending RayRay!

    RayRay and Tracy with a sprinkle of Brad:

    Tracy: I see him pining after you. And I see you pining after him.

    ROFL! Tracy isn't blind. :) Wow!!!! Brad has changed so much! I likey! :) Hey Brad when did you and Lucas come back from your honeymoon?

    The lab:

    Brad and Finny: Oh oh Finny is turning into a werewolf!!! Brad is so concerned I like it!

    Finny: Oh oh!!!! Dropped Beaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's dead! He can't go back to the Muppet show!!! :'(


    Oh crap RayRay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Show Finny your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0 Hmmm Finny, are you going to ask her to take off her clothes? :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Alexis and Diane: Love love love! :)

    Diane and Julian: Hey Julian! Don't touch her!!!!

    Julian and Alexis: Hey Julian! Don't touch her!!!!!

    The hospital board member and Julian: DOH!

    Alexis's home: OH NO! FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Smoke: MAUAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA! It's been awhile. Miss me?

    Liz's home: Oh wow!!!! So that guy who raped Liz is up for parole?! Interesting. I remember that storyline back then! It was Valentines day! BobTodd when he gets out of Jail and tries anything on Liz, kick his ass!!!!! He has been in jail for 20 years. So Liz is 35 years old now. :)

    Paint and wall's home: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  6. "I live in the city where Susan B. Anthony is buried! Thousands are coming today to put their stickers on her gravestone. This has been a tradition for years but this year is doubly important!! It's awesome!! I can't go because of work and I also have a meeting from 5-7. UGH. Someone is taking mine. Hey, my Mimi was 12 years old when women got the right to vote."

    Mount hope!!!! :) Thanks God for Susan B Anthony! So you can't vote at all Karen?! Voting doesn't end until 9.


    Who would be your BFF if you lived in Port Charles? Lucy!

    Who would you want as your sister in law? Diane!

    Who would you want as your friend with benefits? I was thinking Ric, but I would want a relationship with him, so I pick BobTodd.

  7. "delcodave said.. ps. Honorable Mention would be Jimmy Lee Holt because I would already know what I was getting, if those of you who are old enough catch my drift. wink wink."


  8. Who would be your BFF if you lived in Port Charles? --Liz, we're close in age and grew up together, and I used to smoke in High School too! And I could borrow her clothes!!!

    Who would you want as your sister in law? --Tracy Q, please! Your sis-in-law is who you go to when the rest of the world is driving you crazy...Plus she has high-quality booze and infinite rooms to crash in.

    Who would you want as your friend with benefits? --If TC's Nik was still on, him hands down...HELL EVERYTHING DOWN, pants and me included. He is sex on a stick. But since he's not, I'll pick Nate, who has a body for days and bedroom eyes and handcuffs! And since we're just friends, I won't have to listen to his incessant neediness and hypocrisy.

    1. LMAO! Sex on a stick!
      Oh damn I didn't even think about Nate!
      Nah I still gotta go with Michael Easton, but as Caleb or John McBain (John did have handcuffs, Caleb had vampire teeth) ;)

  9. NO! I voted!! LOL I meant I can't go to her GRAVE SITE!! I wanted to go and put my sticker on. I voted at 8am. ;)

    Thanks for all your answers.

    Yeah, I didn't miss watching the show at ALL today

  10. Karen I saw the Susan B Anthony Rochester story on the news tonight, I knew you weren't there, so I didn't look for you!!

  11. "kdmask said..NO! I voted!! LOL I meant I can't go to her GRAVE SITE!! I wanted to go and put my sticker on. I voted at 8am. ;)"

    Oh okay hahaha good glad you voted.. :)

  12. ps. the comment i made about jimmy lee holt was because the actor who played him, Steve Bond, posed naked in Playgirl magazine. sure;y some of you remember that!

  13. friscogh said...

    Ive seen rumours Alexis drives drunk. I thought she was going to today so was pleased when she called the taxi. Can they just drop this drinking storyline for her please.

    ** I really wish they would, too. As horrible as drunk driving is, and alcoholism is sad and tragic, I've always had issues the way soaps portray drinking some times. One of the biggest being, when characters are portrayed doing some heavy drinking for a bit due to something have happened, but it hasn't been constantly for for a significant amount of time, quite often they go the shaming of the person, very rapidly.

    BFF = Anna
    Sister in law - ^Tracy or Bobbie
    Friends w/ benefits = another tie: Robert ot BobTodd


  14. Well, Karen, the voting here went well . . . I know we don't discuss politics here, so I won't comment on that other vote . . .

  15. "delcodave said... ps. the comment i made about jimmy lee holt was because the actor who played him, Steve Bond, posed naked in Playgirl magazine. sure;y some of you remember that!"

    OH! I didn't know he was in playgirl magazine!!!

  16. I forgot to vote in your poll.
    My Best Friend would be Ned or Mac. My last choice would be Carly as she would try to run my life, or Griffin as the religious crap would drive me crazy.
    My Sister-In-Law would be Olivia as she cooks and can comp drinks at the hotel. My last choice would be Liz as I'd be stuck babysitting all the time.
    Friend with benefits would be Jordan. My last choice would be Nina as she's probably sabotage the birth control.

  17. Can barely remember yesterday's show. Finn lab stuff was ridiculous but I was glad to see Brad. Alexis got a cab, picked up Danny and was home drinking in minutes.
    Always love seeing Diane!

  18. BFF....Anna
    FWB.... Finn of course :)

  19. I remember Steve Bonds Playgirl photos. Man, was he hot!

    BFF - Diane because she knows how to party
    Sister-in-law - Anna
    FWB - Valentin because the man is smoking hot

  20. Yes, funny because there is no way she can get pregnant!

  21. The hospital lab: Oh oh! RayRay is gonna turn into a werewolf now too! Oh I get it! So now RayFinn will both be werewolves, and bond because of it, and then become a couple! :)

    Alexis's home:



    Hey the kid can count! :)

    Laura and Alexis: Oh Laura really wants to make love to the wine too!!!! Poor Laura has to find another place to live!!! :( May I suggest THE BROWNSTONE!!!! Laura is wearing old school eyeliner! Awesome!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    V.C. and Nina: WOWIE! The heat between them is so scorching!!! Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: You realize you are the third man who's claimed you're the father in less than a month. Did you just call me a sheep?


    Michael and Nelle: Oh man they are so boring!!! Michael stop talking to her!!!! At first I thought Michael said that they already had Morgan's funeral! Whew glad they didn't!

    Jax and Carly: JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! You gotta stay honey!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!! When Nelle sees them hugging, she looks jealous or upset!!!!

    Church: Oh the Morgan funeral is tomorrow. Okay glad we didn't miss it and they are showing it.

    Griffy and Sonny: More scenes with them! YAY! :)

    Naxie's home: Oh who cares about Claudette! She is gone let's forget about her.. Oh no is Claudette's mother coming to Port Chuckles?!

    Wyndemere: Geez Laura don't you notice RayRay sweaty?!?!?! Oh no!!! RayRay is turning into a werewolf!!!!

    *RayRay passes out*


  22. So actors seem to have chemistry with everyone. Anna, Liz, Griffin seem to have chemistry with everyone they are paired with. Is it just me or does Michael have chemistry with no one. No to his former stipper girlfriend. None with Kiki. None with Sabrina. None with Nelle. The only ones Ive ever seen him have chemistry with is his step sister Kristina, and Felix.

  23. Oh I forgot to mention one thing! When Maxie was reading the letter from Claudette's mother, right in the middle of her reading the letter, the scene switched to another scene!!! What the hell?!

  24. sonya said...

    Michael and Nelle: Oh man they are so boring!!! Michael stop talking to her!!!!

    ** She really doesn't do anything for me at all. She was alright as the younger Pat. I'm not sure if it's just the writing, or what it is exactly with her. I kinda liked Michael with Sabrina, even though there wasn't a whole lot there, at least on screen. There was some potential at least, for something in the future, until they killed her off, completely out of nowhere. Chad is a decent actor given the right material, so he's not the issue here, with me. The way Nelle is written, and how obvious things are with her, (especially when Jelly doesn't realize how much it really is obvious), she's just another character we really don't need right now, especially when there are so many other new/recent characters we don't need, already.

    Church: Oh the Morgan funeral is tomorrow. Okay glad we didn't miss it and they are showing it.

    ** As often as they've said on screen that it would be held on the 11th, there is no way they wouldn't have not been showing it. They've been hammering the date in so repeatedly the past couple weeks, it has to be shown.

    Oh I forgot to mention one thing! When Maxie was reading the letter from Claudette's mother, right in the middle of her reading the letter, the scene switched to another scene!!! What the hell?!

    ** When I watched it on Hulu tonight (since I needed to record something else at that time also) I don't remember that happening, at all. Odd.


  25. "K says She really doesn't do anything for me at all. She was alright as the younger Pat. I'm not sure if it's just the writing, or what it is exactly with her"

    Nelle's story is going so slow!!! I don't know what Jelly is doing!!! Unless they don't know what Nelle's story is going to be!!! Anyway Nelle's story is so boring right now. It's not going anywhere. The only time it picked up, was when Nelle was reading her letter from her father!

    "As often as they've said on screen that it would be held on the 11th, there is no way they wouldn't have not been showing it. They've been hammering the date in so repeatedly the past couple weeks, it has to be shown."

    Well when Michael was talking to Nelle, I thought he said he just came back from the service!!!

    "When I watched it on Hulu tonight (since I needed to record something else at that time also) I don't remember that happening, at all. Odd."

    Really? Go back and watch it again! :)

  26. friscogh, I completely agree with you about Michael. Although the actor is ok, he just never shows any warmth, expression, other than his trademark scowl, or any charisma. That's why his relationships fizzle on screen.

  27. Still haven't been watching. I DVR and try to watch and then a ff. Love everyone's posts though. It's so odd that they've decided to wait until 11/11. I know it's ratings month so I guess something big happens during the funeral. Please let something big happen and the show gets interesting.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...