Monday, October 31, 2016

Candy Corn

I didn't make it in time to watch today!! So, enjoy my fave photo of Josslyn-- and let me know your fave Halloween Treats. Oh, should I watch the show? Was it good?

I'd love to have these!! :) 


  1. Happy Halloweenie one and all! :) ACK child of the corn picture!!! :) BobTodd wins the lines of the day!

    BobTodd: I'll get it to you just as soon as your mom's social schedule finally clears up. I didn't know you were a daddy. How did that happen? Must have been a really long session at the confessional.


    Sonny's home: Okay at first the scene was pretty good, but then it escalated to stupidity!!! And no Sonny you can't handle your alcohol with your meds! Stop drinking!!!! And throw some barware! :)


    Charlie and Nina: Awwwww! :)

    Charlie and Griffy: Awwwww! He is a worried father. :)

    Nina and Griffy: Come on Griffy! When are you going to get a DNA test?!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Kiwi and BobTodd: BobTodd you are a box! :) Oh no you are IN a box! :)

    Kiwi and Dillo: Oh snap out of it Kiwi and get over it!!!! Hug and kiss Dillo!!!! (I got the name Dillo from my guide on my tv that called him Dillo like a month ago.. Probably just a mistake)

    Friz: Oh BobTodd!!!!! If you are going to keep being a jealous tool every time Liz talks to a guy, I am not going to like you two together!

    Liz: Wait a second.. Are you talking about sex?

    BobTodd: No... Yes.. Are we ever going to have that?

    Ohhhhh! Now it all becomes clear! He is horny! ROFL! Well BobTodd, I should warn you, that Liz is VERY fertile.. :)

    Griffy and Charlie:


    Oh dear! Griffy take her out of there!!!! Awww Liz is helping! Sweet!!! :) And it's working! :)


  2. sonya said...

    Happy Halloweenie one and all! :) ACK child of the corn picture!!! :) BobTodd wins the lines of the day!

    ** Wow, nobody else has commented anything else but us today, at all! I'm guessing it's probably due to taking the little sugar weasels out to beg for candy tonight!
    Since I'm not a parent (As if you couldn't tell that already :)) I don't have to worry about it.

    BobTodd: I'll get it to you just as soon as your mom's social schedule finally clears up. I didn't know you were a daddy. How did that happen? Must have been a really long session at the confessional.

    ** That was just PERFECT! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Kiwi and Dillo: Oh snap out of it Kiwi and get over it!!!! Hug and kiss Dillo!!!! (I got the name Dillo from my guide on my tv that called him Dillo like a month ago.. Probably just a mistake)

    ** So, now I'm gonna start associating him with an armadillo. Which would definitely be an improvement over his chosen costume!

    Ohhhhh! Now it all becomes clear! He is horny! ROFL! Well BobTodd, I should warn you, that Liz is VERY fertile.. :)

    ** Thank goodness none of the writers has ever thought to have her and Sonny have an `encounter' let alone get involved!!


  3. I am SO DONE with all the Morgan angst and guilt. I skipped all Sonny angst and all Kiki angst.

    Charlotte is way too old to be having a toddler tantrum. Good thing Nina keeps child-size costumes in the Crimson office.

    How did Jelly get Valentin out of prison? All charges were dropped due to some legal technicality. Wow, brilliant writing, Jelly. Just brilliant.

    I'm sad that many of the spoiler sites are saying Jane Elliott is retiring by the end of the year. She's fabulous, even when given horrible material (brain worms?).

    I read an "insider drop" that said Nelle is working with/is related to Valentin and she's the one who planted the car bomb. Nelle, a bomb expert? Good grief.

  4. "K says Wow, nobody else has commented anything else but us today, at all! I'm guessing it's probably due to taking the little sugar weasels out to beg for candy tonight!
    Since I'm not a parent (As if you couldn't tell that already :)) I don't have to worry about it."

    ROFL! Someday you might have kids. :) You don't like Halloween?

    "So, now I'm gonna start associating him with an armadillo."

    Hahaha sorry about that. :)

    "Which would definitely be an improvement over his chosen costume!"

    He was Elvis! :)

    "Thank goodness none of the writers has ever thought to have her and Sonny have an `encounter' let alone get involved!!"

    Hahahahha. Sonny and BobTodd the most horniest men!!?!! :)

    "Wanda Woman said...I'm sad that many of the spoiler sites are saying Jane Elliott is retiring by the end of the year. She's fabulous, even when given horrible material (brain worms?)."

    Yeah I heard about that. I hope it isn't true! :( Hahaha brain worms.. Yeah. :)

    "I read an "insider drop" that said Nelle is working with/is related to Valentin and she's the one who planted the car bomb. Nelle, a bomb expert? Good grief."

    I haven't heard that rumor. There is a new rumor I read that Carly and Nelle are sisters. :) So if that is true, no wonder Nelle looks like Carly! Well the 2nd Carly. :)

  5. Crimson:

    VC and Nina: Damn damn damn! So hot these two!!! VC is trying to charm the pants off of her! :) He wants dinner and he wants her! :) She is denying it left and right that she wants him and he can see right through her! :) And then he wants her to read up his name in the baby book, and when she does she is smiling!!! :)

    Alexis's home: Alexis can't stop looking at the "cleaning supplies" Well baby Trim don't want to hear anymore about Valentin!!!! She is trying to sleep here!!!!

    Mercy hospital: McSilas used to work there.. :( I'm confused is baby Trim okay or not?

    Alexis's home part 2: Alexis is having eye sex with her "cleaning supplies" And then she opens it up and look it's red wine!!! She starts making love to the red wine! And now she is passed out. :( Poor Alexis. :(

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Julian: Ava why aren't you with Avery? Why didn't you take her out for Halloween?!

    Chandler Mansion: Anna and Robin ate all of Emma's Halloween candy stash! :( Oh there is Griffy and nurse Charlie! :) Wow Griffy is really fast putting Charlie to bed!!! Robin wins the line of the day.

    Robin: Your daughter?! I'm sorry that came out way more judgemental that I meant it to be.

    ROFL! You didn't sound judgemental Robin. You sounded in shock! :) Anna you know Valentin don't you? Were you two wuvers back in the day? :) Love how Griffy prayed for his "daughter" awwwww! :) Love how he doesn't want her out of his sight. Awwww!

  6. sonya said...

    ROFL! Someday you might have kids. :) You don't like Halloween?

    ** Nah, that's just not in the cards for me, due to various reasons (Medical and otherwise). Which is alright with me. I've never really had the desire for them. With my medical/health issues, that's probably a good thing. I like Halloween. I love horror movies, so this is a great time. :) Sorry, if it came off like I didn't. I was just trying to go for a joke! :)

    "So, now I'm gonna start associating him with an armadillo."

    Hahaha sorry about that. :)

    ** No problem, there could be far worse things to associate him with!

    "Which would definitely be an improvement over his chosen costume!"

    He was Elvis! :)

    ** I know! It was just the hair! Even near the end of his life, he wouldn't have ever had hair that scary!

    "Wanda Woman said...I'm sad that many of the spoiler sites are saying Jane Elliott is retiring by the end of the year. She's fabulous, even when given horrible material (brain worms?)."

    Yeah I heard about that. I hope it isn't true! :( Hahaha brain worms.. Yeah. :)

    ** I've heard the rumblings too, and I REALLY hope not. I've adored her since she first showed up. Stuff like this though, I usually take with a BIG grain of salt. As all they are are just rumors at this point. There's nothing actually concrete. And we all know how it's easy to jump to conclusions with this type of stuff, without any facts, one way, or the other, when it comes to backstage stuff.

    I haven't heard that rumor. There is a new rumor I read that Carly and Nelle are sisters. :) So if that is true, no wonder Nelle looks like Carly! Well the 2nd Carly. :)

    ** That's an interesting thought. For that to work, she would have to also be John Durant's daughter. Since she's definitely too young for Bobbie to be her mother, seeing as Bobbie came (back) to PC in the late 70s, and Nelle had to have been born quite awhile after that.


  7. sonya said...

    VC and Nina: Damn damn damn! So hot these two!!! VC is trying to charm the pants off of her! :) He wants dinner and he wants her! :) She is denying it left and right that she wants him and he can see right through her! :) And then he wants her to read up his name in the baby book, and when she does she is smiling!!! :)

    ** I have to agree! There is DEFINITELY chemistry between the two of them.I just REALLY hope they don't go down the whole "batshit over the top evil Cassadine" route with him. There is just SO more stories that way.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Ava and Julian: Ava why aren't you with Avery? Why didn't you take her out for Halloween?!

    ** Three words: Because of Sonnou Anna you know Valentin don't you? Were you two wuvers back in the day? :)

    ** It would hsve been when she wss doing the double agent thing


  8. "K says I like Halloween. I love horror movies, so this is a great time. :) Sorry, if it came off like I didn't. I was just trying to go for a joke! :)"

    Oh hahahaha. Oops. :)

    "I know! It was just the hair! Even near the end of his life, he wouldn't have ever had hair that scary!"


    "That's an interesting thought. For that to work, she would have to also be John Durant's daughter."

    Yeah that is the rumor too! That she is John Durant's daughter. :)

    "It would hsve been when she wss doing the double agent thing"

    Yup! That is what I was thinking!

  9. Ant Joan, John Durant is Carly's father.

    I haven't heard the rumor that Nelle is Carly's sister; I hear that Nelle is Carly's daughter.

    I really hope they don't write Valentin in a corner, I am loving the character. He and Nina were hot in those scenes yesterday. The way Nina was with the baby book, I am wondering if she is pregnant.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...