Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday Surgery: General Guilt

Oh hello! :waving: how was GH this week for you? For me...well, it was a C- at best. Even though we got great post-Morgan death acting, the whole show was pretty flat. I call the the "Claudette Effect".
Everyone and his brothers are feeling the GUILT Over MORGAN's death. Geesh Louise. 

We have had such bad weather with rain and some snow in the south of the state I need some hot cocoa.

The Angst! The Guilt! The on going "how I could have helped Morgan" continues. Dr. Maddox even got in on it this week. Dante wallowed. I was waiting for Darby to pop up, crying that she gave Morgan that web address to cheat on his paper! 

I'm blaming Ned and Olivia! Hell, if they hadn't been having random sex in the boathouse, Morgan wouldn't have had his hook-attack on the door. See, bring back 2 characters we forget exist and they jinx the whole thing! 

Speaking of Guilt VonGuilt Face-- Ava went to Sonny's to get Morgan's pills. She almost was stopped by Nellie (Who seems to be in far too many scenes) but got them in her purse. WHO took them out of the garbage? Hmmm... since there was zero follow up, we have to wait. 

I need to mention the Nellie in the room. Sonny and she are THISCLOSE to doing it. Mark my words. She's staying there to take care of Avery. (isn't it interesting how easily Carly could just up and leave that baby!?) She makes him tea. She's all sympathetic. Carly rejects Sonny when he begs her to come home because he needs her. We all know how Sonny soothes his pain (Limo Sex, Crypt Sex...) so it's coming. I just hope to hell she doesn't get pregnant. 

How NOT To write a long term arc (in my opinion of course, as a non-writer)

Introduce a character that has limited ties to the canvas that have only happened off camera.

Those ties are to two relatively newish characters. (One really new character)

Have them on sparingly...very sparingly 

Character interacts with approximately 10% of the GH canvas (if that) 

Have awkward convos about 'threats'..."daughter"... 

Never really establish chem between one or two of the "Triangle" Characters

Bring on a daughter for said character.

Have that daughter declared a kid of 2 different guys in 2 days, without dialog really explaining motives except: Danger

Have some thug guy threaten another character about something we don't care about. 

Does that cover it?  This week alone had Claudette switching the daughter-daddy at an astounding rate. See, she took Dr. O's hair when she was at the Metro and passed it off as Charlotte's. Why was it dark? Oh, Charlotte's hair bleached out in the sun! (and Nate, a detective bought that).  SO, the kid is not Nate's so it has to be Griffin's right? Who the hell would take her word on that? WHY wouldn't Giffin demand a DNA test? Instead he lets her tell that girl he's actually her daddy, hugs her and starts bonding in a nano-second.

Anyway, some bearded guy is in Claude's room and takes Maxie instead of Claudette to try to find Charlotte. He takes Maxie to the basement of some house (yes, looks like the old Spencer one) and is going to shoot her. In true soap fashion however, he decides to turn on the gas instead so there's time to find her before she dies. 

MEANWHILE, Claudette is trying to Seduce Griffin and get him out of town with her--and wants to leave Charlotte with Nathan. Even though Nathan isn't her Daddy (follow along here). So, when caught in her lie, Claudette's explanation for all of this is that Nathan is a cop and "rich" so leaving Charlotte there would be a good idea. Even though she knows Valentin would find her there.  :eyeroll:
The dialog in this mess was just cringe worthy btw. I can see those poor writers getting direction from on high and going: HOW in the hell am I supposed to write this?? It was so hurried and so wrong in so many ways, I couldn't even keep up. 

Everyone wants to think that's Lulu and Stavvy's embryo-baby. Which could be true, right? Only even for soaps that's a HUGE HUGE SORA. That kid would be what? 3? Seriously.  And she's about 10. Maybe she's Valentin's??
And you know I'm here to say it: I DON'T CARE!!!!! Not one damn bit. Nope. 

So I guess Claudette's purpose at this moment is to usher in the absent Valentin Cassadine, who will no doubt be out of jail and buy Wyndemere. Why did they let so many months go by with him off canvas? Another character I really don't care about coming on to get some airtime. If he would kill off Nell and Claude, I'd be so damn happy!  That could be his purpose! 

Anna's staying in Port Charles and working remotely for the WSB. She realizes PC is her home. Felicia was talking to her about it. Oh, and by the way, Anna's now dragged into the painful Claudette story with the whole "help us" "the is Duke's grand-daughter" crap.  Bleck.

Laura: Well, you know, everyone hated Luke too....
Liz: He makes me all tingly
Laura: I've forgotten that he tied Lulu to a chair with a bomb underneath.
Liz: Tumor! 
Laura: Oh yeah. Duh.

So, I'll bring you up to speed on this situation. See, Heather is the one that tried to kill Bobbie! She was trying to protect Franco by giving him an alibi for being at the Nurses' Ball. She thought her baby boy was the serial killer!! Bobbie was in GH from fainting anyway, so she happened to go for her. Stupid Lucas walks in so she has to jab him instead. (Get it?) Heather is used for everything. LOL. She just waltzes in and out of wherever she's being held. Oh! Franco got her to confess on tape so I guess they will open GH soon.  That whole thing was a weird-side story, wasn't it? 

I suppose I should put this in for the JaSammers. These two are talking about moving to "Aurora, NY" (Which does exist btw)... and we all know they won't do it so?? In other news, The baby kicked. Danny is still missing, as is every other kid on this show minus Charlotte. Even Jake is feeling the abandonment. PS. Couldn't the prop department have put a toy or two in that PH? I mean, seriously.

Last thing you should probably know about is This Guy. Maybe his name was Keith? Anyway, think those "Million Dollar Listing" Guys from BRAVO.  Hayden has a date with him and he turns out to be a scumbag BUT!! He gives out money for medical grants. (apparently from his own checking account). Hayden tells him she'll sleep with him if he gives her money. He ends up passing out and she has the check which she gives to Finn. (who's still dying if you've forgotten that point). It was a cute throw-away scene I guess. Designed to show how far Hayden would go to Finn? To show that Hammy would break down the door to 'save her'?? 

SCENE OF THE WEEK:  Ok, so not really...but I wanted to get in the whole Gel Nail experience! They even built a tiny cubby hole set for it!! 

PROP OF THE WEEK:  Rice Crispy Treats!! Yeah :) and Bonus: I got to see RoHo eat again! 

FACE OF THE WEEK: Hammy Finn is still sick...and feeling crummy. 

SCENE STEALER:  Maxie's RED RED lipstick. I swear she didn't have any on for a long time which made her look gray now this? Um.. nope. 

WELL! There you go. I tried really hard to type up the Claudette "story"  and give my opinion but it was tough. I honestly don't know what I was watching half the time.  The show is just so... all over the place. I know we are in the throws of Morgan's death but now his memorial isn't until November 11th. Nothing coherent or together or anything.  I watch because it's my show but boy, it's been tough. 


  1. Just letting you know I'm still reading your blog :)

    P.S. GH still sucks. Ugh.

  2. "Everyone and his brothers are feeling the GUILT Over MORGAN's death. Geesh Louise."

    Okay I'll join in! It's all my fault Dumb dumb is dead!!!! I make fun of him a lot and it made him so upset he got drunk and got in his car and it went kablooey!!! :(

    "I need to mention the Nellie in the room. Sonny and she are THISCLOSE to doing it. Mark my words."

    I think so too, but no don't say that! It will make Di mad! ROFL! Besides there are rumors from CDL that Nelle's parents are Sonny and Reese! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If true, his spermies did it again! ROFL!

    "Seriously. And she's about 10."

    10! ROFL!

    "Laura: Well, you know, everyone hated Luke too....
    Liz: He makes me all tingly
    Laura: I've forgotten that he tied Lulu to a chair with a bomb underneath.
    Liz: Tumor!
    Laura: Oh yeah. Duh."


    "PROP OF THE WEEK: Rice Crispy Treats!! Yeah :) and Bonus: I got to see RoHo eat again!"

    Totally a bonus!

    1. LMAO! It's all your fault Sonya! Moron is dead dead cause of you. 😜
      Yes! I agree, thisclose to "hey there lil Sonny Jr" 😂
      I was curious about cutie pies age (Charlotte) who's played by Scarlett Fernandez and she's 7.

  3. You are right on about everything this week. The show needs new writers and the whole Claudette mess and the Nell mess have got to go! Does anyone actually care about these people?

  4. Karen, thanks for another great SS. No one responded directly to my "contest" to name everyone who is (or should be) guilty about Morgan, but you did lead with this, so thanks!

  5. Aurora, NY. Yep. I know it well. Home of Well's College, and on the shore of Cayuga Lake. Population under 1k. Your right. JaSam is NEVER going there.;) I still chuckle every time there is a major "mob war" in Port Charles, which is "supposedly", located outside of Buffalo. Mmmkay. (Think lots of farmland, and then you will know why I chuckle). Anyway, I watched a couple of epis directly after the death of Morgan, because I heard the acting was good. It was. However, I feel like I've watched this before. Sonny pulls a boner move....someone gets injured or dies...Sonny is all reflective/begging....people turn from him....and within weeks, we're back to Sonny The Saint. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  6. Scarlett the actress playing Charlotte is 7, still quite a jump in age.
    While I love Bree, I'm so over this Claude storyline.
    Sick of dead Morgan talk. Please.Move.On.Already.
    Not to mention being so over Nelle. Go away already. Thank you Karen, I too agree any day now, Sonny being Sonny and whatever her agenda is, they are gonna end up between the sheets. Wanna take bets on how long, haha!
    I do still think Charlotte is the embryo because the writers don't care about the difference in age.
    Love my Friz as always.
    Thanks for the face of the week. ��❤

  7. Excellent SS about our not so excellent show. I could barely watch this week so it was mostly fast forward for me, especially the Claudette stuff. I don't care for the actress much either. Aside from the head writers, each show seems to be written by a different writer each day. Valentini gets most of the blame from me as he oversees the junk they are putting out there and allows it. The acting is always grea regardless, with a very few exceptions. Really incredible that Claudette told the kid one day that Nathan was her dad and then shortly after that Griffin was, with no explanation and no reaction from the kid. Not looking forward to another week of more grieving for a character I didn't like. By the way, Genie looked so beautiful at the nail salon.

  8. How the heck did Heather know what drug Paul was using to kill people if she didn't even know it was Paul doing the killing?

  9. Just ugggh. That nail salon looked like, well, a bordello. Another thing that has bothered me for AGES. All those people living in that hotel. I am in the travel industry, it's supposed to be a 4 star hotel, which would be at least $200.00 a night. Give me a break !
    Also, moron's bedroom looks bigger than my apartment. It is yuuugggh

    If I hadn't been watching for 50 years, I too, would give up.

  10. "Michelle Latta said...LMAO! It's all your fault Sonya! Moron is dead dead cause of you. 😜"

    ROFL! I will just go to Puerto Rico and cry on Jaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos shoulder! :'(

    1. You do that! While you're at it, get DNA from Teddy and send it to the asap lab where Maxie got hers. Michael needs to know he might be his daddy haha!

  11. ^^^^^ raising hand, I don't feel guilty at all over Morgan. It took me a minute to realize where Laura and Lulu were and what they were doing. Thought they were sitting in a booth at the Campus Disco.

    1. I don't feel guilty either. Glad he's gone.
      Haha Campus Disco!!

  12. "Michelle Latta said...You do that! While you're at it, get DNA from Teddy and send it to the asap lab where Maxie got hers. Michael needs to know he might be his daddy haha!"

    Hahahaha. While I am at it, I will get a DNA sample from little Charlie, Griffy, and Lante and see if Griffy is the father, and then see if Lante are the parents! :) But boy same day DNA test results! That's amazing! :)

  13. Great SS Karen.

    Question besides being ratings month why is the funeral November 11th? Who has funerals that far out. It makes no sense. I know the show hasn't made sense since the 50th Anniversary Show. But one can still hope.

  14. OMG.. Ms. Goose, you are right LOL

  15. Yes, didn't think of that either, how would Heather know how the other victims died? Maybe she got the info from the gossipy nurse--what happened to her, anyway?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. DId I miss Paul being sentenced and dragged off to prison? It was like suddenly Richard Burgi wasn't there anymore.

    It annoys me that so much screen time is devoted to Nelie when her ONLY alleged tie to Port Charles is the fact that she gave up a kidney for Carly's daughter, and we hardly ever see Josslyn who was SORASed so suddenly.

    If Nelie has some big important secret that ties her to the Jacks family other than the damn kidney or that has her wanting to stay around Port Charles and insinuate herself into Carly's family then spill it already. Otherwise, there is no reason to care about this Mayfly of a character.

    I remember when this show was about adventure and escapism and romance. Not so much anymore. It's gotten so dark.They have to drag out Morgan's memorial service until mid-November?

    If I could ask ABC Daytime one thing it's please don't completely ruin this show before you take it off the air. I'm afraid it's becoming painfully unwatchable.

  18. "AntJoan said...Maybe she got the info from the gossipy nurse--what happened to her, anyway?"

    Oh! I forgot all about her!!!

  19. sonya said...

    "I need to mention the Nellie in the room. Sonny and she are THISCLOSE to doing it. Mark my words."

    I think so too, but no don't say that! It will make Di mad! ROFL! Besides there are rumors from CDL that Nelle's parents are Sonny and Reese! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If true, his spermies did it again! ROFL!

    ** I'll be very surprised if they don't do it, I've become more and more convinced every day.
    And my reaction to the idea that she is Sonny and Reese's kid: OH HELL NO!

    Mrs. Goose said...

    How the heck did Heather know what drug Paul was using to kill people if she didn't even know it was Paul doing the killing?

    ** It's just Jelly going back and retconing stuff that when it was originally written, they did not know who the serial killer was going to be, yet. They didn't even decide that it would be Paul, right up until they decided they need to reveal who the killer would be. (And even then Richard Burgi was floored. As he said it just came out of nowhere, and wondered if he had done something wrong.) In otherwards, when Bobbie and Lucas were attacked, Heather wasn't even a factor then.

    PM61 said...

    DId I miss Paul being sentenced and dragged off to prison? It was like suddenly Richard Burgi wasn't there anymore.

    ** No, he just plead guilty, and was taken to Pentonville. And it wasn't the last we've seen of him. According to SOD a couple of weeks ago, Richard Burgi will be back on screen, and it was also stated that the show's reps don't comment on actors' contract status. (which is a given).

    If Nelie has some big important secret that ties her to the Jacks family other than the damn kidney or that has her wanting to stay around Port Charles and insinuate herself into Carly's family then spill it already. Otherwise, there is no reason to care about this Mayfly of a character.

    ** Really, even if she DOES have some huge secret or agenda, I still don't really give a rat's ass about her. Sure, the actress was great when she played the teenage Pat last year. But Nelle as a character, is just totally superfluous. She's just gives off that whole "been there, done that" vibe, storyline-wise. And, not even in a remotely positive way.


  20. I think Charlotte is Valentine's daughter.

    Yeah, Nellie is due to meet Sonny's super sperm soon. Avery, Michael, Dante, and Kristina will be getting a new sibling soon.


Rock N Roll

 TODAY is.... THURSDAY!!  So one of the soap mags has said that Leslie Charleson probably won't be back as Monica due to health issues. ...