Thursday, October 27, 2016

Throw Away Day

Carly needs to plan the memorial, not stand around the Metro. Why have the funeral Nov 11th??
oy. WHY THE HELL would Carly and Michael cry and talk at the Metro?? 

Robin and Sonny...he's gonna kill himself and she's stopping him. Talking about Stone.  He's talking about killing Juilan.  She thinks he's going to kill himself. They talk about Jason. Yada yada. Even this is boring.  I'm sorry but Mo and Kim are good but I'mm so tired of the Sonny Guilt. He's only had it for: Lily, Angel, Kate, Christina and Kristina, Shooting Carly in the head... Michael killing Claudia...Kate getting shot at the wedding... it never ever ends. 

Jordan and Val..throwaway scene since who cares about Val and Curtis since they are NEVER ON? 

Anna's talking about giving Robin up for adoption when she was a baby. If you don't know the back story, she explains it today. She's trying to equate it to Claudette's situation. You know damn well she's not Griffin's. He'll get all attached and then...YANK away. Why didn't Anna insist on a DNA test. 

Jason and Curtis are looking for evidence on the bomb. Curtis was in Sonny's office. They are talking about the bomb. It must have been planted after the guard left. 

Latter,  Jordan comes in when Curis is gone. She has a file with the guy that planted the bomb's photo. It's an old associate of Sonny's. 


  1. The bridge:

    Sonny and Robin: At first I thought he was seeing things! But nope! ROBIN!!!! :) Great scene!!! Stone mention! YAY!

    Robin: I love you Sonny.

    Sonny: Yeah I love you too babe.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    Police station:

    Jordan and Val: Oh what are you doing Jordan!? Trying to get Val to break up with Curtis so you could have him all to yourself?!!?! :)

    Curtis and the file: Oh temptation road!!!!! It's delicious.. Can't fight it! :)

    Sonny's office:

    Jason and Curtis: They should get together and become a team!!!! :)

    Jordan and Jason: Gee Jordan! What happens if you find out Sonny didn't put the bomb in Julian's car? Then what?!!?! Are you going to be disappointed?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly and Michael: :(


    Metrocourt hotel/Pinocchio's room:

    Anna and Griffy: Griffy!!! Take a damn DNA test!!!! Love the shout out to history that Anna did!!! YAY!

    Griffy and Charlie:

    Charlie: I'll take care of it, and you can take care of me.


  2. Robin needed to push Sonny's worthless ass off the bridge. Yes, Sonny, you are the piece of crap that you think you are!

    Always good to see KM!


  3. Halloween GH promo.

    1. Haven't watched in 2 days but think I'll watch the Halloween show. :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. sonya said...

    Sonny's office:

    Jordan and Jason: Gee Jordan! What happens if you find out Sonny didn't put the bomb in Julian's car? Then what?!!?! Are you going to be disappointed?

    ** At this point, I really don't think Jordan could find a clue, if it reached up and bit her in the ass. I totally get their reasons for making her her the head of the PCPD, being a `strong and independent' black woman. Which is fantastic. Unfortunately, she's just awful at it. The only other person I can think of that has been worse than her, was when Burt Ramsey was `Co-Chief' with Anna. And we all know how bad he was!

    Anon said...

    Robin needed to push Sonny's worthless ass off the bridge. Yes, Sonny, you are the piece of crap that you think you are!

    Always good to see KM!

    ** Having her back was DEFINITELY the best part of today's show. Sadly, I don't see us being fortunate enough to be rid of Sonny anytime, in the forseeable future. I was cheering him on at the end of Wed's ep. Even though I knew it was useless gesture.

    Michelle Latta said...

    Haven't watched in 2 days but think I'll watch the Halloween show. :)

    ** There really was only about 15 mins total in the last 2 days, that was worth watching. But, Bobbie is on tomorrow! So there will be something worth watching for sure, at least, tomorrow!


  5. "K says The only other person I can think of that has been worse than her, was when Burt Ramsey was `Co-Chief' with Anna. And we all know how bad he was!"

    Hahaha Burt Ramsey! Bad as in how a bad guy he was, or how bad he was being co-chief with Anna?

  6. Molly and Morgan were buddies. We need a sobbing Molly and a flashback of the "ABC 123" karaoke.

  7. here it is...

    And look at that crowd and the interaction between characters. *sigh*

  8. sonya said..

    Hahaha Burt Ramsey! Bad as in how a bad guy he was, or how bad he was being co-chief with Anna?

    ** I was meaning the latter. Really though, he wasn't a very good bad guy, either. Granted, at the time it was a brilliant idea to do.



She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...