Sunday, October 30, 2016

Sunday Surgery: Bird On A Bridge

I flew in to save a Sonny 

Ok, here we go...week 2 with Morgan's Death Guilt. And just think! We only have until Nov 11th to go!! The election mess will be over too, we should all celebrate on the 12th with a big ol' drink! ready to sift though the wreckage of people's confessions about how badly they treated Morgan?

I'm going to eat some peanut butter taffy because......tomorrow is Halloween and I've already opened my bag. See, I bought it and then thought: I can't serve this, peanut allergies, I'll have to eat it all myself!! 

I'm going to start with this: 

Ava: Nicholas is that you? Is it? Pause. (for 3 days) -
PS. Still waiting for the "hand that got the meds' reveal. -__- 

Let me at 'em!! I'll tear 'em limb from limb!! 
Man, come on.
I love you, man.
Naw, I love you.

Waiter: Um, Mrs. Corinthos? The entire dining room wants their money back for dinner tonight.  

What? Why? I have a lot more crying and wailing to do in this restaurant !!

You suck. No, you more than suckiety suck suck. YOU should have blown up in that car. Yep. Little pieces all over the place. Maybe I should have planted that bomb...hey..huh?  So, do I notice there's that sexual tension between us still? Why yes, yes I do. That's why I drink.

OMG You don't get it. My first real girlfriend got smashed dead by a wrecking ball and my second one got strangled by a serial killer.  So, I'm kinda over this whole life thing.
Oh, Michael...don't despair, I'm here and I promise my death will be ordinary. Like a car crash or maybe fungal infection! 

We're kinda..thinkin moving..
Well..ya (inaudible) 

Grandma, do you need a hearing aid?  

Oh HI! Kevin! Look at your unique not to be copied costume, come on in!!! 

BOO!! I got ya! AND I own this joint!! And..Wubqueen is hoping I killed Claudette on that airplane! 

Oh, PS Wyndemere had the LAMEST "Halloween Party" decorations ever. GEESH.

OMG Dad, you are like the best DAD ever-- totally Like, I don't even remember almost blowing up in your limo or anything...and Michael is almost all ok from his head-shot coma. SO, don't go around blaming yourself. I should blame MYSELF because I had one scene with Morgan in 3 months and I was mean. Just mean. 

Hi, I'm Rocco. I'm adorable.  I can solve crimes faster than....

HEY NOW!! That's not nice. Although I don't think I've actually solved anything on my own. 
Franco and Liz actually solved the whole Hospital re-opening by themselves with $3 and some duct tape! 

I've got a gun. It's a lonely life, being a mob king pin. So many years of pain and angst. So many years of the same words over and over. My son is now dead because of me. I should end it...end it... 
Editors Note: Nope, he didn't end it. 

Because Robin showed up!! YEP..and I thought at first she was a figment of his imagination but nope, she showed up at the Metro to see her Mama!!  Robin talked Sonny down from that lonely bridge. It was a powerful scene and they did evoke Stone but I am SO OVER the Sonny shit that frankly, it was just lost on me. 


Hey, you want some candy? 

The Zombie in the Room. After what was a wonderful scene with Sonny thinking about how he should have handled Morgan's plagiarism episode, THIS walks in the door.  I'm going to be picky here because in order to pull this type of thing off you have to have it be creepy--if not, it comes off as camp. This looks like Disney Channel's Wizards of Waverly Place or something. The make up? The Jacket? Just.... not right. I also won't be happy if BC is on every other day as a damn apparition or ghost. Nope. We've had that in spades with every dead person going. I bet Ava sees his stinking corpse next. *sigh*  I also want to state for the record I hope to HELL Morgan is dead dead. If not? All of this is just cheap and meaningless. The fact they haven't found his body though? Well, that doesn't bode well. 

Things to know because I just skipped over some stuff:  Danniy found out he's going to be a big brother and named the baby "Scout". Maxie got some sexy gift and she and Nathan got all cozy in the shower. Anna and Griffin had a talk about how she gave Robin up to be raised by someone else until she was 5.  Lucy walked in on Kevin and Laura and was happy they weren't living together. Bobbie called Nellie out and basically smelled a rat. Carly cried all over the place. Everyone still thinks it's their fault that Morgan died.  Oh and Father-Doctor Griffin got close to Charlotte his "Daughter" and he even read her a bonding bedtime story. This will not end well! 

SCENE OF THE WEEK: I loved this. Not only were Kin and Maura on point--but having Scotty bring up KAREN!!  The whole Scott thing was inserted in there and I wish they'd take it farther when it comes to Scott. 

RUNNER UP: Anything Sexis. I love NLG with Mo. This was a good scene. She just basically said, not your fault. Even though I had to listen to Sonny's speech for the 12th time, it was worth it to have Alexis kiss his forehead. 
NOTE: Don't get all @ with me on this. I love Sexis as friends and co-parents I don't want them together together. OK? 

PROP OF THE WEEK:  YEP, Alexis' giant CARTON OF WINE! LOL ... "what is it? a present for me, Danny asks"??!! NOPE. Booze for your Gram! 

HONORABLE MENTION: Sam's baby bump. She touched that thing more than I did when I was 9 months along. 

So, that's it. GH is still as maddening as ever. Dropping things and making weird mixed up stories that make my head spin. The biggest thing in my book? The whole Webber sister black hole. You know they'll revive it at some point but ... ugh, the momentum is so lost. Sonny's not going to change. Carly's probably going to go back to him. If not now, later-- maybe for wedding number six?  Avery will still be in the bedroom upstairs (with a suicidal mobster). The hospital will reopen, making that whole thing just a blip on the radar. Julian will be the punching bag (because GH Has to have a punching bag). JaSam won't move.  Maybe we'll see TJ again in 6 months. Maybe Brucas will pop up in 4 months. It goes on and on. 

HEY! MONDAY is HALLOWEENIE!! :) Have a good one. I'm not sure if I can watch the show live--it's a crazy day. I hope to do my annual "Vintage Halloween GH Photo" blog though. We will see! 


  1. Yes! Sam's baby bump, remember how much she touched her bump when she was pregnant with Danny!!
    I am glad I didn't watch Weds and Thurs, thanks for recap.
    I am bummed still that Nik is dead cause I really did love him and Ava together, without him she is annoying.
    Please for the love of God GH, no more Morgan angst, no more Sonny. I'm sorry I missed seeing Robin, but I just can't take anymore Sonny. (bangs head on wall)

  2. Karen:

    In a couple of weeks I will be interviewing Sean Kanan (ex-AJ) as part of my Actors on Acting Interviews. It took months to convince him and I hope he doesn't drop out at the last second. He was actually following me on Twitter.

    Aside from career (Karate Kid) and acting technique stuff, I'll set apart a segment on his soap roles w CBS soaps and GH.

    I'd like to have a handful of q's asked by some of his GH fans here. I'll prob only use a handful of the best ones-or ones that I was not planning to ask already, so here's your chance to ask a query. I cannot promise to ask them all, but I will credit the handle of the person w the q.

    Since it is Sean Kanan and not AJ, make sure your q's are specific to Kanan's time at GH and/or the character of AJ.

    I.e.- I won't be asking him silly q's. Appropriate q's wd be like

    - Do you think that Guza wrote the character of AJ a certain way because there has always been a bias against the character?

    - Why did they always make AJ subservient to Carly and Sonny?

    - Were the rumors of your being mocked by the writing staff true?

    In other words, the q's can be pointed, as long as fair ans specific.

    No q's like 'Why was AJ such a douche?' or 'Were you jealous of Steve Burton's career at GH?' sorts. Or 'Do you really hate Billy Warlock or Maurice Benard?'

    Anyways, list some of your questions and I'll pick thru the best of them when I interview him.

  3. I like Sonny and Alexis as 'friends' or co-parents too, but this show can never just leave it as that. It's no wonder we all jumped to the conclusion that their drunken lonely messed up lives would end up with them having sex. I continue to hope they don't go there.

  4. I sooo thought that they would follow up with the gloved hand that found the pills as this Friday's cliffhanger, thought that would be good. But, of course, they dropped it, I guess they'll pick it up at some point, but SOME THINGS NEED TO BE FOLLOWED UP asap.

  5. I can't believe the show had only one storyline going on this whole month. Valerie never had a scene with Morgan. Maybe Jelly need another headwriter. I still don't feel bad for Sonny and Carly. When I go to the comments on you site, They don't show up.

  6. i don't care how good the scene is I just can't take Sonny and his whining. And how could they leave us for days and days wondering who was on the phone with Ava??????????????????

  7. Cosmo, I wouldn't ask him the writer-mocking question. Nope! I'm chicken though.
    I'd ask him about his going on The Chew and how that was...working with Leslie and Jane again. How soap filming has changed over the years (more block taping? less character interaction?)

  8. I wanted to ask about something that Robin said. She said that Morgan was named after Stone--that his name was Morgan Stone Cates. I thought Morgan was named after Jason Morgan????

  9. Dev..he was named after both Jason and Stone

  10. Karen hahahaha this was great! So funny! :)

    "I'm going to eat some peanut butter taffy because......tomorrow is Halloween and I've already opened my bag. See, I bought it and then thought: I can't serve this, peanut allergies, I'll have to eat it all myself!!"

    Oh how convenient that you have to eat it all by yourself because of other people's peanut allergies.. Hmmm I'm coming over! :)

    "Ava: Nicholas is that you? Is it? Pause. (for 3 days)"

    ROFL! Probably was a hangup and she will probably get another ringy dingy after Halloween is over.. :)

    "SMACK! POW!!
    Waiter: Um, Mrs. Corinthos? The entire dining room wants their money back for dinner tonight."

    Awwww they are probably having fun watching the entertaining floor show! :)

    "NOTE: Don't get all @ with me on this. I love Sexis as friends and co-parents I don't want them together together. OK?"

    Yes!!!! I love them as friends and co-parents too!!! No they don't need to be a couple!

    "I flew in to save a Sonny"

    Hahaha. Love their scene! And then she just left him to go to the Metrocourt to see Carly! No Robin! Go back!!!! Don't leave until Sonny leaves with you!

  11. If Sonny has to sleep with SOMEONE, I hope it's Alexis and not Nelle. Again, I think Nelle will go after Michael, not Sonny.

  12. AntJoan said...

    I sooo thought that they would follow up with the gloved hand that found the pills as this Friday's cliffhanger, thought that would be good. But, of course, they dropped it, I guess they'll pick it up at some point, but SOME THINGS NEED TO BE FOLLOWED UP asap.

    ** I knew it wasn't gonna happen. Simply because this is just about identical to something Jelly did when writing for Y&R a couple years ago. On the one year anniversary Of Katherine Chancellor's death, there was a big get together in the park to remember her. When Kay died in her will she left a music box to Jill, with some crypting note in it. After spending several months trying to figure out what the note meant, she ended up finding a several million dollar necklace hidden in a light fixture. Jill assumed that was what she was supposed to find. (I couldn't follow that logic either) After the end of the ceremony Jill put the music box on a table that had some other things of Kay's, then the park cleared out. Cut to the box on the table: a gloved hand picks up the music box, and it goes to commercical. At the very end of the episode, there is a closeup of the music box, sitting on a desk that has never been seen before. The same gloved hand runs it's fingers on the box, and the episode ended. That was it. Nothing more AT ALL, related or what not. So, when I saw the gloved hands get the pills out of the trash, I knew that if we ever do see it expanded on, I will be VERY surprised.

    sonya said...

    "I flew in to save a Sonny"

    Hahaha. Love their scene! And then she just left him to go to the Metrocourt to see Carly! No Robin! Go back!!!! Don't leave until Sonny leaves with you!

    ** I wish she had been about 10 minutes later. Sadly though, I know that's just wishful thinking. The talk about Stone was nice. That's about the only time in the last few weeks that I liked what he had to say. And that was because of Robin, of course. :) Sonny, particularly of late, reminds of of a whiny toddler. If he doesn't get what he wants, when he wants, he acts like a little kid and throwa a temper tantrum. Not to mention his inability to take responsibility for ANYTHING, not just the car bomb. I loved Sonny when he first showed up in the mid 90s. But, after he left and returned a few years later, he started to change, when Guza &/or Pratt started to write him, he began to change. It's gotten to the point now, where he's almost a differnt person entirely.




  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...