Friday, October 28, 2016

Find the Gum

Alexis tells Danny to go find some gum even though she says there isn't any in the house.  BUT! He found some. 
She finds out JaSam might be moving. The doorbell rings and I think it's a giant package of booze for Alexis. 

Bobbie doesn't like Nellie--just like us!! 

Krissy and Sonny... more MORGAN ANGST.  When she leaves Sonny thinks of what he'd say to Morgan if he could do it all over again. Not sure if BC just shot this or if they did it before he left. THEN, Sonny hears the doorbell and ZOMBIE Morgan is standing there!! YES!! seriously!! AHAHAHAHAHAA

Lucy comes in and sees Laura and Kevin. yada yada...nothing

Lulu and Maxie talk on her bed about the wedding. She gets fancy lingerie from Cartulo.  Nate comes home and they make love.

Car accident in LA..Mrs.Claus and Olivia Falconeri meet.. (I'm fine&it wasn't my fault) Thanks Brandon 👍🏻👍🏻


  1. Oh wow I'm glad Lisa Locicero is okay!

    Sonny's home:

    Nelle and Sonny: When Nelle was talking about Avery's mother, I thought she was talking about Carly at first haha.

    Krissy and Sonny: :(

    Sonny's daydream: :( Great scene!!! Bryan Craig came back for this scene YAY! :)

    Sonny and Morgan: It's Zombie apocalypse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or Sonny is seeing things!!!!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Bobbie and Nelle: YEAH BOBBIE YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Love that Bobbie is suspicious of her! :)

    Alexis's home: Alexis cleaning! Hahaha. It looks like she is nesting. Those pillows on a white couch! ROFL! Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: This sucks.


    Sam, Cheetos and Alexis: Great scene!!! And baby Trim is invisible again. Cheeto is so cute!!!! :) Alexis has no gum, oh wait she does!!! ROFL! And of course Alexis changed her mind in going at the Wyndemere party! She didn't want Sam to find out the box she got is full of alcohol! Hahahaha!

    Police station:

    Rocco: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! He is so adorable in that cop costume!!!! :) And Nathan and Dante are calling him Roc. :) And Rocco saluted awwwww!

    Naxie's home:

    Lulu and Maxie: Hey we didn't get to see Georgie in costume! Not fair!

    Naxie: Wait what?! We didn't get to see the present!!! Hey it's been awhile since they have made love!


    Doc and Laura: Awwwww. :)

    Lucy and Laura: When Lucy was asking where Laura is going to be living? I thought at first Lucy was jealous cus she thought Laura was going to move in with Doc. But now I think Lucy just wants to sell a house! :) Thinking now, I think she was jealous. :)

    The party: Nobody better take Lulu's candy! ROFL! Oh I knew that the guy in that costume wasn't Kevin!!!! How I know?

    1. Laura thought it was Kevin again and he came back sooner than expected


    YES! IT'S Valentin! Thought so!!!!!

  2. Day #3 still haven't watched. Have no interest in Morgan and Morgan angst, or Sonny. Grrrrr....Maybe I'll skip all 3 days and just watch Monday when I'm off.

  3. sonya said...

    Sonny's Home

    Sonny's daydream: :( Great scene!!! Bryan Craig came back for this scene YAY! :)

    ** Nah, he didn't come back for it. His final airdate isn't until sometime in mid-Nov. His last scenes shot of Morgan actually being alive, were when the car blew up. But, those weren't intended to be his last scenes shot, so he ended up coming back for a day to shoot these. Remember, as soon as it was announced that he had left, he shaved his head completely, for something else he's going to do.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Bobbie and Nelle: YEAH BOBBIE YEAHHHHHH!!!!! Love that Bobbie is suspicious of her! :)

    ** HELL YES!! I've been looking forward to this for a few days now, ever since I read it in the short description of today's ep in my guide on my cable box. It was so great seeing her watch Nelle, and then wait until after Carly left to say something. You just know she had to be thinking, "Are you kidding me?" After all the crap she pulled back in the day. Bobbie knew EXACTLY what Nelle is doing. :)

    Sam, Cheetos and Alexis: Great scene!!! And baby Trim is invisible again. Cheeto is so cute!!!! :) Alexis has no gum, oh wait she does!!! ROFL! And of course Alexis changed her mind in going at the Wyndemere party! She didn't want Sam to find out the box she got is full of alcohol! Hahahaha!

    ** "Cleaning supplies" can be heavy! I was still surprised though, that Sam didn't say anything when the bottles rattled and clinked a bit.

    Lucy and Laura: When Lucy was asking where Laura is going to be living? I thought at first Lucy was jealous cus she thought Laura was going to move in with Doc. But now I think Lucy just wants to sell a house! :) Thinking now, I think she was jealous. :)

    ** I think it was a little bit of both. I'm just happy she was there!

    The party: Nobody better take Lulu's candy! ROFL! Oh I knew that the guy in that costume wasn't Kevin!!!! How I know?

    1. Laura thought it was Kevin again and he came back sooner than expected


    YES! IT'S Valentin! Thought so!!!!!

    ** Yeah, when he showed up at the door, and how he reacted to everyone else in the room, it was VERY obvious. JPS is fun to watch. I enjoyed him when he was on AMC. And he does look like he's enjoying himself, at least. Though, the way Jelly are writing him, I have no idea how he would be "The Cassadine the rest of the Cassadines feared."

    Blogger Michelle Latta said...

    Day #3 still haven't watched. Have no interest in Morgan and Morgan angst, or Sonny. Grrrrr....Maybe I'll skip all 3 days and just watch Monday when I'm off.

    ** You really should watch today's Michelle. The stuff with Bobbie, Carly, and Nelle is good. Particularly after Carly goes. And what goes on at Wyndemere is worth watching. For those of us longtime watchers, there is some fun stuff going on. Don't get me wrong, I've still got issues, but that much is still worth checking out at least!


    1. Being a long time viewer myself I'll tune in. I just noticed that Sam is wearing gray, it's like they listened lol! Baby bump! I've got them all dvrd'd so I'll watch Fridays after work. Thanks K!

  4. Alexis cleaning the house: I think this is the FIRST TIME, in the entire history of soaps, that someone has been shown cleaning their house. And I have watched GH for decades!! (I can't speak for other soaps, but I suspect they are the same in this regard.) It always is amazing to me how everyone moves right into a new house that already has perfect furniture, and then never has to clean or do anything else. Only the Italians, I think, cook, and only Liz does laundry.

  5. Oh, and Lulu tried to cook, because she is married to an Italian. And Sonny cooks, and is not Italian, but he is in the Mob, so the writers probably see that is the same thing!

  6. Oh, adding to my list, now Christina feels guilty too!

  7. "K says those weren't intended to be his last scenes shot, so he ended up coming back for a day to shoot these."

    That's what I was saying.. He came back for that! :)

    "You just know she had to be thinking, "Are you kidding me?" After all the crap she pulled back in the day. Bobbie knew EXACTLY what Nelle is doing. :)"

    Hahaha LOVE IT! :)

    "Cleaning supplies" can be heavy!"

    ROFL! They sure can! *wink wink*

    "JPS is fun to watch. I enjoyed him when he was on AMC."

    Yeah I enjoyed him on AMC too! :)

    "Though, the way Jelly are writing him, I have no idea how he would be "The Cassadine the rest of the Cassadines feared."

    Yeah I have no idea either!! Especially when he ran away from Jason back on Cassadine Island! ROFL!

  8. I hope we get a couple of days off from Sonny next week!!!

  9. Ok, I watched Fridays episode and the best part was the end! Aside from cuties Rocco and Danny I was bored. LOL!!

  10. Karen:

    In a couple of weeks I will be interviewing Sean Kanan (ex-AJ) as part of my Actors on Acting Interviews. It took months to convince him and I hope he doesn't drop out at the last second. He was actually following me on Twitter.

    Aside from career (Karate Kid) and acting technique stuff, I'll set apart a segment on his soap roles w CBS soaps and GH.

    I'd like to have a handful of q's asked by some of his GH fans here. I'll prob only use a handful of the best ones-or ones that I was not planning to ask already, so here's your chance to ask a query. I cannot promise to ask them all, but I will credit the handle of the person w the q.

    Since it is Sean Kanan and not AJ, make sure your q's are specific to Kanan's time at GH and/or the character of AJ.

    I.e.- I won't be asking him silly q's. Appropriate q's wd be like

    - Do you think that Guza wrote the character of AJ a certain way because there has always been a bias against the character?

    - Why did they always make AJ subservient to Carly and Sonny?

    - Were the rumors of your being mocked by the writing staff true?

    In other words, the q's can be pointed, as long as fair ans specific.

    No q's like 'Why was AJ such a douche?' or 'Were you jealous of Steve Burton's career at GH?' sorts. Or 'Do you really hate Billy Warlock or Maurice Benard?'

    Anyways, list some of your questions and I'll pick thru the best of them when I interview him.

  11. AntJoan said...

    Alexis cleaning the house: I think this is the FIRST TIME, in the entire history of soaps, that someone has been shown cleaning their house. And I have watched GH for decades!! (I can't speak for other soaps, but I suspect they are the same in this regard.) It always is amazing to me how everyone moves right into a new house that already has perfect furniture, and then never has to clean or do anything else. Only the Italians, I think, cook, and only Liz does laundry.

    ** LOL! Nah, it's happened, one just usually glosses over it. Just off the top of my head; I'm pretty certain Alice has at the Qs, and when Robin was first introduced and Anna had Fillomena taking care of her (before and after Robin learned that Anna was her mother), did cleaning stuff. On OLTL, Nigel did with Asa's mansion. With AMC there was Winnifred and Lucrezia, the Chandlers' maids. Esther, Katherine's maid on Y&R did so, for a long time.. I could go on for quite awhile, but I won't! I figured I'd go with a few that after one heard them, they would have the "Oh yeah!" response. :)

    sonya said...

    "K says those weren't intended to be his last scenes shot, so he ended up coming back for a day to shoot these."
    That's what I was saying.. He came back for that! :

    ** I have NO IDEA why I typed that. That is VERY weird. But, I meant to say, no he didn't come back to tape that. Anyhing we've seen onscreen since the explosion, and we will see until he last airs, was all shot before he left. He hasn't been back since for stuff like that. Right after he left, and it was announced to the media a few weeks ago, he shaved his head entirely for some upcoming movie he's doing. Everything he have seen/will see was done shot up through is `final day' for taping. Sorry for the confusion, I cannot figure out at all, why I said that. As it doesn't even sound right, with what I said immediately afterwards in that bit.

    Michelle Latta said...

    Ok, I watched Fridays episode and the best part was the end! Aside from cuties Rocco and Danny I was bored. LOL!!

    ** Rocco was adorable. (Still can't stand the name, though!) I liked watching Bobbie start to go after Nelle. I've always loved JZ though, so I'm happy she's on at all. Though she REALLY needs an actual storyline. Unfortunately, these days unless you're on contract, that VERY rarely happens anymore. I thought the stuff and Wyndemere was fun, even though it was SO obvious, and could be seen a mile away!


    1. Yeh Rocco was adorable ☺
      I agree, a mile away, but still good.
      The box of "cleaning supplies" was hilarious. How stupid is Sam to lift a box??? God I hate her. LOL! Since when can you order adult beverage (wine, beer, etc) as take out??? That's just weird...

  12. Michelle, liquor stores DO deliver. And, K, everyone you said was cleaning were maids, I guess I haven't seen a main CHARACTER cleaning their house.

    1. Haha! Well I don't drink alot and when I do I just drive to the store. There aren't banners announcing they deliver LOL!!

  13. AntJoan said...

    And, K, everyone you said was cleaning were maids, I guess I haven't seen a main CHARACTER cleaning their house.

    ** All except for Fillomena were, yeah. Since you only said seeing anyone clean at all, that's why I included them. Otherwise, it isn't a very common thing to see.



Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...