Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Down By the River

His body lies over the River..

There's your song for the day. 

Franco trying to get his food from Nellie was the highlight of the day!! 

I love Siz.. ;) Sam and Liz should move in together and spurn all PC MEN!! YES!! Anyway, Sam tries to make good but Liz says they have to accept Franco in her life.  Sam's like, no way-- and then Franco walks in  Everything goes south from there. Jake comes in and wonders why Sam hates Franco. Ut oh...He offers him a story about being a bad man and there was something in his head doing it...but it's fixed now. He tearfully apologizes. 

Sonny goes to the cliff..he's all upset, breathing hard. He finally jumps down to see if he can find him.  Nope. Then Dante says they found some remains 'enough to DNA them". Sonny won't accept it. 
THEN! Dante tells him they found remains, enough to DNA and they'll find out Soon. Sonny goes home to tell Carly. 

Julian tells Ava about Morgan. She loses it... big time.  She flashes back to messing with the meds.  Cries. HOT MOVA flashbacks. You can tell she loved him. I think all along she didn't want Kiki with him because SHE wanted him. 

I can't explain all the stuff that happened when people were told about Morgan. Carly's reaction was the best, imo. That's me. Last time I had awful news I couldn't accept, I totally backed away and said Stop it about 5x. The last shot was really good through the window as well. 

Kudos to the actors! 


  1. I actually enjoyed today's show. Dominic Z showed his grief so quietly and yet it just ripped at your hearstings. So controlled and believable.

    I also like the final scenes though the bars with carly and Sonny. Kudos to whoever thought of going that route.

    Ava's grief was also very real. I hate to say it but I'm glad they decided to go with Morgan being dead. Ava deserves to suffer for so many things that she's done in the past, but messing with Morgan's meds was beyond evil. I'm glad she finally felt a strong consequence for her actions. I hope it eats at her forever.

    The only perforamance that was kind of blah for me today was Jason's. It seemed very lackadaisical to me.

    I really hope they find out that it wasn't Sonny simply because I think it would be a great twist. Julian had so many people who wanted him dead right now that it could be one of many people. Sonny had definitely said make it look like an accident or something that couldn't be traced back to him. A bomb just screamed Sonny.

    1. Loved today, I didn't really feel anything til Sonny walked in and told Carly. Dominic and Maura did awesome jobs!

  2. I haven't cried at a soap in a long time but Ava's reaction today with the flashbacks killed me. I loved that couple. I was crying like a baby. Hopefully Brian Craig will come back eventually and they can rekindle their romance.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just want to say that there was some fabulous acting on today's show. Thank you.

  5. I think Morgan is alive, and he will run away. Then in the future, he can come back unrecognizable and get revenge on all the people that he thinks have wronged him.

  6. Karen love the poem! Hahahahahaha!

    The road: Ohhhh I see!!! Morgan didn't close the car door, but yet after the explosion, he was pushed into the car, and then the car flew over the cliff and into the water!!!! ROFL! Great scene with Maurice Bernard!!!! Although when Sonny went into the water, he was all dirty and not wet! ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nelle and BobTodd: This was funny!!! After BobTodd made that comment about punching the panda, the look on Nelle's face! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!

    Carly and Nelle: Wow! Nelle is so gushy gushy! Oh Carly! I am so jealous of you! You have everything! I wish I had everything!! Everybody does bad things! Uh everybody does bad things? That is creepy. She should have said nobody is perfect.

    Liz's home:

    Sam: If you think you are special to Franco, think again. He will turn on you, just like turned on everyone else.

    Oh shut up Sam!!!! That isn't true! He didn't turn on Nina! He didn't turn on Jake!!! And with Carly, Carly cheated on him, so he had a right to turn on her!!! And then he inadvertently got close to her, and she gets upset? Damn Sam! Calm the hell down!!!BobTodd wins the line of the day!

    BobTodd: Of course I have a key to the place. I live here. Ha I'm just kidding.

    ROFL! Dead pan! Just dead pan! Hahahahaha! Great Jake and BobTodd scene!!!

    Julian and Ava's home: Great scene!!! Maura West better win an emmy! And I just love old school eyeliner. :) Oh Julian just comfort Ava with a hot kiss! :)

    Carson home: Great Carson scene!!!! When he told her that Morgan is dead, I got a shiver! Then the outside looking through the window part, always powerful!!

  7. Di said...

    I actually enjoyed today's show. Dominic Z showed his grief so quietly and yet it just ripped at your hearstings. So controlled and believable.

    ** I did too! I just wish it would happen more often. DZ was fantastic. Watching his grief almost stunning him, but also teetering on rage at Sonny. It really did just about rip your heart out, watching his pain.

    I really hope they find out that it wasn't Sonny simply because I think it would be a great twist. Julian had so many people who wanted him dead right now that it could be one of many people. Sonny had definitely said make it look like an accident or something that couldn't be traced back to him. A bomb just screamed Sonny.

    ** That definitely would be the more interesting route to take. After everything that's been in SOD and SiD over the last couple weeks, that doesn't look like the way they're going to go, unfortunately. :(


  8. sonya said...

    Liz's home:

    Sam: If you think you are special to Franco, think again. He will turn on you, just like turned on everyone else.

    ** I REALLY wanted to slap Sam across the face, after saying that.

    Oh shut up Sam!!!! That isn't true! He didn't turn on Nina! He didn't turn on Jake!!! And with Carly, Carly cheated on him, so he had a right to turn on her!!! And then he inadvertently got close to her, and she gets upset? Damn Sam! Calm the hell down!!!

    ** At least he owned up to what he did in the past, due to a medical condition out of his control. While also trying to do what he could to make amends to those he hurt, and is trying to be a good person. I can't (at the moment at least) remember her doing the same thing, with some of the crap she's pulled. (without a medical condition factoring in, no less!)

    BobTodd wins the line of the day!
    BobTodd: Of course I have a key to the place. I live here. Ha I'm just kidding.

    ROFL! Dead pan! Just dead pan! Hahahahaha! Great Jake and BobTodd scene!!!

    ** The look on Liz's face, when they cut to her after he said that was truly priceless!!


    1. Yeh Franco saying he had a key to her place was hilarious!
      Sam needs to stfu, she acts like she's an angel. She should know better than anyone that a person can change!

    2. Yeh Franco saying he had a key to her place was hilarious!
      Sam needs to stfu, she acts like she's an angel. She should know better than anyone that a person can change!

  9. I have said here before that I think BC is an amazing actor--I fear I am in a minority of one that I don't want him gone.

    So, as unhappy as I am about this SL, the writers took a fact of life (the actor is leaving the show), and turned it into Emmy gold. Well, actually, the actors turned it into Emmy gold, which should tell the writers something: Look at what these great actors can do! Give them great material, and watch them shine! You know, these actors have to spout the same mindless crap dialogue day after day, over and over, yet they always infuse it with amazing life and nuance. And when given fully engaging drama, they don't just rise to the occasion, they are sublime!

  10. K: You either are an early riser, like me, or you sure stay up late!

  11. Great acting by Maura and Dominic! Loved the flashbacks! I think BC is a really good actor but I never liked the character of Morgan. I'm sure he will come back at some point with a new face just like Jason did. I don't blame Sam for being rude to Franco - he is still a loser in my book and now he will be mooching off Liz.

  12. Am I the only one who thinks it was Anna that planted the bomb? That way it casts suspicion on Sonny. Two birds, one stone. I know she and Sonny have been a little "chummy" lately, but she's never cared for him.

  13. For me the amazing aspect of this was the killer slow burn. Carly and Sonny have one last epic night together and then Carly has moments being Nell's hero. Dante was killing it. Jordan's "I'll wait, but I'm coming for him" was great. Maura hasn't been one of my favorites but she was incredible. So twisted up inside. Julian was lacking as well as Jason. Jason would have been way more upset. The scene with Franco apologizing to Sam was fabulous. You knew Carly was about to be destroyed through two episodes and it was such a build up knowing how she'd react. The thing I hate the most about this is - do the writers despise Michael? The first girlfriend dying, Starr leaving, Sabrina killed and now his brother killed on top of it. Whoa. I wonder if this is is true mob jumping off point...

  14. AntJoan said...

    K: You either are an early riser, like me, or you sure stay up late!

    ** Yeah, I'm nocturnal. I sleep during the day, and am up all night. I've got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so I rest/sleep quite a bit. I've always been more of a night person. So, between that and other medical stuff, it works much better for me to sleep during the day. (Unless I have to go to an appointment, or do other things. Then I try to schedule that stuff later in the afternoon.)



She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...