Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Pass the Puffs

Ugh, sick for day #2 now. Not sure if I can watch the show. I'm also seeing promos with guns, shooting..yada yada. Can GH go like 2 weeks without some violent stuff going down? 
I guess that's a nope. 

Today is Gilmore Day and Rochester had 2 Pop-Up Luke's! I didn't make it as they are on the other side of town for me and well, I'm sick. I love this show and will be so grateful when it's on and can distract me from all the crappy news going on! Just think of how great this show was with not one gun! 


  1. Awwww poor Karen! :( Who made you sick? I'll beat the person up for you! ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Kiwi and Tracy: Hahahaha. That was fun. :)

    Olivia and Ned: Awwwww! Get back together already!!!!!

    Ned and Tracy: Wow! Ned wants Paul murdered? What?!!?! Ohhhh I get it, cus he tried to kill his mother awwwwwww! :)Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Catching up with Mama Leonie?


    Olivia and Kiwi: Awwww Kiwi wants to see Dillon!!!! Olivia is so sweet too. I've been meaning to ask, does Hailey Erin have a bump on her forehead?

    Carson with Dante: Of course Carly is defending Sonny! :) But wow I didn't expect Carly to yell at Sonny! ROFL! And in front of Dante too!!! So basically,

    Carly: No! Sonny! No! No killing!!!!! Or you will sit in the corner and no sex!

    Sonny: No sex?!!?! What?! Are you kidding me?

    *Sonny's labido is crying*

    Carly: No!

    Sonny: I am not going to kill him!

    Carly: You better not!!!!!

    Police station:

    Maddox and Jordan: What?!?!! Jordan is resigning?!!?! Well that is just stupid. :) Unless you want Anna to take your place, then okay! :)

    Michael and cop: OH OH! NO MICHAEL! DON'T TAKE THAT COP'S GUN!!!! Oh whew thank you Sonny. :)

    Michael and Sonny: Great scene!!!!!

    Paul's jail cell:

    Paul and Jordan with Ava: What?! So he won't throw Ava under the bus, but he is going to plead guilty!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Plead guilty by reason of insanity!!!!!! PAUL!!!!!

    Paul and Michael: :'(

    Paul and Tracy: :'(

    Tracy: You are all alone now.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Paul still has me!!!!!!! :(

    The floating rib:

    Morgan and Maddox: Damn Morgan. I believed you when you said those beer bottles wasn't yours! :( I've been meaning to ask, is Brian Craig wearing a toupee?

    Morgan and Dar Dar:

    DarDar: Did you run it through the plagerism filter first? I didn't think I had to spell it out for you. It's pretty obvious.

    Oh shut up DarDar! You could have mentioned it to him!!! Who the hell would know about the filter you idiot! Damn stay way from Dumb Dumb. He is making you stupid too!

    Q boathouse:

    Ned and Dillon: When Ned showed up, I was so happy! NED!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Great advice he gave Dillon!!

    Killon: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Outside the boathouse:

    Morgan: Hmmm? What the hell?!!?! Was he seeing things!?!?! Were Killon really kissing!?!?!!:) That would be exciting if true. :)

    1. Tracy was funny with the Mama Leonie haha!!
      Yeh I was pretty surprised Ned wanted him killed, Tracy or not.
      Poor Sonny's libido haha!!
      I wouldn't be surprised if it was a toupee, remember when BC dyed his hair that ugly blonde, well we never saw it on screen, so.....
      Loving Killon. I do think that he was imagining it.

  2. Interview with ME!

    General Hospital’s Michael Easton on His Six Port Charles Roles and the Challenge of Acting With a Lizard.


    "It was pretty wonderful. But [head writers] Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman came up with a character—a drug addict with OCD"

    Hahahahaha. ME is so funny! :)

    "The only character I ever had a problem with was Silas, and that became more of a policy thing about not being able to adjust the script. It was, literally, “Here are the lines. Here are the stage directions for the scene. Do it exactly this way.” It was too specific and very limiting, and I think it showed."

    HECK YEAH IT SHOWED!!!! Boy did it show!!!!! YOWZA!

    "And to think that my high school guidance counselor told me I’d never amount to anything! I should track her down."

    Awwwww! :(

  3. Great article on ME!

    I can't believe how much happens off screen on GH now. They should make a show out of that!

  4. sonya said...Maddox and Jordan: What?!?!! Jordan is resigning?!!?! Well that is just stupid. :) Unless you want Anna to take your place, then okay! :)

    *** Ditto. :)

    soya said...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Plead guilty by reason of insanity!!!!!! PAUL!!!!!

    *** YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Plead guilty and go away Paul.

    sonya said...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Paul still has me!!!!!!! :(

    ***I've already told Franco and he's now taken you off his Christmas card list, you two-timer you. ROFL

    sonya said...: When Ned showed up, I was so happy! NED!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    ***Me too! NED!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    And I think Morgan was hallucinating. Great shadow play though. lol

    sonya said..."And to think that my high school guidance counselor told me I’d never amount to anything! I should track her down."

    *** She'll say, "I was right. lol You spend your days being a drug addict with OCD" Go home Lizard man. hahahahahaha

    ( Just kidding. What kind of a guidance councillor was that! )

    1. A very stupid guidance counselor....
      I knew Jordan wouldn't really resign...

  5. "Wanda Woman said...I can't believe how much happens off screen on GH now. They should make a show out of that!"

    I know right?!!?! Damn! :)

    "Di said... Ditto. :)"

    *high five*

    "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Plead guilty and go away Paul."

    Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :(

    "I've already told Franco and he's now taken you off his Christmas card list,"

    Oh crap!!! You tattletailer!!!!! ROFL!

    "you two-timer you. ROFL"


    "And I think Morgan was hallucinating."

    Yeah he must have! He did drink a LOT!

    "Great shadow play though. lol"

    Hahahaha! It was!!!! :)

    "She'll say, "I was right. lol You spend your days being a drug addict with OCD" Go home Lizard man. hahahahahaha"


    "What kind of a guidance councillor was that!"

    Yeah I know!!!!!

  6. There once was a show about "behind the scenes of a soap" . It was on some basic cheapo network. It was awful

  7. My daughter and I ordered our Gilmore Girls t-shirts today,and we are are planning a total junk food fest, don't talk to us binge watch! That being said, my daughter is 8, I always record GH for her so we can watch it together after school,along with gilmore it was our thing. Yesterday she said, "Mom, just stop recording, this is just dumb!" It's really hard to argue with an 8 year old, when they're right.

  8. Michelle Latta said...

    I knew Jordan wouldn't really resign.

    ** So did I. As much as I wanted it to be the case, I didn't think we could get that lucky, :( BTW, I posted a link and such on Monday's blog, in reply to what you said. I thought I should give you the heads up about that.


  9. sonya said...

    Ned and Tracy: Wow! Ned wants Paul murdered? What?!!?! Ohhhh I get it, cus he tried to kill his mother awwwwwww! :)

    ** Even though it was a nice sentiment (of sorts), I thought that was really unlike Ned. He's usually very much against that sort of stuff.

    The floating rib:

    Morgan and Maddox: Damn Morgan. I believed you when you said those beer bottles wasn't yours! :( I've been meaning to ask, is Brian Craig wearing a toupee?

    ** HUH??? The thought of something like that never even crossed my mind. To me it just looked like his hair was disheveled. His hair has been too short to be a toupee I thought.

    Morgan and Dar Dar:

    DarDar: Did you run it through the plagerism filter first? I didn't think I had to spell it out for you. It's pretty obvious.

    Oh shut up DarDar! You could have mentioned it to him!!! Who the hell would know about the filter you idiot! Damn stay way from Dumb Dumb. He is making you stupid too!

    ** I think she figured that if he was able to get into college, he should at least be capable of knowing that if you're going to buy a paper, you should at the VERY least make some changes to it and what not. (You really can't fault her for thinking that much.) This being Morgan though, of course he's not smart enough to do something that basic.


  10. Don't you guys ever PM on Facebook? LOL...

  11. Hope you are feeling better today Karen! Can't wait for the Gilmore Girls!! Haven't watched yesterday's show yet-no urgency, LOL. I've become a big ME fan, too. I just enjoy watching him and I think Finn is a great character for him.

  12. All we have on many stations here is hurricane news. Can't wait for the recap. Actually, the recaps are better: don't have to sit thru the action. Heee hee hee.

  13. "K says Even though it was a nice sentiment (of sorts), I thought that was really unlike Ned. He's usually very much against that sort of stuff."

    Yeah I know, but it's his mother.. He wants her safe.. :)

    "HUH??? The thought of something like that never even crossed my mind. To me it just looked like his hair was disheveled. His hair has been too short to be a toupee I thought."

    Yeah you are probably right. :)

    "I think she figured that if he was able to get into college, he should at least be capable of knowing that if you're going to buy a paper, you should at the VERY least make some changes to it and what not. (You really can't fault her for thinking that much.) This being Morgan though, of course he's not smart enough to do something that basic."

    Hahahaha. She is wrong! She should know better than that! He will always be a dumb dumb. :)

    "kdmask said...Don't you guys ever PM on Facebook? LOL..."

    ROFL! K doesn't have a facebook account, and I tried to leave you messages on facbeook before, but you can't receive private messages! :)


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...